Linux Directive Daquan (full article) (transferred from

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  70

CAT CD CHMOD Chown CP CUT Name: CAT Usage Permissions: All users use methods: cat [-abeensttuv] [--help] [--Version] filename Description: Connect the file to the basic output (screen or plus> Filename to another file) Parameters: -n or --Number starts with the number of rows numbers -b or -number-nonblank and -n of all outputs, but not numbered for blank lines -S or -SQUEEZE -BLANK encounters a blank line with two consecutive lines, it is changed to a row of blank line -V or --Show-nonprinting example: cat -n textfile1> textfile2 adds textFile1 file content After adding textfile2 File Cat -b TextFile1 TextFile2 >> TextFile3 adds the file number of TextFile1 and TextFile2 (blank line does not add), attached to the textFile3 name: CD Use Permissions: All users use mode: CD [DIRNAME] Description: Transform work catalog to Dirname. The DiRName representation can be an absolute path or relative path. If the directory name is omitted, transform to the user's Home Directory (that is, the directory where Login is located). In addition, "~" is also expressed as HOME DIRECTORY, "." Means the current directory, ".." indicates the current directory of the current directory location. Example: Jump to / usr / bin /: CD / usr / bin jumps to its own home Directory: CD ~ Skip to the current two layers of the current directory: CD ../ .. instruction name: CHMOD Usage Permissions: All users How to use: chmod [-cfvr] [--help] [--Version] mode file ... Description: Linux / UNIX file access rights are divided into three levels: file owners, groups, others. Using CHMOD how to control the file is accessed by others. Putting: Mode: Permissions Setting strings, formats are as follows: [Ugoa ...] [ - =] [rwxx] ...] [, ...], where u indicates the owner of the file, G represent With the owner of the file belongs to the same group (Group), o represents the other people, and A means that these are all. Represents increased permissions, indicates cancellation, = indicates unique setting permissions. R indicates that readable, W represents written, x represents executable, X represents only when the file is a subdirectory or the file has been set to be executed.

-c: If this file authority does have changed, it is displayed in the change action -f: If this file authority cannot be changed, do not display the error message-V: Display permission change - R: All files in current directory Permissions change with the subdirectory (that is, changed by a manual way) - HELP: Display auxiliary instructions --Version: Display version example: Set file file1.txt to everyone can read: chmod ugo R file1.txt Sets the file file1.txt to be read: chmod a r file1.txt Sets file file1.txt and file2.txt owner, with its own same group can write However, others cannot be written: Chmod Ug W, OW file1.txt file2.txt Sets to only this file owner can be executed: chmod u x will be in current directory All archives and subdirectories are available to anyone: ChMOD -R A R * Also CHMOD can also use numbers to indicate rights such as CHMOD 777 File syntax: chmod abc files, B, C each as a number The permissions of User, Group, and Other, respectively. R = 4, w = 2, x = 1 To RWX attribute 4 2 1 = 7; to RW-attribute 4 2 = 6; if the R-X property is 4 1 = 7. Example: chmod a = rwx file and chmod 777 File effect The same CHMOD UG = RWX, o = x file and chmod 771 File effect The same uses CHMOD 4755 filename to make this program with root permission command name: chown use permission: root use Method: chmod [-cfhvr] [--help] [--Version] User [: group] file ... Description: Linux / UNIX is multi-person multi-work system, all of which have owners. Use Chown to change the owners of the file. In general, this instruction only is used by the system administrator (root), and the general user has no permissions to change someone else's file owner, and there is no permission to change the owner of its own files to others. Only the system administrator (root) has such permissions. Teltering: User: User IDGroup: New Archive owner's User Group (Group) -c: If this file owner does change, it displays its change action -F: if this file The owner cannot be changed or the error message is not displayed - h: only for the link (LINK), not the LINK true pointing file -V: Details of the owner change - R: All files in current directory Make the same owner change with the subdirectory (ie, changed one by one by one) - Help: Display auxiliary instructions --Version: Display version example: Set the owner of the file file1.txt User Jessie : Chown Jessie: Users file1.txt All files in the current directory with the owner of the subdirectory of the subscriber Lamport: chmod -r lamport: users * Name: CP Usage Permissions: All users use: CP [Options] Source Dest CP [Options] Source ... Directory Description: Copy a file to another, or copy several files to another directory. Put the status of the file status, permissions as much as possible, etc. -r If the Source contains a directory name, the files in the directory are also copied to the destination.

-f If the destination already has the same file, it is deleted before the replication is removed. Example: Copy the file aaa (already existing) and name BBB: CP AAA BBB copies all C language to the finished subdirectory: CP * .c finished Name: CUT Usage Permissions: All User Usage: CUT - CNUM1-NUM2 FILENAME Description: Shows the text that counts Num1 to Num2 from the beginning. Example: Shell >> Cat Example Test2 this is test1 shell >> Cut -c0-6 example ## print 200 Test2 THIS I Name: Find Usage: Find User Description: Combine Expression in the archive system The file is listed. You can refer to a combination of different information such as the name, category, time, size, permissions, etc., only fully matched. Find determines the Path and Expression on the following rules, first on the command - (), the previous part is PATH, after which is Expression. If Path is a null string, use the current path, if Expression is a empty string, using -print to use the options you can use in the Expression (Expression) for more than twenty or thirty, here only the most common part is described. -mount, -XDEV: Only check and specify files under the same archive system, avoid listing files in other file systems - Amin N: Reads in the past N - Annewer File: More than file file Night-read file -Atime N: Files read in the past N: CMIN N: Changed in the past N: -cnewer file: file updated than file file - CTIME N: in the past N Sky-modified file -empty: empty file-gid n or -group name: gid is n or group name is name -ipath p, -path p: path name complies with P's file, IPath ignores case-write- Name name, -iname name: The file name is compliant with the file. INAME ignores uppercase-size N: The file size is n unit, b represents the block of 512-bit yuan group, c represents the number of words, and K means kilo bytes, W is two bit groups. -type C: The file type is C file. D: Directory C: Dictionarized Device Archive B: Block Device Archive P: Total Site F: General Archive L: Symbol Connection S: Socket -Pid N: Process ID This file You can use () Separate the arithmetic And use the following operations. Exp1 -and Exp2! EXPR-NOT EXP1 -OR EXP2 EXP1, EXP2 Example: List of all extended files in the current directory and its subdirectory is C.

