MPLAYER 1.0PRE5 installation documentation

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  72

At first, I installed a Realone (Gold version) but didn't have a sound. There is no way, I can only have the first skin MPlayer. I just didn't understand anything. I didn't understand anything. After a day, I finally thought I could see the image and sound. Now it is just, but I don't know how to do it, let the process record it. One is to make a commemoration, I don't forget it, if I can Others have some use, that's of course better!



MPlayer-1.0pre5.tar.bz2 decoder package: essential-20040916.tar.bz2 real file decoding package:

RP9CODECS-20040626.TAR.BZ2 font file: font-arial-ISO-8859-1.tar.bz2 Skin file: Blue-1.4.tar.bz2 (you can choose it yourself) 2. First install the decoder: Switch to the root user $ SU

#tar -jxvf essential-20040916.tar.bz2 #mv Essential-20040916 / USR / LIB / CODECS

#tar -jxvf rp9codecs-20040626.tar.bz2 # mv rp9codecs-20040626 / usr / lib / codecs or more commands to install the decoder package to / usr / lib / codecs, this path should be MPlayer default decoding position. If not This CODECS file directory can be built (MKDIR) 3. Compilation and installation MPLAYER: #tar -jxvf mplayer-1.0pre5.tar.bz2

#CD MPlayer-1.0pre5 #. / Configure --Nable-GUI (can add parameters

--with-codecsdir = / usr / lib / codecs --with-win32libdir = / usr / lib / codecs --with-reallibdir = / usr / lib / codecs --language = zh_cn, specifying the decoder, Windows media The directory location of the file decoder, the decoder of the REAL media file, and the system interface language is Chinese))

# Make # make install 4. Install the font file:

#TAR -JXVF FONT-Arial-ISO-8859-1.tar.bz2 #mv font-Arial-ISO-8859-1 / / USR / #CAL / Share / MPLAYER / FONT / #CD / USR / local / Share / MPlayer / font / # ln -s /usr/share/fonts/en_cn/TrueType/gbsn00lp.ttf subfont.ttf

5. Install SKIN:

#TAR -JXVF Blue-1.4.tar.bz2 # mv blue / usr / local / share / skin / #cd / usr / local / share / skin / # mv blue default ============= ========== Ok, try to try a gmPlayer in the command line to see ====================== Uninstall first to decompress

MPlayer-1.0Pre5 directory, # make uninstall ========================================= My now is manually mounting subtitles, I seem to have a mistake. The reason is not known for the time being. I hope the master told


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