Win32 API list 5 (a bit messy)

zhaozj2021-02-16  136

Xu Zhaoyuan, Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications

1201 SetBoundSRect Control Adjacent Rectangle Overlap Yes Yes Yes1202 SetbrushGex Setting Now No Yes Yes1203 SetCapture Sets Mouse Capture "Function: This function sets the mouse capture in the specified window belonging to the current thread. Once the window captures the mouse, all mouse inputs Both of this window, whether the cursor is in the boundaries of the window. Only one window can capture mouse at the same time. If the mouse cursor is on another thread created, only the system will point to the designated mouse input when the mouse button is pressed. Window.

Function prototype: hWnd setcapture (hwnd hwnd);


HWND: The window handle of the mouse is to be captured in the current thread.

Return Value: The return value is the window handle of the last capture mouse. If there is no such handle, the return value is NULL.

Note: Only the front window can capture the mouse. If a background window wants to capture the mouse, the window receives the message only for its cursor hotspot at the window visible part of the mouse event. In addition, even if the front desk has captured the mouse, the user can also click on the window to transfer it to the front desk. When a window is no longer needed, the thread that creates this window should call the function ReleaseCapture to release the mouse. This function cannot be used to capture the mouse input of another process.

Windows 95: Call SetCaptune will cause a window that has lost the mouse capture to receive a WM_CaptureChanged message.

Quick check: Header file: Winuser.h: Enter the library: user32.lib. "YES YES YES1204 SETCARETBLINKTIME Setting Dramatic Flashing Time" function function: This function sets the flashing time of the inserted tag to a specified number, the number of units of milliseconds, the flashing time is the time required to convert the marking pixel, the unit is millisecond.

Function prototype: BOOL setcaretblinktime (uint umseconds);


Umseconds: Specify new flash times, time units are milliseconds.

Return value: If the function is successful, the return value is non-zero; if the function is executed, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Remarks: Users can use the control panel to set the flashing time. Applications should comply with the user's settings. Only applications that allow users to set flicker times (eg, control panels) should only use the setcaretblinktime function.

If you change the flashing time, then subsequent activation applications use the modified flashing time, even when the keyboard focus disappears or is inactive, restore the previous flash time value, which is due to the multi-threaded environment, in this In the environment, it is disabled using an application and activating another application and does not synchronize. This feature allows the system to activate another application even when the current application hangs.

For Windows CE: In the Windows CE system, change the flashing time of the insert mark in an application does not affect the flashing time in the subsequent loaded application.

Speed: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windowsce: 1.0 and above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"YES YES YES1205 SetCareTPOS Settings Dramatic Position" function function: This function moves the insert mark to the specified coordinates. If the window with the interruption tag is created using the CS_OWNDC class style, the specified coordinates are determined based on the mapping mode of the device environment associated with the window. Function prototype: BOOL setcaretpos (int x, int y);


X: Specify the new X coordinate of the inserted tag.

Y: Specifies the new Y coordinate of the inserted tag.

Return value: If the function is successful, the return value is non-zero; if the function is executed, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: The function setCareTPOS will move it regardless of whether the insert mark is hidden. The system provides an insert mark for each queue. The window can only be set to the position of the insert mark you have.

Speed: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above version; Windowsce: 1.0 and above version: Header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"YES YES YES1206 SETCLASSLONG Settings Additional Class Memory Length Numerical" function: This function replaces the 32-bit long integer value of the specified offset address of the additional class storage, or replaces the WNDCLASSEX structure of the specified window.

Function prototype: DWORD setClasslong (hwnd hwnd, // handle of window int nindex, // index of value to change long dwnewlong // new value);


HWND: Window handle and indirectly given the class belonging.

NINDEX: Specifies the 32-bit value that will be replaced. A 32-bit value is set in an additional storage space, and a shift amount greater than or equal to 0 should be specified.

Valid value ranges from 0 to an additional number of bytes of storage space 4; for example, if a 12-bit or more than 12 additional type storage space is specified, the index position of the third 32-bit integer should be set. 8. To set any value in the WNDCLASSEX structure, specify one of the following values:

GCL_CBCLSEXTRA: Set the byte size of the size associated with the class. Set this value does not change the number of additional bytes of the assigned.

GCL_CBWndextra: Sets the byte size of the size associated with each window in the class. Setting this value does not change the number of allocated bytes. Check out how to enter the memory, see Setwindowlong.

GCl_herbackground: Replaces the handle of the background brush related to the class.

GCL_HCURSOR: Replace the handle of the cursor associated with the class. GCL_HICON: Replace the handle of icons related to the class.

GCL_HMODULE: Replaces the handle of the module of the registered class. GCL_Style: Replaces the style bit of the window class.

CGL_Menuname: Replaces the address of the menu name string. This string identifies the menu resource related to the class.

