About JavaScript

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  68

// when you changeild1, function changechild can make select2 to change (), IT can get the value of "cid" and add it with the string "num" ing the value of custom "Num" iF the value of circs The Result of Eval (CID "NUM") IS aaanum. Function showtop () {for (var i = 0; i

// FOLLOWING IS A Java Src to Generate 4 Arrays .IF you select a, then you can find a array c associate with it. / ** * Generate Category JS * / Public Static Void Buildjs () {string [] ctgid = getAllTopcID (); Int CTGNUM = 0; if (ctgid! = Null) ctgnum = ctgid.length; stringbuffer jss = new stringbuffer (); jsstr.append ("var ctnum =" ctgnum ";"); jsstr.Append "VAR Ti = new array (ctnum);"); jsstr.Append ("VAR TN = new array (ctnum);" for (int i = 0; i