Don't expect your customers to provide a simple, complete, organized list of demand analysts. Analysts must divide many of the information on behalf of customer needs into different types so they can properly write information documents and use them for the most reasonable way. Information that does not belong to these types may represent a demand for a non-software project, for example, user training for using new systems or it is just unimportant information. The following discussions are listening to some suggestions in the process of customer demand, which will help to classify information. 1) Business needs, describe customers or development companies can be the most likely business needs of funds, markets or other business profits available from products. Listen to the direct or indirect software users, such as the "market stock price to rise x%", "saving $ y" annually, or "replacing the old generation system Z" with high maintenance costs. 2) Use an example or explanation of the total statement on the business task executed by the system or the total statement that meets the user's goal may be used, and the specific task description represents the usage description. Discuss with our customers, summarize specific tasks into a broader use example. Use examples can be obtained by allowing customers to describe their business workflow activities. 3) Business rules, when a customer says some activities can only be done with some specific people under certain conditions, for example, "if a pharmacist training in hazardous chemical products Aspect is reliable, then he can order chemicals on the list of dangerous drugs. " Business rules is the principle of operational processes. You can use some software features to enhance rules, for example, let the Chemical Tracking System access to the training record database. As mentioned above, the business rules here are not functional needs. 4) Features, customers, such as "users should be able to perform certain features>" or "the system should ", this is the most likely functional requirement. Functional requirements describe the observable behaviors shown in the system, and most of them are in an enforcement of the executor-system response order. Functional requirements define what the system should do, they form part of the software requirements specifications. The analyst should be clear that everyone should understand why the system "must" execute a function. The proposed features sometimes reflect the outdated or invalid business process, and these processes cannot be added to the new system. 5) Statement of quality attributes, how to perform some behaviors well or let users take a measure of a measure of quality, which is a non-functional demand. Listening to those who describe reasonable features: fast, simple, intuition, user friend external interface requirement, robust, reliability, safety and efficiency. You will discuss with users to accurately define their fuzzy and subjective rhetoric. 6) External interface requirements, such demand describes the links between the system and the outside. Software demand specifications must include user interfaces and communication mechanisms, hardware, and other software system requirements. Customer Description External Interface Demand includes the following habit: • "From Read Signals" • "Give Send Messages" • "to" read file "•" can control < Some hardware> "7) limits, limitations refer to some reasonable restrictions of designers and programmers selection. They represent another type of non-functional demand, and you must write these needs to software requirements specifications. Try to prevent customers from improving unnecessary restrictions, as this will prevent a good solution. Unnecessary restrictions will reduce the ability to integrate solutions with existing commercial software. A certain limit helps to improve product quality properties. Use only the standard commands of the program language without allowing the use of the vendor's extension to improve the portability. Here is some habitual language: • "" You must use "•" You cannot apply more than "•" operation must be the same as "other systems>" • " You must define the "8) data definition with , when the client describes a format, allow value or default value, allowing or default values, and they are performing data definitions.