I installed Oracle8.1.7 under RH9.

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  77

My environment: machine C1200M, 128M software Redhat Linux Release 9, Kernel 2.4.20-8.

I was installed with someone's notes (but I saved a few steps) My Linux is completely installed, and other situations are not explained.

1. Installation Preparation // These I am placed under the / home / root / oracle directory (I changed this directory permissions into WRX glibc-2.1.3-stubs.tar.gz // Oracle Linux patch J2SDK-1_4_2_06 -Linux-i586-rpm.bin // sun's JDK Linux81701.tar // Oracle installation disk

2, install JDK and create symbolic connections (that is, Windows shortcuts, the user root) graphics interface installation I will not say ^ _ ^ #. / J2SDK-1_4_2_06-linux-i586-rpm.bin // Will get J2SDK-1_4_2_06-Linux-i586-RPM installation package # rpm -UVH J2SDK-1_4_2_06-Linux-i586-rpm // 安 j j # #--/ usr / local / j2sdk-1_4_2_06 / usr / local / java

3 Create a user Oracle, group Oinstall Oracle installation path (user root, prompt is # user is root) #groupadd oinstall #Groupadd DBA # installdddddddddddddD Oracle New Password: [Oracle] / / [] Is the password I entered Bad Password: it is based on a Dictionary Word Retype New Password: [ORARCE] Passwd: All Authentication Tokens Updated SuccessFully.

#mkdir -p /u01/oracle/Product/8.1.7 // Creating Oracle Installation Path #chown -r /oacle.oinstall / u01 / Oracle // Since the root // created directory does not change his permissions // Equally, use Oracle installations without permission to this directory operation 4, modify the Oracle user's profile file (the current working directory is: / home / oracle / under, the user oracle it's shell prompt becomes $) $) $ VI .bash_profile // recommends using emacs as graphical interfaces gedit // emacs .bash_profile or gedit .bash_profile add the following: # Stuff for 8.1.7 Install export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL = 2.2.5 export ORACLE_BASE = / u01 / oracle export ORACLE_HOME = $ Oracle_base / product / 8.1.7 export path = $ PATH: $ oracle_home / bin unset lang

# Java development Kit for 8.1.7 java_home = / usr / local / java; export java_home classpath = $ {java_home} /lib/classes.zip; Export ClassPath

#Need to point to init * .ora ORACLE_SID = orcl; export ORACLE_SID # Need shared libraries ie for lsnrctl if [ "$ {LD_LIBRARY_PATH: -}" == ""]; then LD_LIBRARY_PATH = $ {ORACLE_HOME} / lib: / usr / lib: / usr / local / lib else ld_library_path = $ {oracle_home} / lib: $ {ld_library_path} Fi EXPORT LD_LIBRARY_PATH After completion of the VI (first saved) ^ _ ^ to take effect of the Source command for the just modified shell configuration file Source .bash_profile 5, unzip the installation disk downloaded from Oracle (Operation User, Oracle, My Work Directory is / home / root / oracle / Your Download Oracle installation disk where you are going to decompress it ^ _ ^ $ Tar-xvf linux81701.tar

6. Use an Oracle user to log in to the graphical interface to enter the DISK1 directory to decompress out. Double-click RunInstaller to jump out of a window. You can click on the Oracle's graphics installation interface point INSTALL button followed by Unix Group Name Fill in Oinstall

7, Oracle installer will pop up a small window after ready to install, tell you ask you to perform a script called ORAINSROOT.SH with root users.

8, at this time, you open a terminal window (if you have already opened it, you don't want it) At this time, the terminal prompt is '$' this is the ordinary user's shell prompt now to switch to root (Super User) $ su password: [Enter your root user password] // At this time, your shell prompt will become '#' You already have a super user's permissions #CD /u01/oracle/Product/8.1.7 #. / ORAINSTROOT.SH // You can also use Sh ORAINSTROOT.SH Creating Oracle Inventory Pointer File (/etc/orainst.loc) Changing Groupname of / U01 / Oracle / ORAINVENTORY TO OINSTALL. // This is a prompt for the system of the SH script ^ _ ^ back To the Oracle installer Click OK9, then take the select product to install down: Select Oracle Enterprise

Installation Types: Select Typical (837MB)

Verify JDK Home Directory: Fill in / usr / local / Java

Database Identification: Fill in ORCL

SID: Fill in Orclt, you should consistent with your .bash_profile

10. Continue to go down, there will be a number of Make errors, don't take him, choose Ignore

11. When you arrive at 100%, you will jump out of a small window, prompting the root user to execute a script root.sh, first wait, play a patch before performing root.sh. Go back to the terminal window to go to the directory of the Linux patch from Oracle to copy the patch to $ Oracle_home / * Oracle installation directory * / (my patch package in / home / root / orle /) #CD / home / root / oracle / #cp glibc-2.1.3-stubs.tar.gz $ oracle_home // These two commands can also be used to use the following command # cp /Home/Root/oracle/glibc-2.1.3.stubs.tar .gz /u01/oracle/Product/8.1.7 #tar xzvf glibc-2.1.3-stubs.tar.gz #SH setup_stubs.sh// You will wait a moment, let's see the following tips: Relinking Executables : Running 'INS_RDBMS.MK' ... DONE. Running 'INS_NET_CLIENT.MK' ... DONE. Running 'INS_CMAN.MK' ... DONE. Running 'INS_NAMES.MK' ... DONE. Running 'INS_OEMAGENT.MK '... done. Running' INS_NET_SERVER.MK '... DONE. Running' INS_NAU.MK '... DONE. Running' INS_PLSQL.MK '... DONE. Running' INS_PRECOMP.MK '... DONE. Running 'INS_LDAP.MK' ... DONE. Running 'INS_SQLPLUS.MK' ... DONE. Running 'INS_OTRACE.MK' ... DONE. Running 'INS_CTX.MK' ... DONE. DONE. The Links Have Been Fixed! After the execution, modify root.sh #vi root.sh

RMF = / bin / rm -f

Less 2 double quotes, change to

RMF = "/ bin / rm -f"

There is also a 156th line, and there is a single quotes close to the end, and you will be careful.

Ruid = `/ usr / bin / id | $ awk -f / ('{print $ 2}' | $ awk -f /) '{print $ 1}`

Have a change

Ruid = `/ usr / bin / id | $ awk -f / ('{print $ 2}' | $ awk -f /) '{print $ 1}'`

The deployment is exited, and now you can perform root.sh

[root@localhost.localdomain 8.1.7] # sh root.sh // Run this root.sh shell script

There is a place to enter and tap the car directly. The last results are as follows: Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/ usr / local / bin]: / ncreating / etc / oatab file ... entry will be added to the / etc / oracab file by Database Configuration Assistant WHEN A Database is created finished running generic part of root.sh script. Now Product-Specific Root Actions Will Be Performed.12, then go down, there should be no problem.


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