Integrate Eclipse and Tomcat using Sysdeo Tomcat Plugin

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  71

1. Download Use Sysdeo Tomcat Plugin to decompress. Use the entire directory COPY to Eclipse / Plugins 2.eclipes using SDK without default JRE. (Eclipse> Window> Preferences> Java). 3. Eclipse> Window> Preferences> Tomcat, radical button "Version 5.x", Tomcat Home is set to Tomcat installation directory. 4.eclipse> file> new> Project, select Tomcat Project, then click Next, take one Name MyTomcatProject, click Finish.5.eclipse> New> File, tap index.jsp then click Finish.6.index content: <% d = new ( %>%>

TodayS Date Is <% = D.Getdate ()%> and this JSP page workd!

7. Launch Tomcat.http: // localhost: 8080 / mytomcatproject8. See Similar like TodayS Date IS 30 and this JSP Page Worked!, OK


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