Pure-ftpd installation and use

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  77

First, the system support system needs to be installed with Mysql Apache DNS (optional). Second, prepare the software FTPD Server:




Third, custom installation 1: Decompress the two files where the downloaded file is located. # CD Download # tar zxvf pure-ftpd-1.0.20.tar.gz # tar zxvf pureft_php_manager.tar.gz2: Compile #CD pure-ftpd- 1.0.20 #. / Configure / - prefix = / usr / local / pureftpd / - with-mysql = / usr / local / mysql / - with-paradow / - with-welcoMSG / --With-Uploadscript / - With-Quotas / - with-cookie / - with-Pam / - VirtualHosts / - With-VirtualRoot / - with-diraliases / - with-sysquotas / WITH-RATIOS / - with-ftpwho / - with-throttling / - with-language = Simplified-Chinese --------------- >> Socket session shows the language of information displayed By English, Simplified-Chinese Simplified Chinese, Traditional-Chinese Big5 Traditional Chinese --with-mysql = / usr / local / mysql / usSQL This / usr / local / mysql is changed to your MySQL actual installation path. If you appear configure: error: Your MySQL Client Libraries Aren't Properly Installed error, please connect the mysql.h file under the mysql directory in the mysql.h file and all files under lib / mysql (directly copy past perhaps Can be) to / usr / lib directory 3: Installation # make # make checkpd-mysql.conf / usr / local / etc / # cd configuration-file # chmod u x pure-config.pl # CP pure-config.pl / usr / local / sbin / # cp / usr / local / pureft / sbin / pur E-ftpwho / usr / local / sbin / # cp pure-ftpd.conf / usr / local / etc / copy pureft_php_manager directory to the website directory cp -r pureft_php_manager / opt / www / pureft_php_manager

Fourth, configure service 1: Editor /usR/local/etc/pure-ftpd.conf file to find #createHomedir yes to change to createHomedir YES effect is, user login, if the primary directory does not exist, it is automatically established. Find uMask 133: 022 Set the default properties of the new file for Umask 755: 755. Find # mysqlconfigfile /etc/pureftpd-mysql.conf to mysqlconfile /usr/local/etc/pureftpd-mysql.conf Set the parameters of the FTPD service to get the pureft-mysql .conf file set #################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################### Is such that

Source code:


# ## Sample pure-ftpd mysql configuration file. #

# See readme.mysql for expembions. #

# # # # # # #


# Optional: MySQL Server Name OR IP. Don't define this for UNIX Sockets.

MySQLServer Localhost

#server address

# Optional: mysql port. Don't define this if a local unix socket is used.

Mysqlport 3306

# Server port

# Optional: Define the location of mysql.sock if the server runs on this host.

Mysqlsocket /opt/mysql/var/mysql.sock

# 这里 换 换 真 真 地址

# Mandatory: User to bind the server as.

Mysqluser root

#Login server username

# Mandatory: User password. You Must Have a password.

MySQLPassword 123456

#Logue server password

# Mandatory: Database to open.


# Profile the database where the file is located

# Mandatory: How Passwords Are Stored

# Valid Values ​​Are: "Cleartext", "CRYPT", "MD5" and "password"

# ("Password" = mysql password () function)

# You can also use "any" to try "crypt", "md5" * and * "password"

Mysqlcrypt Cleartext

#Ways of identifying

# In The Following Directives, Parts of The Strings Are Replaced At

# Run-time before performing queries:


# / L is replaced by the login of the user trying to automate.

# / I is replaced by the ip address the user connection.

# / P is replaced by the port number the user connection.

# / R is replaced by the ip address the user connection from.

# / D is replaced by The Remote IP Address, AS A Long Decimal Number.


# Very Complex Queries Can Be Performed Using these Substitution Strings,

# especially for virtual hosting.

# Query to execute in order to fetch the password

MySQLGETPW SELECT Password from users where user = "/ l" and status = "1"

# Log in to the user password verification field of the server, status = "1" is required for this user to activate mode.

# Query to execute in Order to fetch the system user name or uid

MysqlgetUid select uid from users where user = "/ l"

