Eclipse3.0.1 Visual Editor Introduction

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  43

Eclipse3.0.1 Visual Editor

Some friends are using Eclipse, I am also learning to use, I always like to try fresh things, I have never used the Visual Edit plugin for CLIPSE, I have installed it, but I have not succeeded, and I have seen it repeatedly. Other netizens' experience, today introduced my configuration process to everyone, I hope to help you.

Step 1: Download the required software

The JDK version is in 1.4.2 or more




NLPACK-Eclipse-SDK-3.0.x-Win32: The Chinese package of this Eclipse development platform can not be used



Step 2:

Install JDK (this is not said),

See if eclipse can run normal: Download Eclipse is usually a compressed file, we decompressed it into f: / eclipse, double-click F: /eclipse/eclipse.exe application, that is


The interface for the first running program is

Step 3: Install the plugin

Here, we use write link files to install plugins

1. Create a Links folder under the f: / eclipse folder, our; link files are placed under this folder.

2. Establish a Plugins folder in the F disc that is specifically used to store plugins that need to be installed. We decompressed the downloaded EMF-SDO-Runtime-2.0.1 and gef-runtime-3.0.1 plugins below the F: / PLUGINS directory, the entire directory structure can be seen below

3. Write a link file

We use Notepad to build files, files are complicated with .LINK, build four link files, names are


Document content: pat = f: //plugins/emf-sdo-runtime-2.0.1


Document content: PATH = f: //plugins/gef-runtime-3.0.1


Document content: path = f: //plugins/VE-Runtime-1.0.1.


Document content: PATH = f: //plugins/Ve-sdk-

If you want Chinese, you can also use the same way

4. Run Eclipse again

We send an eclipse shortcut to the desktop, by the way, change the name,

Right click on this icon, attribute, pop up the Eclipse3.0.1 window, we are in the final plus

A "-clean".

Double-click this shortcut to run Eclipse.exe again.

4. Start travel

After the program starts, let me start our VE trip.

1) We use the "File-> New Project" to pop up a new project dialog box as shown below

We create a new Java project, named TestVe,

Click to complete.

2) Then "File -> New -> Other", pop up the [New] dialog,

Let's pull down, choose to create a swing-> jframe Visual class file, click Next

3) Pop up the [New Visual Class] dialog,

Class name is scheduled to test, click to complete the next step

4) OK

Return to the main interface of the Eclipse, because everyone's configuration is different, so the effect of display may not be the same, I will give me a look

Do you find something we want?

Ok, write so much, everyone figured out, make progress together, good experience, don't forget to share together


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