GCL_WndProc: Replace the address of the window process related to the window class.

DWNEWLONG: Specifies the replacement value.

Return value: If the function is successful, the return value is the original value of the specified 32-bit integer; if it is not set in advance, the return value is 0. If the function fails, the return value is 0. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Remarks; if you use the SetClasslong function and the GCL_WndProc index value to replace the window process, the window process must be consistent with the Guideline described in the WINDOWPROCCALLBACK function. A subclass of a window class created by a setClasslong function with a GCL_WndProc index value will affect all the windows created by this class. Applications can create a subclass of a system class, but cannot create subclasses of classes created by other processes.

Additional class storage space is retained by using the RegisterClassex function to preserve additional class storage spaces as a non-zero value.

Carefully use the SetClasslong function. For example, you can change the background color of the class by using setClasslong, but this change Windows CE: NLndex parameter is a byte offset but must be a multiple of 4. Unaligned is not supported.

Without the standard CGL_ * value in the NLndex parameter, there is only one exception, and if the target is set to support the mouse, you can specify CGL_HCURSOR in the NLndex parameter.

Note: Supports the WINDOWSCE version of the mouse contains Iconcurs and Mcursor components instead of ICON and Cursor components.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 above: Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: 1.0 or above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; unicode: UNICODE and ANSI version.

"YES YES YES1207 SetClassword Set Additional Class Memory Word Numerical" function: This function replaces the 16-bit value of the specified offset address in the additional storage space of the window class belonging to the specified window. When the GCW_ value supported by the 16-bit window is passed, the setClasslong function must be used to set the class value set for the GCW_ value of the SETCLASSWORD function.

Function prototype: Word SetClassword (HWND HWND, INT NINDEX, WORD WNEWORD);


HWND: The handle of the window and the class belonging to the indirect window.

NINDEX: Specifies the offset equal to 0 bytes of the value to be obtained. Valid value is from 0 to the number of stored spatial bytes from 0.

For example, if a 10-bit or more additional storage space is specified, the index position 8 of the 5th 16-bit integer should be set.

Wnewwword: Specifies the replacement value.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is the original value of the specified 16 is integer. If the value is not set in advance, the return value is 0. If the function fails, the return value is 0. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: By using the function RegisterClassex to specify the CBCLSEXTRA unit in Structure WndClassex as a non-zero value to retain the storage space of the extra class.

"Yes Yes Yes1208 SetClipboardData set clipboard data Yes Yes Yes1209 SetClipboardViewer added chain in CLIPBOARD browser window Yes Yes Yes1210 SetColorAdjustment adjust the color settings No Yes Yes1211 SetColorSpace color space No Yes Yes1212 SetCommBreak suspend character transmission Yes Yes Yes1213 SetCommConfig No Yes Yes1214 SetCommMask communication event mask setting No Yes Yes1215 SetCommState status communication device disposed Yes Yes Yes1216 SetCommTimeouts set time range communication reader No Yes Yes1217 SetComputerName set the current computer No Yes Yes1218 SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer name display screen is changed buffer No Yes Yes1219 SetConsoleCP disposed console input code page No Yes Yes1220 SetConsoleCtrlHandler single handle disposed console process No Yes Yes1221 SetConsoleCursorInfo cursor size setting console No Yes Yes1222 SetConsoleCursorPosition disposed console cursor position No Yes Yes1223 SetConsoleMode disposed console input and output mode No Yes Yes1224 SetConsoleOutputCP disposed console output code page No Yes Yes1225 SetConsoleScreenBufferSize change the screen buffer size No Yes Yes1226 SetConsoleTextAttribute setup screen text attributes No Yes Yes1227 SetConsoleTitle set console window title string No Yes Yes1228 SetConsoleWindowInfo set console window size No Yes Yes1229 SetCurrentDirectory change the current directory No Yes Yes1230 SetCurs OR change mouse pointer "function function: This function determines the shape of the cursor. Function prototype: hcursor setcursor (HCURSOR HCURSOR);


Hcursor: The handle of the cursor, the cursor is loaded by the CreateCursor function. If the parameter is NULL, the cursor is removed from the screen. The width and high of the cursor in Windows 95 are the return value of the GetSysfeMefirics function. _CYCURSOR, and the bit depth of the cursor must match the display of the display, or the cursor is monochrome.

Return Value: If there is a previous cursor, the return value is the handle of the front cursor; if there is no front cursor, the return value is NUL.