# Find. -name "* .c" lists all the general files in its underlying directory, lists the current directory and its subdirectory all the files updated in the current directory and its subdirectory. # Find . -ctime -20 Name: Less Use Permissions: All Users User: Less [option] FileName Description: LESS's role is very similar to more, can be used to browse the text file, the different is Less allows the user to go Roll back to browse some parties that have been seen, because LESS did not read the entire file at the beginning, so when you encounter a large file, it is fast than the general instrument editor (such as vi). Example: Directive Name: LN Use Permissions: All users use mode: ln [options] Source Dist, where Option is: [-BDFINSVF] [-S backup-suffix] [-V {numbered, existing, simple}] [--HELP] [--Version] [-] Description: In the Linux / UNIX file system, there is a so-called link, we can treat it as an alias of the file, and the link can be divided into two: Hard Link and Soft Tie (Symbolic Link), the hard link means that a file can have multiple names, while the soft link is to produce a special file, the content of the file is to another file. position. Hard links are in the same archive system, while soft links can span different archive systems. The LN Source Dist is a link (dist) to SOURCE, as for the use of the hard link or soft link, is determined by the parameter. Whether it is a hard link or soft link, it will not copy a copy of the original file, and will only take a very small amount of disk space. -f: The file will first delete the file with the DIST: Allow the system administrator hard link to your directory -i: When deleting the file with the DIST, I'm inquiry -N: In progress When the soft link, the Dist is treated as a general file-S: Symbolic link -V: The file name is displayed before the connection - B: Backup of files that will overwrite or deleted during the link - S Suffix: Plus the backup files - VMETHOD: Specify the way backup - HELP: Display Auxiliary Description --Version: Display version: Zs YY generates a Symbolic link: zz ln -s yy ZZ generates a Hard Link: ZZ LN YY XX Name: Locate User Permissions: Locate [-Q] [-d] [--database =] locate [-r] [--Regexp = ] Locate [-qv] [-o] [--output =] locate [-e] [-f] <[- l] [-c] <[- u] [-u]> locate [-VH] [ --Version] [--help] Description: Locate allows users to quickly search for specified files in the archive system. Its method is to build a database including all file names and paths in the system, and then only query this database when looking for, without having to go deep into the archive system. In a general distribution, the establishment of the database is placed automatically in the contab. General users can use the type of # locate your_file_name when using. Parameters: -u -u Establish a database, -U will start with the root directory, and -U can specify the starting position. -e will exclude the range of findings.

-l if it is 1. Start safe mode. In safe mode, the user will not see the file that is not available. This will slow down because Locate must obtain the permission information of the file in the actual archive system. -f Examples of specific archives systems, for example, we have not to put the files in the proc archive system in the database. -q quiet mode does not display any error messages. -N is displayed to display an output. -r Use a regular arithmetic condition for the condition. -o Specifies the name of the stock. -d to specify the path of the database - H Display Auxiliary Message-V Display More News - V Display Program Version Message Example: Locate ChDRV: Find all files called ChDRV Locate -n 100 a.out: Look for all called A. OUT file, but only 100 Locate -u: Establishment Database Name: LS Use Permissions: All users use mode: ls [-alrtafr] [Name ...] Description: Display content under the specified work directory ( List the files and subdirectories included in the current working directory). -A Displays all files and directories (LS instead of starting the archive name or directory name "." is considered hidden file, not listed) -L In addition to the file name, file type, permissions, owner, The size of the file is detailed -R -R to display the file in the opposite order (original alphabetical order) -t list -A -A-A, but not listed "." (Current) Directory) and ".." (parent directory) -f plus a symbol after listed; for example, the executable is added "*", the directory is added "/" if there is a file in the directory, then the following The archives are also sequentially listed: List all the names of the beginning of the current work directory, and the more advances behind: ls -ltr s * list all directory and file details: LS -lr / bin lists all files and directories in current working directory; directory, add "/" after the name, can perform files After adding "*": LS -AF name: more Use Permissions: All users use methods: More [-dlfpcsu] [-num] [ / pattern] [ LineNum] [filenames ..] Description: Similar to CAT, but will make the user page-page reading with a page display, and the most basic instruction is Press the blank key (SPACE) to display the next page, press the BACK page to display, and there is also the function of the search string (similar to VI), use the instruction file, please press H .

Parameters: -Num The number of rows -D prompt users, display [Press Space to Continue, Q to Quit.] Below the screen, if the user presses the wrong button, [Press H for instructions.] Instead of Beep-L cancels the number of function -f calculating rows when the special font ^ L (paper feed character) is met, the number of rows after the actual line, not the number of rows after the automatic wrap (some single line words It will be extended to two rows or more. Old Data-S When there is a blank line with two consecutive lines, the blank line-U does not display the lower quotation marks (depending on the TERMINAL specified by the environment variable TERM) / in each file display Search for the string (Pattern), then start displaying from the string NUM Start displaying filenames from the NUM row to display files to display the contents of the content, can be used as a number of quotable examples: more -s testfile Displays the file content of Testfile If there are two consecutive lines of blank lines display in a row of blank lines. More 20 Testfile starts the contents of Testfile from the 20th line. Name: MV Use Permissions: All users use methods: mv [options] Source Dest MV [options] Source ... Directory Description: Move a file to another file, or move several files to another directory. Parameters: -i If the destination already has the same name file, first ask if the old file is overwritten. Example: Move the file aaa to bbb: MV AAA BBB Moves all C language to the finished subdirectory: mv -i * .c Name: RM Use Permissions: All users use: rm [options] name .. Description: Delete files and directories. Ask the account to be deleted one by one to confirm one by one. -f even if the original file property is set to read, it is also directly deleted without one by one. -r Detects the directory and below. Example: Delete all C language programming; before the deletion, check the confirmation: rm -i * .c Delete all files in the finished subdirectory and subdirectory: RM -R Finished Name: RMDIR Use Permissions: In the current directory, appropriate permissions All users use methods: rmdir [-p] DIRNAME Description: Delete empty directories. Parameters: -P is that when the subdirector is deleted, it will also be deleted by the way. Example: Delete the subdirectory named AAA in the working directory: RMDIR AAA deletes a subdirectory called Test in the BBB directory in the working directory. If the Test is deleted, the BBB directory is empty, then BBB is also deleted. RMDIR -P BBB / TEST Name: Split Use Permissions: All users use methods: split [option] [INPUT] Description: Split a file into several. From the INPUT division output into a fixed-size file, its file name is prefixaa, prefixab ...; prefix preset value `x. If there is no input file or `-, you will be read from the standard input.

兜  -b, --bytes = size size value is the size of each output file, in BYTE. -C, --Line-bytes = Size In each output, the maximum number of BYTEs in a single line. -L, --Lines = Number Number value is the number of column numbers for each output. -Number is the same as -l number. --verbose is printed before each output file is opened, and the quoted information is printed to the standard error output. --Help Displays the auxiliary information and then leave. --Version lists the published items and then leave. Size can join the unit: b represents 512, K represents 1k, M represents 1 meg. Example: Postgressql Large Database Backup and Recycling: Because Postgres allows the form to pass the maximum capacity of your system file, you may have problems with the table dump to a single file, using Split to file file segmentation. % pg_dump dbname | split -b 1m - filename.dump. Reloading% createDb dbname% cat filename.dump. * | PGSQL DBNAME Name: Touch Usage Permissions: All users User: Touch [-ACFM] [-r Reference -file] [--file = reference-file] [-t mmddhhmm [cc] yy] [. s] [-d time] [--date = TIME] [--Time = {Atime, Access, USE, MTIME , Modify}] [--NO-CREATE] [--HELP] [--Version] File1 [file2 ...] Description: Touch Directive changes the time record of the file. LS -L can display the time record of the file. Parameters: a Changing the read time record of the file. m change the modification time record of the file. C If the purpose file does not exist, it will not establish a new file. Like -No-Create. F is not used, is to retain to compatibility with other UNIX systems. r Use the reference file time record, like the effect of thefile. D Setting time and date, you can use a variety of different formats. T Time Record of the file is set, the format is the same as the DATE instruction. --NO-CREATE does not establish a new file. --Help lists the instruction format. --Version lists this message. Example: The easiest way of use is changed to the current time when the file is recorded. If the file does not exist, a new file will be established. Touch File Touch File1 File2 changed File's time record to 18:39, BC, twom. Time format can refer to the Date directive, at least you need to enter MMDDHHMM, which is the time of months and minutes. Touch -c -t 05061803 file touch -c -t 050618032000 file change the file time records to ReferenceFile. Touch -R Referencefile File changed the time record of File to 18:3:39 on May 6, two thousand years old. Time can be used in AM, PM or 24-hour format, and other formats can be used in other formats such as 6 May 2000.

