Reiserfs + LVM

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  71

Hardware environment: Double CPU2.4G, 1G memory, two 70gsics hard drives, two 200gide hard drives. Software Environment: Red Hat Enterprise AS 3.0 No Patch

1. First, the Linux kernel can support the Reiser file system (if this step is not performed, the mount type of the file system is reiserfs).

Method 1: Modify the Linux kernel configuration, recompile the kernel. 1. Back up two files and modify a file. Cp /usr/src/linux-2.4/configs/kernel-2.4.21-i686-smp.config /usr/src/linux-2.4/ cp /boot/grub/grub.conf /boot/grub/grub.conf. Bak vi /usr/src/linux-2.4/makefile extraversion = -4.elcustom.Reisfer 2. The standard Linux kernel compilation step. a. make mrproper b. make menuconfig (or make Xconfig) This time the File System column changes the original module (m) in the File System column. (*). c. make Dep d. make Clean E. Make Bzimage F. make modules g. make modules_install h. make install 3. Restart.

Method 2: Find the patch of the UNSUPPORT provided by Red Hat NetWork. For example: kernel-Smp-unsupported-2.4.21-15.0.4.l.i686.0.4.l.21-15.0.4.el.i686.rpm is restarted.

2. Download the Reiserfsprogs Toolkit to create a Reiser file system and other very useful tools. Tar -zxvf Reiserfsprogs-3.6.18.tar.gz ./configure make make install

3. Create a LVM and LVM, see: 1. Create a partition of the LVM: FDISK / DEV / HDA N Create a new partition T Modify the default EXT3 partition type of LVM type: 0x8E. 2. Create a PV (Physical Volume) Pvcreate / dev / hda1 / dev / hda2 / dev / hda3 3. Create a VG (Volume Group) VGCREATE -S 8M VG_NAME / DEV / HDA1 DEV / HDA2 4. Create LV (Logical Volume) LVCReate -L 500M-N LV_NAME VG_NAME 5. Create a file system mkreiserfs / dev / vg_name / lv_name 6. Mount on file system mount / dev / vg_name / lv_name /..Pathtodir../dirname 7. Modify / ECT / FSTAB Next You can automatically on / dev / vg_name / lv_name.

Four. Reiserfs LVM online extension capabilities. 1. VGEXTEND VG_NAME / DEV / HDA3 2. LVEXTEND -L 500M / DEV / VG_NAME / LV_NAME 3. Resize_reiserfs -s 500M -F / DEV / VG_NAME / LV_NAME

Postscript: Because there is about 500g space to place the database, I think of the LVM, just provide a path to the database, you can unify 4 hard drives, and you can add space online, it is very convenient, but performance is not good. Anyway, this database is also used for experiment. BTW: When Vgcreate specifies 32M Physical Extend, VG can be up to 2T, which is also the highest value of VG.


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