1. Clear class: org.apache.struts.util.propertyMessageResources
Change method: protected synchronized void loading locale (String localeKey)
BLOCKS (Add Line331-336):
Try {
Sprops = new string (Sprops.getbytes ("ISO-8859-1"), "GBK");
Catch (Exception E) {
E.PrintStackTrace ();
Role: Supports local Chinese ApplicationResource.properties files directly.
2. Clear class: org.apache.struts.validator.fieldchecks
Add Method: Public Static Boolean ValidateEmails (Object Bean, ValidatorAction Va, Field Field, ActionerroS Errors, httpservletRequest Request)
Role: Used to check the value in an input box is not one or more email, multiple emails segmented with a semicolon (";") (";") (";") may not.