3D Game Engine Design and Implementation (17)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  50

Because someone keeps talking to me, there is no information, but only if there is a network. Then Google is checked, it is the best information.

Today, I will release all the connections. Everyone will look at it. The information is there. If your 3D is successful, you will see your understanding level and practice. I hope that everyone will work together to create the most successful 3D industrial product, a few days of Shenzhen open a Wenbo, but the most successful, the number of newspaper groups, of course, the most fascinating, the oil painting of Shenzhen Dafen Village Village, first, how can I think of oil painting and make such a large industry, there is more than 100 million RMB this time. So can you earn more than 100 million products with 3D products?

Do we get up to challenge 3D MAX, or other 3D software markets?

What is our 3D cultural industry found the market?


DirectX Links

http://msdn.microsoft.com/directx - DirectX developers homepage.http: //microsoft.com/directx - DirectX end-users homepage.http: //www.microsoft.com/xna/ - Microsoft's XNA homepage.http : //www.mvps.org/directx/ - graphics articles and source code.

General Links

Http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/ - msdn library.http: //mathworld.wolfram.com/ - great resource for mathematics.http: //www.physics hand mill.http: / /longhorn.msdn.microsoft.com/http://msdn.microsoft.com/longhorn/understanding/pillars/aValon/http://www.mathgv.com/ - Useful Math Function Plotting Free Software.

Math and Physics

Http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/user/baraff/www/pbm/pbm.html - Intro. Physically Based ModelingHttp://www.ioi.dk/homepages/thomasj/publications/ GDC2001.htm - Advanced Character Physics

3D Computer Graphics Links

http://research.microsoft.com/graphics/ - Microsoft's computer graphics research page.http: //developer.nvidia.com/ - NVIDIA developer homepage.http: //ati.com/developer/index.html - ATI developer Homepage.http: //astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/ - paul bourke's homepage. http://www.siggraph.org/ - ACM Siggraph HomePage.http: //www.wild-magic.com/ - Graphics info and source code.http://www.magic-software.com - graphics info and source code. Http://www.magic-software.com/graphics.htmlhtp://www.darwin3d.com/ - jeff Lander's Website. Check Out His Game Developer Articles.http://www.beyond3d.com/ - 3d News.http://www.faqs.org/faqs/graphics/Algorithms-FAQ/ - Comp.graphics.Algorithms NewsGroup FAQ . http://www.cs.brown.edu/~tor/sig2003.html - Siggraph 2003 Papers on the web.http://www.cs.brown.edu/~tor/sig2004.html - Siggraph 2004 Papers on The web.http://www.cognigraph.com/roam_Homepage/ - Roam Terrain Algorithm Homepage.http://www.cc.gatech.edu/gvu/peter/peter.lindstrom/ - Graphic Research Her peter lindstrom's homepage.http: //www.devmaster.net/ - general graphic / game development site with some articles.http: //research.microsoft.com/~ppsloan/ - graphic research.com/~ Ppsloan/ - graphic research.com/~ PPSLOAN /

S HomePage.http: //www.renderismiosity.com/ - YET Another 3D Computer Graphics Art Site.http: //www.vterrain.org/lod/papers/ - list of published Terrain Algorithm Papers.http: // research. scea.com/research/research.html - Sony Computer Entertainment America Research and Development.http: //developer.nvidia.com/object/melody_home.html - Melody program creates high quality normal maps that make a low-poly model look like A high-poly model.http: //www.Alias.com/eng/about/research/papers/ - Alias ​​Computer graphics research.http: //www.csclub.uwterloo.ca/clubs/spp/winter98/radiosityLinks. HTML - Radiosity Links.http://www.debevec.org/ - Paul Debevec's Graphics Page.http:///www.3dif.org/index.php - 3D Industry Forum.http://www.shadeCh.com/ - GPU Shader Site.http: //freespace.virgin.neet/hu.elias/models/m_ffire.htm - a Discussion Of Programming A Fire Simulation.http: //triplebuffler.devmaster.net/misc/yannl.php - Some Useful Forum Posts a mr. Yann L. Made on GameDev.com.http://mightystudios.com/h ome / index.php - Homepage of the author of Real-Time 3D Terrain Engines Using C and DirectX 9http: //www.flipcode.com/articles/article_lightmapping-pf.shtml - Lightmapping article.Game Art Resources

.. Http://www.planetside.co.uk/terragen/ - Homepage of the application Terragen, which is a free (for private use) terrain generating application You can use it to export terrain heightmaps and create terrain textures http: / /www.marlinstudios.com/home/home.htm - Commercial site that sells textures and 3D models for games, etc.http: //www.cgnetworks.com/ - Computer Graphics site that focuses on artwork, rather than algorithms.http : //www.3dfilmmaker.com/index.php - Another 3D Computer Graphics Art Site.http: //www.mayang.com/textures/ - Free Textures.http://www.3dbuzz.com/ - 3D Modeling Site with training videos http://www.turbosquid.com/ - Commercial site that sells textures and 3D models for games, etc.http:. //astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/texture/ - Downloadable textures.http : //www.realtexture.com/ - Commercial site that sells textures and 3D models for games, etc.http: //www.outhousesoftware.co.uk/gamesuccess.htm - Commercial site that sells textures and 3D models for games, Etc.http : //www.3-d-models.com/ - Commercial Site That Sells Textures and 3D Models for Games, etc.http://www.noctua-graphics.de/ENGLISH /FREETEX_E.HTM - Texture Resources.http: //www.planetquake.com/subverse/ - Texture Resources.http://www.vb3d.com/textures.html - Texture Resources.game Development Links

www.gamedev.net - General game developer site.www.flipcode.com - General game developer site.www.gameinstitute.com - Online game development courses.http: //www.igda.org/ - International Game Developer association.http : //gamasutra.com - Game Developer Magazine Website.http: //www.devmaster.net/ - General Game Developer Site.

Programming languages

Http://www.yoda.arachsys.com/csharp/faq -c # FAQ.http: //www.parashift.com/c -faq-lite/index.html - C FAQ.http: //blogs.msdn. COM / TMILLER / - TOM MILLER's Blog.http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/ - Doxygen Website - C Documentation Generator Program.dttp://std.dkuug.dk/jtc1/sc22/wg21/ DOCS / PAPERS / 2003 / - C Standard Proposals.commercial Sites

Http://www.tomshardware.comHttp: //www.aandtech.comHttp://www.extremetech.com/http://www.pricewatch.com.comHttp://www.lavasoftusa.com/software/adaware/#free


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