1, GPS / DR / MM / BT, Karman Filter Design
2, advantages and disadvantages of GPS
3, DR principle, mileper - heading sensor, magnetic compass and rate gyroscope - distance sensor, advantages and disadvantages.
4, BT principle
5, three implementation plans:
Navigation computer based on embedded computer (PC104), navigation computer based on 8-bit or 16 microcontroller, based on "MCU DSP" processor navigation computer
6, single-chip C8051F021: 12-bit ADC and two UART ports, 32-bit digital I / O port. 22 interrupt sources. 5 timers / counters. 64K Flash.
7, DSP: TMS320C5410
8, piezoelectric Grate, Hall mileper sensor.
9, the difference between the C language and the standard C language: variable definition.
10 . Used 7 interrupts, serial ports 1, 2, A / D interrupt, Timer0 interrupt, Timer4 interrupt, PCA interrupt, external interrupt.