/ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- * // * cfaderWnd header * // * ------------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------- * //// File: Faderwnd.h // Author: Phil J. Pearson // Created: 20 June 2000 14: 26 // Last Mod: 20 June 2000 14:47 /// / * ------------------------------------------ --------------------------------- / * / * CopyRight (c) 2000 by real world software / * all Rights reserved. / */*------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- * /
#pragma overce
#ifndef WS_EX_LAYERED /// Definitions copied from WinUser.h // They're normally available if you do: // #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500 // but we do not need all that stuff for this class // # define WS_EX_LAYERED 0x00080000 # Define ulw_alpha 0x00000002 # ENDIF // NDEF WS_EX_LAYERED
typedef BOOL (WINAPI * lpfnUpdateLayeredWindow) (HWND hWnd, HDC hdcDst, POINT * pptDst, SIZE * psize, HDC hdcSrc, POINT * pptSrc, COLORREF crKey, BLENDFUNCTION * pblend, DWORD dwFlags);
/// cfaderwnd window
Class cfaderwnd: public cwnd {// Constructionpublic: cfaderwnd (CWND * PWNDTOFADE, UINT NFADETIME = 2000, Byte Byalpha = 255);
// attributespublic:
// OperationsPublic:
// Overrides // ClassWizard Generated Virtual Function Overrides // {{AFX_VIRTUAL (CFADERWND) Protected: Virtual Void Postncdestroy () {delete this;} //}} AFX_VIRTUAL
// ImplementationPrivate: Virtual ~ cfaderwnd ();
// Generated message map functionsprotected: // {{AFX_MSG (CFaderWnd) afx_msg void OnTimer (UINT nIDEvent); afx_msg void OnSetFocus (CWnd * pOldWnd); //}} AFX_MSG DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP ()
// {{AFX_INSERT_LOCATION}} // Microsoft Visual C Will Insert Additional Declarations Immediately Before The Previous Line.