Workflow mode
Professor Petri has studied 21 workflow modes based on Petri mesh principles for workflow model modeling and analysis.
The principle has studied 21 workflow modes for workflow model modeling and analysis. Basic Mode (5) Sequence Mode - Executing various events in order: One activity in the workflow process can only be performed after another activity is completed. Example: After the order registration activity is completed, the customer notification can be performed. Parallel branch mode - simultaneously run two activity explanations: One point in the process is divided into two control threads that can be performed in parallel, allowing two activities to run simultaneously. Example: Synchronization Mode - Synchronization Two Parallel Perform Thread Single Selection Mode - Select a Multi-Path to Perform a Simple Merge Mode - Merge Two Election One Path Advanced Branch and Synchronization Mode (5) Multi-Selection Mode - From Several synchronous merge modes in the execution path - Merge multiple paths, if there is a plurality of paths being selected, synchronize; if only one path is selected, make a simple merge multi-merge mode - combined multiple path authenticator Mode - Multiple paths without synchronization, only perform the N mode in the subsequent active M - combined multiple paths, partially synchronized, only one subsequent active structure mode (2) arbitrary loop mode - no restriction Perform a workflow implied end-up mode - If there is no thing to do, end the multi-instance mode (4) to delay the status-based mode (3) Postpone Selection mode - perform one of two optional threads, that thread will Executed is an implicit alternate parallel mode - two activities can be performed in any order, but not in parallel, milestone mode - When a milestone arrives, inspire a activity cancel mode (2) cancel activities - Cancel the current activity cancellation process - Cancel this process See: Workflow mode
Basic mode (5)
Sequential mode - implement various activities in order
Explanation: One activity in the workflow process is only available after another activity is completed.
Example: After the order registration activity is completed, the customer notification can be performed.
Parallel branch mode - run two activities at the same time
Explanation: One point in the process is divided into two control threads that can be performed in parallel, allowing two activities to run simultaneously.
Synchronous mode - Synchronize two parallel execution threads
Single selection mode - select one execution from multiple paths
Simple merge mode - combined two two selection one path
Advanced branch and synchronization mode (5)
Multi-selection mode - Select several from multiple execution paths
Synchronous Merge Mode - Merge multiple paths, if there is a plurality of paths being selected, synchronize; if only one path is selected, simple merge
Multi-merge mode - Multi-path
Identifier mode - combined multiple paths without synchronization, only follow up time
N mode in m - combined multiple paths, partially synchronized, only one follow-up
Structural mode (2)
Arbitrary cycle mode - do not have any restrictions
Include end-up mode - if there is no thing to do, end
Multi-instance mode (4)
State-based mode (3)
Postpone Select Mode - Ensure one of two optional threads, that thread will be implicitted
Alternate parallel mode - two activities can be performed in any order, but not in parallel
Milestone mode - When a milestone arrives, stimulate an event
Cancel mode (2)
Cancellation activities - cancel the current activity
Cancellation process - cancel this process
See: Workflow mode