Touch -d "6:03 PM" File Touch -d "05/06/2000" File Touch -d "6:03 PM 05/06/2000" File Name: AT Usage Permissions: All users use methods: AT -V [ -q queue] [-f file] [-f file] [-f file] Time Description: AT allows the user to specify a certain time or instruction in Time, Time's format is HH: mm in which HH is hour, mm is minute And even you can specify AM, PM, Midnight, Noon, Teatime (is 4 pm). If you want to specify the time in more than a day, you can use mmddyy or mm / dd / yy format, where mm is minute, DD is the day, yy refers to the year. In addition, the user can even use the NOW time interval to elastic designation time, where the time interval can be minutes, hours, days, weeks, and the user can specify Today or Tomorrow to represent today or tomorrow. When the time is specified and press Enter, the AT will enter the conversation mode and ask for input instructions or programs. When you press CTRL D, press Ctrl D to complete all the actions, as for the result of the execution, will be sent back to your account . Putting: -v: Print Publish No. -Q: Use the specified column (Queue) to store, the data of the AT is stored in the so-called queue, and the user can use multiple queue at the same time, and the Queue number is A , B, C ... Z, A, B, ... Z Total 52 - M: Even if the program / instruction is not completed, there is no output result, but also send a letter to the user -f file: read in advance Good command file. Users do not have to use the conversation mode to enter, first write all the specified first to the file once again read -L: List all the specified (the user can also use ATQ directly without AT -L) -D : Delete the specified (the user can use ATRM directly without using AT -D) -V: List all the specified examples that have been completed but have not been removed: 5 pm after three days of execution / bin / ls: AT 5PM 3 days / bin / ls three weeks later 5 pm on 5 pm / BIN / LS: AT 5PM 2 Weeks / Bin / LS Tomorrow 17:20 Execution / bin / date: at 17:20 Tomorrow / BIN / date 1999 The last day of the last day printed the end of world! At 23:59 12/31/1999 echo the end of world! Name: CAL Usage Permissions: All users use methods: cal [-mjy] [Month ] Description: Display calendar. If there is only one parameter, it represents the year (1-9999), showing the annual calendar. The year must be written: `` Cal 89 will not show the annual calendar of 1989. Use two parameters, indicating the month and year. If there is no parameter, this month's calendar is displayed. September 3rd on September 1752, the Western calendar, because most countries used a new calendar, 10 days of removal, so the monthly calendar of the month is somewhat different. It was before this.匡  -M: Displayed on Monday for weekly first day. -J: Displayed by Kaisa, that is, the number of days from January 1 is displayed. -y: Show this year calendar. Example: CAL: Shows the monthly calendar of this month.

[root @ mylinux / root] # Date Tue aug 15 08:00:18 CST 2000 [root @ mylinux / root] # Cal August 2000 Su Mo Tu We TH fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 [root @ mylinux / root] # CAL 2001: Show AD 2001 calendar. [root @ mylinux / root] # CAL 2001 2001 January February March Su Mo Tu We TH fr SU Mo Tu We TH fr SU Mo Tu We TH fr sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 14 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 28 29 29 30 31 25 26 27 2825 26 27 28 29 30 31 April May June Su Mo Tu We TH fr SU Mo Tu We TH fr sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 222 23 29 30 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 July August September Su Mo Tu We TH fr SA Su Mo Tu WE TH fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 222 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 31 2 3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 October November December Su Mo Tu We TH fr SU Mo Tu We TH fr SU Mo Tu We THFR SA 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 16 17 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 [root @ mylinux / root] # CAL 5 2001: Show AD 2001 May Calendar.

[root @ mylinux / root] # CAL 5 2001 May 2001 Su Mo Tu We TH fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 [root @ mylinux / root] # Cal -m: The first day of Monday is a weekly way to show this month. [root @ mylinux / root] # Cal -m August 2000 Mo Tu We TH fr SU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 [root @ mylinux / root] # Cal -jy: The number of days from January 1 show this year's calendar. [root @

MYLINUX / ROOT] # Cal -Jy 2000 January February Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 32 33 34 35 36 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 44 45 617 18 19 20 21 22 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 58 59 60 30 31 March April Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri SAT 61 62 67 64 69 70 71 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 86 87 88 89 90 91 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 May June Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu fri sat 122 123 124 125 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 135 136 137 138 165 166 167 168 169 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 174 171 172 173 174 175 176 149 150 151 152 177 178 179 180 181 182 July August Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 183 214 215 216 217 218 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 219 220 221 222 223 224 2 25 191 192 197 230 231 232 198 29 2002020202202202206 207 208 209 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 240 241 242 243 244 212 213 September October Sun Mon Tue WED THU Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 245 246 275 276 277 278 279 280 282 251 252 253 282 283 284 255 256 257 258 259 260 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 29 29 2922268 269 274 302 272 273 274 303 304 305 November December Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu fri sat 3037 308 309 336 337 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 338 339 343 344 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 352 353 354 355 356 357

358 331 335 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 [root @ mylinux / root] # Name: crontab Usage Permissions: All users use methods: crontab [-u user] filecrontab [-u user] {-l | -r | -e} Description: crontab is used to make users at a fixed time or fixed interval executable, in other words, that is, a similar user's schedule. -u user refers to the schedule that sets the specified user. This premise is that you have to have its permissions (such as root) to specify the schedule of others. If you don't use -u user, it means to set your own schedule. Number of meals: -e: Perform a text editor to set a time schedule, the constant text editor is VI, if you want to use the other text editor, first set the Visual environment variable to specify the use of that text editor. (For example, SETENV Visual Joe) -r: Delete the current Turkey -L: Lists the current schedule meter format as follows: F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 program where F1 is a minute, F2 represents hours, F3 Represents the day in one month, F4 means the month, F5 represents the first few days in the week. Program represents the program to be executed. When F1 is *, the Program is executed every minute, and the F2 is * indicates that the program is executed per hour, and the remaining classes have been applied to the first time to be AB, which is executed from the first minutes to the third time, F2 is When AB is executed from paragraphs A to B, the remaining classes are pushed to * / n when the f1 is * / N, indicating that each time interval is executed once, and F2 is * / n to execute each time time interval, the remaining classes When F1 is A, B, C, ... is shown in paragraph A, B, C, ... minutes to perform, F2 is A, B, C, ... indicated first, b, c ... In an hour, the remaining class push users can also store all settings first in the file file, and set the time schedule in the way of crontab file. Example: Perhab / bin / ls: 0 7 * * * / bin / ls per hour per hour per hour, per day to 12 o'clock, every 20 minutes per day / usr / bin / backup: 0 6-12 / 3 * 12 * / usr / bin / backup Monday to Friday 5:00 pm 0 17 * * 1-5 mail -s "hi" / dev / null 2> & 1. Name: Date Usage Permissions: All Users User Way: Date [-u] [-d Datestr] [-S DateStr] [--UTC] [--Universal] [--DATE = DATESTR] [--Set = DateStr ] [--HELP] [--Version] [ FORMAT] [MMDDHMM [CC] YY] [. SS] Description: Date can be used to display or set the date and time of the system, in display, & # xf