Remarks: Only when the new cursor is not at the same time, set the cursor, otherwise, the function returns immediately. The cursor is a shared resource. One window is only when the cursor is in its customer area, or when it is capturing mouse input, it sets the shape of the cursor. In a system without a mouse, the window will restore the previous cursor before the cursor leaves its customer area or it wants to give the control over other windows. If the application must set the cursor in the window, you must ensure that the class cursor of the specified window class is set to NULL, if the class cursor is not NULL, each time the mouse is moved, the system is to recover the class cursor. If the internal cursor is not as if the value is less than zero, the cursor is not displayed on the screen. This happens when an application uses the showcursor function to hide the number of cursors than the number of times the cursor is displayed. Windows CE: When a target platform does not support the mouse cursor, use the Cursor cursor component, the cursor component only supports the waiting cursor, set waiting cursor, use the following code: setCursor (NULL, IDC_WAIT); when a target platform is not Using the MCURSOR cursor component when the mouse cursor is supported. This component does not support color cursors. Speed: Windownt: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windowsce: 1.0 and above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes1231 SetCursorpos Moves the Mouse Pointer to the Screen Specified Location" function function: This function moves the cursor to the specified location of the screen. If the new location is not within the screen rectangular area set by the CliPCursor function, the system automatically adjusts the coordinates, so that the cursor is within the rectangle.

Function prototype: BOOL setCursorpos (int X, int y);


X: Specify the new X coordinate of the cursor to represent the screen coordinate.

Y: Specifies the new Y coordinate of the cursor to represent the screen coordinates.

Return Value: If successful, return a non-zero value; if it fails, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, please call the getLastError function.

Remarks: This cursor is a shared resource that can move the cursor only when the cursor is in a window's customer area.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes1232 SetDIBColorTable No Yes Yes1233 SetDIBits the bitmap bits Yes Yes Yes1234 SetDIBitsToDevice set DIB bits into the device Yes Yes Yes1235 SetDebugErrorLevel set debug event error level No Yes Yes1236 SetDefaultCommConfig No Yes Yes1237 SetDeviceGammaRamp set the brightness level No Yes Yes1238 SetDlgItemInt integer converted to Dialog Box Text String "function function: This function sets a controlled text in the dialog to a string with a specified integer value.

Function prototype: BOOL setdlgitemint (HWND HDLG, // Handle of Dialog Box Int Niddlgitem, // Identifier of Control Uint Uvalue, // Value To Set Bool Bsigned // Signed or Unsigned Indicator); Parameters:

HDLG: Specifies a dialog that contains control.

Niddlgitem: Specifies the control that will be changed.

UValue: Specifies the integer value used to generate project text.

BSigned: Specifies whether the UVALUE parameter is a symbol or is unsigned. If this parameter is TRUE, UValuee is a symbol. If this parameter is TRUE and the UValue is smaller than zero, the minimum symbol is placed before the first data. If this parameter is false, Uvalue is unsigned.

Return Value: The return value is a non-zero value if the function call is successful. If the function call fails, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: To set new text, this function sends a WM_SETTEXT message to the specified control.

Windows CE: BSIGNED parameters are not used. All values ​​that are transmitted to the NVALUE parameter are assumed to be symbol.

Speed: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windowsce: 1.0 and above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"YES YES YES1239 SETDLGITEMTEXT Settings Dialog Title or Project" function function: The text and title controlled in this function setting dialog.

Function prototype: BOOL setdlgitemtext (hwnd hdlg, // handle of dialog box int niddlgitem, // identifier of control lpctstr lpstring // text to set);


HDLG: Specifies a dialog that contains control.

Niddlgitem: Identify control with the title and text that will be set.

LPSTRING: Points a string pointer ending with NULL, which contains text that will be copied to the control.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, the return value is a non-zero value. If the function call fails, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: The setdlgitem function sends a WM_SETTEXT message to the specified control.

Speed: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above: Windows: 95 and above; Windows Ce: 1.0 and above version; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; unicode: UNICODE and ANSI two Specimen.

"YES YES YES1240 SETDOUBLICKTIME Setting Mouse Double-Time" function function: This function is set for the mouse setting.

Function prototype: BOOL SetDoubleClickTime (uint uinterval) Parameters:

UINTERVAL: Specifies the number of milliseconds between the first and second clicks in the double click. If this parameter is set to the zero system uses the default double-click time, ie 500 milliseconds.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, return a non-zero value. If the function call fails, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Remarks: Function setDoubleClicktime modifies double-click time for all windows in the system.

Quick check: Windows NT 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above version; Windowsce: Does not support; header file: Winuser.h; enter the library: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes1241 SetEndOfFile set text tail pointer No Yes Yes1242 SetEnhMetaFileBits establish enhanced metafile No Yes Yes1243 SetEnvironmentVariable set the environment variable No Yes Yes1244 SetErrorMode setting error mode Yes Yes Yes1245 SetEvent set the event object No Yes Yes1246 SetFileApisToANSI No Yes Yes1247 SetFileApisToOEM settings file API No 64 bit time Yes Yes1250 SetFileSecurity setting file or directory security attributes No Yes Yes1251 SetFileTime setting file No Yes Yes1252 SetFocus set the keyboard focus on the specified window for the OEM character set No Yes Yes1248 SetFileAttributes document attributes No Yes Yes1249 SetFilePointer set file pointer position "Function function: This function sets the keyboard focus on the specified window. This window must be related to the message queue called the thread.

