An example of Oracle failure analysis and treatment encountered in work

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  73

Case Category: VAS Network System Type: CMODE System Version: Hardware: Sun Software: All Version Case Titles: CMODE Passenger Database Apperates Lock Process Method: Starting the SAM_CMODE process No normal processing of the work order. Fault Description: Start starting with SAM_CMODE -D to find SAM_CMODE to process a user. Connected4C 4F 47 49 4E 3A 55 53 45 3D 22 75 74 62 6A 22 2C50 41 53 53 57 4F 52 44 3D 22 75 74 62 6A 31 32 33 22 0D 0A Send: Login: UserName = "UTBJ ", Password =" UTBJ123 "

Recv: login: Result = 0

Connect Cmode Successful! 44 45 4C 20 30 33 33 31 30 3A 0D 0A Send Del 08518743210: A Connection Break Or Timeout in Recvcommu Err WHEN Delete EVENT Fault Analysis: Manually delete the user record in CMODE database , Found Oracle without any feedback information. (Oracle's integrity constraint error will appear. Oracle's integrity constraint error. ORA-02292: Integrity construint (pdxdba.fk_tsignup_userid) Violated - Child Record Found is initially suspecting that the user record is locked in the TCONTRACT table.

By querying Oracle's views, found that some users are being recorded by Update, and find that there are many UPDATE operations without commits. SQL> SELECT A.SERIAL #, A.SID, C.SQL_Text, A.Program from V $ Session A, V $ locked_Object B, V $ SQLText c where a.sid = B.Session_ID and C.SQL_Text Like 'Update Tcontract Set% 'and a.program like' sqlplus% 'Order by A.SID;

Update tContract set lstatus = 'e' where tel = '08518743210'sqlplus @ gz_signup (TNS V1-V3)

14895 234 Troubleshooting: Kill these session through the oracle command. Restart the SAM_CMODE and SIGNUP modules. Alter System Kill Session '234, 14895'; daily maintenance: 1. Maintenance personnel try not to manually modify the data in the CMODE database. 2. The modification has been confirmed to confirm the correct commit operation.


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