Workflow [zt]

zhaozj2021-02-16  148


I have not made a good summary of workflows for short-time. Recently, THESERVERSIDE.COM logs the following article, the State of Workflow, the content of the article is relatively light, and the summary describes the basis of workflow. I also make a summary.

The model of the workflow is mostly referring to the WFMC model from the figure, there are 5 interfaces. In fact, many commercial and open source workflow systems are not strictly followed, or there is no unity. One reason is that WFMC standards are not clearly stated in many details, and they have to do everything in achieving. There is also a reason for the relationship between the workflow system and the business system, which is too large, so that the workflow to support different business is very different, the standard is not easy, and the standard is not a universal workflow system. The difficulty is relatively difficult. One difficulty in the workflow is that the workflow system is interactive with the application system, because it is an infrastructure, it is necessary to support many different applications, so business data has no meaning in the workflow system, the workflow system only These data can be processed in a generic manner, which requires a rule interpreter and a universal data interaction interface. Since 99 years, the WFMC is less, the model is relatively mature, but the effective description of the interface is lacking, which is related to the technical means at the time, the relationship between the definition and implementation is very large, universal is IDL After 2000, the specification increased XML representation, which can be independent of the language. However, the norms are still more general, and more research is still needed in the specific implementation. In several interfaces, the least practical is the interface 4, the interactive interface between the workflow engine. At present, there is basically no possibility. Process definition, more relationship with the application, abstract workflow definitions are difficult to understand for users, and a purpose of workflow is to process programmers, let business people directly define the process, and can be changed at any time, so universal The process definition is actually a programming tool, a developer's IDE. Workflow is generally applied to organizations, solving multiple changes in the organization, so essential is the definition of organizational institutions, role-based rights definition, corporate / government paying attention to processes and level relations in China In the department, how to effectively reflect the actual existing in the organization and the level of relationships that everyone pay attention to is a very important issue. The reflection of this organization should have certain abstraction, and there is also a relatively real mapping relationship with the actual physical structure structure. Typically, when the relationship between this bit is serious, when it spans some points, it is also a problem, which requires a relatively large flexibility in workflow, which can both standardize the process, and can break the process if necessary. This is also a Chinese character. . The driving of the workflow is actually a task-based, all applications are scheduled by the workflow and activate the user's execution permission by the workflow. However, considering that there is a certain arbitrary style in the traditional work, as well as the user's work habits, this task may need to be displayed by business applications, and make it a certain workflow data tracking and status query capabilities. The series of workflows, parallel and arbitrary jump or rollback are often mentioned frequently. Before you implement workflow, you need to do a certain process plan, but the actual situation is that computer systems must adapt to traditional manual processes, which is also difficult to promote and apply. WFMC's specifications give guidance, and some idealization, business conditions in the actual organization are thousands of changes.

One of the above pictures greatly showed the elements of the workflow system. Such as start, end, condition, branch, and so on. The implementation of different workflows is also different. Ultimus's workflow is very good, and Adode has also acquired a number of workflow companies, binding his PDF, one is a COM-based ACCIELO (Jetform) two years ago, one is the recent acquisition Java Workflow Company-QLink. It looks like a combination of customs, and a combination of workflows, you can provide a better, more freely enterprise application solution. OpenText's LiveLink integrates a lot of workflow features, trying to provide a comprehensive solution, BEA takes an early JetFlow, attempts to provide a universal workflow system, of course it can only interact with Java objects. All of these systems definitions and definition formats are totally different, so you can only choose one. Open source has OFBIZ, OPENSYMPHONY, Open Business Engine, etc., some even lack the graphical definition interface, complete the definition of the process through an XML. To use them, you need to work. Brochure, I can think of it, let's get into here, leave a temporary memory, you don't mind. In fact, in a system, several subsystems that are essential include: Organization / User Management, Permission / Authorization Management, Workflow System, Full Search, and Messaging System (IM), EMAIL system. Further, content management, user personalization is also obvious. From this point, the workflow system is inquiry. At present, this market is still chaotic, and the resources are extracted from above:

Open Source

The 3 Sources for Composing this list.

