GNU General Public Authorization (Simplified Chinese Translation)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  74

GNU General Public Authorization (Simplified Chinese Translation)

GNU General public license

The following content from GNU universal public license

GNU General Public Authorization (Simplified Chinese Translation)


This is a GNU universal public authorized informal Chinese translation. It is not published by the Free Software Foundation, or the statutory release of software using GNU universal public authorized software - only the version of GNU general public authorization English original version has this effect. However, we hope that this translation can help Chinese users know more about GNU universal public authorization. This is an unofficial translation of the GNU General Public License into Chinese. It was not published by the Free Software Foundation, and does not legally state the distribution terms for software that uses the GNU GPL-only the original English text of the GNU GPL does That. However, We Hope That THIS THINTLATION WILL HELP Chinese Speakers Understand The GNU GPL Better.

GNU General Public Authorization

Second Edition, June 1991

Copyright © 1989,1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

Allows everyone to copy and publish a complete copy of this authorization file, but do not allow any modifications to it.


Most software licenses are designed to deprive the freedom of sharing and modifying software. Conversely, GNU general public authorization map guarantees that you share free software free software - Make sure the software is free to all users. General public authorization applies to the software of most free software foundations, as well as any other software that uses this authorization. (Some Free Software Foundation's software applies to GNU library general public authorization regulations.) You can also make your software apply to this authorization regulation.

When we are talking about free software, we refer to freedom, not prices. Our general public authorization is designed to ensure free you have free software backup (and you can decide whether this service is charged), make sure you can receive the source code or get it when you need it, make sure you can change Software or part of it is used for new free software; and make sure you know these things you can do.

In order to protect your rights, we need to make restrictions: No one will deny your rights above or ask you to abandon these rights. If you release a copy of the software, or modify it, these restrictions are transformed into your responsibility.

For example, if you publish a copy of such programs, whether you are free or charge, you must give an acceptor to all rights you have. You must also make sure they can also receive or get the original program code. And you must show them the content of these terms, so that they know the rights they have.

We take two measures to protect your rights: (1) Provide your authorization, (2), and (2) provide you with your authorization, publish, and / or modify the software license.

At the same time, in order to protect the author and we (press: refer to the Free Software Foundation), we want to determine that everyone understands that free software is not guaranteed. If the software is modified and disseminuted by others, we need to accept their acceptance that the original version they got, so any of the problems arising from others will not have any impact on the reputation of the original author.

Finally, all free software is constantly threatened by software patents. We hope that the release of free software will make the risks of patent authorization in the name of individuals. In order to prevent the above emotions, we have clearly stated here: any patents must be approved for free use of everyone, otherwise it should not be teacked and patented. The following is a clear terms and conditions for copying, publishing, and modifying.

Copy, publishing and modifying terms and conditions

0. All posts are declared in their programs or other works, the procedures or works will be released under the General Public Authorization Terms and this authorization is applicable. The "program" referred to herein refers to any program or works that apply to general public authority; and a "book-based work", refer to the programs or any derivatives generated by copyright law, in other words, Refers to all or one work of this program, whether it is a complete or modified program, and / or translation into other languages ​​(the following "modified" include, but is not limited to translation behavior). Authorized people are called "you."

This authorization does not apply to behavior other than replication, publishing and modification; these behaviors are not within the scope of this authorization. The act of performing this procedure is not limited, and the output of this program is only restrained by this authorization only in its contents (rather than just because of the execution of this program). As for whether the output content of the program constitutes the derived work of this program, it depends on the specific use of this program.

1. You can copy and publish its complete replicates regardless of the media, copying and publishing its complete replicates, but you must meet the following items: Publish appropriately on each copy in a significant and appropriate manner Copyright indicates and non-guarantee statements; maintain all the original attornements of this authorization and non-guarantee statements; and pay the authorized copy of this authority to any of the receiptors of any of the programs.

You can charge a certain fee for the actual behavior of the replica, you can also deliberately decide whether to provide guarantees as a price exchange.

2. You can modify one or several replicans of this program or any part of this program, to form the work based on this program, and according to the first article, copy and release this modified program Or work, but you must meet the following items:

(a) You must attach a significant sign on the modified receipt, clarify that you have modified these messages, as well as the date of modification.

