Forgotten function in PHP (PHP 4> = 4.0.4, PHP 5)
CType_alnum - Check for alphapleric character (s)
Detection is only included [A-ZA-Z0-9]
CType_alpha - Check for alphabetic character (s)
Detection is only [A-ZA-Z]
CType_cntrl - Check for Control Character (s)
Check if it is only a character control character that is "/ R / B / T".
CTYPE_DIGIT - Check for Numeric Character (s)
Inspection is only a string containing digital characters (0-9)
CTYPE_GRAPH - Check for Any Printable Character (s) Except Space
Check if it is a string containing only characters (except spaces) that can be printed.
CTYPE_LOWER - Check for LowerCase Character (s)
Check if all characters are English letters, and they are written.
CType_Print - Check for Printable Character (s)
Check if it is a string containing characters that can be printed
Ctype_punct - Check for Any Printable Character Which is Not Whitespace or an alphapleric character
Check if it is a printable character containing only non-digital / characters / spaces.
CType_Space - Check for Whitespace Character (s)
Check if it is only a character and space that is "/ r / b / t"
CType_upper - Check for Uppercase Character (s)
Check if all characters are English letters, and all written
Check if it is a 16-based string, can only include "0123456789AbcDef"