Recently completed a configurable main interface with XSL as a template

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  70

I have encountered a lot of problems, I used to learn to XSL, this name space: But .NET does not support this, Only the XSLT is supported, the namespace is: must be changed to XSLT, but XSLT and XSL are different Some XSL code is not supported in XSLT. For example: in XSL, there is and to operate the element and used to operate the properties, but all and is not easy to use, you can only use and and whether it is element or attribute. Really and let me get angry. I have a lot of information to get it (stupid, no way). There is also the original ORDER-BY sorting attributes that cannot be used. To use the Different XSL, the marked data in XML, such as XML There is such data xx After formatting XX after formatting, but there is no connection. Finally, there is no way, this situation, I use the properties to get the way, but in XML, you will save the address, such as a.aspx in XSL: can be calculated using Number, of course, count here can be replaced with other statistical functions, such as SUM (seeking). It can also achieve the effect of the alternate row:



Createxml ()


{SQLCOMMAND CM = New SQLCOMMAND (); String Strinfo = ""; try ... {cm.connection = myconnection; sqldatarader DR; sbxml = new stringbuilder (); sbxml.append (" "); String SQL; SQL =" Select * from reg_user where username = '" IDD "' "; cm.commandtext = SQL; cm.commandtype = CommandType.Text; Dr = cm.executeReader (); if ( ! Dr.hasRows) ... {Dr.close (); throw new argumentException ("When the user information is loaded!");} (); string vnickname = DR ["nickname"] == NULL? "": DR ["nickname"]. TOSTRING (); string vbirdhday = DR ["birthday"] == null? ": Convert.todatetime (DR [" birthday "]). Year.toString () " year "; String vsex = DR [" sex "] == null?" ": DR [" sex "]. TOSTRING (); string vregtime = dr [" REG _datetime "] == null?" ": convert.todatetime (DR [" REG_DATETIME "]). TOSTRING (" YYYY-MM-DD HH: mm "); int T_id = DR [" mainpage "] == NULL? 0 : Convert.TOINT32 (DR ["mainpage"]); Dr.close (); if (t_id! = 0) ... {cm.commandtext = "SELECT * from personalweb where point_id =" t_id.toString ();

} Else ... {cm.commandtext = "select * from personalweb where isdefault = 1";} cm.commandtype = commandType.text; cm.connection = myconnection; dr = cm.executeRectioner (); if (! Dr.hasRows ) ... {Dr.close (); throw new argumentException ("Personal home page template error!");} (); strinfo = DR ["tmpname"] == null? ": DR [" TMPNAME "] .Tostring (); if (str.close (); throw new argumentException (" Personal Home Template Error! ");} SBXML.Append (" "); Dr.close (); sbxml.append (" "); AddOndelement (" My Name ", VNICKNAME, "Nickname"); AddoneElement ("Year of birth", vbirthday, "birthday") AddoneElement ("Registration Time", VREGTIME, "Regtime"); AddoneElement ("Sex", VSEX, "SEX"); SQL = "Select * from v_personal where username = '" IDD "" "; cm.commandtext = SQL; cm.commandtype = commandtype.text; dr = cm.executeReader (); if (! Dr.hasRows) ... {Dr.close ();

Throw new argumentException ("Load user information is wrong!");} (); strinfo = DR ["stature"] == NULL? ": DR [" stature "]. Tostring (); strinfo = (Strinfo == "" | | Strinfo == "0")? "Not announced": Strinfo "cm"; addoneElement ("height", strinfo, "stature"); strinfo = DR ["avoirdupois"] == NULL? "": DR ["avoirdupois"]. TOSTRING (); strinfo = (strinfo == "|| Strinfo ==" 0 ")?" Not announced ": Strinfo " kg "; addoneElement (" Weight " Strinfo, "avoirdupois"); strinfo = DR ["bloodType"] == null? "": DR ["bloodType"]. toString (); strinfo = (strinfo == "" | | Strinfo == "0" )? "Not announced": STRINFO "type"; AddOndElement ("blood type", strinfo, "bloodtype"); strinfo = DR ["vocation"] == null? "": DR ["vocation"]. Tostring ); Strinfo = (Strinfo == "|| Strinfo ==" 0 ")?" Unpublished ": Strinfo; AddoneElement (" Engaged in Industry ", Strinfo," Vocation "); Strinfo = DR [" marry "] = = NULL? "": DR ["marry"]. toString (); strinfo = (STR INFO == "" | Strinfo == "0")? "Unpublished": STRINFO; AddOndelement ("Marriage Status", Strinfo, "Marry"); Strinfo = DR ["Title"] == NULL? "" : DR ["Title"]. TOSTRING ();

Strinfo = (Strinfo == "|| Strinfo ==" 0 ")?" Unpublished ": Strinfo; AddOndelement (" Professional Title ", Strinfo," Title "); Strinfo = DR [" income "] == NULL ? "": DR ["income"]. TOSTRING (); strinfo = (Strinfo == "|| Strinfo ==" 0 ")?" Unpublished ": Strinfo; AddoneElement (" income level ", strinfo," INCOME "); STRINFO = DR [" Schoolage "] == NULL?": DR ["School"]. TOSTRING (); strinfo = (strinfo == "|| Strinfo ==" 0 ")?" Announced: Strinfo; AddoneElement ("Society", Strinfo, "Schoolage"); STRINFO = DR ["smoke"] == null? ": DR [" smoke "]. Tostring (); strinfo = (Strinfo = (Strinfo = == "" || Strinfo == "0")? "Unpublished": strinfo; addoneElement ("Do you smoke?", Strinfo, "smoke"); strinfo = DR ["drink"] == null? "" : DR ["Drink"]. TOSTRING (); strinfo = (Strinfo == "| | Strinfo ==" 0 ")?" Unpublished ": strinfo; addoneElement (" Will drink? ", Strinfo," Drink " ); Strinfo = DR ["AIM"] == NULL? "": DR ["AIM"]. TOSTRING (); strinfo = (strinfo == "|| Strinfo ==" 0 " )? "Not announced": Strinfo; AddoneElement ("in finding", strinfo, "AIM"); strinfo = DR ["character0"] == null? "": DR ["character0"]. TOSTRING ();

AddoneElement ("Self-introduction", Strinfo, "Myself"); String Ocommon = DR ["common"] == null? "": DR ["common"]. ToString (). Trim (); string osport = DR [ "Sport"] == NULL? ": DR [" Sport "]. toString (). Trim (); string od == NULL?": DR ["Season"]. Tostring () .Trim (); String Ofilm = DR ["film"] == null? ": DR [" film "]. Tostring (). Trim (); string omusic = DR [" music "] == null ? "": DR ["Music"]. TOSTRING (). Trim (); string Omenu = DR ["MENU"] == NULL? ": DR [" MENU "]. TOSTRING (). Trim (); String ocolor = DR ["color"] == null? "": DR ["color"]. Tostring (). Trim (); string == null? ": DR ["] == null? ": DR [" "]. Tostring (). Trim (); string OLANGUAGE = DR [" Language0 "] == NULL?": DR ["Language0"]. Tostring (). Trim (); Dr.close (); if (Ocommon == "") ... {addoneElement ("hobby", "unconventional", "common");} else ... {SQL = "Select * from b_common where id in (" Ocommon ")"; cm.commandtext = SQL; cm.commandtype = commandType.Text; DR = cm.executeReader (); strinfo = ""

While (Dr.Read ()) ... {STRINFO = "" DR ["name"]. Tostring ();} Dr.close (); if (strinfo == ") Strinfo =" Unended "; AddoneElement ("hobby", strinfo, "common");} if (osport == ") ... {addoneElement," unconventional "," sport ");} Else ... { SQL = "Select * from b_sport where id in (" osport ")"; cm.commandtext = SQL; cm.commandtype = commandType.Text; Dr = cm.executeReader (); strinfo = ""; while (DR). Read ()) ... {STRINFO = "" DR ["Name"]. TOSTRING ();} Dr.close (); if (strinfo == ") Strinfo =" Not disclosed "; addoneElement (" favorite Sports ", Strinfo," Sport ");} IF OSEASON == "" "... {AddoneElement (" Love Season "," Unconventional "," Season ");} else ... {sql =" SELECT * from b_season where id in (" odason " ) "; Cm.commandtext = sql; cm.commandtype = commandType.text; dr = cm.executeReader (); strinfo =" "

While (Dr.Read ()) ... {STRINFO = "" DR ["name"]. Tostring ();} Dr.close (); if (strinfo == ") Strinfo =" Unended "; AddoneElement ("Love Season", Strinfo, "Season");} if (Ofilm == ") ... {AddoneElement (" Favorite Movie "," Film ");} else. .. {SQL = "SELECT * from b_film where id in (" ofilm ")"; cm.commandtext = SQL; cm.commandtype = commandType.Text; Dr = cm.executeReader (); strinfo = "; while (DR.READ ()) ... {STRINFO = "" DR ["name"]. Tostring ();} Dr.close (); if (strinfo == ") Strinfo =" Unended "; AddOndeElement ("Favorite Movie", Strinfo, "Film");} IF (om USIC == "") ... {AddoneElement, "unconventional", "music");} else ... {SQL = "SELECT * from b_music where id in (" omusic " ) "; Cm.commandtext = sql; cm.commandtype = commandType.text; dr = cm.executeReader (); strinfo =" "

