HTML message HEADER information at the POST form

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  76

The form is only Text, post /example.php http / 1.1host: pear http_request class ( Content-type: Application / X-WWW-FORM-URLENCODEDCONNECTION : closeaccept-encoding: GzipContent-length: 15foo1 = bar & foo2 = 1

File form only when POST /example.php HTTP / 1.1Host: PEAR HTTP_Request class ( Content-Type: multipart / form-data; boundary = HTTP_Request_62f8038e5c72bc40efd08be14dc3db66Connection : CloseAccept-Encoding: GzipContent-Length: 616

--HTTP_REQUEST_62F8038E5C72BC40EFD08BE14DC3DB66Content-disposition: form-data; name = "mail.gif"; filename = "mail.gif" Content-Type: image / gif

GIF89a geese g 櫰 櫰 櫰 嫖 鸮 D 愇圊 Bi layer 逖蓊 逖蓊 飃 飃 び び 桕 桕 骢 骢 镌屣 冁 褓 劂 劂 钪 钪 鮢 鮢 鮢 鮢 曍膂 曍膂 镌屣 鮢 鮢 鮢 鮢 鮢 鮢 鮢 鮢 鮢 鮢 鮢 鮢 鮢 鮢 鮢 鮢 鮢 鮢 鮢 鮢 鮢Hey!? J?  9, f ~ 刓 np 殒 ?? a? D`p *? P? `C? Wrinkle @ /?`? `#?, Pu, bus>? € 艍 @ P?; --HTTP_REQUEST_62F8038E5C72BC40EFD08BE14DC3DB66

When the form is there, post /example.php http / 1.1host: pear http_request class ( Content-Type: Multipart / Form-Data Boundary = http_request_4893a7ce3361284d0E2CE39F2FDFA922CONNECTION: CloseAccept-Encoding: GzipContent-Length: 816


Bar - http_request_4893a7ce3361284d0e2ce39f2fdfa922content-disposition: form-data; Name = "foo2"

1 - http_request_4893a7ce3361284d0E2CE39F2FDFA922Content-disposition: form-data; name = "mail.gif"; filename = "mail.gif" Content-Type: image / gif


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