Function prototype: hwnd setfocus (hwnd hwnd);


HWND: Receive the window pointer entered by the keyboard. If the parameter is NULL, the keystroke is ignored.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, return the window handle originally owned keyboard focus. If the hWnd parameter is invalid or the window is not associated with the message queue that calls the thread, the return value is NULL. To get more error messages, you can call the getLastError function.

Remarks: The setfocus function sends a WM_KILLFOCUS message to the window that is lost keyboard focus, and sends a WM_SETFOCUS message to the window that accepts the keyboard focus. It also activates the window of the window that accepts the keyboard focus or the parent window of the window that accepts the keyboard focus.

If a window is active, no keyboard focus, any button will generate WM_SYSCHAR, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, or WM_SYSKEYUP message. If the VK_MENU button is also pressed, the iParam parameter of the message will set the 30th. Otherwise, the resulting message will not be set.

Using the AttachThreadInput function, a thread can connect the input process to other threads. This allows the thread to set the setFocus function to set the keyboard focus for a message related to other threads.

Windows CE: Do not use the setFocus function to set the keyboard focus for a window related to other threads message queues. But there is an exception. If a thread window is a sub-window of another thread, or these windows are the brothers window with the same parent window, and the window associated with a thread can set the focus for other windows, although the window is a different thread. In this case, you don't have to call the attachthreadlnput function first.

Speed: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above version: Windowsce: 1.0 and above; header file: Winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"YES YES YES1253 SETFOREGROUNDWINDOW Place the window" Function function: This function will create the thread of the specified window to the front desk and activate the window. The keyboard is input to the window and reforms various visual marks for the user. The system assigns the thread allocation of the front desk window is slightly higher than other threads.

Function prototype: BOOL setForegroundWindow (HWND HWND);


HWnd: The window handle will be activated and transferred to the front desk.

Return Value: If the window is set to the front desk, the return value is non-zero; if the window is not set to the front desk, the return value is zero.

Remarks: The front desk window is the window of the top of the z-order and is the user's work window. In a multi-task priority preemptive environment, users should control the front desk window.

Windows NT 5.0: When the user is working in another window, the application cannot force a window to the front desk. Instead, the SetForeground function will activate the window and call the FlashWindowEx function to notify the user.

Windows CE: The thread with a window does not have priority to initiate.

Quick check: Windows NT; 3.1 or above; Windows; 95 or more version; Windows CE: 1.0 or above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"No Yes Yes1254 SetForm information provided form provided No Yes Yes1255 SetGraphicsMode graphics mode No Yes Yes1256 SetHandleCount set of available file handles Yes Yes Yes1257 SetHandleInformation No Yes Yes1258 SetICMMode set color matching pattern provided No Yes Yes1259 SetICMProfile color appearance No Yes Yes1260 SetJob print job settings Information NO YES YES1261 SetkernelObjectSecurity Setup Keyboard Security Properties NO YES YES1262 SetKeyboardState Setup Keyboard Status Function: This function copies a 256-byte array of 256 bytes of the keyboard key to the keyboard input status table of the calling thread. The table is accessible with the getKeyboardState and getKeyState function. Changes to the table do not affect the keyboard input of other threads.

Function prototype: BOOL setKeyboardState (lpbyte lpkeystate);


LPKEYSTATE: Points a 256-byte array containing the keyboard key.

Return value: If the function call is successful, the return value is not 0. If the function call fails, the return value is 0. To get more error messages, you can call the getLastError function.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes1263 SetLastError set extended error code No Yes Yes1264 SetLastErrorEx set extended error code and type No Yes Yes1265 SetLocalTime set the local time No Yes Yes1266 SetLocaleInfo No Yes Yes1267 SetMailslotInfo disposed mail Read Time No Yes Yes1268 SetMapMode provided image mode Yes Yes Yes1269 SetMapperFlags provided Font Image Sign YES YES YES1270 SEMENU Settings Window Menu Function: This function assigns a new menu to the specified window. Function prototype: Bool setmenu (HWND HWND, HMENU HMENU);


HWND: The menu is assigned to the handle of the window.

HMENU: Handle of the new menu. If the menu parameter is NULL, the current menu of the window is deleted.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, return a non-zero value; if the function call fails, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLaserror function.

