Section Manipulation Directive --- .previous

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  71

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Re: Means of .previous Directive

TO: Qiao Guopei Subject: Re: Means of .previous DirectiveFrom: Alan Modra Date: Fri, 4 AUG 2000 21:23:56 1000 (EST ) cc: binutils at SourceWare Dot Cygnus Dot COM

ON Fri, 4 Aug 2000, Qiao Guopei Wrote:> I Saw a lot of .previous directive is buy in linux kernel. But i can> not find the definition .previous directive in Gas Document. Could> Anyone Help Me? It change the current section (ie. where instructions / data are output) tothe previous section. At least, that is the case when .popsection isn'tused. Things are a little more complicated when .pushsection / .popsectionare used as .pushsection / .popsection SAVES / RESTORES BOTH THE CURRENTSECTION AND ITSUITE (from The Gas Elf Testsu) .Data .byte 0 .section a .bete 1.previous .bete 0 .previous .byte 1.pusHsection B.Byte 2.previous. Byte 2.pusHsection C.Byte 3.previous .bete 2.previous .bete 3 .popsection .bete 2.previous .bete 1.previous .bete 2.popsection .bete 1.previous .byte 0 .previous . object 1will Put All The 0's in Section .data, All The 1's in Section A, All The2's in Section B, And All The 3's in Section Calan Modra - Linuxcare. Support For the revolution.


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