F0C; the user can set the format to display, the format is set to a plurality of plus numbers, where the list of available markers are as follows: Time:%: Print% N: Next Vhame T: Jumping % H: Hours (00..23)% i: Hours (01..12)% K: Hours (0..23)% L: Hours (1..12)% M: Minutes (00..59) % P: Display Local AM or PM% R: Direct Display Time (12 hours, the format is HH: mm: SS [AP] M)% s: From January 1, 1970 00:00 UTC to now Seconds% s: Second (00..61)% T: Direct display time (24 hours)% x: equivalent to% h:% m:% s% z: display time zone date:% a: Week (Sun..SAT)% A: Sunday..saturday% B: Month (JAN..DEC)% B: month (January..Dec)% C: Direct display date and time% d: Japan ( 01..31)% D: Direct display date (mm / dd / yy)% H: same% b% J: The first few days in the year (001..366)% M: Month (01..12) % U: The first day of the year (00..53) (in Sunday is the first day of the week)% W: The first day of the week (0..6)% w: one year The next few weeks (00..53) (in the case of Monday for a week)% x: Direct display Date (mm / dd / yy)% Y: The last two digits of the year (00.99)% Y: Complete If the year (0000..9999) is not starting with the plus sign, it means to set the time, and the time format is mmddhhmm [cc] yy] [. Ss], where mm is the month, DD is the day, HH is hour, MM is minutes, CC is the first two digits of the year, yy is two digits after the year, SS is the number of seconds: -d datestr: Display time set in DateStr (Non-system time) - Help: Display assistance Message-S DateStr: Set the system time to DateStr Setting Time-U: Show current Greenwich Time - Version: Display version number: Date after display time, then display the current date: Date % T% N% D shows the month and the number of days: DA TE % B% D Display Date and Set Time (12:34:56): Date --Date 12:34:56 Note: When you don't want to have meaningless 0 (for example, 1999/03/07) Then, you can insert-symbols in the mark, for example, Date % - H:% - M:% - S will remove the meaningless 0 in the middle of the time, like the original 08:09:04 changed to 8 : 9: 4. In addition, only the permissions (such as ROOT) can set the system time. When you change the system time with the root identity, please write the system time in CMOS in CLOCK -W so that the system time will continue to hold the latest correct value when it is rebooted next time. Name: SLEEP Usage Permissions: All users use mode: sleep [--help] [--version] Number [SMHD] Description: SLEEP can be used to delay the current action to delay a period of time parameter description: --help: Display auxiliary message - -Version: The version number Number: Time length, the back can be connected to S, M, H or D in seconds, m for minutes, H is hour, D is a daily number of days: displaying the current time delay 1 minute, then display again Time: Date; Sleep 1M; Date Name: Time Use Permissions: All users use methods:

Time [Options] Command [Arguments] Description: The use of the Time instruction is to measure the time and system resources such as the measurement of specific instructions. For example, CPU time, memory, input and the like, and the like. Special attention is required is that some information can not be displayed on Linux. This is because the allocation of some resources on Linux is not the same as the TIME instruction, so that the TIME instruction cannot be obtained. Set the result output file to the meter -o or --output = file setting. This option writes the output of the Time to the specified file. If the file already exists, the system will override its content. -A or --Append cooperation -o use, will write the result to the end of the file without overwriting the original content. -f format or - format = format Sets the display mode with the Format string. When this option is not set, you will use the system preset format. However, you can use the environment variable time to set this format, so you don't have to set it once every login system. In general setting, you can use t to indicate the jumping column, or use n to refer to the wrap. Each material uses% as a preamble. If you want to use a percentage symbol in the string, use it. (The people who have learned C language will feel very familiar) Time instructions can be displayed. There are four major items, respectively: Time Resources Memory Resources IO Resources Command Info Detailed content is as follows: Time Resources E Execute the time spending the instruction, The format is: [Hour]: minute: second. Note that this number does not represent the actual CPU time. e Execute the time spending the instruction, the unit is second. Note that this number does not represent the actual CPU time. The time spent on the core mode during the execution of the S command is seconds. U The time spent in the user mode during execution, the unit is second. P Execute the occupation ratio of the CPU when the command is executed. In fact, this number is the core mode plus the CPU time of the user mode divided by total time. The maximum value of the entity memory occupied by Memory Resources m. The unit is the average value of the entity memory occupied by KB T execution, and the unit is the total amount of memory occupied by the KB K executive program (STACK DATA TEXT), and the unit is self-information of the KB D execution program. The average size of the unshared data isa, the unit is the average size of the unshared stack of the KB P executable, and the unit is the average of the shared text. The unit is a KB Z system. The size of the memory page is byte. This is the number of major memory pages of this program for the same system. The so-called main memory page error is that a memory page has been replaced into the SWAP file and has been assigned to other programs. At this point, the content of this page must be read again from the replacement. R The number of times the secondary memory page of this program is incorrect. The so-called secondary memory page error is that although the memory page has been replaced into the replacement file, it is not allocated to other programs. At this point, the content of this page is not broken, and it is not necessary to read it from the replacement. W This program is forced to interrupt (like allocated CPU time depletion). Voluntary interruption (like a one I / O execution, like a disk read, etc. & # xff

09; Maximum number of files entered by this program O This program number RO of this program RRI SOCKET Message S received by this program This program is received by SOCKET Message K, the Signal Number of Signals Command The parameter of INFO C is executed and the EXIT STATUS. The EXIT STATUS is automatically set to set the display format to: Real% e user% u sys% s is the purpose of doing this is to Compatible with POSIX specifications. -v or --verbose This option lists the resources used in all programs, not only in general English statements, but also instructions. People who don't want to spend time to set or just start to contact this instruction is quite useful. Example: Use the following instructions Time -V PS -AUX we can get the results of PS -AUX and system resources taken. As listed below: User PID% CPU% MEM VSZ RSS TTY Stat Start Time Command Root 1 0.0 0.4 1096 472? S APR19 0:04 Init Root 2 0.0 0.0 0 0? SW APR19 0:00 [KFlushd] root 3 0.0 0.0 0 0? SW APR19 0:00 [KPIOD] ... root 24269 0.0 1.0 2692 996 PTS / 3 R 12:16 0:00 ps -aux command being timed: "ps -aux" User Time SECONDS: 0.05 System Time (Seconds): 0.06 Percent of CPU this Job Got: 68% Elapsed (Wall Clock) Time (H: mm: SS OR M: SS): 0: 00.16 Average Shared Text Size (KBYTES): 0 Average unshared data size (kbytes): 0 Average Stack Size (Kbytes): 0 Average Total Size (KBYTES): 0 Maximum Resident Set Size (Kbytes): 0 Average Resident Set size (kbytes): 0 Major (Requiring I / O) page faults: 238 Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 46 Voluntary context switches: 0 Involuntary context switches: 0 Swaps: 0 File system inputs: 0 File system outputs: 0 Socket messages sent: 0 Socket messages received: 0 Signals delivered: 0 page size (bytes): 4096 EXIT STATUS: 0 Name: Uptime Use Permissions: All users use mode: uptime [-v] Description: U PTIME provides users below, no need for other parameters: The current time system is running to the current time connected to the number of users recently one minute, five minutes and fifteen systems load parameters: -v Display version information . Example: Uptime The result is: 10:41 AM UP 5 Days, 10 min, 1 Uses, Load average: 0.00, 0.00, 1.99 Name: CHFN Usage Permissions: All User Usage: Shell >> CHFN Description:

