Third-party Connection Pooling Components

zhaozj2021-02-16  123

Connection pooling, many people don't know how the connection pool is truly realized, and the currently known DB Connection Pool has Jakarta Commons-DBCP, Poolman, RP Database Connection Pool, etc., as well as the proxool to introduce, Used in many projects, the most famous is a powerful or-mapping project Hibernate and JMS project OpenJMS.


JOTM: 1. What is Jotmjotm (Java Open Transaction Manager) is a full-service and resource-opened independent transaction manager developed by the ObjectWeb Association. It provides transaction support for Java applications and is compatible with JTA (Java Transaction API). You can learn more details in JOTM HOME Page. After Tomcat (or other servlet container), JSP and Servlet developers can get more robust web applications to create more robust web applications. 2. Why use Jotmjotm to provide the following performance to enhance web applications. 1. Fully distributed transaction support. If the data layer, the business layer, the representation is running on a different JVM, there is a possible transaction span these JVM, the content of the transaction is propagated on RMI / JRMP and RMI / IIOP. 2. Integrate JDBC. The xapool example is an XA-compatible JDBC connection pool that can be operated with the database. Xapool is similar to Jakarta DBCP, just adding XA-compatible features, and if you want to use JTA transactions with JDBC, you must follow this feature. 3. Integrate JMS. JOTM can combine JORAM, "JMS Provider" developed by the ObjectWeb Association, provides a JMS message for transactions. You can get the JMS message sender and updated database that appears in the servlet. 4.Web service transaction. JOTM provides BTP (Business Transaction Protocol, JOTM-BTP interface, which is used to increase transaction behavior in the web service. All of these features and documents can be found on JOTM files and websites. 3.Jotm's current version 2004-04-08: Jotm 1.5.3 Released 4.JOTM's URL learning JOTM provides 5 examples: Basic basic things Handling JDBC's job processing for JDBC supports the job processing of JDBC-DIST distributed JDBC, and supports multiple connection JMS to process the JMS to support Tomcat to Tomcat. The operational examples need to be modified (1) Run RMI (No modified) rmiregistry -j-classpath -jjotm.jar; jotm_jrmp_stubs.jar = .. / config / java.policy (2) Run JOTM (in Windows Platform) Call the colon: change to; Add Connector-1_5.jar to ClassPath Java-ClassPath Jotm.jar; Jotm_jrmp_stubs.jar; connector-1_5.jar; ../ Config / Org.ObjectWeb.Jotm.main -u UserTractions (3) Run the first example Modify build.xml ================================================== Run The Example ON RMI / JRMP>


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============================= After modification, run other examples to run other examples to see the example directory Readme file


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