Remarks: The window is returned to reflect the modification of the menu. The function setmenu replaces the original menu (if present), but does not destroy it. The application must call the function destroymenu to destroy the menu.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above version; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; losing library: user32.lib.

"YES YES YES1271 SETMENUCONTEXTHELPID No YES YES1272 SetMenudefault Set Default Menu Item to the Specifies Menu" function function: This function sets the default menu item to the specified menu.

Function prototype: BOOL setmenudefaultItem (HMenu Hmenu, Uint UItem, Uint Fbypos);


HMENU: The handle of the menu will be set to the default menu item.

UItem: The identifier or position of the new default menu item, no default, value C1. The meaning of this parameter is determined by the value of the parameter FBYPOS.

FBYPOS: The meaning of the value used to determine the value of the parameter ULTEM. If this parameter is false, the parameter ULTEM represents the identifier of the menu item. Otherwise, indicate the location of the menu item.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, return a non-zero value; if the function call fails, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Speed: Windows NT: 4.0 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Does not support; header file: Winuser.h; enter: user32.lib.

"No Yes Yes1273 SetMenuItemBitmaps" Function Function "function feature in the Menu item: This function links the specified bitmap with a menu item. Whether the menu item is selected, the system will display the appropriate bitmap next to the menu item.

Function prototype: BOOL SetMenuItemBitmaps (HMENU hMenu, // handle of menu UINT uPosition, // menu item to receive new bitmaps UINT uFlags, // menu item flags HBITMAP hBitmapUnchecked, // handle of unchecked bitmap HBITMAP hBitmapChecked // handle of checked bitmap );parameter:

HMENU: The menu item will accept the handle of the menu of the newly selected tag bitmap.

UPOSITION: Specifies the menu item that will be modified. Its meaning is determined by the parameter uflags.

UFLAGS: Specify how the parameter UPOSITION explains. This parameter must be one of the following values:

MF_BYCOMMAND: Indicates the identifier of the parameter UPOSition to the menu item. If mf_bycommand and mf_position are not specified, MF_BYCOMMAND is the default sign.

MF_BYPOSITION: Indicates the position of the parameter UPOSition to give the menu item relative to zero.

HbitMapunchecked: The handle of the bitmap displayed when the menu item is not selected.

HbitmapChecked: The handle of the bitmap displayed when the menu item is selected.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, return a non-zero value; if the function call fails, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: If the value of the parameter hbitmapunchecked or hbitmapchecked is NULL, the system will not display any bitmap to the menu item for the corresponding selection status. If both parameter values ​​are NULL, the system displays the default selection flag bitmap when the menu item is selected, and the menu item is deleted when the menu is not selected. When the menu item is destroyed, the bitmap is not destroyed, requiring an application to destroy it.

The bitmap that has been selected or unselected should be monochrome. The system will use the Boolean And operator to combine bitmaps and menus. In this way, the white portion in the bitmap becomes transparent, and the black portion becomes the color of the menu item. If you use a color bitmap, the result will not meet the needs. Use the function getSystemMetrics with CXMENUCHECK and CYMENUCHECK to get the size of the bitmap.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above: Windows: 95 and above version; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; enter the library: user32.lib.

"YES YES YES1274 SETINUITEMINFO" Function function "function function" function "function function" function "function function" function function "" YES YES YES1274 SETINUITEMINFO "

Function prototype: BOOL WinAPI SetMenuItemInfo (HMenu Hmenu, Uint UItem, Bool FbyPosition, LpMenuItemInfo LPMII);


HMENU: The handle of the menu containing the menu item.

UItem: The identifier or location of the modified menu item. The meaning of this parameter is determined by the parameter fbyposition. FbyPosition: The value of the meaning of the parameter UITem is specified. If this parameter value is false, the parameter UITEM is the identifier of the menu item, otherwise, the location of the menu item is indicated.

LPMII: Pointer to the structure MenuItemInfo. This structure contains information of the menu item, and. Specifies the properties of the menu item that will be modified.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, return a non-zero value: If the function call fails, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: In order to allow the keyboard accelerator to control the bitmap or the menu item you draw, the owner of the menu must handle the WM_MenuChar message. See the self-drawing menu and WM_MenuChar message. In the Windows CE environment, only the following value is valid in the Menuiteminfo structure pointed to by the parameter lpmii: MIIM_TATA; MIIM_; MIIM_TYPE; if MIIM_TYPE is specified, the FTYPE member of the structure MenuItemInfo must be the current type of menu item, that is, this Types cannot be changed.

Quick check: Windows NT: 4.0 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; enter the library: user32.lib; unicode: In the Windows NT environment, Unicode and ANSI Implementation.

