ORA-00600 [2662] Error Solution Process
Database version:
The database suddenly appears a current log file, causing the database crash, and then the field engineer uses _allow_resetlogs_corruption = true This implied parameters, and it is forced to open the database after not fully recovery. However, after opening the database, it is found that it can only be connected in an internal user, and other user connections are reported. The error message is as follows:
ORA-00600: INTERNAL ERROR CODE, Arguments: [2662], [0], [431267936], [0], [431273216], [0], [], []
I can't find any application, the application is not used, so I want to try the full library out and then re-Imp in the establishment of the library. It is found that the EXP data is not successful, and the same ORA-600 error, the user is not available Any backup, you can only try to open the database as much as possible, export data.
First check the TRACE file generated by 600 errors:
*** session ID: (7.15) 2004.11.
Ksedmp: Internal or Fatal Error
ORA-00600: INTERNAL ERROR CODE, Arguments: [2662], [0], [431267754], [0], [431272752], [0], [], []
Current SQL Statement for this session:
Select * from "whsb". "SB_BSBF"
The information obtained is limited, and can only be seen is a serious internal error, and the remaining is a bunch of information, so I find out the specific information about this error.
ORA-600 [2662] "Block SCN IS AHEAD OF CURRENT SCN", indicating that the SCN of the data block of the current database is earlier than the current SCN, mainly compared to the DepEndent SCN stored in the UGA variable, if the current SCN is smaller than it The database will produce this ORA-600 [2662] error. This error has a total of five parameters, representing different meaning,
ORA-600 [2662] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
Arg [A] Current SCN WRAP
Arg [b] Current SCN Base
Arg [C] Dependent SCN WRAP
Arg [D] Dependent SCN Base
Arns. The DBA WHERE The Dependent SCN Came from.
We analyze the prompts in the error, its parameters b = 431267754, D = 431272752, indicating that the current SCN is indeed less than the Dependent SCN, so this 600 error is generated.
By reviewing documents, it is found that this error has the following mains:
l Use hidden parameters _Allow_RestLogs_Corruption ResetLogs to open the database
l Hardware error caused databases unwritten control files and redo log files
l Error part recovery database
l Restore the control file but does not recover using Recover Database Useing Backup ControlFile
l After database crash, set _disable_logging implies parameters
l There is a problem with the problem of DLM in the parallel server environment. It is found that the problem may be due to the first article, because the illegal open database is set, the database itself exists, but the database itself exists. There is still a serious problem.
Thus, use the Adjust_SCN event to adjust the current SCN, which makes it greater than the Dependent SCN, and then guarantees the database to export the database, and then rebuild the database import data.
After landing the database with an Internal user, connect other users, or failure, execute:
Alter Session Set Events 'Immediate Trace Name Adjust_scn Level 1';
Then try connecting other users and successfully connect.
Finally, the entire database, reconstruct the database, import data, the entire database is successful!
With this example, we can see that try not to use those implied parameters, these parameters are not recommended for Oracle, nor is it universal! If you use some legacy issues, if you need to use it, it is recommended to use an EXP / IMP to rebuild a database.