For users to change individual information, used for Finger and Mail UserName Example: shell >> CHFN Changing Finger Information for User Password: [DEL] Name []: Johnney Huang ### provides information when providing finger Office []: NCCU Office Phone []: [DEL] Home Phone []: [DEL] Name: ChSH Use Permissions: All Users Usage: Shell >> Chsh Description: Change the user shell setting example: shell >> Chsh Changing Fihanging Shell for User1 Password: [DEL] New shell [/ bin / tcsh]: ### [is currently used shell] [DEL] shell >> chsh -l ### display / etc / shells file content / bin / bash / bin / sh / BIN / ASH / BIN / CSH / BIN / TCSH / BIN / CSH "Finger [Back] Name: Finger Use Permissions: All Users User: Finger [Options] User [@address] Description: Finger allows the user to query some Other users' information. The information that will be listed is: login name user name home directory shell login status mail status .plan .project .forward where .plan, .project and .forward are in his home directory. Information in Plan, .Project and .Forward. If there is no. Finger directive is not limited to inquiry on the same server, you can also find the user on a remote server. Just give an image E-mail address is average address. Put the  -L multi-line display. -S single line display. This option only displays the login name, real name, terminal name, idle time, login time, office number, and phone number. If the user is the user of the remote server, this option is invalid. Example: The following instructions You can query the information of this machine administrator: Finger root results as follows: login: root name: Root Directory: / root shell: / bin / bash never logged in. Name: Last Usage Permissions: All users User: Shell >> Last [Options] Description: The display system is booted from each Men's Message Login's Message  -R 省 Hostname's field -Num show before NUMUNAME display username login message TTY Login message Contains Terminal code: shell >> Last -R -2 Johnney PTS / 1 MON AUG 14 20:42 STILL Logged in Johnney PTS / 0 MON AUG 14 19:59 STILL Logged in WTMP Begins Tue Aug 1 09:01:10 2000 ### / var / log / wtmp shell >> Last -2 Minery Minery PTS / 0 MON AUG 14 18:37 - 18:40 (00:03) Minery PTS / 0 140

.119.217.115 Mon Aug 14 17:22 - 17:24 (00:02) WTMP Begins Tue Aug 1 09:01:10 2000 Name: Login This command will not be done! Oh, I am not here, I have a push ink to delay everyone's beautiful youth ^ _ ^ Name: passwd usage rights: All users use methods: passwd [-k] [-l] [-u [-f] [-d] [- S] [username] Description: Use to change the user's password parameters: -k -l -u -f -d Close the user's password authentication function, the user will not need to enter a password when logging in, only the root privilege The user can use. -S Display the user's password authentication type, only the user who has root privileges can be used. [Username] Specify an account name. Name: WHO Use Weilline: All users can use

How to use: WHO - [husfv] [user]

Note: There are those users in the display system being on, and the data displayed contains the user ID, the terminal used, connected from there, online time, lag time, CPU usage, action, etc.

Tie count:

-H: Do not display the title column -u: Do not display the user's action / work-S: Use the short format to display -f: Do not display the user's online location -V: display program version name: / etc / aliases use Permissions: System Manager Usage: Please use the newaliase update database Description: Sendmail uses an action that converts the user name transition in / etc / aliases. When sendmail receives a letter to XXX, it will be given to another by the content of the AliaSS file. This feature creates a user who is only valid in the letters system. For example, Mailing List uses this feature. In MailingList, we may create a mailingList called, but actually doesn't have a user named RedLinux. The actual AliaSS file is to receive the Mailing List processing of the Mailing List processing.

/ etc / aliases is a file file, Sendmail requires a binary format /etc/aliases.db. NEWALIASES's functional is to convert / etc / aliases into a repository that SENDMAIL can understand. Example: # newaliases

The following command will do the same thing, # sendmail -bi

Related Commands: Mail, Mailq, Newaliases, Sendmail

"Mail [Back] Name: Mail

Use permission: All users

How to use: mail [-iinv] [-S Subject] [-c cc-addr] [-b bcc-addr] user1 [user 2 ...]

Note: Mail is not only an instruction, but Mail is also an email program, but people who use Mail to read the letter should be very few! For system managers, Mail is useful, because managers can write to Script with Mail, regularly send some memorandum of reminder systems.

Parameters: I ignore the interrupt signal of TTY. (Interrupt) I forced to set up interactive mode. (Interactive) V lists the message, such as the location, state, etc. of the send letter, etc. (Verbose) N Do not read the mail.rc setting file. S Mail title. C CC mail address. B BCC email address.

Example: Getting the letters to one or more email addresses, because no other options are added, the user must enter the contents of the title and the letter. User2 does not have a host position, it will be given to the user2 user of the mail server.

Mail User1@email.address mail user1@email.address user2

Sending the content of mail.txt to user2 simultaneously CC to USER1. If you set this line instruction to cronjob, you can send a memo to the system user.

Mail -s Title - C User1 USER2

Directive: MESG Use Permissions: All users

How to use: MESG [y | n]

Explanation: Decide if other people are allowed to pass on their own terminal

Put on

Y: Allow messages to the terminal interface. n: Do not allow messages to the terminal interface. If there is no setting, the message delivery is fixed by the terminal interface.

Example: Changing the current message setting, changed to the end mesh: MESG N

Directives related to MESG are: Talk, Write, Wall.

Name: / etc / aliases Use Permissions: System Manager Usage: NewaliaSs Description: Sendmail uses an action that converts the user name transition in / etc / aliases. When sendmail receives a letter to XXX, it will be given to another by the content of the AliaSS file. This feature creates a user who is only valid in the letters system. For example, Mailing List uses this feature. In MailingList, we may create a mailingList called, but actually doesn't have a user named RedLinux. The actual AliaSS file is to receive the Mailing List processing of the Mailing List processing.

/ etc / aliases is a file file, Sendmail requires a binary format /etc/aliases.db. NEWALIASES's functional is to convert / etc / aliases into a repository that SENDMAIL can understand.