"No Yes Yes1275 SetMessageExtrainfo No Yes Yes1276 SetMessageQueue This function has been outdated function: This function is outdated. This function is only compatible with the 16-bit version of Windows. This function does not work on Windows-based 32-bit version because message queue . No Yes Yes1277 SetMetaFileBitsEx established WINDOWS metafile No Yes Yes1278 SetMetaRgn plotted element selected from the region of the trimming region set No Yes Yes1279 SetMiterLimit ramp engagement length pipe provided No Yes Yes1280 SetNamedPipeHandleState read / blocking mode, controlling the local cache as needed No dynamic extension YES YES1281 SetPaletteEntries Settings Color Pattern and Signs Yes Yes Yes1282 SetParent Change the Father Window "Function" function function: This function changes the parent window of the specified sub-window.

Function prototype: hWnd setParent (hwnd hwndchild, hwnd hwndnewparent);


HWNDCHILD: sub-window handle.

HWndNewParent: New parent window handle. If this parameter is NULL, the desktop window becomes a new parent window. In WindowsNT5.0, if the parameter is hwnd_message, the sub-window is a message window.

Return Value: If the function is successful, return the value to the original parent window handle of the child window; if the function fails, the return value is null. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: The application can use the setParent function to set the pop-up window, a parent window, or the parent window of the sub-window. The new window and the window must belong to the same application.

If the window of the parameter hWndchild ID is visible, the system will perform the appropriate heavy blow and refresh action.

Due to compatibility, the SETParent function does not change the WS_CHILO WS_POPUP style of the sub-window for the sub-window of the parent window. So, if the HWndNewParent parameter is null, you should empty the WS_CHILD bit after calling the setParent function and set to the WS_POPUP style. Conversely, if the HWndNewParent parameter is not null and the window is the sub-window of the desktop window, you should set the WS_POPUP bit to set the WS_CHILD style before calling the setParent function. Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: 1.0 or above: Header: Winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes1283 SetPixel a pixel color Yes Yes Yes1284 SetPixelFormat No Yes Yes1285 SetPixelV a pixel color No Yes Yes1286 SetPolyFillMode provided polygon filling Yes Yes Yes1287 SetPrinter Set Printer Information No Yes Yes1288 SetPrinterData setting the printer configuration No Yes Yes1289 SetPriorityClass provided priority class No Yes Yes1290 SetPrivateObjectSecurity modify SD No Yes Yes1291 SetProcessShutdownParameters setting process closes parameter No Yes Yes1292 SetProcessWindowStation No Yes Yes1293 SetProcessWorkingSetSize No Yes Yes1294 SetProp to add or modify the properties of the column item "function: this function adds a new entry in the attribute table specified window, or modify An existing term. If the specified string is not in the attribute table, then add this new item, the new item contains the string and handle, otherwise replacing the full handle of the string with the specified handle.



HWnd: Points the handle of the window, the property list of the window should receive a new item.

LPSTRING: Points to string pointers ending with NULL or contains atoms identifying strings. If this parameter is an atom, it must be created using the GlobalAdDatom function before. The atom is 16-bit data values, which must be placed in the low word of the lpstring parameter, and the high word must be O.

HDATA: Points the handle to the data to be copied to the property table. The data handle can identify any value useful for the application.

Return Value: If the data handle and string are added to the property table, the return value is non-zero. If the function fails, return to zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: The application must add it to the property table before the window is cleared (before processing the WM_DESTROY message). The application must use the REMOVEPROP function to clear these items.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 above: Windows: 95 or above: Windows CE: No support: header file: Winuser.h; file: user32.lib: unicode: In the Windows NT environment, you are implemented in Unicode and ANSI. "Yes Yes Yes1295 SetROP2 setting the current drawing mode Yes Yes Yes1296 SetRect disposed rectangle size Yes Yes Yes1297 SetRectEmpty create an empty rectangle Yes Yes Yes1298 SetRectRgn modified region is a rectangular Yes Yes Yes1299 SetScrollInfo disposed scrollbar parameter" Function: This function sets the scroll bar parameter , Including the maximum and minimum values ​​of the rolling position, the page size, and the position of the scroll button. For example, the function can also redraw the scroll bar.

Function Prototype: int SetScrollInfo (HWND hwnd, // handle of window with scroll bar int fnBar, // scroll bar flag LPSCROLLINFO lpsi, // pointer to structure with scroll parameters BOOL fRedraw // redraw flag);


HWND: Rolling strip controls or belt form handles with standard scroll bars, determined by the fnbar parameter.

Fnbar: Specifies the type of scroll bar that is set to be set. This parameter can be the following value, the meaning is as follows:

SB_CTL: Sets the scroll bar control. The parameter hwnd must be a scroll bar control handle.

SB_HORZ: Sets the standard horizontal scroll bar parameters on a given form.

SB_VERT: Sets the standard vertical scroll bar parameters on a given form.

