IE common faults and solutions

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  69

Send an error report

[Fault Phenomenon] In the process of using IE browsing, "Microsoft Internet Explorer encounters problems need to be turned off ...". At this point, if you click the "Send Error Report" button, you will create an error report. Click the "Close" button will cause the current IE window to shut down; if you click the No Send button, you will close all IE windows.

[Tax Review] This is a small program that IE is designed to understand the user in use, but I don't want to be Microsoft's "free tester", let alone, it will face thousands of reports every day, who Do you know if you care about my report? !

[Trouble Solution]

For different situations, the following method can be used to close the IE Send Error Reporting Function:

1 For IE 5.x users, execute "Control Panel → Add or Remove Programs", select the Internet Explorer ERROR Reporting option in the list, and then click the "Change / Remove" button to remove it from the system.

2 For the IE 6.0 users under Windows 9X / ME / NT / 2000, open the Registry Editor, find [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE @ lm \Microsoft \NTERNET Explorer \Main], create named Iewatsonabled in the right pane DWORD double-byte value and assign it to 0.

3 For Windows XP IE 6.0 users, execute "Control Panel → System", switch to the Advanced tab, click the "Error Report" button, select the "Disable Error Report" option, and select "but when serious errors occur Notify me, finally click the "OK" button.

2. IE occurs internal errors, the window is turned off

[Fault Phenomenon] When you use IE to browse some web pages, an error message dialog box appears: "The program executes illegal operations, ready to close ...", click "OK" button and pop up a dialog, prompt "Internal error ... ". After clicking the "OK" button, all open IE windows are turned off.

[Tax review] This error has a variety of reasons, too much memory resources, IE security level settings do not match, conflicts with other software, browse the website itself contains error code ... These situations are possible, need Patience is solved.

[Trouble Solution]

1 Close too much IE window. If you need a lot of programs that need to be a large amount of memory, it is recommended that the IE window opens not more than 5.

2 Reduce the IE security level. Execute the Tools → Internet Options menu, select the Security tab, click the Default Level button, drag the slider to reduce the default security level.

3 Upgrade IE to the latest version. IE 6.0 SP1

A browser that can be used as a core, such as Myie2. It takes up less system resources, and when the browser is faulty, start it next time, there will be a prompt to "open the page when the last error occurs", and help you save the loss as much as possible.

3. Operation error

[Fault Phenomenon] When you use IE to browse the webpage, pop up "Running Errors, whether to correct the error" dialog box, and click "No" to browse after you click.

[Term Review] Maybe the problem of the website itself, may also be due to IE does not support some scripts.

[Trouble Solution]

1 Start IE, execute the Tool → Internet Options menu, select the Advanced tab, select the Disable Script Debug check box, and finally click the "OK" button.

2 Upgrade the IE browser to the latest version.

4. IE window always minimized problems

[Fault Phenomenon] Every open new window is the minimization window, even after clicking the "Maximization" button, the next time the new window is still minimized.

[Tax Review] IE has "automatic memory function", which can save the status parameters after the last closed window, IE itself does not provide related setup options, but can be implemented with the modification of the registry. [Trouble Solution]

1 Open the "Registry Editor", find [HKEY_ CURRENT_USER \Software\Microsoft \NTERNET EXPLOR \Desktop\old Workareas], then select "OldWorkareAreCTs" ​​on the right side of the window to delete it.

2 Look at [HKEY_CURRENT_USER \SOFTWARE \ Microsoft_User \Software "in the Registry Editor," Window_Placement "on the right side of the window is selected, and it is deleted.

3 Exit "Registry Editor", restart the computer, then open IE, maximize the window, and click the "Restore" button to restore the window, then click the "Maximum" button, close to the IE window. When you re-open the IE in the future, the window is normal! Unable to open a new window

[Fault Phenomenon] In the browsing web, click Super Link No response.

[Term Review] Most of them because IE new window modules were destroyed.

[Fault Solution] Click Start → Run ", run" Regsvr32 Actxprxy.dll "and" Regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll "and then restart the system. If you can't do it, you can register with mshtml.dll, urlmon.dll, msjava.dll, browseui.dll, oleaut32.dll, shell32.dll.

6. Offline can't browse the web page

[Fault Phenomenon] Through the "Offline Browse" function of IE, we can almost browse all the web content that has been downloaded to the local hard drive. This is a big magic wealth for the dial-up Internet. But sometimes, although the target page is on the hard disk, but it prompts "unable to browse".

[Target Reviews] This is mostly because you have modified the system time, causing the disorder of IE history.

[Trouble Solution]

1 Available in the method directly in "Temporary Folders" to activate it. Press WIN F to enter the keywords in some memory in "Contains text". Press the "Browse" button at "Search" to select the address of the IE temporary folder, such as "C: \windows@temporary Internet files". Click Start Find, double-click the target page to open in the result list.

2 You can try to browse from browsers such as Tencent TE.

7. In the networked state, the browser cannot open some sites.

[Fault phenomenon] After the Internet, there is a variety of different connection errors when browsing some sites.

[Term Review] This error is generally caused by a fault or you have no browsing permissions.

[Fault Solution] For different connection errors, IE will give different error messages, which are more common:

1 Tip information: 404 Not Found This is the most common IE error message. Mainly because IE can't find the web file you ask, the file may not exist at all or have been transferred elsewhere.

2 Tip information: 403 Forbidden is common in the need to register. In general, it can be solved by instantly register online, but there are some complete

"Closed" website is still unacceptable.

3 Tip information: 500 Server Error usually causes the visited webpage design error or database error, you only have to wait for the other party's web pages to correct the error, then browse :-(. Unable to reinstall

[Fault Phenomenon] IE does not use it normally, but it is prompted to "find the IE in the system" and no uninstall option in "Add or Remove Programs". [Tax review] "Reinstall" is the "ultimate Dafa" to solve the IE fault, and it is also a magic weapon of primary users.

[Trouble Solution]

1 Reinserting IE 5.0 can be performed as follows:

Step 1: Open the "Registry Editor", find [HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINE \Software, ", click on the version of the version of the Version Vector.

Step 2: Double-click the IE subkey in the right pane to change the original "5.0002" to "4.0", and then exit "Registry Editor" after "OK".

Step 3: After restarting, you can reload IE 5.0.

2IE 6.0 has two methods:

Method 1: Open the Registry Editor, find [HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINE @Software\Microsoft\Active Setup \InStalled Components {89820200-ECBD-11CF-8B85-00AA005B4383}], change the ISINSTALLED DWORD value to 0. .

Method 2: Place the Windows XP installation disk, type "Rundll32.exe Setupi, InstallhinfSection DefaultInstall 132% Windir% \Inf \ie.inf" in the Start → Run window. text / liuting finishing


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