Parameters: No parameters. Example: # newaliases

The following command will do the same thing, # sendmail -bi

Related Commands: Mail, Mailq, Newaliases, Sendmail

Name: Talk Use Permissions: All users

Use mode:

Talk Person [TTYNAME] Description: Talk to other users

Tie count:

Person: Prepare the user account, if the user can enter ttyname on other machines: If the user has more than two TTY connectors, you can choose the right TTY message.

Example. 1:

Talking to the user Rolland on the machine now, then Rollaend has only one connection: Talk Rolland

The next step is to respond, if rollaend accepts, RollaEnd Enter the `Talk Jzlee`, you can start talking, press CTRL C.

Example. 2: Talk to the user Rolland on, use PTS / 2 to talk: Talk PTS / 2

The next step is to respond, if rollaend accepts, RollaEnd Enter the `Talk Jzlee @ Jzlee.home`, you can start talking, press Ctrl C to pay attention: If the word of the screen appears abnormal character, try Press CTRL L to update the screen screen.

Name: WALL Use Permissions: All users

Use mode:

Wall [Message] Instructions: Wall transmits the message to each MESG to set it to YES. When using the terminal interface as standard, add EOF (usually using Ctrl D) 


Communication "hi" gives each user: Wall Hi

Name: WRITE Use Permissions: All users

Use mode:

Write user [TTYNAME] Description: Communication to other users

Tie count:

User: User account TTYNAME: If the user has more than two TTY connectors, you can choose the right TTY message.

Example. 1:

The news is given to ROLLAEND, and Rolland has only one connection: Write Rolland

The next is to hit the message, please press CTRL C.

Example. 2: Communication to Rolland, Rolland's connection with PTS / 2, PTS / 3: Write RollaEnd PTS / 2

The next is to hit the message, please press CTRL C.

Note: If the other party sets MESG N, the interpretation will not pass to the other party.

Name: Kill Use Permissions: All users

Use mode:

Kill [-s signal | -p] [-a] pid ... kill -l [signal] Description: KILL sends a specific signal (Signal) to the stroke ID as a specific action based on this signal, If there is no designation, the preset is to send a signal to terminate (TERM).

-S (Signal): Among them, the signals are HUP (1), KILL (9), TERM (15), which represents heavy run, cut off, end; detailed signals can be printed with the PID Do not send the signal -L (Signal): list all available signal names:

Cut the PID 323 (KILL): Kill -9 323

Running the PID of 456 (Restart): Kill-Hup 456

Name: NICE Use Permissions: All users

How to use: nice [-n adjustment] [-adjustment] [--adjustment = adjustment] [--help] [--version] [Command [arg ...]]

Description: Execute the program with a changed priority, if not specified, print the current scheduled priority, the internal Adjustment is 10, the range is -20 (highest priority) to 19 (minimum priority)

Put on

-n adjustment, -adjustment, --adjustment = Adjustment is the addition of the original priority Adjustment --Help Display Self-Help Display Release Information Example: Put the priority of the LS 1 and execute: nice -n 1 ls

Add 10 priority sequences and execute: Nice LS adds the priority of the LS 10 and execute

Note: Priority is used for the job system to determine the parameters assigned by the CPU. Linux uses the "Round-Robin" to do the CPU schedule, the higher the priority, the cpu time that may be obtained more. Name: PS Usage Permissions: All users use mode: PS [options] [--help] Description: Show the dynamic parameters of the moment: PS [Options] Dynamic parameters: PS is very large, only a few common parameters are listed here and Ondering Introduction Meaning-A List All Tour-W Display Widening You can display more information -au Display more detailed information -Aux Display all strokes that contain other users

Au (x) output format:

User PID% CPU% MEM VSZ RSS TTY Stat Start Time Command User: PID% PID: PID% CPU: User CPU Usage% MEM: Occupied Memory Usage VSZ: Used Virtual Memory Size RSS: Used Memory Size TTY: The secondary device number of the terminal Stat: The state of this stroke: D: Uninterrupted stationary (通 □ □ b performs I / O action) R: is being executed : Static status T: Pause to execute Z: No to exist but temporarily unable to eliminate W: Not enough memory paging assigns <: high priority stroke N: low priority stroke L: There is a memory paging assignment and lock in memory In vivo (instant system or AI / O) START: Time Time Time: Performed Time Command: The instruction performed


Ps Pid Tty Time CMD 2791 TTYP0 00:00:00 TCSH 3092 TTYP0 00:00:00 PS% PS -A PID TTY TIME CMD 1? 00:00:03 INIT 2? 00:00 KFlushd 3? 00:00 : 00 Kpiod 4? 00:00:00 kswapd 5? 00:00:00 mdrecoveryd .......% PS -AUX User PID% CPU% MEM VSZ RSS TTY Stat Start Time Command Root 1 0.0 0.7 1096 472? S Sep10 0:03 init [3] root 2 0.0 0.0 0 0? SW SEP10 0:00 [KFLUSHD] root 3 0.0 0.0 0 0? SW SEP10 0:00 [KPIOD] root 4 0.0 0.0 0 0? SW SEP10 0: 00 [kswapd] ........

Name: PStree Use Permissions: All users use methods: pstree [-a] [-c] [-h | -hpid] [-l] [-n] [-p] [-u] [-g | -u ] [PID | User] PStree -V Description: Display all the strokes in a tree map, the tree map will be the root (root) in PID (if there is specified) or in init, if there is a specified user ID, the tree map only shows the stroke parameters owned by the user: -a Displays the full instructions and parameters of the stroke, if it is replaced by the memory body, it will add bracket -c if there is a rebound The trip name is listed separately (the preset value will be added in front] * Example:


INIT - - AMD | -APMD | -ATD | -HTTPD --- 10 * [httpd]% PSTree -P init (1) - - AMD (447) | -APMD (105) | -ATD (339)% PStree-CIT - - AMD | -APMD | -ATD | -HTTPD - - httpd | | - httpd | | -httpd ....

Name: RENICE Use Permissions: All users usage: renice priority [[-p] pid ...] [[-g] pgrp ...] [[-u] user ...]

Explanation: Refaten a priority of one or more strokes (one or more will depend on the above parameters)

Put on

-p PID re-specifies the ID of the ID of the stroke to the priority of the stroke of the PID -G PGRP re-specifies the id of the stroke group (one or more) of the PGRP (one or more) priority -u user re-specifies the stroke owner Priority example of the stroke of User: The stroke ID is 987 and 32 strokes and stroke owners are Daemon and root priority numbers plus 1: renice 1 987 -u daemon root -p 32

Note: Each trorate has a unique ID 

Name: TOP Usage Permissions: All users

How to use: TOP [-] [D DELAY] [q] [c] [s] [s] [i] [n] [b]

Explanation: Display Process dynamics instantly

Put on

D: Change the displayed update speed, or press SQ: No delay display speed, if the user has the permission of Superuser, TOP will perform C: Switching the display mode, there are two modes, one is only the name of the execution file, the other is to display the full path and the name S: cumulative mode, the CPU Time of the DEAD CHILD Process, which will complete or disappear. Cumulative S: Safety mode, cancel the conversation instruction, avoid potential crisis i: No idle (IDLE) or useless (Zombie) stroke N: update number, will exit TOP B: Batch file after completion Mode, with "N" parameters, can be used to output TOP's results to the file

Example: Show out after ten times to display; top -n 10

Users will not use the conversation instruction to the stroke command: top -s

Enter the update display twice into the file name to top.log: TOP-N 2 -B

Name: Skill

Use permission: All users

How to use: skill [signal to send] [options] Select the rules of the program


Send a signal to the executable program, the preset message is Term (interrupt), the more often used information is HUP, INT, KILL, STOP, CONT, and 0

The message has three ways: -9, -sigkill, -kill, can use -l or -l already listed the available messages.

