Site list using Web Service

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  81

Service Listalso Accessible Via XML Interfaces: Disco WS-Inspection Rss See The Interfaces Section for More Information.

PublisherStyle Service NameDescriptionImplementationgoogle.comRPCGoogle Search APIDevelop Your Own Applications Using GoogleInterdataDOCOptionPricingCalculatorWeb service to calculate call and put options using Black Scholes &

binomial modelsMS .NETInterdataDOCIndonesianEconomicIndicatorWeb service to extract varies economic indicators from several sources, such as foreign exchange, interest rate, stock exchange index, and customer price index. Applies to IndonesiaMS .NETSalCentralDOCUDDI Weather Report Web ServiceReports communication accuracy of UDDI linksMS .NETSalCentralDOCCommunications and Email Web ServiceSpecialist email facility, allows bulk email and newsletter sending.MS .NETManojSrivastavaRPCSecureXMLW3C Compliant XML Signature Verification ServiceMS SOAPoakleafDOCU.S. CFR Full-text Search (CFRSearch) peforms a full-text search of the OakLeaf CFR demonstration databaseMS .NEToakleafDOCU.S. CFR Section text (CFRSect) Returns XML or Formatted XHTML section text from the US Code of Federal RegulationsMS .NEToakleafDOCU.S CFR Tables of Contents (CFRToc) Returns XML or XHTML Tables of Contents from the US Code of Federal RegulationsMS .NETClarity_ConsultRPCChicago Travel Times -. JavaProvides Current Chicago Traffic Conditions.Apache SOAPSERVICEOBJECTSDOCUPC Database Lookuplookup Grocery Items by Upc Numberms .Netsalcentraldocnotes Web ServicesTore A Note Against a keytype and keyvalue combination.

MS .NETServiceObjectsDOCFedEx / UPS Package TrackingTrack packages shipped with either UPS or FedExMS .NETServiceObjectsDOCStreet Address ValidationStreet Address Validation Web Service (US Only) MS .NETcchenowethDOCWhoisGets whois information .com for, .net, .org, and .edu.MS .NETmclarkDOCWeb Service Ideas BinLists of ideas that have been put forward by individuals and corporates as good ideas to develop into a web serviceMS .NETmclarkDOCWeb Service Advertising RingPurchase advertising space within an advertising ringMS .NETcchenowethDOCFont to GraphicReturns a file / URL that contains custom characters.MS .NETanandsenthil2RPCCountry - Population Lookup ServiceGives the Population for a given countryApache SOAPredcoalRPCSOAP sMSSend SMS to 130 countries using the Redcoal SOAP interfaceMS SOAPculandRPCWSMazeMulti-player game representing a virtual shared 3D maze displayed in an ActiveX clientDelphiesynapsDOCWeb Services Security MonitorAuthentication and logging service for web servicesMS .NE Torbeon.comRPCXRPCCWeb Service Interface to JAX-RPC xrpcc toolJAX-RPCCodeMechanisms.comDOCUNSPSC ConvertUNSPSC Code Search by keyword or hierarchy browsing.MS .NETosiebrownDOCDeveloper Technical Articles from frameWERKS.comTechnical article feedMS .NETacarvilleDOCLiveCityCamsGet Live Traffic and City Cams from around the Worldpepperzak.comRPCGerman Bank CodesTranslation of german bank codes (Bankleitzahlen) to bank names and vice versaBEA WeblogicServiceObjectsDOCATM Location DatabaseLookup ATM Locations by Zip Code (US Only) MS .NETkazoosoft.comRPCKazoo AnyWhoPeople finder by Phone number in the USDelphiServiceObjectsDOCIP2Location TranslatorTranslate IP addresses to city, state, country.

MS .NETmkturnerDOCWCAV PlaylistWCAV play list informationMS .NETAndersOhlssonRPCBorlandBabelA "babel fish" that speaks Swedish Chefish, Jive, Drawl, Eleet and other dialectsDelphitbjohnrayRPCNumber To WordsConverts a number to wordsDelphicchenowethDOCFREE Email Address VerifierChecks an email address by talking to the servers that own it. Very effective on msn / hotmail and yahoo addresses.MS .NETeltegra.comRPCMonthly Car PaymentCalculates your monthly car paymentEXADELtotiRPCVerbix - verb conjugationsVerb conjugations in tens of languagesDelphitbjohnrayRPCModulus CheckerChecks a string of digits using the 10-modulus algorithmDelphitbjohnrayRPCCaptain Haddocks CurserGenerates random curses from Captain Haddock in various languagesDelphijamsterdamDOCOrbitariumretrieves positions of the Sun, Moon, and Planets for any date and timeesynapsDOCMiss Proxy "the programmer" Cartoon strip serviceMS .NETcchenowethDOCDelayed Stock QuotesPulls 15 minute delayed Stock QuotesMS .NETcchenowethDOCPostal Ad dress CorrectionWill correct US Postal AddressesMS .NEThsaurinDOCUnisys Weather Web ServiceRetrieves the weather forecast from the Unisys Weather centerMS .NETsimonfellRPCWeblogs Watchera notifications interface for weblogs.comMS .NETesynapsDOCeSynapsSearchSearch for Web Services Articles / Sample Code / Coding TipsMS .NETxml-webservices.netDOCFinancial CalcServes some interesting financial calculationsMS .NETrichsolutions.comDOCRichPayments.NETePayment Web Service that suports credit cards, debit cards and check servicesMS .NETsonnemafDOCHtml2XmlConverts HTML to XMLMS .NETjconoDOCLocal TimeLocal time for a zip codeMS .NETsystinet.comRPCFreeDbServiceSOAP interface for freedb web siteWASP Server for Javajuicesoftware.