While (Dr.Read ()) ... {STRINFO = "" DR ["name"]. Tostring ();} Dr.close (); if (strinfo == ") Strinfo =" Unended "; AddoneElement, Strinfo, "Music");} if (Omenu == ") ... {AddoneElement (" Preference "," Unended "," Menu ");} else .. . {SQL = "SELECT * from b_menu where id in (" omnu ")"; cm.commandtext = SQL; cm.commandtype = commandType.Text; DR = cm.executeReader (); strinfo = ""; while ()) ... {STRINFO = "" DR ["Name"]. Tostring ();} Dr.close (); if (strinfo == ") Strinfo =" Unended "; AddoneElement "Preferences", Strinfo, "Menu");} IF (OCO LOR == "") ... {AddoneElement ("Favorite Colors", "Not", "Color");} else ... {sql = "SELECT * from b_color where id in (" Ocolor " ) "; Cm.commandtext = sql; cm.commandtype = commandType.text; dr = cm.executeReader (); strinfo =" "

While (Dr.Read ()) ... {STRINFO = "" DR ["name"]. Tostring ();} Dr.close (); if (strinfo == ") Strinfo =" Unended "; AddoneElement ("Favorite Colors", Strinfo, "Color");} if (Odress == ") ... {AddoneElement (" Daily Dress Up "," Dreme "," DRESS ");} else .. {SQL = "SELECT * from b_dress where id in (" Odress ")"; cm.commandtext = SQL; cm.commandType = CommandType.Text; DR = cm.executeReader (); strinfo = ""; while ()) ... {STRINFO = "" DR ["Name"]. Tostring ();} Dr.close (); if (strinfo == ") Strinfo =" Unended "; AddoneElement "Daily Dress Up", Strinfo, "Dress"); f (OLANGUAGE == "") ... {AddoneElement ("Language Ability", "LANGUAG");} else ... {SQL = "SELECT * from b_language where id in (" OLANGUAGUAGUAGUAGUE ")"; Cm.commandtext = SQL; cm.commandtype = commandType.text; dr = cm.executeReader (); strinfo = ""

While (Dr.Read ()) ... {STRINFO = "" DR ["name"]. Tostring ();} Dr.close (); if (strinfo == ") Strinfo =" Unended "; AddoneElement ("Language Ability", Strinfo, "Language");} SQL = "Select * from userlogin where username = '" IDD "" "; cm.commandtext = SQL; cm.commandtype = commandType.Text; DR = Cm.executeReader (); strinfo = ""; if (Dr.Read ()) ... {strinfo = DR ["logintime"] == NULL? ": Convert.TodateTime (DR [" Logintime "]). TOSTRING ("YYYY-MM-DD HH: MM"); AddoneElement ("Recent Login Time", Strinfo, "Logintime"); STRINFO = DR ["LoginCount"] == NULL? ": DR [" LoginCount "] .Tostring (); addoneElement ("Login number", Strinfo, "LoginCount");} else ... {addoneElement ("Recent login time", "," logintime "); Strinfo = DR ["LoginCount"] == NULL? "": DR ["logincount"]. Tostring (); addoneElement ("Login number", "", "logincount");} Dr.close (); sql = "Select * from personalphoto where username = '" IDD "'"; cm.commandtext = SQL; cm.commandtype = commandType.Text;

DR = cm.executeReader (); strinfo = ""; if (Dr.Read ()) ... {AddonePicLinkelement ("Personal Image", "ShowPhoto_P.ASPX? IDD =" IDD, "OriginPhoto.aspx? IDD = " IDD," Selfimg ");} else ... {AddonePicLinkelement (" Personal Image "," ImageS / No_Photo.gif "," OriginPhoto.aspx? IDD = " IDD," Selfimg ");} DR .Close (); SQL = "SELECT Photo, Introduce from myalbum where username = '" IDD "'"; cm.commandtext = SQL; cm.commandtype = commandType.Text; DR = cm.executeReader (); strinfo = ""; Sbxml.append (""); int T = 0; if (Dr.hasRows) ... {while (Dr.READ ()) ... {t ; sbxml.append (" "); Sbxml.append (" " DR [ "photo"]. TOSTRING () ""); sbxml.append ("" DR ["Introduce"]. toString () "</ title>"; sbxml.append ( "</ Photo>");} sbxml.append ("<count>" T.toString () "</ count>");} else ... {sbxml.append ("<count> 0 <</p> <p>/ Count> ");} sbxml.append (" </ album> "); Dr.close (); addoneElement (" User Name ", IDD," Username); Addonelinkelement ("Contact:", "MyleaveWord / Add .aspx? user_id = " IDD," Contact this Member "," LinkMethod "); Addonelinkelement (" Add Contact List "," MyleaveWord / AddTolinkmanList.aspx? u_id = " IDD," Add Contact List "," AddLinkman " Addonelinkelement ("Add to Pursuit List", "MyleaveWord / AddooerList.aspx? U_id =" IDD, "Add to Pursuit List", "AddWooer"); Addonelinkelement ("Mood Diary", "MyDiary / Personalpubdiary.aspx? User_id = " IDD," Browse My Mood Diary "," LookDia "); SBXML.Append (" </ Personal> "); FILESTREAM FS = file.Open (Server.MAppath (XMLName), FileMode.create, FileAccess.write Fileshare.write; streamwriter write = new streamwriter (fs); Writer.write (); writer.flush (); fs.close (); Response.write (sbxml.tostring ()); // throw new argumentException ("Update Home Finished! ");} Catch (exception ex) ... {//loveandfriend.myleaveword.pubfunction.alertMessage (Ex.Message); response.write (ex.Message);} finally ... {cm.dispose (); MyConnection . Close (); myconnection.dispose ();}} void</p> <p>AddoneElement</p> <p>String</p> <p>ONAME,</p> <p>String</p> <p>Ovalue,</p> <p>String</p> <p>Olement</p> <p>...</p> <p>{Sbxml.append ("<" OEEMENT ">"); sbxml.append ("<name>" "</ name>"); sbxml.append ("<value> ovalue " < / Value> "); sbxml.append (" </ " lement "> ");</p> <p>Void</p> <p>Addonelinkelement</p> <p>String</p> <p>ONAME,</p> <p>String</p> <p>Olink,</p> <p>String</p> <p>OText,</p> <p>String</p> <p>Olement</p> <p>...</p> <p>{Sbxml.append ("<" OEEMENT ">"); sbxml.append ("<name>" oname "</ name>"); sbxml.append ("<link> olink " < / LINK> "); sbxml.append (" <text> " OText " </ text> "); sbxml.append (" </ " ≤"> ");}</p> <p>Void</p> <p>AddonePicLinkelement</p> <p>String</p> <p>ONAME,</p> <p>String</p> <p>OSRC,</p> <p>String</p> <p>Olink,</p> <p>String</p> <p>Olement</p> <p>...</p> <p>{Sbxml.append ("<" OEEMENT ">"); sbxml.append ("<name>" "</ name>"); sbxml.append ("<src>" osrc "< / Src> "); sbxml.append (" <link> " olink " </ link> "); sbxml.append (" </ " OEEMENT ">);}</p> <p>The XSL template code is as follows:</p> <p><?</p> <p>XML Version = '1.0' encoding = "UTF-8"</p> <p>?></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Stylesheet</p> <p>Version</p> <p>= "1.0"</p> <p>XMLns: XSL</p> <p>= ""</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Template</p> <p>Match</p> <p>= '/'></p> <p><Html</p> <p>> <HEAD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Title</p> <p>> </</p> <p>Title</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>Style</p> <p>Type</p> <p>= "Text / CSS"</p> <p>></p> <p>Body {text-align: center} td {font-size: 12px; color: # 666666; line-height: 150%}</p> <p></</p> <p>Style</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>HEAD</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>Body</p> <p>TEXT</p> <p>= "# 000000"</p> <p>Bgcolor</p> <p>= "# f2f2f2"</p> <p>LEFTMARGIN</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Topmargin</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Marginheight</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>HEIGHT</p> <p>= "40"</p> <p>Cellspacing</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Cellpadding</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "100%"</p> <p>Align</p> <p>= "center"</p> <p>Bgcolor</p> <p>= "White"</p> <p>Border</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>A</p> <p>HREF</p> <p>= ""</p> <p>> <</p> <p>IMG</p> <p>HEIGHT</p> <p>= "30"</p> <p>SRC</p> <p>= "Template / Template01 / Ne_Logo2.gif"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "90"</p> <p>Border</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>A</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>A</p> <p>HREF</p> <p>= ""</p> <p>> <</p> <p>IMG</p> <p>HEIGHT</p> <p>= "29"</p> <p>SRC</p> <p>= "Template / Template01 / Love_Logo2.gif"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "69"</p> <p>Border</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>A</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p>- Contact this member's connection start -</p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: