XHTML files first use XML's syntax to life, and then use HTML tags to design web pages.
XML Version = "1.0"?> - Document Main Body ->
The declaration area: XHTML file is the area of XML, so you need to declare it with XML Version = "1.0"?>. The default font of the system is UTF-8 and UTF-16. If you want to use other fonts, you must specify in the declaration area. For example: XML Version = "1.0" encoding = "gb2312"?>
If you just display the XHTML file content on your browser, you can omit XHTML & IE 5.5 h2>
stytle = "color: blue"> asdfasdfasdf h1> center> body> truml> file format definition: XML custom tag must be defined by , or store tag properties and related information in * .dtd file, use < ! Doctype> to reference, for example: Xml version = "1.0" endcoding = "gb2312"?> ]> ...... XHTML can only use the three DTDs set by W3C: Strict DTD: < ! Doctype html public "- // w3c // DTD XHTML 1.0 strict // en" "http://www.w3c.org/tr/xhtml/dtd/xhtml1-strict.dtd">TRASIAL DTD
Name Space: XML Version = "1.0"?>