LPSI: Points to the ScrollInfo structure. Before calling setscrognfo, set the CBSIZE member in the ScrollInfo structure to identify the structure size, set the member FMASK to explain the scroll bar parameters to be set, and develop a new parameter value in the appropriate member. Members FMask can be composite the following list, the meaning is as follows:

SIF_DFSABLENSCROLL: If the new parameter of the scroll bar makes it unnecessary, the scroll bar is invalid and no longer moving it.

SIF_PAGE: Sets the scroll page value to the NPAGE member of the ScrollInfo structure pointed to by IPSI.

SIF_POS: Sets the scroll position value to the NPOS member of the ScrollInfo structure pointed to by LPSI.

SIF_RANGE: Sets the scroll range value to the NMIN and NMAX members of the ScrollInfo structure pointed to by LPSL.

Fredraw: Specifies whether the scroll bar will be redrawn to reflect the change in the scroll bar. If this parameter is true, the scroll bar will be heavy, otherwise it will not be redrawed.

Return Value: The return value is the current location of the scroll box.

Note: The SetScrollNFO function execution task is to check the range of members NPAGE and NPOS values ​​in the ScrollInfo structure. Members NPAGE value must be from 0 to NMAX-NMIN 1, member NPOS must be the specified value between nmin and nmax-max (npage-1, 0). If any of the values ​​exceed this range, the function will set a value for it within the specified range.

In Windows CE 2.0, if a NULL pointer is specified in the parameter LPSI, setscrohnfo returns 0 without returning the current position of the scroll box. Quick check: Windows NT 3.51, Windows 95, Windows CE 1.0 or above, header file: WNUser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"YES YES YES1300 STSCROLLPOS Set Scroll Bar Location" function function: This function settings the position of the scroll button in the specified scroll bar, such as the demand scroll bar to reflect the new location of the scroll button. This function provides backward compatibility, and new applications should use the setscrollnfo function.

Function prototype: int setscrollpos (HWND HWND, // Handle of Window with Scroll Bar Int Nbar, // Scroll Bar Flag Int Npos, // New position of scroll box bool big break // redraw flag);


HWND: Scroll strips control or with a handle with a standard scroll form, determined by the NBAR parameter value.

NBAR: Specifies the scroll bar will be set. This parameter can be the following value, the meaning is as follows:

SB_CTL: Sets the position of the scroll flip box in the scroll bar control. The parameter hwnd must be a scroll bar control handle.

SB_HORZ: Sets the location of the standard horizontal scroll flip box on the form.

SB_VERT: Sets the location of the standard vertically rolling flip box on the form.

NPOS: Specifies a new location of the scroll flip box. This location must be within the rolling range. To learn more about the scrolling range, see the SetScrollRange function.

BREDRAW: Specifies whether the scroll bar is swapped to reflect the location of the new scroll flip box. If this parameter is True, the scroll bar will be returned; if False, the scroll bar is not retransmond.

Return Value: If the function runs success, its return value is the front position of the scroll flip box. If the function is running, its return value is 0. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: If the rolling strips are returned due to other concurrent functions, the setting parameter BREDRAW is necessary.

Because the message WM_HSCROLL and WM_VSCROLL of the scroll bar can only be 16-bit data, those applications that only description position data messages are actual in the function setscrollpos parameter NPOS.

However, because of the function setscrollnfo, setscrollpos, setscrollRange, GetScrollPos, and GetScrollRollRollRollRollRollRollRollRollRoll strikes, there is a way to solve 16-bit WM_HSCROLL and WM_VSCROLL messaging, see the technical description of the function GetScrollNfo.

Speed ​​check: Windows NT 3.1, Windows 95, Windows CE 2.0 or above, header file: Winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes1301 SetscrollRange Sets the Rolling Bar Maximum and Minimum Position" function: This function settings the maximum minimum of the specified scroll bar position.

Function prototype: BOOL SetScrollRange (HWND hWnd, // handle of window with scroll bar int nBar, // scroll bar flag int nMinPos, // minimum scrolling position int nMaxPos, // maximum scrolling position BOOL bRedraw // redraw flag); Parameters :

HWND: Scroll strips control or with a handle with a standard scroll form, determined by the NBAR parameter value.

NBAR: Specifies the scroll bar will be set. This parameter can be the following value, the meaning is as follows:

SB_CTL: Set the range of rolling strips control. The parameter hwnd must be a scroll bar control handle.

SB_HORZ: Sets the range of standard horizontal scroll flippage box on the form.

SB_VERT: Sets the range of standard vertical scrolling flouring box on the form.

NMINPOS: Specifies the minimum of the scroll position.

Nmaxpos: Specifies the maximum value of the scroll position.

BREDRAW: Specifies whether the scroll bar is heavy to reflect changes. If this parameter is True, the scroll bar will be revised; if false is not heavy.

