LINUX basic knowledge

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  77

1, what is Linux? Accurately, refers to Linux's kernel (system core procedure), its kernel copyright belongs to Linus Torvalds, issued under the GPL (GNU General Public License) Copyright Agreement, anyone can replicate (COPY), modification (Change (Distribute), sales, but can not add any restrictions in distribution, and all original code must be public, so anyone can obtain all execution files and original code without compensation. For Linux users and system administrators, Linux refers to a complete operating system that contains Linux Kernel, Utilities and Application (Application Software). Linux's application is developed by the Free Software Foundation (FSF), many of the world's enthusiastic programmers develop or transplanted a lot of applications for Linux, including X-Windows, Emacs, TCP / IP networks (including SLIP / PPP / ISDN), etc. Now, Linux (including kernel and a large number of applications) The execution program has reached 200M, and the scale will be larger (about 500m). In essence, Linux is UNIX's "clone" or UNIX style operating system, which is compatible with most UNIX standards (such as IEEE POSIX, SYSTEM V, BSD), which comply with the POSIX specification, for example for System V For it, after the program source code is re-compiled under Linux, it can be running, and for BSD UNIX, its executable can be run directly in the Linux environment. Linux's logo is a cute penguin. As for why you choose Penguins, Linus is said this: Other useful by others, don't be very cute ?! It is only a kernel released by Linux Author, there are some The company or organization organized the kernel, original code, and related applications, which produced different Linux issuance (Distributor) versions, compared to Redhat, Slackware, SUSE, DEBIAN, and so on. 2, Linux's development history? The history of Linux can be traced back to 1990. Linus Torvalds is a student in the University of Helsinki, Finland. It initially written a program that handles multi-task switching in 80386 protection mode, later from MiniX (for operating system teaching, very Small UNIX is inspired, vowing to write a better Minix than Minix, so start writing some hardware device drivers, a small file system ... so that 0.0.1 version of Linux Out, but it must be able to play after compilation on the machine with Minix. At this time, the Linus has completely "fire into the magic", decided to kick the Minix "aun", which released Linux 0.0 on October 5, 1991. .2 versions, this version can be running Bash (a software for users and operating system kernel communications) and GCC (GNU C compiler). From the beginning, Linus decided to freely spread Linux, including the source code, and he released the source code online, and immediately attracted the attention of the enthusiasts. They also joined Linux core development work through the internetones, a large number of high-level programmers Join, so that Linux has developed rapidly, by the end of 1993, Linux 1.0 finally was born. Linux 1.0 is already a fully functional operating system. The kernel is compact and efficient, and the performance of the hardware can be given to the performance of the hardware, and it behaves very well on the 80386 machine of 4M memory.

Many people have a misunderstanding for Linux, that is, always link Linux with the low-end hardware platform, in fact, starting from the 2.1.xx series kernel, Linux begins to walk high-end roads, after approximately 1.3, start to other hardware Places on the platform, including the fastest CPU - Digital Alpha (current main frequency is the highest), the current Linux can make full performance of the hardware, can cover all the applications of low-end to high ends. Linux joins the GNU and follow the Public Copyright License (GPL), because the merchant is not rejected by the free software to develop business software, so that Linux started a leap, there have been a lot of Linux distribution, such as the LINUX More than a variety of Slackware, Redhat, Suse, Turbolinux, OpenLinux, etc., and some companies develop commercial software on Linux or transplant the software of other UNIX platforms to Linux, and now many of the IT boundaries such as IBM, Intel, Oracle, InfoMix, Sysbase, Corel, Netscape, CA, Novell, etc., all announced support Linux! The company's joining makes up for the shortcomings of purely software and development obstacles, Linux is rapidly popular. 1. How to quickly master Linux? The method is multi-handed, brain, and learning often compares with Windows. I suggest you install RedHat Linux first, then practice how to configure it, how to use the Linux command, how to do it under X-Windows, how to install the application under Linux, how to get online, edit the document, play multimedia file, play games, etc. . There is only one way to get started up, that is, you can do it, see if you can finish the work above. 2, what is the difference between Linux and Windows? Windows is a graphical interface, Linux Similar to the previous DOS, which is a text interface. If you run the graphical interface program X-Windows, Linux also displays the graphical interface, and has the start menu, desktop, icon, etc. Windows has a MS-DOS mode that operates a computer by entering a DOS command in this mode; and Linux is similar to Windows, there is also a command mode. If you do not execute X-Windows after Linux, you will be in a command mode. Operate the computer. In addition, there are also many applications on Linux. After installing these software, you can edit documents, images, play games, internet, play multimedia files, etc. on Linux. However, Linux's partition format and directory structure, which is very different from Windows, and the installation of application software is also different. 3. Precautions when installing Linux, determine which partition is installed in the installation, Linux also has system partitions and SWAP partitions (Similar to Windows virtual partitions, exchanging files) two partitions. Since Linux supported partition format is different from the Windows partition format, if Linux is installed, Windows can continue to use, Linux should be installed on the last extension partition of the hard disk partition; second Linux's SWAP partition must guarantee 60MB, system partition Minimize 240MB; in addition to simultaneous PC hardware information, especially display information, this will directly determine the effect of the graphical interface program; when entering commands in installation, please pay attention to case .