(b) You must have all the works you have published or issued, whether you include all or one of this procedure, or a work derived from the programs or any part of its part, or to authorize all third people It is specified that any fees are charged therefore

© When the modified program is implemented, you must use the command in an interactive manner when executing, you must start entering this interactive use when you are using the order, and the following announcements: the appropriate copyright indication And non-guaranteed statements (or declare that you provide guarantees), users can release this procedure according to these conditions, and to inform users how to browse the authorized copy. (Exception: If this program itself is executed in an interaction, it is usually not printed when the announcement is not printed, you do not need to print the announcement based on the works in this program.)

These requirements are suitable for modified works. If a part of the recognition in the school is not derived from this program, and it is reasonably considered to be an independent, individual work, the authorization and the terms will be based when you send it as an individual copy. Not applicable to this part. However, when you release the above part, the release of the entire work must meet the provisions of this Authorization Terms, while the authorization is permission to be licensed by other authorized people.

Therefore, the intent of this section is not to advocate or deprive you for your rights to complete the work being completely; In addition, unusual accumulation behaviors that are not based on other works produced by this program (or books based on this program) in the same storage or publishing medium, and will not cause the work to be constrained by this Authorization Terms.

3. You can replicate and publish this procedure (or the art based on this program based on this program) or executable form, but you must meet the following items in accordance with the foregoing first, two

(a) Attach the complete, corresponding machines can be used to read the source code, and these source code must be released on the media to be used as software exchange according to the foregoing first and second; or

(b) At least three years of effective written quotation documents, providing any third person to obtain the full machine readable replication of the same source code under the cost of paying the cost of the actual release source code, and according to the first, The two stipulate that the replication is issued on the vehicle that is often used as a software exchange; or

© Attach the offer information about the release of the same source code. (This option is only available when you receive the procedure code or executable form of the program or the executable form of the written quotation file only in the aforementioned B term.)

The source code of the work refers to the form of modifications to works. For an executable work, the complete source code refers to all source code included in the work, plus the definition gear of the relevant interface, and a description used to control the book compilation and installation. However, special exceptions is that the source code issued does not need to include software issued by the main components (compilers, cores, etc.) that are implemented (compilers, cores, etc.) as the executed system (both source or binary format) Unless the part itself is attached to the executable program.

If the release method of the executable code or purpose code is to provide the access location to the person replication at the specified location, the use opportunity to copy the source code from the same location is provided, regardless of the release of the source code, but the third person does not There is an obligation to copy the destination code together with the source code.

4. In addition to the way of this authorization, you may not copy, modify, and authorize or publish this procedure. Any attempts to copy, modify, reauthorize or publish this program in other ways, and will automatically terminate the right to be based on this authorization. However, authorization of authorization regulates from the person who accepts replicans or rights in your hand, as long as the authorization, the license they receive will not terminate.

5. Because you are not signing on this authorization, you don't need to accept this authorization. However, in addition to this, you have no other modified or publish a license for this program or its derivative work. These behaviors are prohibited if you do not accept this authorization. Therefore, by modifying or publishing behaviors of this program (or any work based on this program), you represent the acceptance of this authorization, and accept all copies of copying, release, or modify this program or based on this program. Terms and conditions.

6. Whenever you release this program (or any book based on this program), the recipient automatically obtains the right to authorize the authorized terms and conditions to copy, release, or modify the procedure. You must not add any further restrictions on the rights of the acceptors who have given the acceptors of this authorization. Do you have to be responsible for your third person to fulfill this authorization.

7. If the court decision, patent infringement or elsewhere (not limited to patent dispute), make it a conflict with your conditions (whether by court orders, agreements or other means) They don't exempt your compliance with this authorization. If you cannot publish the obligation and other relevant obligations in accordance with this authorization, then the result is that you may not release the program. For example, if patent authorization does not allow other people to obtain replicates directly or indirectly, the only way to send this procedure by sending the money, you can simultaneously meet the obligation and this authorization is to completely avoid the release of the program. If this strip is considered to be invalid or unforgettable in special circumstances, this section should still be applied in other cases.

