(8), debugging the GUI script must open a GUI script before debugging. If the script is modified, the scripot will automatically compile the script before debugging.
Debug GUI script
1. Click on the menu "File → Open → Script ..." to open the script;
2. Click the debug menu command or quick press.
Set and clear breakpoints
1. Click on the menu "File → Open → Script ..." to open the script;
2, move the cursor to the row to add or clear the breakpoint;
3, click on a flashing cursor at a time;
4. Click on the menu "Debug → Set or Clear Breakpoint" setting or clear the breakpoint;
5. If the breakpoint is set, click on the menu "Debug → Go" to start debugging.
Execute the line
When do not set a breakpoint, select the WA on the script to stop execution, need
1. Click on the menu "File → Open → Script ..." to open the script;
2. Place the pointer to stop the execution.
3, click on a flashing cursor at a time;
4. Click on the menu "Debug → Go Until Cursor" to start debugging.
Run in the Animation mode
1. Click on the menu "File → Open → Script ..." to open the script;
2, move and change the size of the Robot window so that the script window can be seen without overwriting the test.
3, click on the menu "Debug → Animate."
(Nine), recovery the test environment before playback of the GUI script, set the GUI return option 1. Open the GUI Plate Options dialog box; - Click on the menu "Tools → GUI Playback Options before playback." "Playback Script" button, click on the Options button in the Playback dialog; 2, set the option on one page; you can click on the project by clicking on the "?", ""? ", You can get the detailed help information of the project; 3 , Click OK torsion. Playback GUI script 1, restore the test environment before playback; 2, set the playback option; 3, click the Playback Script button on the toolbar; 4, enter the name or select the name from the list; 5, click Options to change the return option, Complete the hit OK button; 6, click OK to continue; ); B, select a log folder from the list; (Create a new log folder in the right side to create a new log folder); c, accept the default log file name (same as the script file) or enter a new Name; D, click OK button. 8. If prompted to ask you to overwrite the log, do one of the following: - Hit Yes override log; - Return to the Specify Log Information dialog box, change the build, log folder and And / OR log information; - Cancel cancel playback; View Results in LogViewer After the end of playback, you can view the playback result with TestManger log, including the failure, the program failure, abnormal interrupt, and additional playback information. Control log information and display logs, you need to set options in the log page of the GUI Playback Options dialog: - Select Output Playback Results to Log Update the playback result of the project; After playback, you can click on the menu "Tools → Rational Test → Rational TestManager". Open the log file View in Comprators Open the results in the TestManger log: Event Type column of the log file, select a verification point, click "View" → Verification Point. "End the playback person is end playback: press the function key F11.
(10), tool strips Operation Robot tool strip Standard - record, playback, open, save, edit, edit, compile, debug, display help information; Tools - Start other Rational test products and components; Gui Record - pause or stop Record, open the Robot window, display the GUI plug-in toolbar; GUI Playback - Playback and debug the GUI script; GUI INSERT - into the GUI script into the close-up; session record - Stop recording session (VU script), open the Robot window, separation Script, display session insertion toolbar; session insert - into the VU script inserted into the closeup; toolbar button View information There are several ways to view toolbar button information and corresponding menu command: • View button name: point to press Tutoring and pause will see on the yellow toolbar prompts the key name; · View briefing: Refers to the button or menu command to see a short description on the status bar; View Details: You can use any of the following View the Details of the Map or Menu Command - Point the button or menu command, press the F1 key; - Tap the Help Pointer Icon button on the right side of the standard toolbar; display and hide the toolbar; display and hide the toolbar Man Menu View → Toolbars, the name lock and floating toolbar of the toolbar lock and floating toolbar lock floating tool: 1. Point to the title bar of the toolbar or point to the twisting; 2, drag the tool strip to the title bar , Menu bar or an existing toolbar; lock the floating tool strip: 8, point to the toolbar, but cannot twisting on any press; 9, drag the tool strip to another location; set the toolbar option 1, click the Menu VIEW → Toolbars → Customize or right click on the toolbar with the mouse, click Customize; 2, select or clear the appropriate check box: show tooltips - Point Tools Tips when you call and pause; COOL LOOK - change The toolbar is in touch with it without a border. Will not change the function of the twisting; Large Buttons - change the size of the toolbar button; 3, click OK. Add, delete, mobile toolbar button 1, click Menu View → Toolbars → Customize or Use the mouse to click on the toolbar, click Customize; 2, click on the Commands page; 3, add a button: Click on the menu in the categories column; 4 , Delete the button: drag to twist to any position outside the toolbar; 5, move the button: Drag to turn to another location on the toolbar; 6, click OK; create your own toolbar 1, hit menu View → Toolbars → Customize or right-click the toolbar with the mouse, click Customize; 2, click on the Toolbars page; 3, click New; 4, enter the name of the new toolbar, click OK; 5, click on the Commands page; 6, from categories Click on the menu name; 7. Click to touch its description.