ELEMENT</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "a"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "Target"</p> <p>></p> <p>_blank</p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "HREF"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / LinkMethod / Link"</p> <p>/></p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / LinkMethod / Text"</p> <p>/></p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: ELEMENT</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>contact details</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p>- Contact this member's connection end -</p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p>- Join the contact list connection start -</p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: ELEMENT</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "a"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "Target"</p> <p>></p> <p>_blank</p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "HREF"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / AddLinkman / Link"</p> <p>/></p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / AddLinkman / Text"</p> <p>/></p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: ELEMENT</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Join the contact list</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p>- Join the connection list connection end -</p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p>- Join the pursuit list connection start -</p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: ELEMENT</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "a"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "Target"</p> <p>></p> <p>_blank</p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "HREF"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / AddWooer / Link"</p> <p>/></p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / AddWooer / Text"</p> <p>/></p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: ELEMENT</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Join the pursuit list</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p>- Join the connection of the pursuit list -</p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TR</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>HEIGHT</p> <p>= "17"</p> <p>Cellspacing</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Cellpadding</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "800"</p> <p>Align</p> <p>= "center"</p> <p>Border</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>BACKGROUND</p> <p>= "Template / Template01 / TOPDOT.GIF"</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TR</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/></p> <p><</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>Style</p> <p>= "Cursor: HAND"</p> <p>HEIGHT</p> <p>= "58"</p> <p>Cellspacing</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Cellpadding</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "755"</p> <p>Align</p> <p>= "center"</p> <p>BACKGROUND</p> <p>= "Template / Template01 / 08_1.gif"</p> <p>Border</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "302"</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Align</p> <p>= "Left"</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TR</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/></p> <p><</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>Cellspacing</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Cellpadding</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "800"</p> <p>Align</p> <p>= "center"</p> <p>Border</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Valign</p> <p>= "TOP"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "245"</p> <p>Bgcolor</p> <p>= "# f2f2f2"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/></p> <p><</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>HEIGHT</p> <p>= "200"</p> <p>Cellspacing</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Cellpadding</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "80"</p> <p>Border</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Colspan</p> <p>= "3"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>IMG</p> <p>HEIGHT</p> <p>= "34"</p> <p>SRC</p> <p>= "Template / Template01 / Mypptop.gif"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "209"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "7"</p> <p>BACKGROUND</p> <p>= "Template / template01 / myppleftdot.gif"</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Valign</p> <p>= "TOP"</p> <p>Align</p> <p>= "center"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p>- Personal image Start -</p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: ELEMENT</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "a"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "Target"</p> <p>></p> <p>_blank</p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "HREF"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Selfimg / Link" /></p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: ELEMENT</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "IMG"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "Border"</p> <p>></p> <p>0</p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "width"</p> <p>></p> <p>200</p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "Height"</p> <p>></p> <p>150</p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "SRC"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Selfimg / SRC"</p> <p>/></p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: ELEMENT</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: ELEMENT</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Personal image</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p>- Personal image End -</p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "8"</p> <p>BACKGROUND</p> <p>= "Template / Template01 / Mypprightdot.gif"</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Colspan</p> <p>= "3"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>IMG</p> <p>HEIGHT</p> <p>= "25"</p> <p>SRC</p> <p>= "Template / Template01 / MyppTopdown.gif"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "209"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/> <</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p>- Add Contact this member's connection start -</p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: ELEMENT</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "a"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "Target"</p> <p>></p> <p>_blank</p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "HREF"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / LinkMethod / Link"</p> <p>/></p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / LinkMethod / Text"</p> <p>/></p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: ELEMENT</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>contact details</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p>- Add Contact this member's connection END -</p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/></p> <p><</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/></p> <p><</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/></p> <p><</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/> <</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/> <</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/> <</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/> <</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/> <</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/> <</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/> <</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/> <</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/> <</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/> <</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/> <</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/> <</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/></p> <p><</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>HEIGHT</p> <p>= "200"</p> <p>Cellspacing</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Cellpadding</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "80"</p> <p>Border</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Colspan</p> <p>= "3"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>IMG</p> <p>HEIGHT</p> <p>= "34"</p> <p>SRC</p> <p>= "Template / Template01 / Mypptop.gif"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "220"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "7"</p> <p>BACKGROUND</p> <p>= "Template / template01 / myppleftdot.gif"</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>Cellspacing</p> <p>= "2"</p> <p>Cellpadding</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Border</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Valign</p> <p>= "TOP"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "p1"</p> <p>Cellspacing</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Cellpadding</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Border</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Colspan</p> <p>= "3"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Span</p> <p>Style</p> <p>= 'CURSOR: HAND'</p> <p>Onclick</p> <p>= 'ShowbigPhoto ();'> <img</p> <p>HEIGHT</p> <p>= "170"</p> <p>id</p> <p>= "album"</p> <p>Alt</p> <p>= "My Album"</p> <p>SRC</p> <p>= "Template / Template01 / PHOTOES.GIF"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "200"</p> <p>Border</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "CardPict"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>Span</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: choose</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: WHEN</p> <p>Test</p> <p>= "Personal / album [count> 0]"></p> <p><</p> <p>Center</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>FORM</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "albumlist"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "p1"</p> <p>ONCHANGE</p> <p>= "Showalbum ()"</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "Albumtitle"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: For-Each</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "/ Personal / album / photo"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>Option</p> <p>Value</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "Value"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "FileName"</p> <p>/></p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Title"</p> <p>/></p> <p></</p> <p>Option</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: For-Each</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>FORM</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>Center</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: WHEN</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: choose</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "8"</p> <p>BACKGROUND</p> <p>= "Template / Template01 / Mypprightdot.gif"</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Colspan</p> <p>= "3"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>IMG</p> <p>HEIGHT</p> <p>= "25"</p> <p>SRC</p> <p>= "Template / Template01 / MyppTopdown.gif"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "220"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/> <</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/></p> <p></</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Valign</p> <p>= "TOP"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "545"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>IMG</p> <p>HEIGHT</p> <p>= "29"</p> <p>SRC</p> <p>= "Template / Template01 / Topline.gif"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "548"</p> <p>/> <</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/></p> <p><</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>Cellspacing</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Cellpadding</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "548"</p> <p>Border</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "1"</p> <p>Bgcolor</p> <p>= "# aaaaa"</p> <p>RowsPan</p> <p>= "2"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Spacer</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "1"</p> <p>Type</p> <p>= "block"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Valign = "TOP"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "301"</p> <p>Bgcolor</p> <p>= "# e7e9eb"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>Cellspacing</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Cellpadding</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "278"</p> <p>Border</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Colspan</p> <p>= "2"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>IMG</p> <p>HEIGHT</p> <p>= "47"</p> <p>SRC</p> <p>= "Template / Template01 / Grda.gif"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "142"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Nickname / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>My name</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "39%"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Nickname / Value"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>My name</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / SEX / NAME"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>gender</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / SEX / VALUE"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>gender</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Birthday / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Birthday</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Birthday / Value"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Birthday</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TDCLASS</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / State / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>height</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / State / Value"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>height</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Avoirdupois / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>body weight</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Avoirdupois / Value"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>body weight</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Bodiliform / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Body shape</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Bodiliform / Value"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Body shape</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / BloodType / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>blood type</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / BloodType / Value"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>blood type</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>Valign</p> <p>= "TOP"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-ofselect</p> <p>= "Personal / Language / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>language skills</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Language / Value"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>language skills</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>Valign</p> <p>= "TOP"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / City / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>location</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / City / Value"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>location</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / LinkMethod / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>contact details</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p>- Add Contact this member's connection start -</p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: ELEMENT</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "a"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "Target"</p> <p>></p> <p>_blank</p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "HREF"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / LinkMethod / Link"</p> <p>/></p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / LinkMethod / Text"</p> <p>/></p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: ELEMENT</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>contact details</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p>- Add Contact this member's connection END -</p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>> <XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / LookDiary / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Mood diary</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p>- Add View Mood Diary Connection START -</p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: ELEMENT</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "a"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "Target"</p> <p>></p> <p>_blank</p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>Name</p> <p>= "HREF"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / LookDiary / Link"</p> <p>/></p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Attribute</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / LookDiary / Text"</p> <p>/></p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: ELEMENT</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>contact details</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p>- Add View Mood Diary Connection End -</p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Comment</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>BACKGROUND</p> <p>= "Template / Template01 / Dotline.gif"</p> <p>Colspan</p> <p>= "2"</p> <p>HEIGHT</p> <p>= "1"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Spacer</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "1"</p> <p>Type</p> <p>= "block"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/></p> <p><</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>Cellspacing</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Cellpadding</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "278"</p> <p>Border</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Colspan</p> <p>= "2"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>IMG</p> <p>HEIGHT</p> <p>= "52"</p> <p>SRC</p> <p>= "Template / Template01 / WHOAMI.GIF"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "142"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "39%"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Marry / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>marital status</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Marry / Value"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>marital status</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Vocation / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Occupation</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Vocation / Value"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Occupation</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Title / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Career title</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Title / Value"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Career title</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / income / name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Income level</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / income / value"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Income level</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Schoolage / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Education level</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Schoolage / Value" /> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Education level</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Smoke / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Do you smoke?</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Smoke / Value"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Do you smoke?</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Drink / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Whether to drink</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Drink / Value"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Whether to drink</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>Valign</p> <p>= "TOP"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Common / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Hobby</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Common / Value"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Hobby</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>BACKGROUND</p> <p>= "Template / Template01 / Dotline.gif"</p> <p>Colspan</p> <p>= "2"</p> <p>HEIGHT</p> <p>= "1"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Spacer</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "1"</p> <p>Type</p> <p>= "block"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/></p> <p><</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>Cellspacing = "0"</p> <p>Cellpadding</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "278"</p> <p>Border</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Colspan</p> <p>= "2"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>IMG</p> <p>HEIGHT</p> <p>= "50"</p> <p>SRC</p> <p>= "Template / Template01 / Mychoose.gif"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "142"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "39%"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / AIM / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Look for</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / AIM / VALUE"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Look for</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>Valign</p> <p>= "TOP"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Sport / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Favorite sport</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Sport / Value"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Favorite sport</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Season / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Love season</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Season / Value"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Love season</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>Valign</p> <p>= "TOP"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-ofselect</p> <p>= "Personal / Film / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Favorite movie</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Film / Value"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Favorite movie</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>Valign</p> <p>= "TOP"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Music / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Pour</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Music / Value"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Pour</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>Valign</p> <p>= "TOP"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Menu / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Preference</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Menu / Value"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Preference</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>Valign</p> <p>= "TOP"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Color / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>favourite colour</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Color / Value"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>favourite colour</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>Valign</p> <p>= "TOP"> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Dress / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Daily dress</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Dress / Value"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Daily dress</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Regtime / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Registration time</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / RegTIME / VALUE"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Registration time</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / logintime / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>last login time</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Logintime / Value"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>last login time</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Type"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / LoginCount / Name"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Number of logins</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Class</p> <p>= "Data"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / LoginCount / Value"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Number of logins</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/> <</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "9" Background</p> <p>= "Template / Template01 / VLINE.GIF"</p> <p>RowsPan</p> <p>= "2"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Spacer</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "1"</p> <p>Type</p> <p>= "block"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Valign</p> <p>= "TOP"</p> <p>Bgcolor</p> <p>= "# DFE4E7"</p> <p>RowsPan</p> <p>= "2"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>Cellspacing</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Cellpadding</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "224"</p> <p>Align</p> <p>= "center"</p> <p>Border</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>IMG</p> <p>HEIGHT</p> <p>= "15"</p> <p>SRC</p> <p>= "Template / Template01 / Zwjs.gif"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "98"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Myself / Value"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Self introduction</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "1"</p> <p>Bgcolor</p> <p>= "# aaaaa"</p> <p>RowsPan</p> <p>= "2"</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Bgcolor</p> <p>= "# aaaaa"</p> <p>HEIGHT</p> <p>= "1"</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TR</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>> </</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>Cellspacing</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Cellpadding</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "548"</p> <p>Border</p> <p>= "0"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>TD</p> <p>Align</p> <p>= "Right"</p> <p>> <</p> <p>IMG</p> <p>HEIGHT</p> <p>= "16"</p> <p>SRC</p> <p>= "Template / Template01 / bottom.gif"</p> <p>Width</p> <p>= "244"</p> <p>/> </</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/> <</p> <p>Br</p> <p>/></p> <p></</p> <p>TD</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TR</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TBODY</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>TABLE</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>Body</p> <p>> </</p> <p>HTML</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Save personal information</p> <p>-></p> <p><</p> <p>Span</p> <p>id</p> <p>= "UserID"</p> <p>Style</p> <p>= "Visibility: Hidden"</p> <p>></p> <p><</p> <p>XSL: Value-of</p> <p>SELECT</p> <p>= "Personal / Username / Value"</p> <p>/> <</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Save the owner of the current home page</p> <p>-></p> <p></</p> <p>Remark</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>Span</p> <p>></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Save personal information</p> <p>-></p> <p><</p> <p>Script</p> <p>Language</p> <p>= 'JavaScript'</p> <p>Type</p> <p>= "Text / JavaScript"</p> <p>></p> <p>Showalbum (); // Used to select photos in the photo album Function Showalbum () {if (Document.albumlist) {if (Document.albumlist.albumtitle) {var Selid = Document.albumlist.albumtitle.selectedIndIndex; var Uid = userid .innertext; album.src = "albumpath /" UID "/" Document.albumlist.albumtitle.Options [Selid] .value;}}} // is used to open a new window to display larger image Function ShowbigPhoto () {Var src = album.src; if (src! = ") { (src, '_ blank', 'width = 600, height = 400');}}</p> <p></</p> <p>Script</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Template</p> <p>></p> <p></</p> <p>XSL: Stylesheet</p> <p>></p> <p>The code format XML data with XSL template is as follows:</p> <p>SqlConnection myconnection;</p> <p>String</p> <p>Username;</p> <p>String</p> <p>UserId;</p> <p>String</p> <p>Idd; StringBuilder SBXML;</p> <p>String</p> <p>XMLName;</p> <p>Private</p> <p>Void</p> <p>Page_load</p> <p>Object</p> <p>Sender, System.EventArgs E)</p> <p>...</p> <p>{MyConnection = new SqlConnection (System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings [ "ConnectionString"]);? UserID = LoveAndFriend.pMethod.getCookie ( "UserID") == null "null" :( string) LoveAndFriend.pMethod.getCookie ( " UserID "); UserName = LoveAndFriend.pMethod.getCookie (" UserName "?) == null" null ":( string) LoveAndFriend.pMethod.getCookie (" UserName "); myConnection = new SqlConnection (System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["Connectionstring"]); IDD = Request ["IDD"] == NULL? "": Request ["IDD"]. Tostring (); if (idd == "") ... {response.write (" Load information error, please log in to access! "); Response.end ();} xmlname =" xml / " IDD " .xml "; (); if (! Ispostback) ... { IF (file.exists (server.mappath (xmlname))) ... {Showxml ();} else ... {Cr Eatexml ();}}} private</p> <p>Void</p> <p>Showxml ()</p> <p>...</p> <p>{SQLCOMMAND CM = New SQLCOMMAND (); string strinfo = ""; try ... {cm.connection = myconnection; sqldatarader DR; string sql; sql = "select * from reg_user where username = ' IDD "' " Cm.commandtext = SQL; cm.commandtype = commandType.text; Dr = cm.executeReader (); if (! Dr.hasRows) ... {Dr.close (); throw new argumentException ("When using user information Error! ");} (); int T_id = DR [" mainpage "] == NULL? 0: Convert.Toint32 (DR [" ""]); Dr.close (); if (t_id! = 0) ... {cm.commandtext = "Select * from personalweb where point_id =" t_id.toString ();} else ... {cm.commandtext = "SELECT * From personalweb where isdefault = 1 ";} cm.commandtype = commandType.text; cm.connection = myconnection; dr = cm.executeRection; if (! Dr.hasRows) ... {Dr.close (); throw New ArgumentException ("Personal Home Template error! ");} (); strinfo = DR [" tmpname "] == NULL?": DR ["tmpname"]. ToString (); if (strinfo == "</p> <p>) ... {Dr.close (); throw new argumentException ("Personal Home Template Error!");} Dr.close (); System.xml.xmlTextReader Reader = New XmlTextReader (Server.MAppath (XMLName)); System .Xml .xsl.xsltransform tran = new system.xml.xsl.xsltransform (); TRANTRANSFORM (); TRAN.LOAD (Server.mAppath (".") "/ Template /" strinfo); xpathdocument mydata = new xpathDocument (reader); XmlWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter (Response.OutputStream, System.Text .Encoding .Default); tran.Transform (mydata, null, writer, null); reader.Close (); writer.Close ();} catch (Exception ex) ... {LoveAndFriend.myleaveWord.pubfunction.alertMessage (ex.Message);} finally ... {cm.dispose (); myconnection.close (); Myc Onnection.dispose ();}} private</p> <p>Void</p> <p>Createxml ()</p> <p>...