4. Master Linux directory structure Linux is different from Windows, and you can't see Linux directory in Windows. In turn, Linux also can't see the directory under Windows. The meaning of each directory under Linux is as follows: Directory Name Siwi / VMLinuz stored in the directory of the system kernel / bin that stores Linux's common commands in this directory, in some versions of the same directory in the root directory. / boot stored in this directory is the program to be used when the system is started. When you boot Linux with LILO, some of the information / dev this directory contains all external devices used in the Linux system, which actually Is the port of accessing these external devices, you can access these external devices, which is different from accessing a file or a directory. For example, type "CD / DEV / CDROM" in the system, you can see files in the optical drive; type "CD / dev / mouse" to see the relevant files of the mouse. / CDROM This directory is empty when you just install the system, you can hang the CD-ROM file system in this directory, such as "mount / dev / cdrom / cdrom" / etc This directory stores the various types of system management Profile and subdirectories, such as network profiles, file systems, x system profiles, device configuration information, setting user information, etc. / SBIN This directory is used to store system administrators' system management programs. / Home If you create a user named "xx", then there is a corresponding "/ home / xx" path in the / home directory to store the user's home directory. / lib This directory is used to store the system dynamically connected shared library, and almost all applications use share libraries in this directory / Lost Found that this directory is empty in most cases. But when suddenly power outage, or after abutting, some files are temporarily stored here. / MNT This directory is also empty in general, you can temporarily hang other file systems in this directory. / proc can get system information in this directory, which is generated by the system in memory. If you log in as a super user, this is the superuser's primary directory / TMP to store different programs. Many of the temporary files generated / usr users are stored in this directory 5, and the common command for Linux If you encounter a command that will not be used in Linux command line mode, you can play "Man [Command]" Get the help of this command, if you want to know which parameters have a command, you can get a command -help. Note: Parameter input form in Linux is different from DOS. You should make a space behind the command, then "-", finally follow one or more parameters; additional linux is different! Here is the most common command under several Linux, each command compares the corresponding DOS command, and lists some commonly used parameters. Command Parameter Significance LS -A lists the implies file in the system, the implied file under Linux is represented by the format of the file name, and different from the DOS is represented by the file attribute, that is, as long as the file is "." , Then it is implicit file. -L is listed in a long-term. It is to list all the information of the file or directory, and a file occupies a line equivalent to the DIR command under DOS, which is the command of the list file list. Like the CD under the CD and DOS, the commands of the directory are converted. Note: Linux is turned to the top directory to play "CD .." instead of "cd .." under DOS, "CD", there is a space PWD to list the current directory command, equivalent to the CD without parameters under DOS command.

