About Tomcat and IIS integration

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  74

1. Install Tomcat5.0.7. 2. Set the environment variable tomcat_home. On the desktop, "My Computer" -> Click -> "Properties" -> "Advanced" -> Environment Variables -> System Variables -> New -> Variable Name: Tomcat_Home, Variable Value: C: / Program Files / Apache Software Foundation / Tomcat 5.0.7. Click "OK" to save. 3. New "Connector" folder under C: / Program Files / Apache Software Foundation / Tomcat 5.0.7 / Conf, then copy ISAPI_Redirector2.dll to C: / Program Files / Apache Software Foundation / Tomcat 5.0.7 / Conf / CONNECTOR below. 4. Create Workers2.properties to C: / Program Files / Apache Software Foundation / Tomcat 5.0.7 / Conf (you can use workers2.properties in my attachment, please modify the first line of the file before use, "C: / Program files / apache software firmation / tomcat 5.0.7 / logs / jk2.log "Change to the path you need, please note when the path to the COPY address bar is" / "instead" / ", expressed with Windows The path is different). 5. Create JK2.Properties to C: / Program Files / Apache Software Foundation / Tomcat 5.0.7 / Conf (directly using JK2.Properties in my attachment). 6. Import the registry file isapi_redirect.2.0.reg (Double-click File, then OK is fine) Before importing, please modify the registry file, put ServerRoot and Workersfile "C: // Program Files // Apache Software Foundation // Tomcat 5.0.7 "Replace with your Tomcat installation path. 7. Start menu -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Internet Service Manager, then find your site (my computer name is LNBOY, "Default Web Site"). Right click -> "Properties" -> "ISAPI Filter" -> Add "-> Filter Name: Jakarta, Executable: C: C: / Program Files / Apache Software Foundation / Tomcat 5.0.7 / Conf / Connector / ISAPI_Redirector2.dll. Click "OK" to save. 8. Next, in the "Default Web Site" right click -> New -> Virtual Directory -> Next -> Alias ​​fill in: jakarta, then point the next step -> select the directory is: C: / Program Files / Apache Software Foundation / Tomcat 5.0.7 / conf /connector, then click Next -> "Execute (for example, ISAPI application or cgi)" a hook, click Next, then "Finish". 9. Restart the Default Web Site. Then right-click "Default Web Site" -> "Properties" -> "ISAPI Filter", if "Jakarta" arrow, the arrow is green, then the configuration has been successful.

If the arrow is red, please check the entire configuration process, see if there is a wrong place, (essentially except for changes in the place where the Tomcat installation directory needs to be modified). At this point, there should be some small issues to access JSP normally, 10. Set the environment variable tomcat_home. On the desktop, "My Computer" -> Click-> "Properties" -> "Advanced" -> Environment Variable "-> System Variables -> New -> Variable Name: Java_Home, Variable Value: D: / JBUILDER8 / JDK1.4. Click "OK" to save. It is necessary to success in the sense of installation. Tomcatconf.rar


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