</p> <p>{SQLCOMMAND CM = New SQLCOMMAND (); String Strinfo = ""; try ... {cm.connection = myconnection; sqldatarader DR; sbxml = new stringbuilder (); sbxml.append ("<xml version =" 1.0 "? > "); String SQL; SQL =" Select * from reg_user where username = '" IDD "' "; cm.commandtext = SQL; cm.commandtype = CommandType.Text; Dr = cm.executeReader (); if ( ! Dr.hasRows) ... {Dr.close (); throw new argumentException ("When the user information is loaded!");} (); string vnickname = DR ["nickname"] == NULL? "": DR ["nickname"]. TOSTRING (); string vbirdhday = DR ["birthday"] == null? ": Convert.todatetime (DR [" birthday "]). Year.toString () " year "; String vsex = DR [" sex "] == null?" ": DR [" sex "]. TOSTRING (); string vregtime = dr [" REG _datetime "] == null?" ": convert.todatetime (DR [" REG_DATETIME "]). TOSTRING (" YYYY-MM-DD HH: mm "); int T_id = DR [" mainpage "] == NULL? 0 : Convert.TOINT32 (DR ["mainpage"]); Dr.close (); if (t_id! = 0) ... {cm.commandtext = "SELECT * from personalweb where point_id =" t_id.toString ();</p> <p>} Else ... {cm.commandtext = "select * from personalweb where isdefault = 1";} cm.commandtype = commandType.text; cm.connection = myconnection; dr = cm.executeRectioner (); if (! Dr.hasRows ) ... {Dr.close (); throw new argumentException ("Personal home page template error!");} (); strinfo = DR ["tmpname"] == null? ": DR [" TMPNAME "] .Tostring (); if (str.close (); throw new argumentException (" Personal Home Template Error! ");} SBXML.Append (" <Xml-Stylesheet Type = "Text / XSL" href = "Template /" STRINFO ""?> "); Dr.close (); sbxml.append (" <personal> "); AddOndelement (" My Name ", VNICKNAME, "Nickname"); AddoneElement ("Year of birth", vbirthday, "birthday") AddoneElement ("Registration Time", VREGTIME, "Regtime"); AddoneElement ("Sex", VSEX, "SEX"); SQL = "Select * from v_personal where username = '" IDD "" "; cm.commandtext = SQL; cm.commandtype = commandtype.text; dr = cm.executeReader (); if (! Dr.hasRows) ... {Dr.close ();</p> <p>Throw new argumentException ("Load user information is wrong!");} (); strinfo = DR ["stature"] == NULL? ": DR [" stature "]. Tostring (); strinfo = (Strinfo == "" | | Strinfo == "0")? "Not announced": Strinfo "cm"; addoneElement ("height", strinfo, "stature"); strinfo = DR ["avoirdupois"] == NULL? "": DR ["avoirdupois"]. TOSTRING (); strinfo = (strinfo == "|| Strinfo ==" 0 ")?" Not announced ": Strinfo " kg "; addoneElement (" Weight " Strinfo, "avoirdupois"); strinfo = DR ["bloodType"] == null? "": DR ["bloodType"]. toString (); strinfo = (strinfo == "" | | Strinfo == "0" )? "Not announced": STRINFO "type"; AddOndElement ("blood type", strinfo, "bloodtype"); strinfo = DR ["vocation"] == null? "": DR ["vocation"]. Tostring ); Strinfo = (Strinfo == "|| Strinfo ==" 0 ")?" Unpublished ": Strinfo; AddoneElement (" Engaged in Industry ", Strinfo," Vocation "); Strinfo = DR [" marry "] = = NULL? "": DR ["marry"]. toString (); strinfo = (STR INFO == "" | Strinfo == "0")? "Unpublished": STRINFO; AddOndelement ("Marriage Status", Strinfo, "Marry"); Strinfo = DR ["Title"] == NULL? "" : DR ["Title"]. TOSTRING ();</p> <p>Strinfo = (Strinfo == "|| Strinfo ==" 0 ")?" Unpublished ": Strinfo; AddOndelement (" Professional Title ", Strinfo," Title "); Strinfo = DR [" income "] == NULL ? "": DR ["income"]. TOSTRING (); strinfo = (Strinfo == "|| Strinfo ==" 0 ")?" Unpublished ": Strinfo; AddoneElement (" income level ", strinfo," INCOME "); STRINFO = DR [" Schoolage "] == NULL?": DR ["School"]. TOSTRING (); strinfo = (strinfo == "|| Strinfo ==" 0 ")?" Announced: Strinfo; AddoneElement ("Society", Strinfo, "Schoolage"); STRINFO = DR ["smoke"] == null? ": DR [" smoke "]. Tostring (); strinfo = (Strinfo = (Strinfo = == "" || Strinfo == "0")? "Unpublished": strinfo; addoneElement ("Do you smoke?", Strinfo, "smoke"); strinfo = DR ["drink"] == null? "" : DR ["Drink"]. TOSTRING (); strinfo = (Strinfo == "| | Strinfo ==" 0 ")?" Unpublished ": strinfo; addoneElement (" Will drink? ", Strinfo," Drink " ); Strinfo = DR ["AIM"] == NULL? "": DR ["AIM"]. TOSTRING (); strinfo = (strinfo == "|| Strinfo ==" 0 " )? "Not announced": Strinfo; AddoneElement ("in finding", strinfo, "AIM"); strinfo = DR ["character0"] == null? "": DR ["character0"]. TOSTRING ();</p> <p>AddoneElement ("Self-introduction", Strinfo, "Myself"); String Ocommon = DR ["common"] == null? "": DR ["common"]. ToString (). Trim (); string osport = DR [ "Sport"] == NULL? ": DR [" Sport "]. toString (). Trim (); string od == NULL?": DR ["Season"]. Tostring () .Trim (); String Ofilm = DR ["film"] == null? ": DR [" film "]. Tostring (). Trim (); string omusic = DR [" music "] == null ? "": DR ["Music"]. TOSTRING (). Trim (); string Omenu = DR ["MENU"] == NULL? ": DR [" MENU "]. TOSTRING (). Trim (); String ocolor = DR ["color"] == null? "": DR ["color"]. Tostring (). Trim (); string == null? ": DR ["] == null? ": DR [" "]. Tostring (). Trim (); string OLANGUAGE = DR [" Language0 "] == NULL?": DR ["Language0"]. Tostring (). Trim (); Dr.close (); if (Ocommon == "") ... {addoneElement ("hobby", "unconventional", "common");} else ... {SQL = "Select * from b_common where id in (" Ocommon ")"; cm.commandtext = SQL; cm.commandtype = commandType.Text; DR = cm.executeReader (); strinfo = ""</p> <p>While (Dr.Read ()) ... {STRINFO = "" DR ["name"]. Tostring ();} Dr.close (); if (strinfo == ") Strinfo =" Unended "; AddoneElement ("hobby", strinfo, "common");} if (osport == ") ... {addoneElement," unconventional "," sport ");} Else ... { SQL = "Select * from b_sport where id in (" osport ")"; cm.commandtext = SQL; cm.commandtype = commandType.Text; Dr = cm.executeReader (); strinfo = ""; while (DR). Read ()) ... {STRINFO = "" DR ["Name"]. TOSTRING ();} Dr.close (); if (strinfo == ") Strinfo =" Not disclosed "; addoneElement (" favorite Sports ", Strinfo," Sport ");} IF OSEASON == "" "... {AddoneElement (" Love Season "," Unconventional "," Season ");} else ... {sql =" SELECT * from b_season where id in (" odason " ) "; Cm.commandtext = sql; cm.commandtype = commandType.text; dr = cm.executeReader (); strinfo =" "</p> <p>While (Dr.Read ()) ... {STRINFO = "" DR ["name"]. Tostring ();} Dr.close (); if (strinfo == ") Strinfo =" Unended "; AddoneElement ("Love Season", Strinfo, "Season");} if (Ofilm == ") ... {AddoneElement (" Favorite Movie "," Film ");} else. .. {SQL = "SELECT * from b_film where id in (" ofilm ")"; cm.commandtext = SQL; cm.commandtype = commandType.Text; Dr = cm.executeReader (); strinfo = "; while (DR.READ ()) ... {STRINFO = "" DR ["name"]. Tostring ();} Dr.close (); if (strinfo == ") Strinfo =" Unended "; AddOndeElement ("Favorite Movie", Strinfo, "Film");} IF (om USIC == "") ... {AddoneElement, "unconventional", "music");} else ... {SQL = "SELECT * from b_music where id in (" omusic " ) "; Cm.commandtext = sql; cm.commandtype = commandType.text; dr = cm.executeReader (); strinfo =" "</p> <p>While (Dr.Read ()) ... {STRINFO = "" DR ["name"]. Tostring ();} Dr.close (); if (strinfo == ") Strinfo =" Unended "; AddoneElement, Strinfo, "Music");} if (Omenu == ") ... {AddoneElement (" Preference "," Unended "," Menu ");} else .. . {SQL = "SELECT * from b_menu where id in (" omnu ")"; cm.commandtext = SQL; cm.commandtype = commandType.Text; DR = cm.executeReader (); strinfo = ""; while ()) ... {STRINFO = "" DR ["Name"]. Tostring ();} Dr.close (); if (strinfo == ") Strinfo =" Unended "; AddoneElement "Preferences", Strinfo, "Menu");} IF (OCO LOR == "") ... {AddoneElement ("Favorite Colors", "Not", "Color");} else ... {sql = "SELECT * from b_color where id in (" Ocolor " ) "; Cm.commandtext = sql; cm.commandtype = commandType.text; dr = cm.executeReader (); strinfo =" "</p> <p>While (Dr.Read ()) ... {STRINFO = "" DR ["name"]. Tostring ();} Dr.close (); if (strinfo == ") Strinfo =" Unended "; AddoneElement ("Favorite Colors", Strinfo, "Color");} if (Odress == ") ... {AddoneElement (" Daily Dress Up "," Dreme "," DRESS ");} else .. {SQL = "SELECT * from b_dress where id in (" Odress ")"; cm.commandtext = SQL; cm.commandType = CommandType.Text; DR = cm.executeReader (); strinfo = ""; while ()) ... {STRINFO = "" DR ["Name"]. Tostring ();} Dr.close (); if (strinfo == ") Strinfo =" Unended "; AddoneElement "Daily Dress Up", Strinfo, "Dress"); f (OLANGUAGE == "") ... {AddoneElement ("Language Ability", "LANGUAG");} else ... {SQL = "SELECT * from b_language where id in (" OLANGUAGUAGUAGUAGUE ")"; Cm.commandtext = SQL; cm.commandtype = commandType.text; dr = cm.executeReader (); strinfo = ""</p> <p>While (Dr.Read ()) ... {STRINFO = "" DR ["name"]. Tostring ();} Dr.close (); if (strinfo == ") Strinfo =" Unended "; AddoneElement ("Language Ability", Strinfo, "Language");} SQL = "Select * from userlogin where username = '" IDD "" "; cm.commandtext = SQL; cm.commandtype = commandType.Text; DR = Cm.executeReader (); strinfo = ""; if (Dr.Read ()) ... {strinfo = DR ["logintime"] == NULL? ": Convert.TodateTime (DR [" Logintime "]). TOSTRING ("YYYY-MM-DD HH: MM"); AddoneElement ("Recent Login Time", Strinfo, "Logintime"); STRINFO = DR ["LoginCount"] == NULL? ": DR [" LoginCount "] .Tostring (); addoneElement ("Login number", Strinfo, "LoginCount");} else ... {addoneElement ("Recent login time", "," logintime "); Strinfo = DR ["LoginCount"] == NULL? "": DR ["logincount"]. Tostring (); addoneElement ("Login number", "", "logincount");} Dr.close (); sql = "Select * from personalphoto where username = '" IDD "'"; cm.commandtext = SQL; cm.commandtype = commandType.Text;</p> <p>DR = cm.executeReader (); strinfo = ""; if (Dr.Read ()) ... {AddonePicLinkelement ("Personal Image", "ShowPhoto_P.ASPX? IDD =" IDD, "OriginPhoto.aspx? IDD = " IDD," Selfimg ");} else ... {AddonePicLinkelement (" Personal Image "," ImageS / No_Photo.gif "," OriginPhoto.aspx? IDD = " IDD," Selfimg ");} DR .Close (); SQL = "SELECT Photo, Introduce from myalbum where username = '" IDD "'"; cm.commandtext = SQL; cm.commandtype = commandType.Text; DR = cm.executeReader (); strinfo = ""; Sbxml.append ("<album>"); int T = 0; if (Dr.hasRows) ... {while (Dr.READ ()) ... {t ; sbxml.append ("<photo > "); Sbxml.append (" <filename> " DR [ "photo"]. TOSTRING () "</ filename>"); sbxml.append ("<title>" DR ["Introduce"]. toString () "</ title>"; sbxml.append ( "</ Photo>");} sbxml.append ("<count>" T.toString () "</ count>");} else ... {sbxml.append ("<count> 0 <</p> <p>/ Count> ");} sbxml.append (" </ album> "); Dr.close (); addoneElement (" User Name ", IDD," Username); Addonelinkelement ("Contact:", "MyleaveWord / Add .aspx? user_id = " IDD," Contact this Member "," LinkMethod "); Addonelinkelement (" Add Contact List "," MyleaveWord / AddTolinkmanList.aspx? u_id = " IDD," Add Contact List "," AddLinkman " Addonelinkelement ("Add to Pursuit List", "MyleaveWord / AddooerList.aspx? U_id =" IDD, "Add to Pursuit List", "AddWooer"); Addonelinkelement ("Mood Diary", "MyDiary / Personalpubdiary.aspx? User_id = " IDD," Browse My Mood Diary "," LookDia "); SBXML.Append (" </ Personal> "); if (! File.exists (server.mappath (xmlname))) ... {filestream FS = (server.mappath (xmlname), filemode.create, fileaccess.write, fileshare.write; ... {streamwriter write = new streamwriter (fs); Writer.wri TE (sbxml.tostring (); Writer.Flush (); fs.close ();}} response.write (sbxml.tostring ());} catch (exception ex) ... {loveAndFriend.myleaveWord.pubfunction. AlertMessage (EX.MESSAGE);} finally ... {cm.dispose (); myconnection.close (); myconnection.dispose ();}} void</p> <p>AddoneElement (String</p> <p>ONAME,</p> <p>String</p> <p>Ovalue,</p> <p>String</p> <p>Olement</p> <p>...</p> <p>{Sbxml.append ("<" OEEMENT ">"); sbxml.append ("<name>" "</ name>"); sbxml.append ("<value> ovalue " < / Value> "); sbxml.append (" </ " lement "> ");</p> <p>Void</p> <p>Addonelinkelement</p> <p>String</p> <p>ONAME,</p> <p>String</p> <p>Olink,</p> <p>String</p> <p>OText,</p> <p>String</p> <p>Olement</p> <p>...</p> <p>{Sbxml.append ("<" OEEMENT ">"); sbxml.append ("<name>" oname "</ name>"); sbxml.append ("<link> olink " < / LINK> "); sbxml.append (" <text> " OText " </ text> "); sbxml.append (" </ " ≤"> ");}</p> <p>Void</p> <p>AddonePicLinkelement</p> <p>String</p> <p>ONAME,</p> <p>String</p> <p>OSRC,</p> <p>String</p> <p>Olink,</p> <p>String</p> <p>Olement</p> <p>...</p> <p>{Sbxml.append ("<" OEEMENT ">"); sbxml.append ("<name>" "</ name>"); sbxml.append ("<src>" osrc "< / Src> "); sbxml.append (" <link> " olink " </ link> "); sbxml.append (" </ " OEEMENT ">);}</p></div><div class="text-center mt-3 text-grey"> 转载请注明原文地址:</div><div class="plugin d-flex justify-content-center mt-3"></div><hr><div class="row"><div class="col-lg-12 text-muted mt-2"><i class="icon-tags mr-2"></i><span class="badge border border-secondary mr-2"><h2 class="h6 mb-0 small"><a class="text-secondary" href="tag-2.html">9cbs</a></h2></span></div></div></div></div><div class="card card-postlist border-white shadow"><div class="card-body"><div class="card-title"><div class="d-flex justify-content-between"><div><b>New Post</b>(<span class="posts">0</span>) </div><div></div></div></div><ul class="postlist list-unstyled"> </ul></div></div><div class="d-none threadlist"><input type="checkbox" name="modtid" value="88613" checked /></div></div></div></div></div><footer class="text-muted small bg-dark py-4 mt-3" id="footer"><div class="container"><div class="row"><div class="col">CopyRight © 2020 All Rights Reserved </div><div class="col text-right">Processed: <b>0.053</b>, SQL: <b>9</b></div></div></div></footer><script src="./lang/en-us/lang.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/jquery.min.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/popper.min.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/bootstrap.min.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/xiuno.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/bootstrap-plugin.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/async.min.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/form.js?2.2.0"></script><script> var debug = DEBUG = 0; var url_rewrite_on = 1; var url_path = './'; var forumarr = {"1":"Tech"}; var fid = 1; var uid = 0; var gid = 0; xn.options.water_image_url = 'view/img/water-small.png'; </script><script src="view/js/wellcms.js?2.2.0"></script><a class="scroll-to-top rounded" href="javascript:void(0);"><i class="icon-angle-up"></i></a><a class="scroll-to-bottom rounded" href="javascript:void(0);" style="display: inline;"><i class="icon-angle-down"></i></a></body></html><script> var forum_url = 'list-1.html'; var safe_token = 'ib4UEVZK2EDVrHYxC5sYobLFB8k12Fuu2dxjE7DzZp6PHARHantxCuj9LSJQv_2FlWKitLZV3aaich_2BFIjEK1llw_3D_3D'; var body = $('body'); body.on('submit', '#form', function() { var jthis = $(this); var jsubmit = jthis.find('#submit'); jthis.reset(); jsubmit.button('loading'); var postdata = jthis.serializeObject(); $.xpost(jthis.attr('action'), postdata, function(code, message) { if(code == 0) { location.reload(); } else { $.alert(message); jsubmit.button('reset'); } }); return false; }); function resize_image() { var jmessagelist = $('div.message'); var first_width = jmessagelist.width(); jmessagelist.each(function() { var jdiv = $(this); var maxwidth = jdiv.attr('isfirst') ? 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