General parameters:

-f fast mode / has not been completed

-i interactive mode / each action will be confirmed

-V Detailed output / list of selected programs

-w Intelligent warning message / has not been completed

-n no action / display program code

Parameters: The rules of the selection can be that the terminal code, the user name, the program code, the command name.

-T Terminal Code (TTY or PTY)

-u user name

-P program code (PID)

-c Command Name You can use the signal:

The known signal name, signal code, and function will be listed below.

Name (code) function / description

ALRM 14 leaves

HUP 1 leave

INT 2 leave

Kill 9 leaves / forced close

PIPE 13 leaves

Poll leaves

PROF leave

Term 15 leaves

USR1 leaves

USR2 leaves

VTALRM leaves

STKFLT leaves / only for i386, M68k, ARM, and PPC hardware unused leaves / only for I386, M68K, ARM, and PPC hardware

TSTP stop / generate behavior related to content

TTIN stop / generate behavior related to content

Ttou stop / generate behavior related to content

STOP stop / forced shutdown

CONT From the new start / if the stop state is started, otherwise ignore

PWR ignores / leave in some systems

Winch ignores

CHLD ignores

ABRT 6 core

FPE 8 core

Ill 4 core

Quit 3 core

SEGV 11 core

TRAP 5 core

SYS core / perhaps no actual

EMT core / perhaps no actual

BUS core / core failure

XCPU core / core failure

XFSZ core / core failure


Stop all program skill -kill -v pts / * on the PTY device

Stop three users USER1, User2, user3 skill -stop user1 user2 user3

Other related commands: kill

Name: EXPR

Use permission: All users ### string length

Shell >> EXPR Length "this is a test" 14

### Digital Commercial Number

Shell >> EXPR 14% 9 5

### From the location

Shell >> EXPR SUBSTR "this is a test" 3 5 IS IS

### Digital Skewers Only The First Character

Shell >> Expr Index "Testforthegame" E 2

### String truly reproduced

Shell >> EXPR Quote Thisisatestfor Mela ThisisateStFormela

Name: TR

### 1. Compare to the part to change all uppercase files in the directory to lowercase files?

There seems to be many ways, "TR" is one of them:

#! / bin / sh

DIR = "/ tmp / testdir"; files = `Find $ dir -type f`; for i in $ files do dir_name =` Dirname $ I`; ori_filename = `basename $ I` NEW_FILENAME =` Echo $ Ori_FileName | TR [ : Upper:】 [: Lower:] `> / dev / null; #echo $ new_filename; mv $ dir_name / $ ori_filename $ dir_name / $ new_filename done

### 2. ourselves ... LowerCase to Uppercase

Tr Abcdef ... [DEL] ABCDE ... [DEL] TR A-Z A-Z TR [: Lower:] [: Upper:]

Shell >> Echo "this is a test" | TR A-Z A-Z> WWW shell >> Cat WWW this is a test

### 3. Remove the string of unwanted

Shell >> Tr -d this ### Remove the T.E.T this

Man MAN Test E

### 4. Replace strings

Shell >> Tr - "this" "Test" this test th te TE

Directive: CLEAR Utue: Clear the screen.

How to use: Enter clear on Console.

Name: Reset, Tset How to use: tset [-iqqrs] [-] [-e ch] [-i ch] [-k ch] [-m mapping] [Terminal] Instructions:

Reset actually and tset is a command that is the purpose of setting the terminal. In general, this command will automatically determine the current terminal of the current terminal from the environment variable, command column, or other configuration. If the specified type is?, This program will ask the user to enter the terms of the terminal.

Since this program sets back the terminal back to the original state, in addition to the use of login, when the system terminal enters some strange states because the program is not properly executed, you can also use it to reset the terminal O, for example Be careful to enter the binary file with the CAT directive to the terminal, often there is a terminal that does not respond to the keyboard input, or responds to some strange characters. You can reply to the original state with RESET. Option Description:

-p Displays the terminal category on the screen, but does not make the set action. This command can be used to achieve the category of the current terminal. -e ch Associates the ERASE unit into a CH -I CH to set the interrupt character into ch -K CH will delete the character of the row to set a CH -I to do the set action. If there is no option -Q, ERASE , The current value of the interrupt and deletion of the character will still be sent to the screen. -Q Do not display ERASE, interrupt, and delete the value of the character to the screen. -r Prints the terminal machine class on the screen. -s Send the typed string of the command to the TERM to the terminal, usually in .login or .profile example: Let the user enter a terminal model and set the terminal to the type. Preset status. # RESET?

Set the ERASE character set Control-h # reset -e ^ b

Display the string of setting on the screen # reset -S Erase IS Control-B (^ b). Kill IS Control-U (^ U). Interrupt IS Control-C (^ c). Term = xterm;

Name: Compress

Use permission: All users

How to use: Compress [-dfvcv] [-B Maxbits] [file ...]

Note: Compress is a fairly ancient UNIX file compression instruction. The compressed file will add a .z extended file name to distinguish an uncompressed file, and the compressed file can be decompressed in uncompress. To press the plurality of files into a compressed file, you must first turn the archive Tar and then compress. Since Gzip can generate more ideal compression ratios, the general people have changed more Gzip to archive compression tools.

Parameters: c Output Results to standard output devices (General referred to screen) F Forced writing files, if the destination already exists, it will be overwritten (force) the message executed by the program on the screen (Verbose) B The upper limit of the number of common strings is set, and the value can be set to 9 to 16 BITS with bit yuan. Due to the larger value, the more common strings that can be used, the larger the compression ratio, so the preset value 16 bits (bits) D will use the compressed file unzipped the V listing message.


Complicate Source.dat into source.dat.z, if Source.dat.z already exists, the content is overwritten by the compressed file.

Compress -f Source.dat

Complicate Source.dat into source.dat.z and prints the compression ratio. -v and -f can be used together

Compress -VF Source.dat

When the compressed data is output, import Target.dat.z can change the compressed file name.

Compress -c Source.dat> Target.dat.z

The larger the value of -b, the larger the compression ratio, the range is 9-16, and the preset value is 16. Compress -b 12 Source.dat

Unfolding Source.dat.z into Source.dat. If the file already exists, the user presses Y to determine the coverage file, and the file will be automatically covered if the -df program is used. Since the system will automatically join .Z is an extended file name, Source.dat will automatically be treated as Source.dat.z.

Compress -d source.dat compress -d source.dat.z

Name: LPD

Use permission: All users

How to use: LPD [-l] [#port] LPD is a resident printing machine management, which manages local or distal printers based on / etc / printcap content. Each printer defined in / etc / printcap must have a corresponding directory in / var / lpd. In the directory, a copy of the CF starts in a directory indicates a printing work waiting to be sent to the appropriate device. This file is usually generated by the LPR.

