Several methods of accessing the stored procedures in VB

zhaozj2021-02-16  152

What is the benefit of using the SQL stored procedure?

■ The SQL stored procedure is much better than SQL command text. When a SQL statement is included in the stored procedure, the server does not have to analyze and compile it every time it executes it.

■ Call the stored procedure, it can be considered a three-layer structure. This makes your program easy to maintain. If the program needs to do some changes, you can change the stored procedure.

■ You can use Transact-SQL's powerful features during storage. A SQL stored procedure can contain multiple SQL statements. You can use variables and conditions. This means you can build a very complex query with a stored procedure to update the database in a very complex manner.

■ Finally, this may be the most important, and parameters can be used during the stored procedure. You can transfer and return parameters. You can also get a return value (from the SQL RETURN statement).

Environment: WinXP VB6 SP6 SQLSERVER2000

Database: test

Table: Users

Create Table [DBO]. [User]

[ID] [INT] Identity (1, 1) Not NULL,

[truename] [char] (10) collate chinese_prc_ci_as null,

[regName] [25) collate Chinese_prc_ci_as null,

[PWD] [25) Collate Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL,

[sex] [char] (10) collate chinese_prc_ci_as null,

[email] [text] collate chinese_prc_ci_as null,

[jifen] [decimal] (18, 2) NULL

) On [primary] textImage_on [primary]


Alter Table [DBO]. [Users] with nocheck add

ConsTRAINT [PK_USERS] Primary Key Clustered



) On [primary]


Storage procedure SELECT_USERS

Create Procedure SELECT_USERS @Regname Char (20), @numrows Int Output



SELECT @numrows = @@ RowCount

IF @numrows = 0

Return 0



Storage process insert_users

Create Procedure Insert_Users @trueename Char (20), @Regname Char (20), @ sex char (20), @ Email Char (20), @ Jifen Decimal (19, 2)


INSERT INTO USERS (TrueName, Regname, PWD, SEX, Email, Jifen) Values ​​(@ Truename, @ regname, @ pwd, @ sex, @ email, @ jifen)


In the VB environment, add a DataGrid control, 4 buttons, 6 text boxes

The code is easy to understand.

'Quote Microsoft Active Data Object 2.x Library

Option expedition

DIM MCONN As Adodb.Connection

DIM RS1 As Adodb.Recordset

DIM RS2 As Adodb.Recordset

DIM RS3 As Adodb.Recordset

DIM RS4 as adodb.recordsetdim cmd as adoDb.command

Dim param as adodb.parameter

'Add data using the stored procedure with the first method.

Private submmand1_click ()

Set cmd = new adoDb.command

SET RS1 = New AdoDb.Recordset

cmd.activeConnection = MCONN

cmd.commandtext = "Insert_Users"

cmd.commandtype = adcmdstoredProc

Set param = cmd.createParameter ("Trueename", Adchar, Adparaminput, 20, TRIM (TXTTRUENAME.TEXT))

cmd.parameters.Append param

Set param = cmd.createParameter ("regName", Adchar, Adparaminput, 20, Trim (TXTREGNAME.TEXT))

cmd.parameters.Append param

Set param = cmd.createParameter ("PWD", Adchar, Adparaminput, 20, Trim (txtpwd.text))

cmd.parameters.Append param

Set param = cmd.createParameter ("SEX", Adchar, Adparaminput, 20, Trim (TXTSEX.TEXT))

cmd.parameters.Append param

Set param = cmd.createparameter ("email", adchar, adparaminput, 20, trim (txtemail.text))

cmd.parameters.Append param

'The following types need to be aware that if you do not use Adsingle, a precision invalid error occurs.

Set param = cmd.createParameter ("JIFEN", Adsingle, AdParaminput, 50, Val (txtjifen.text))

cmd.parameters.Append param

SET RS1 = cmd.execute

SET cmd = Nothing

SET RS1 = Nothing

End Sub

'Add data using stored procedures with the second method

Private sub fascist2_click ()

SET RS2 = New AdoDb.Recordset

Set cmd = new adoDb.command

cmd.activeConnection = MCONN

cmd.commandtext = "Insert_Users"

cmd.commandtype = adcmdstoredProc

cmd.parameters ("@ Trueename") = trim (txttrumename.text)

cmd.parameters ("@ regname") = trim (txtRegname.text)

cmd.parameters ("@PWD") = trim (txtpwd.text)

cmd.parameters ("@ sex") = trim (txtsex.text)

cmd.parameters ("@ email") = trim (txtemail.text) cmd.parameters ("@ jifen") = val (txtjifen.text)

SET RS2 = cmd.execute

SET cmd = Nothing

SET RS1 = Nothing

End Sub

'Use the third method to use the connection object to insert data

Private sub fascist4_click ()


Strsql = "INSERT_USERS '" & TRIM (TXTTRUENAME.TEXT) & "', '" & TRIM (TXTREGNAME.TEXT) & "'" "& TRIM (TXTPWD.TEXT) &" ',' "& TRIM (TXTSEX. Text) & "','" & TXTEMAIL.TEXT) & "','" & Val (txtjifen.text) & "'"

SET RS3 = New Adodb.Recordset


SET RS3 = Nothing

End Sub

'Display data using stored procedures

'To handle multiple parameters, enter parameters, output parameters, and a direct return value

Private submmand3_click ()

SET RS4 = New AdoDb.Recordset

Set cmd = new adoDb.command

cmd.activeConnection = MCONN

cmd.comMandtext = "SELECT_USERS"

cmd.commandtype = adcmdstoredProc

'return value

Set param = cmd.createParameter ("RetVal", Adinteger, AdParamReturnValue, 4)

cmd.parameters.Append param

'Input parameters

Set param = cmd.createParameter ("regName", Adchar, Adparaminput, 20, Trim (TXTREGNAME.TEXT))

cmd.parameters.Append param

'Output parameters

Set param = cmd.createParameter ("Numrows", Adinteger, ADPARAMOUTPUT)

cmd.parameters.Append param

SET RS4 = cmd.execute ()

IF cmd.parameters ("Retval"). Value = 1 THEN

Msgbox cmd.parameters ("nuMrows"). Value


Msgbox "No Record"


Msgbox rs 4.Recordcount



End Sub

'Connect to the database

Private sub flow_load ()

Set mconn = new connection

Mconn.connectionstring = "provider = SQLOLEDB.1; PERSIST security info = false; user ID = sa; initial catalog = test; data source = yang"

Mconn.cursorLocation = aduseclient 'is set to the client

End Sub

'Close data connection

Private Sub Form_Unload (Cancel AS Integer)


Set mconn = Nothing

End Sub


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