PB automatically updates using Wininet's FTP mode (1, API and global variables)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  55

Some structures and APIs have no definitions in non-FTP mode documents.

A, API statement function uLong InternetOpenA (string lpszAgent, ulong dwAccessType, string lpszProxyName, string lpszProxyBypass, ulong dwFlags) library "wininet.dll" function ulong InternetConnectA (ulong hInternet, string lpszServerName, ulong nServerPort, string lpszUsername, string lpszPassword, ulong dwService , ulong dwFlags, ulong dwContext) library "wininet.dll" function boolean InternetCloseHandle (ulong hInternet) library "wininet.dll" function boolean FtpSetCurrentDirectoryA (ulong hConnect, string lpszDirectory) library "wininet.dll" function ulong FtpFindFirstFileA (ulong hConnect, string lpszSearchFile, ref s_WIN32_FIND_DATA lpFindFileData, ulong dwFlags, ulong dwContext) library "wininet.dll" function boolean InternetFindNextFileA (ulong hFind, ref s_WIN32_FIND_DATA lpvFindData) library "wininet.dll" function boolean FtpGetFileA (ulong hConnect, string lpszRemoteFile, string lpszNewFile, boolean fFailIfExists , ulong dwflagsandattributes, ulong dwflags, ulong dwcontext) library "wininet.dll" II, global variable String GS_Applica tion_nameSTRING GS_FTPSERVER1STRING GS_FTPSERVER2STRING GS_FTPSERVER3STRING GS_FTPLOGINUSER1STRING GS_FTPLOGINUSER2STRING GS_FTPLOGINUSER3STRING GS_FTPLOGINPASS1STRING GS_FTPLOGINPASS2STRING GS_FTPLOGINPASS3STRING GS_FTPLOGINPORT1STRING GS_FTPLOGINPORT2STRING GS_FTPLOGINPORT3LONG GL_FTPLOGINPORT1LONG GL_FTPLOGINPORT2LONG GL_FTPLOGINPORT3STRING GS_FTPDIR1STRING GS_FTPDIR2STRING GS_FTPDIR3GS_FTPSERVER1 = ProfileString ( "autodown.ini", "downpath", "FTPSERVER1", "") GS_FTPSERVER2 = ProfileString ( "autodown.ini", " DownPath, "FTPServer2", "") GS_FTPSERVER3 = ProfileString ("Autodown.ini", "


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