Exchange management

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  72


Exchange 2K installation and deletion

Exchange 2K installation and deletion. Please make a statement and improve it together.

How to successfully install and uninstall Exchange 2K, first you have to plan AD. You should be able to manipulate Windows 2000 Server and configure it. Should be configured and make sure DNS can work normally. The system environment before installation is assumed that you have installed Windows 2000 Server correctly, and the AD and DNS Server have been properly installed, and IIS and its related components SMTP and NNTP protocols are installed. Since Exchange runs requires these components. Suppose this computer is the first DC in your network, it can run healthily smoothly. Here I have to focus on: You must ensure that your AD's underlying structure (referring to the five roles of AD, especially DC and GC and SCHEMA) are working properly, we will now install Exchange on this computer. 2K, but you must be a member of the Administrator, Schema Admin group or member of the Domain Administrator group. How to read this article. Since the steps of installation and deletion are more, I suggest that readers have a full story of this article, and then start practice. Four Benefits to install Exchange 2K1 to put the Exchange 2K installation CD into your drive (here we assume that the light drive letter is g :), this time will be jumped out of the automatically installed screen, but please do not click the Exchange Server Setup button, this installation method Not the best, please turn off this picture, I will tell you more effectively, more personalized installation methods. 2 Start the DOS command line method, switch your current drive to the Exchange installation in the command line, and enter the subdirectory: g: /setup/i386.3 Enter the command setup / foreestprep, please do not be wrong . This command is the first step in installing Exchange, which will write a lot of information to your current Schema and Origination. This command will completely integrate Exchange to AD. 4 Second step input command: setup / domainprep, please do not be wrong. This step is to prepare for installing Exchange. 5 Step 3 Enter the command: Setup, select Custom Installation when selecting the installation type, and select only Administrative Tools when selecting the installed components. 6 Step 4, after the management tool installation is complete, you can build your AG (management group) and RG (routing group), here you will find that you can give the management group according to your company's specific circumstances and regional distribution Name, this will more in line with your actual situation, this is why I let you close the automatic installation screen. Because if you use automatic installation, you will not be able to change the name of the management group, and the entire installation process will be very slow. 7 Step 5, enter the command: setup, at this point you can add components according to your needs. If you don't have any errors, your Exchange should now run normally, you should be able to see it in Service, there will be some service about Exchange is already running.

Here I want to point out two critical services, one is system attendent, it is the best service of Exchange, if this service is not running, then your Exchange installation is failed; the other is an Information Store service, if this service is not When you run, you will not see the Exchange automatic mapping M disk (M disk is very important, where you will save the user's data, and the Log file for data recovery.); This service relies on the System Attendent service. If your DNS is configured, then the two services may not work properly, because the normal work of these two services requires support for Windows 2000 Server's DNS. As for other services such as POP3, SMTP, IMAP4, etc., these services will be automatically started. In the above installation process, if there is an error prompt, or after the installation is complete, your Exchange cannot run normally, or if there is an error event in the event viewer, these should belong to the Troubleshooting range, not in our time During discussion. As soon as possible, we have to admit that we may encounter a very embarrassing situation: that is, Exchange may have not been used normally, this situation may be caused by a variety of reasons, or you may Mistaked operation caused. Then we can only reinstall it, I think this is already the best choice for reinstalling the entire system. Now let's talk about how to clean up Exchange from a DC. 1 Start an Active Directory User and Computers tool, select all users with mailbox in this mail server, click Right click to select "Exchange Tasks", then select "Delete Mailbox" to delete all users' mailbox, if this action is not done, we Will not continue the next step. Insert your Exchange installation CD, after the installation screen appears, select the "Remove" option for the component you have installed in the "Component Selection" screen. 2 We must stop all Exchange and a variety of related services, such as: Microsoft Exchange EventMicrosoft Exchange IMAP4Microsoft Exchange Information StoreMicrosoft Exchange ManagementMicrosoft Exchange Message Transfer Agent StacksMicrosoft Exchange POP3Microsoft Exchange Routing EngineMicrosoft Exchange Site Replication ServiceMicrosoft Exchange System Attendant you need these services are stopped of. 3 After you stop all related services, you should pay attention to there are still many key values ​​remain in the registry, so we will delete the following key values. We strongly recommend you before you modify the registry. Backup to prevent accidents. They are the following key values, respectively: hkey_local_machine / Software / Microsoft / ESE98HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / ExchangehKey_Local_Machine / System / CurrentControlSet / Services / Davex

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CURRENTCONTROLSET / SYSTEM / CURRENTCONTROLSET / SERVICES / ESE98 Note: If your Exchange has already played SP2, then this key value will not exist. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Services / EXIFSHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Services / ExIPCHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Services / EXOLEDBMicrosoft Exchange Directory Service to MetabaseHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Services / MSExchangeMU


Microsoft Exchange IMAP4HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Services / IMAP4SvcHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Services / MSExchangeALHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Services / MSExchangeDSAccess

Microsoft Exchange Information Storehkey_local_machine / system / currentcontrolset / service / msexchangeis

Microsoft Exchange ManagementHKey_local_Machine / System / CurrentControlSet / Services / MSExchangeMgMT

Microsoft Exchange Message Transfer Agent Stackshkey_local_Machine / System / CurrentControlSet / Services / MSExchangemta



Microsoft Exchange Routing EnginehKey_Local_Machine / System / CurrentControlSet / Services / Resvc

Microsoft Exchange Site Replication ServiceHKey_local_Machine / System / CurrentControlSet / Services / MSExchangesRS

Microsoft Exchange System AttendantHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Services / MSExchangeSAHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Services / MSExchangeTransportHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Services / MSExchangeWEB after deleting one or more of these keys, we will continue to the next step. 4 (Optional) Delete the IIS component and delete the metabase.bin file, which is located in the sysroot / system32 / inetsrv directory. 5 Please restart your computer. 6 After the startup is complete, rename your Exchange directory Exchsrvr or transfer it to other disk. 7 (Optional) Please reinstall the IIS related components, please sure you select protocols such as SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) and NNTP (Network News Transport Protocol). 8 Please reinstall the relevant system patches again. After several steps, we have basically deleted Exchange architecture and some software settings, but don't think this is already good, because the next step is the most critical, although it is easy to operate. Now we will delete Exchange's related information from AD. We need a tool that you can find under the Tools directory under the Windows 2000 installation CD, please install it, the name is called Adsi Edit, in fact, there is also a tool to do this, the name is called LDP. EXE, but it is more complicated, so there is not much introduction here. 1. After installing this tool, start it, and expand Domain NC [ServerName], then expand DC = DomainName, DC = COM, right-click "CN = Microsoft Exchange System Objects", then select "Property". As shown below.


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