For example: [root @ ttqq bin] # pwd / usr / bin [root @ TTQQ BIN] # This means that it is currently in the "/ usr / bin" directory. MKDIR -M Mode represents the default directory mode when establishing a directory. This is the function of DOS and Windows, mainly about privileges. Establish a new directory, equivalent to the MD command of DOS. Generally use mkdir [dirname] RMDIR to delete the directory, which is equivalent to the DOS RD command. Usage: RMDIR [DIRNAME] CAT adds files behind the file or print file content on the screen, adding the functionality equivalent to the copy file1 file2 of DOS, and printing the file content on the screen can be compared with the Typeml of DOS. If the file is too large, you can't display it on a screen, you can display the contents of the file with more command more, and the more the more command under DOS is approximately the same, but it can be used with other commands. Such as: CAT / Home / EEC / MyFile | More. Cp -R is equivalent to the XCOPY / S of DOS. Used to copy all subdirectories and file copy files in a directory, equivalent to the COPY under DOS, using the method as the copy under DOS. ======================================== system installation: Linux Quick Start Many beginners It feels that the Linux operating system is difficult to use, and now uses the basic operations in Linux to compare similar operations in the DOS operating system, so that everyone will get started as soon as possible [I, Basic knowledge] 1, [System Install] Linux installation, use Tab, arrow, space, return, etc. Linux generally installs in separate partitions to avoid registry, shortcut path errors in a Windows system, preferably installed on the last partition of the hard disk. After the last partition is deleted, divide the partition software (recommended with pqmagic) into Linux Native (ITIVE), if your hard drive is greater than 8G, your Linux root partition should be installed before 8G Within (Linux root derivative termination sector <1023 cylinder). Native partitions are generally greater than 240MB, and the specific size of the Linux component is determined, it is recommended not to be greater than 2G. The SWAP partition must have more than 60MB. To collect your hardware information before installation, such as: CPU, memory, monitor, graphics card, mouse, keyboard, etc. There are many versions of Linux, and it is constantly updated. It is generally done according to prompt installation. 2, [Login Enter] Default installation, after startup LILO boot: After the Linux (or Enter), Linux starts to start, when the login prompt login: When the login prompt: When you appear, enter the username, then the password prompt Password. : Enter a password. Can enter the corresponding user environment.

Enter: root, and its password, you can enter the superuser environment #, enter other usernames and passwords, can enter the user environment $ (of course due to the difference in version). 3, [Close System] Enter Halt (immediately shut down) or shutdown [time] at the super user prompt #, turn it off after delay TIME, give each user every other period of time will be shut down a warning warning) The computer will perform a series of shutdown work, and when the SYSTEM HALT appears, it indicates that the power is turned off. Non-super-level users need to exit the operating environment with the exit command, and use the superuser: root to log in to execute the shutdown operation. 4, [Premature] Unfinished place with DOS: DOS Linux Remarks Command Line Alpure Uncorded Case Size in Linux, Super User's System prompt is #, the general user's system prompt is $, Ordinary users' system prompts can also be changed as DOS. In a wildcard, *, the meaning in DOS, [] is a symbol in parentheses, and the continuous symbol can be used "-" connection symbol instead, such as [12345678] can be replaced with [1-8], [Abcdefijk ] Can be represented by [A-Fi-K]. Path Divids / Prompt> #, $ wildcard * ,? *,?, [] 5, [file type] is different from DOS, Windows, in the Linux system, directory and equipment are considered files, four files Types, they are: (1) Normal files, that is, the files we usually say, in the long-column directory mode, in the first time before the symbol "-" is indicated. (2) Directory file, that is, the directory we usually said, in the long collection mode, using the first to use a letter "D". (3) Character device file, such as a display, printer, terminal, etc., the first letter "C" is represented in the long-column directory. ⑷ block equipment files such as hard drives, floppy disks, and discs are indicated by a letter "B" in a long collection mode. When using long format column directory commands ls -l in Linux, for example: -rwxrw-r - 5 User Group 1089 NOV 18 1998 FileName Access Permissions User Group Name Number The last modified time file name DOS file name is 8.3 Format, Windows95 will start support long file names after Windows 95, and Linux supports long file names. In the DOS, the extension is the file, exe, and the file for the executable, but in the file type in Linux can only know through the file properties, distinguished by the command LS -F, and then "/" symbolic For the directory, there are "*" symbols for executables, with LS -AFs can list all files and directories, including hidden files and directories, the file name begins with a point number. "Starts for hidden files. 6, [Read Permissions] In Linux, the owner of the file is called the owner, and other users are called the same group, others, to ensure the security of each user file, inherit the UNIX, by setting the deposit Take the permissions, limit certain users' free access to the file. There are three levels of access: read rights R, write rights W, execute rights x. There are nine characters in the access rights of nine characters: owners, the same group, others. In the above example, the owner has read and write rights and execution rights on the file, and the same group has read and write rights to the file, others only have read rights on the file. 7, [Using Help] In Linux, you can get online help from the command in the command line (you want to see the command).


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