comRPCJuice Temperature ServiceReturns the current temperature for the specified zipcodejuicesoftware.comRPCJuice Snapshot ServiceReturns a market snapshot for the specified tickerjuicesoftware.comRPCJuice Earnings ServiceReturns earnings information for the specified tickerxmethods.netRPCXMethods Query ServiceProvides a SOAP RPC interface to XMethods for query operationsGLUEdanielRPCPlay Chess With a WebService (BCB6 !) Play Chess with a WebService (BCB6!) xml-webservices.netDOCJoke ServerServes jokes in different languagesMS .NETxml-webservices.netDOCSpanish ZipCodeesolves spanish city to a zip code and zip code to a cityMS .NETxml-webservices.netDOCTime ServerServes some simple time functionsMS .NETtisseghempDOCBelgium CitiesSearch on postal codes and cities in Belgium.MS .NETPeterMunningsDOCGetLocalTimeReturns the Local Time in South AfricaMS .NETinfobiquity.comDOCNearestTileDealerProvides telescopic positioning of Nearest Tile Dealer based on Zip Code coordinates.MS .NETinfobiquity.c omDOCHealthcareProviderSearchLists the Provider (s) for a given State Code or ZIP in USAMS .NETesynapsDOCBusiness Finder (UDDI) - Web ServiceThis Web Service queries the UDDI and returns an array of BusinessInfo objects ... MS .NETctsteveDOCEnglish to Pig LatinTranslate English to Pig LatinMS. NETesynapsDOCeSynapsFeedDaily Articles. Coding Tips and .NET Code samplesMS .NETmybubble.comRPCCompany ProfileProvides company profile for a given stock tickerApache SOAPmybubble.comRPCCurrent News for a StockProvides current news of a company for a given stock ticker.Apache SOAPmybubble.comRPCStock QuotesProvides current quotes and additional info . for a given stock ticker.

Apache SOAPmyezconnectRPCLoan Term WorksheetLoan Term WorksheetGLUEmyezconnectRPCExtra Payment WorksheetExtra Payment WorksheetGLUEmyezconnectRPCMonthlyPaymentWorksheetMonthly Payment WorksheetGLUEgeographynetwork.comRPCPlaceFinderReturns the x, y location for a place name in any part of the world.GLUEdanielRPCChessPlay Chess with a WebServiceDelphiesynapsDOCNFL Headline NewsGet the NFL Headline NewsMS .NETesynapsDOCWho IsThe Web Service form of "WhoIs "Domain Registry serviceMS .NETesynapsDOCDaily DilbertReturns a binary stream of Today's Dilbert comic stripMS .NETeltegra.comRPCMonthly Mortgage PaymentCalculates your monthly mortgage paymentEXADELjconoDOCLocation InformationInfo about a location from zip code, area code, city, or stateMS .NETcaryjensenRPCTemperature Conversion ServiceConverts Fahrenheit to Centigrade and vice versaDelphiGIServerRPCGIServer Location ServicesCountry Location and Projects Transformation of Geographic Points Using Inovagis ObjectsDelphibgoupIlrpcTechmin e's latest publicationsGet the latest publications of the groupe SQLI's R & D department (Techmetrix Research) Apache SOAPmybubble.comRPCDictionary MeaningProvides dictionary meaning (s) for a given word.Apache SOAPmarotz.seRPCSwedish Zipcode InfoMaps Swedish address to zipcode.Delphimybubble.comRPCSynonymProvides synonym (s) for A Given Wordapache SOAPXML-WebServices.Netdoccalculatorsimple Math Calculation ... ms .NETXML-WebServices.netdocconversionsconvert Between Different Unit of The Same Type of Measure.

