Use YUM instead of UP2DATE Auto Update Upgrade RedHat AS3

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  76

Up2date yum instead of using the auto-update upgrade RedHat AS3http: // Author: Albatross Posted: 2004-08-13 16:00:23

Recently installed a redhat as3U2 server, AS3U2 is freely downloaded from the Internet without purchasing Redhat service, so you can't use the RHN Up2date upgrade system; although U2 is full, the Linux patch is constantly, can't upgrade is very depressed! So these days have been looking for an upgrade method. I want to download the source package from to upgrade from and then upgrade, but frequently there are many development packs when Rebulid, but also to find CD installation, too trouble, but also can't automate updates. No way, I am a lazy person, find other ways. I have been using the APT to make redhat7.2 upgrades, I feel ok, then I can see the upgrade AS3 that can be used with Apt For Redhat EL3 (see After testing, the upgrade package provided by the Apt For EL3 is too small, and I have not used it, I have not discovered the AS3 APT upgrade server. Finally, I saw a Centos Linux, CentOS Linux is a Rebulid version of Redhat EL3 (using Redhat EL3 recompilation), using Yum as the Upgrade Manager. Since there is no Centos Linux, I downloaded one of Yum's hometown (, I analyzed Yum management method, found that it mainly uses Headers in the release version. Document, and RHN's Up2date is very similar, it can be used on AS3. After testing all OK, the following is some of the relevant content descriptions 1. What is Yum? Yum: (YELLOW DOG UPDATER, MODIFIED) is a box of Yellow dog Linux, with it to install, upgrade the package and the entire system.

As long as it is a system based on RPM mode management! 2.Redhat AS3 Upgrade Resources (RH SRC Rebuild) Centos Linux WhiteBoxlinux TAOLINUX is only available in Centos Linux. Its update is still relatively fast. They usually follow the patches after the redhat's SRPMS. Download and Installation Configuring Yum from Download, and pay attention to you after installing YUM installation is the three files / etc / Cron.daily / yum.cron # Daily Yum and other software package timed upgrade /etc/init.d/yum #yum service? Concentrate No research / Etc/yum.conf #yum configuration file Next modified /etc/yum.conf vi /etc/yum.conf will be [Base] name = red Hat Linux $ RELESEVER - $ basearch - base baseurl = http : //$Releasever/ $$arc/ [Updates] name = red Hat Linux $ Releasever - Updates BaseURL = http: // / pub / yum-repository / redhat / updates / $ releasever / change to [Base] name = centos Linux 3.1 for rhel3 - base # Quickname BaseURL = 3 / 3.1 / OS / I386 [Updates] Name = Centos Linux 3.1 for rhel3 - Updates # Jelly Take the name baseURL = store. Complete configuration 4. Upgrade system Enter the command yum update is waiting to gain, it is as simple :) 5. Other edit /etc/yum.conf Add exclude = kernel kernel-source in [main] This can not be upgraded KERNEL installation new packages, such as MC: Yum Install MC is also studying MAN: Man Yum 6. Appendix (Item from Bash99 @ Unknown) If you like free software spirit, I hope to be a True Hacker, and have decided to use A Real Operate System, then choose a REAL Distribution, do not use Redhat. Gentoo, Debian is a good choice or start with SLACKWARE. If you want to do formal business use, and hope to use the so-called RHEL, you can buy one, so you can get an upgrade support for a year (you don't know what to upgrade! God, I hope God bless you), And it is recommended that you continue to buy RedHat's service (Subscription on so you can continue to get 4 years of upgrade support. Because: 1. Servers without security upgrades are very dangerous. 2.RHN is a good platform for a large system management. 3. Reedhat is doing well in OpenSource, should be supported.


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