LPR and LPD constitute a system that can work offline. When you use LPR, the printing machine does not need to be available immediately, and no existence. LPD automatically monitors the status of the printing machine. When the press is online, the file will be sent immediately. This has to wait for the previous work to complete the previous job.


-l: Display some of the unlocked messages on the standard output. #port: In general, LPD uses GetServByName to get the appropriate TCP / IP Port, you can use this parameter to force LPD to use the specified port.

Example: This program is usually performed at the beginning of the system from the program in /etc/rc.d.

Name LPQ - Displays unfinished work usage in the listing machine

LPQ [L] [P] [User]

Note that LPQ displays items that are not completed in the list of lists managed by the LPD.

Example Example 1. Display all work in the LP list machine

# lpq -pljPrank Owner Job Files Total Size1st Root 238 (Standard Input) 1428646 Bytes

Related functions LPR, LPC, LPD

Name: LPR

Use permission: All users

Using the way: lpr [-pprinter] sent files or distributed by standard input to the printing machine, the printing machine management program LPD will give this file to the appropriate program or device. deal with. The LPR can be used to process the material to be sent to the local or distal host.


-pprinter: Send the data to the specified printer Printer, the preset value is LP.

Example: Send www.c and kkk.c to the printer LP. lpr-plp www.c kkk.c

Name: LPRM - Remove a job by the printing machine

/ usr / bin / lprm [p] [file ...]

NUMTRISTERS Work is placed in the printing machine, this command can be used to cancel the work of the printing machine. Since each printer has a separate storage, you can use the -P command to set the printed machine you want to function. If there is no setting, the system preset press will be used.

This command checks if the user has enough permissions to delete the specified file. In general, only the owner of the file or the system administrator has this permission.

Example removal of No. 1123 in the printing machine HPPrinter

Lprm -Phpprinter 1123

Working No. 1011 is removed from the preset printing machine

LPRM 1011

Name: fdformat

Use permission: All users

How to use: fdformat [-n] Device Instructions: Low-order formatting of the specified soft disc device. When using this instruction to format the floppy disk, it is best to specify the following device:

/ DEV / FD0D360 disk machine A:, magnetic 360KB disk / dev / fd0h1440 disk machine A:, magnetic disk is 1.4MB disk / DEV / FD1H1200 disk machine B:, magnetic disk is 1.2MB disk If you use a device like / dev / fd0, if the disk inside is not a standard capacity, formatting may fail. In this case, the user can specify the necessary parameters first with the setFDPRM instruction.


-N Close the confirmation function. This option closes the formatted confirmation step.



Format the magnetic disk of the disk machine A into a 1.4MB magnetic sheet. And the confirmation step is omitted.

Name: MFormat

Use permission: All users

Use mode:

MFORMAT [-T cylinders] [-h heads] [-l volume_label] [-f] [-i fsver-sion] [-S SIZECODE] [-2 Sectors_ON_TRACK_0] [-M Software_sector_size] [-A ] [-X] [-C] [-H hidden_sectors] [-r root_sector] [-b boot_sector] [-0 rate_on_track_0] [-A rate_on_other_tracks] [-1] [-k] Drive:

The DOS archive system is established on a magnetic sheet that has been made in low-order formatting. If you open the parameters of the USE_2M when compiling MTools, the partial parameters associated with the 2M format will work. Otherwise these parameters (like S, 2, 1, m) do not act.


-T Magnetic Column-H Head (HEAD) -S-S-DL Label -f -F Label -f The magnetic disc is formatted into FAT32 format, but this parameter is still in the experiment. -I Sets the version number in the FAT32. This is of course still in the experiment. -S magnetic area size code, calculated the number of magnetic regions of the sector = 2 ^ (size code 7) -C magnetne (Cluster). If the given number causes the number of magnets that exceed the FAT table, MFORMAT will automatically amplify the number of magnetic regions. -s -M mouncing magnetic area size. This number is the magnetic area size returned by the system. Usually the same as the actual size. -A If this parameter is added, MFormat generates a set of ATARI systems to this soft disc. -X Format the flop to XDF format. Before use, you must use the XDFCOPY instruction to make a low-order formatting action. -C Generates a disk image file (Disk Image) that can be installed with MS-DOS archive system. Of course, this parameter is meaningless to an entity disk machine. -H hidden the number of magnetic regions. This is usually suitable for the split area of ​​the formatting the hard drive because there is a segmentation table in front of a divided area. This parameter is not tested, it can not be used. -n disk serial number -R root directory size, unit is the number of magnetic regions. This parameter is only valid for FAT12 and FAT16. -B uses the specified file or the power-on magnetic area of ​​the device as the boot magnetic area of ​​this flap or division area. Of course, the hardware parameters are faded. -k Try to maintain the original boot magnetic area. -0 Data transfer rate of data transmission rate -A 0555200 Format is not used using 2M format-1

Example: MFORMAT A:

This will use the preset value to format the disk in A: (already / DEV / FD0). Name: MKDOSFS

Use permission: All users

How to use: MKDOSFS [-C | -L filename] [-f number_of_fats] [-f fat_size] [-i volume_id] [-M message_file] [-R root_dir_entry] [-ss sector_per_cluster] [-V ] Device [block_count]

Description: Establish a DOS archive system. Device means that you want to establish a device code for a DOS archive system. Like / dev / hda1, etc. Block_count is the number of blocks you want to configure. If block_count is not specified, the system automatically calculates the number of blocks that meet the size of the device.


-c Create a file system before checking there is a bad track. -l reads bad track records from the determined file. -f Specifies the number of FAT, File Allocation Table. The preset value is 2. At present, Linux's FAT archive system does not support more than 2 FAT tables. Usually this doesn't need to be changed. -F Specifies the size of the FAT table, usually 12 or 16 positions. The 12-bit group is usually used for the disks, and the 16-bit component group is used for the general hard disk division area, that is, the so-called FAT16 format. This value typically systematically selects the appropriate value itself. Using FAT16 on the disk usually does not take effect, it is also possible to use FAT12 on the hard disk. -i Specifies the Volume ID. Generally, a number of four-bit tuples, like 2E203A47. If you don't give your system you will be generated. -m When the user tries to boot with this magnetic or divided zone, the system will give the user a warning message to the user when there is no working system. This parameter is used to change this message. You can use the file to edit it, then specify this parameter, or use -m - so the system will ask you to enter this text directly. It is important to note that the strings in the file should not exceed 418 words, including the expanded jumper symbol (Tab) and the wrap symbol (the wrap symbol counts two characters under DOS!) -Not Specifies the Volume Name, Disk label. Like the Format directive under the DOS, you will not give it. There is no preset value. -r Specifies the maximum number of files under the root directory. The so-called number of files here includes the directory. The preset value is 112 or 224 on the floppy disc, 512 on the hard disk. Nothing, don't change this number. -S Magnetic area of ​​each magnetic busner. Must be two times. But unless you know what you are doing, this value should not be gave. -v provides additional messages

Example: MKDOSFS-N TESTER / DEV / FD0 Format the disk in the A slot into a DOS format, and set the label to Tester


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