The purpose of this article is not inducing your right to infringe on patents or other property rights, or disputes on the effectiveness of such claims; the sole purpose of this article is to ensure the integrity of free software issuing systems performed by public authorization practices . Many people trust the system consistently used applications, and a significant contribution to a large number of software issued via this system; the author / contributor has the right to decide whether he or she wants to release software via other system, and is authorized by No choice.

The intention of this section is to explain the other uncertain parts of this authorization clearly.

8. If the procedure of this program is limited to some countries, the procedure is set in the original authority of this procedure in this authorization specification. To release regional restrictions, these countries are excluded, and the released license is limited to or in the unscruposed country. In this case, the restriction clause is intended in writing in this authorization in writing, and become the terms of this authorization.

9. The Free Software Furnit will receive a general public authority revision with / or a new version. The new version will be close to the current version, but in detail or different in response to new problems or conditions.

Each version has a different version number. If this program specifies an authorized version number, you can choose to follow this version or any of the terms and conditions that follow this version or any new versions issued by the Free Software Fund. If this program does not specify an authorized version number, you can select the version issued by the Free Software Foundation.

10. If you want to incorporate some of the programs in other free programs, please write the author's license. If you enjoy the software of the Free Software, please write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes be handled in an exception. Our decision depends on two objectives: ensuring that all derivatives of our free software are maintained in a free state and widely promote software sharing and reuse.

No guarantee statement

11. Since this program is unpaid, this authorization is not guaranteed by this procedure within the scope of the legal license. Non-written statements, copyright owners and / or other providers, no matter how expressions or acquiescents are provided in the "Status", there is no form of guarantee responsibility, including but not limited, in order to sell And the applicability of specific purposes is an insignificant guarantee. All risks about the quality and efficacy of this procedure are borne. If this procedure has proven to be flaws, you should assume all services, repair, or corrections.

12. Non-legal requirements or written consent, any copyright or any may be modified with / or publish this applance according to the foregoing manner, for your generality, specialty, accident or indirectness caused by using or cannot use this program Sexual loss, no responsibility (including but not limited to, information loss, not accurate, or should be taken by you or the third person, or this program cannot operate with other procedures, etc.), even the aforementioned copyright The same is true when other people have been informally of this loss.

- End of provisions -

How do your new program use these terms? If you have developed a new program, and I hope that it can be used as much as possible, the best way to achieve this is to make it free software, anyone can re-issue and modify the software according to these provisions. .

In order to do this, please add the following statement to the program. The safest way is to declare the start of each source module to effectively communicate the message without guaranteed responsibility; and at least the copyright "column and the full-text position of the copyright.

Use a line of description procedures and its use briefing copyright ©

This program is free software; you can regulate the GNU General Public Authorization Terms in accordance with the Free Software Foundation, this procedure is released and / or modified; no matter the second edition of this authorization or (you choose to choose Released after any day.

This program is published based on the purpose of use, but does not have any guarantee responsibilities; there is no hypothesis guarantee for the applicability of suitable sale or specific purposes. Please refer to GNU General Public Authorization for details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU general public authorization attached to this program; if not, please write to the Free Software Foundation: 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

At the same time, there is information on how to contact you by electronics and written letters.

If the program is operated in interactive mode, the output short prompt is as follows:

GNOMOVISION No. 69, copyright © Years Name GNOMOVISION is not guaranteed, you want to know the details, please type 'show W'. This is a free software, you are welcome to publish this program under specific conditions; if you want to know the details, type 'show c'.

The assumed command 'show W' and 'Show C' should display the corresponding terms of the general public authority. Of course, you can use the name of 'Show W' and 'Show C'; even in mouse keying or napper unparallert - as long as it is in the way you need.

If necessary, you should also get your employer (if your work is a program designer) or the school's copyright abandonment commitment is signed in this procedure. Its examples are as follows, you only need to modify your name:

YOYODYNE, this abandoned the 'GNOMOVISION' program written by James Hacker (information required by the program output compiler) All copyright benefits.

, April 1, 1989

Ty Coon, Vice President

This general public authorization does not allow you to enter this procedure into a special program. If your program is a subscriber log library, you may think that the proprietary application is more helpful to the duct. If this is what you want, please use the GNU library Universal public authorization instead of this authorization.

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