Use case number
Use case name
Point accumulation
**** latest update
Create time
October 25, 2004
Last update time
October 25
Operator or terminal
The executor collects consumption information for consumer customers, and sends this information to the processing system. According to the integral return of the consumption customer consumption, the integration of this consumption is accumulated in its integral card account, the processing system returns the terminal this consumption Points.
The integral accumulation prerequisites of this use case are cash consumption
The terminal, the operator has signed. Network communication is normal.
Request result
Returns the points of this consumption, and is displayed on the corresponding terminal device display and has a print selection. If the customer needs to print, print the relevant information to the customer.
usage frequency
Ordinary process
3.0 points accumulation
Actor behavior
System response
1) Collect cash consumption information and integral card account information, and send this information to the processing system (accumulated no input password)
2) Whether the input data is legal (UC-A0)
3) Database operation, such as credit card account, no this business information, establish the business points card account (UC-A7), accumulate the integration of this consumption on the credit card account of this accumulation card customer
4) Receive returns, display the points and cumulative points of this time, and print points information according to consumer requirements
Optional process
UC-A7 creation card account
Actor behavior
System response
1) Innovation Card Customer Information
2) Insert the basic information of the credit card customer in the system background
3) Completion
Exceptional factor
1. Instead of this credit card customer information
Actor behavior
System response
1) Return to this credit card customer information;
2) Receive returns, prompt the card user without a point account, and prompt to re-enter the credit card customer information;
3) Re-enter the customer ID, or exit;
4) The transfer process is over;
Containing case
UC-A0 verifies data legitimacy
Specific needs
Description: "Priority" means the importance of this system to this demand task. "Use frequency" refers to the frequency executed by this task in the actual user environment. The pre-estimated frequency of use provides an early instruction "normal process" and the main process, the basic process. . The order of the executter and the system is interacting or conversation between the executor and the system when describing the normal process. When this conversation ends, the executor has also achieved the expected purpose. "Optional Procedure", the optional process represents the details of the task or the change in the way to complete the task. Ordinary process can be decomposed into optional processes on some decision points. Then reroute a general process. "Contains process", many use instances may share some public functions. To avoid repetition, you can define an independent usage instance, this instance contains this public function, and you must include this public usage instance. "Exception factor" causes the case where the task cannot be completed, referred to as exception (E x C e p t i o n), which can be considered an optional process at some point. Describe the exception path is important when defining the use of instances, as they describe how to work on the system on the system under certain conditions. "Request a chemical" use an exception in the examples, is a chemical that is not available on business. If you don't record exception to the document, developers may ignore these possibilities during the design and construction phase. At this time, the system crash will occur when the system encounters an exception condition.