MS .NETxml-webservices.netDOCProfileServes basic profile and login capabilities for future use with other services .. registration is free at this timeMS .NETxml-webservices.netDOCMailSenderSends plain text mail and HTML mail via formated SMTPMS .NETshinoRPCJapanese fortuneReturns an XML-formatted Japanese fortune .Apache SOAPrichsolutions.comDOCRichCardValidatorCredit Card Validation and Card Type Web ServiceMS .NETwest-wind.comRPCWeb Service Documentation ServiceDocuments Web Services based on their WSDL desccriptionVisual FoxProxml-webservices.netDOCEuro ConversorConverts to and from any Euro Zone Currency.MS .NETdataconcert.comRPCBusiness Data XSLTransformation serviceConvert business data to |! from CSV, EDI, xCBL and other XML vocabularies.MS SOAPbov.deRPCChristmasTreeCalculates the number of lights on your christmas tree Spheon JSOAPoneoutbox.comRPCSend FAXFax transmission serviceSOAPLiteb.swartRPCEuro ConversionConverts Euros to the 12 Euro-participating currencies and back.Kylixdpc hiesaDOCZipToCityStateRetrieves valid City State pairs for a given US Zip Code.MS .NETwest-wind.comRPCFoxCentralNews service for the FoxPro community.Visual FoxProbasselihDOCEnglish, French, Arabic DictionaryTranslation service and dictionary.MS .NETlamaan.comDOCQuran VerseRetrieve a verse of the Qur'an in English or ArabicMS .NETshivRPCSession Broker ServiceSession state storeDelphisctrlRPCZipCodeLookupLists zip codes within specified distance, calculates distances between zip codesMS .NETlucin.comDOCSMSSend SMS text messages, ringtones and operator logos.

MS .NETengelenRPCLinear Systems SolverSolves dense linear systemsgSOAPxaraonline.comRPCXara NavBar GeneratorXara NavBar GeneratorMS SOAPinfoRPCPrime GeneratorGenerate a prime number listDelphiprigatosRPCTakisActiveLibGet Used Cars From http: //www.AutoHellas.grMS SOAPbov.deRPCPeriodic tableGets element information from the periodic table.Spheon JSOAPshohoudyRPCWeather ConditionsTemperature and weather conditions. MS .NETperfectxml.comDOCSearchMusicTeachersLocates music teachers by zip code.MS .NETcircle24.comDOCEquated Monthly Instalment (EMI) CalculatorCalculates Equated Monthly Instalment (EMI) MS .NETcodecube.netDOCXRE OnlineXML-based rules engineMS .NETbov.deRPCgetStatisticsStatistics calculator and prime number tester.Spheon JSOAPebi .ac.ukRPCXEMBLRetrieves Nucleotide Sequence (s) and accociated information.SOAPLitegxchart.comRPCGxChartChart generator.MS SOAPxmlrad.comRPCWSFindMP3Find MP3 on xmlrad.comXMLRADsupportDOCMapserviceWeb service to create GIS maps and overlaysMS .NETengelenRP CMagic SquaresReturns a magic square of a given rank.gSOAPperfectxml.comDOCSalesRankNPriceSales Rank and Price for online bookstores.MS .NETeraserver.netDOCZipCode ResolverProvides zip code information for a US addressMS .NETeraserver.netDOCMXCheckerChecks for valid DNS MX records.MS .NETnims.nlRPCOnline Messenger ServiceOnline instant-messaging servicexaraonline.comRPCXara 3D graphics generator3d Text graphics generatorMS SOAPallesta.comRPCYahoo User PingYahoo user presence infoSOAPx4b.swartRPCDr.Bob's Programming Clinic HeadlinesNews headlines on six topics.Delphib.swartRPCNumber to Words (in Dutch) Converts Numbers to Dutch wordsDelphib.swartRPCRomulan Numbers XLIIConvert Roman Numbers <-> Digital NumBersdelphib.

swartRPCTic Tac ToeThe game of Tic-Tac-ToeDelphiseanco.comDOCElectronicProductsFinderElectronics product finder.MS .NETseanco.comDOCVideoGamesFinderVideo game product finder.MS .NETseanco.comDOCSportingGoodsFinderSporting goods product finder.MS .NETseanco.comDOCXMLDailyFactXML factoid updated daily.MS .NETseanco.comDOCDotnetDailyFact.NET factoid updated daily.MS .NETseanco.comDOCCustomNewsFeedinXMLFormatWeb service interface to moreover News Service.MS .NETcapeclear.comRPCAirportWeatherCurrent Airport Weather ConditionsCapeConnectjohnleDOCZipCodesValidates US and US Territory zip codes.MS .NETactivestate.comRPCPerl Package CheckerQueries ActiveState's Package State DatabasePerlExshinkatech.comRPCDNS Lookup ServiceDNS datesREBOLcapeclear.comRPCPolyCalcCalculates the area of ​​a MessengerSends a message through the jabber IM service.Apache SOAPdaveRPCWordFindPattern matching word finder and anagram generatorDelphishivRPCSend an EmailEmail sender serviceDelphishinkatech.comRPCEuro Currency ConverterConverts money amounts between Euro currencies.ShinkashivRPCDelphi ISAPI TutorialsInterface to Delphi ISAP tutorials at Matlus siteDelphikazoosoft.comRPCKazoo Training ClassesKazoo Software training course scheduleDelphixmlbus.comRPCInch <-> Millimeter ConverterConverts inches <-> mmXMLBusxmlbus.comRPCElectricity CalculatorVarious electricity- related calculationsXMLBussystinet.comRPCRpmFindServiceSOAP interface for rpmfind search / download web siteWASP Server for Bush CompositionsInterface to the Alan Bush Compositions Database.


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