# User's UID

# Optional: Default Uid - IF Set this overrides mysqlgetuid

#Mysqldefaultuid 1000

# Query to execute in Order to fetch the system user group or gid

MySQLGETGID SELECT GID from users where user = "/ l"

# 用户 用户 GID

# Optional: Default Gid - IF Set this overrides mysqlgetgid

#Mysqldefaultgid 1000

# Query to execute in Order to Fetch The Home Directory

Mysqlgetdir Select Dir from users where user = "/ l"

# 用户 主 主目

# Optional: Query To Get The maximal number of files

# Pure-ftpd Must Have Been Compiled with Virtual Quotas Support.

MySQLGETQTAFS SELECT Quotafiles from users where user = "/ l"

# 用户 用户 的 最 最

#Botional: query to get the maximal disk usage (virtual quotas)

# The number shen megabytes.

# Pure-ftpd Must Have Been Compiled with Virtual Quotas Support.

MySQLGETQTASZ SELECT Quotasize from users where user = "/ l"

# 用户 的 用户 最 空 空间

# Optional: Ratios. The Server Has To BE Compiled with Ratio Support.

MySQLGETRATIOUL SELECT ULBANDWIDTH from users where user = "/ l"

MySQLGETRATIODL SELECT DLBANDWIDTH from users where user = "/ l"

# Two items, users upload and download speed, unit KB / S

#Boptional: Bandwidth Throttling.

# The Server Has To Be Compiled with THROTTLING Support.

# Values ​​are in kb / s.

# Mysqlgetbandwidthul select ulbandwidth from users where user = "/ l"

# Mysqlgetbandwidthdl select dlbandwidth from users where user = "/ l"

# Enable ~ Expansion. Never Enable this BLINDLY UNSS: # 1) You know what you are doing.

# 2) REAL AND Virtual Users Match.

# MySQLForCetildeExpansion 1

# If You Upgraded your Tables to Transactionnal Tables (Gemini,

# BerkeleyDB, Innobase ...), you can enable SQL Transactions to

# Avoid Races. Leave this commented if you are use

# Traditionnal Myisam Databases or ORD (<3.23.x) mysql version.

# Mysqltransactions on

Save and exit Please modify it. Or directly find the wrong copy. 3: Modify /opt/www/pureftpd_php_manager/index.php file #unzip -d pureft_php_manager pureft_php_php_manager note: Because I have written pureftpd-mysql.conf so here without moving #mv pureftpd-mysql.conf.sample /usr/local/etc/pureftpd-mysql.conf#cp -R pureftpd_php_manager / var / wwwroot / html / pureftpd_php_manager # cd / var / wwwroot / HTML / PUREFTPD_PHP_MANAGER # vi pureftp.config.php modification: /opt/www/pureftpd_php_manager/pureftp.config.php file

Source code:


####### setup ########


// Set the location of the pureftpd-mysql.conf, this should be noted, don't write wrong.

$ Pureftp_config_file = '/usr/local/etc/pureftpd-mysql.conf';

// the location where all the forms directed to. (Mayby No change Need)

$ Self_URL = 'Index.php';

// the location of your pure-ftpdwho binary 4711)

$ Ftp_who = "/ usr / local / sbin / pure-ftpwho";


# Default new-user params #


$ Db_table = 'users'; # new increase variable, define data table name

$ Defaultuser = "ftpuser"; # default user

$ Defaultpass = "passwd"; # default initial user password

$ Defaultuid = "2004"; # default UID (set to apache's UID, your perhaps not 48, can be used for PHP to set up) $ defaultGid = "2004"; # default GID (set to apache) GID, you may not be 48, the directory established for PHP can be used normally)

$ Defaultdir = "/ var / ftproot / ftpusershome"; # default user home directory

$ Defaultul = "0"; # default user upload speed limit (KB / S)

$ Defaultdl = "0"; # default user download rate limit (KB / S)

$ DEFAULTIP = "*"; # Set which IP can log in

$ Defaultqs = "50"; # User default quota

$ Defaultcmt = ""; # default note information

$ Defaultqf = "0"; # default file number quota

$ PWC = "55"; # vorsatz Fuerr Crypt Password


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