By The Way, Carlos Has Many Lists of Open Source Projects in Various Categories.

jBpm - jBpm is a flexible, extensible workflow management system Business processes, expressed in a simple and powerfull language and packaged in process archives, serve as input for the jBpm runtime server jBpm combines easy development of workflow-applications with excellent enterprise application integration.. .. (EAI) capabilities jBpm includes a web-application and a scheduler jBpm is a set of POJO components that can also be deployed as a J2EE application OpenEbXML Enhydra Shark -. Shark is completely based on standards from WfMC and OMG using XPDL as its . native workflow definition format Storage of processes and activities is done using Enhydra DODS Codehaus Werkflow -. Werkflow is a flexible, extensible process- and state-based workflow engine It aims to satisfy a myriad of possible workflow scenarios, from enterprise-scale business. Processes to Small-Scale User-Interaction Processes. Using A Pluggable and Layered Architecture, Workflows with Varying Semantics Can Easily Be . Accomodated OpenSymphony OSWorkflow - What makes OSWorkflow different is that it is extremely flexible wfmOpen -. WfMOpen is a J2EE based implementation of a workflow facility (workflow engine) as proposed by the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) and the Object Management Group (OMG) Workflows Are Specified Using WFMC '

s XML Process Definition Language (XPDL) with some extensions OFBiz Workflow Engine -. The Open for Business Workflow Engine is based on the WfMC and OMG spec OFBiz Workflow Engine uses XPDL as its process definition language ObjectWeb Bonita -.. Bonita is a flexible cooperative workflow system, compliant to WfMC specifications. A comprehensive set of integrated graphical tools for performing different kind of actions such as process conception, definition, instanciation, control of processes, and interaction with the users and external applications. 100% browser-based environment with Web Services integration that uses SOAP and XML Data binding technologies in order to encapsulate existing workflow business methods and publish them as a J2EE-based web services A Third Generation Worflow engine based in the activity anticipation model Bigbross Bossa -.. The engine is very fast And LightWeight, Uses a Very Expressive Petri Net Notation To Define Workflows, Does Not Requires A RDBMS A nd is very simple to use and to integrate with java applications Actually, it was designed to be embedded XFlow -... XFlow runs within an EJB and servlet container Taverna -The Taverna project aims to provide a language and software tools to facilitate easy use of workflow and distributed compute technology within the eScience community PowerFolder -. PowerFolder consists of a developer studio, administration environment, and a runtime engine Breeze -. Breeze is a lightweight, cross-platform component-based workflow engine prototype Open Business Engine -. Open Business Engine Is An Open Source Java Workflow Engine Which Supports The Workflow Management Coalition '

s (WfMC) workflow specifications, including interface 1, also known as XPDL, interface 2/3 known as WAPI and interface 5 for auditing. OBE provides an environment for executing activities in a controlled, centralized environment. OBE supports both synchronous and asynchronous execution . of workflows The primary OBE implementation is based on J2EE OpenWFE - OpenWFE is an open source java workflow engine It features 3 components, easily scalable:. an engine, a worklist and a web interface Its workflow definition language is inspired of Scheme,.. a Lisp dialect, though it is expressed in XML Freefluo -.. Freefluo is a workflow orchestration tool for web services It can handle WSDL based web service invocation It supports two XML workflow languages, one based on IBM's WSFL and another named XScufl Freefluo.. Is Very Flexible, At Its Core Is A Reusable Orchestration Framework That Is Not Tied To Any Workflow Language or Execution Architecture. Freefluo Includes Extension Libraries That E nable execution of workflows written in a subset of WSFL ZBuilder -. ZBuilder3 is a second generation of workflow development and management system which intends to be an open source product It defines a set of standard JMX management interfaces for different workflow engines and their workflows.. Shocks - Shocks Is A Departure from Previous Servlet Framework Technologies. It is concertually unique in That Does Not Attempt to Implement The "MVC"

design pattern. It uses a next-generation architecture which cleanly separates the components into DataSource, Action, Workflow and Presentation objects. At the core of the framework, Shocks contains a lightweight workflow engine built specifically to accomodate J2EE servlet-based web applications. This ENGINE Uses Workflow Metadata Which IS generated by The Developer In A Simple XML Configuration File.commercial

Bea's WLI Carnot Dralasoft Filenet Fujitsu's i-Flow IBM's holosofx tool Intalio Lombardi Oakgrove's reactor Oracle's integration platform Q-Link SAP's NetWeaver Savvion Seebeyond Sonic's orchestration server Staffware Ultimus Versata WebMethod's process modeling

Catalogs A collection of links to tools for modelling business processes and workflows maintained By Bart-Jan Hommes At Tu Delft, The Netherlands.


[WFPATTERNS] Workflow Patterns - A website dedicated to the academic research on Workflow Patterns of professof Wil van der Aalst [EBPML] -.. A complete informative website on business process managent and workflow [EBIZQ] - Commercial community that has booths, webinars and other interesting stuff put together in a nice website [WFMOD] -. An interesting article that discusses the relation between business processes and the organization [ORG MGMT] Organizational Management in Workflow Applicationsonal data involved [WS ORCH] Web. services orchestration -. an HP-paper that reviews the emerging technologies tools and standards (Januari 2003) [WS STANDARDS] Business process standards for web services - An article that discusses the various aspects involved in workflow and BPM Business process management group -. TODO : Complete the folloading links [petrinetintro] An Introduction to Petri Nets - The Title Says It ALL.


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