Return value: If the function is running, the return value is non-zero; if the function is running, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: You can use the SetScrollRange function to set NMINPOS and NMAXPOS to the same value to hide the scroll bar. When the scroll bar message is processed, the application may hide the scroll bar without calling the function setscrollRange. The new application uses a function showScrollBar to hide the scroll bar.

If you call the function setScrollRoll after calling a function setScrollPos, the BredRaw parameter in the setScrollPos must be zero to prevent the scroll bar from drawn twice.

The default range of standard scroll bars is 0 to 100. The default value of the scroll bar control is NULL (parameter NMINPOS and NMAXPOS are zero). The difference between the two range values ​​is that the value specified by the parameter NMINPOS and NMAXPOS cannot exceed the value of MaxLong.

Since the message WM_HSCROLL and WM_VSCROLL of the scroll bar position can only be 16-bit data, and those applications that only description position data messages are actual larger than 65,535 in the parameter nmaxpos of the function setScrollRange. However, because the function SetScrolllnfo, SetScrollPos, SetScrollRange, GetScrolllnfo, GetScrollPos, and GetScrollRange support the position of the scrollbar 32-bit data, so there is a way to 16 WM_HSCROLL WM_VSCROLL messages and solutions, see the technical description of the function GetScrolllnfo.

Quick check: Windows NT 3.1, Windows CE 2.0 or above, header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes1302 SetSecurityDescriptorDacl setting DACL information No Yes Yes1303 SetSecurityDescriptorGroup set the primary group information SD No Yes Yes1304 SetSecurityDescriptorOwner set SD Owner No Yes Yes1305 SetSecurityDescriptorSacl set SACL information No Yes Yes1306 SetServiceBits No Yes Yes1307 SetServiceObjectSecurity modify the service object security descriptor No Yes Yes1308 SetServiceStatus Update Service Status No Yes Yes1309 SetStdHandle Settings Standard Equipment Handle NO YES YES1310 SetStRetchbltMode Set Bitmap Tensile Mode YES YES1311 SetsysColors Set System Color Yes YES YES1312 SetsystemCursor Custom System Cursor "Function: This function makes an application custom system cursor. It uses the cursor content specified by HCur instead of the system cursor content defined by the id, then destroy HCur. Function prototype: BOOL SetSystemcursor (Hcursor HCur, // SECIED System Cursor to this Cursor's Contents, // Then Destroy this DWORD ID // System Cursor Specified by ITS Identifier);


HCUR: The handle of the cursor, the function of the cursor of the HCUR logs instead of the system cursor content defined by the id. The system destroys HOUR by calling the DestroyCursor function. So HOUR cannot be the cursor loaded by the loadcursor function. To specify a cursor loaded from the resource, first copy the cursor with the CopyCursor function, then transfer the copy to the SetsystemCursor function.

ID: Specify the content replacement system cursor by the HOUR.

Below is a series of system cursor identifiers:

Ocr_appstarting: Standard arrow and small hourglass; Ocr_Noraac: Standard arrow

Ocr_CROSS: Cross Cross Cursor: Ocr_Hand: Hand shape (WindowsNT5.0 and later)

Ocr_help: arrow and east mark; Ocr_IBEAM: I-shaped beam; Ocr_NO: oblique circle

Ocr_sizeall: four orientation arrows point to North, South, East, West

Ocr_Sizenesew: Double arrow points to Northeast and Southwest; Ocr_SIZENS: Double Arrow, pointing to North and South

Ocr_sizenwse: Double arrow points to the northwest and southeast; Ocr_Sizewewe: Double arrow points to the west and east

OCR_UP: Vertical Arrow: Ocr_Wait: Hourglass Return Value: If successful, return a non-zero value; if it fails, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib. "Yes Yes Yes1313 SetSystemPaletteUse set the system color palette state No Yes Yes1314 SetSystemPowerState suspend the system work No Yes Yes1315 SetSystemTime set the system time and date No Yes Yes1316 SetSystemTimeAdjustment No Yes Yes1317 SetTapeParameters set up the drive and media information No Yes Yes1318 SetTapePosition set the tape position No Yes Yes1319 SetTextAlign set text alignment marks before Yes Yes Yes1320 SetTextCharacterExtra set character spacing Yes Yes Yes1321 SetTextColor setting file color Yes Yes Yes1322 SetTextJustification adjust text output Yes Yes Yes1323 SetThreadAffinityMask No Yes Yes1324 SetThreadContext setting specifies cue description No Yes Yes1325 SetThreadDesktop No Yes Yes1326 SetThreadLocale when local information cue provided No Yes Yes1327 SetThreadPriority No Yes Yes1328 SetThreadToken No Yes Yes1329 SetTimeZoneInformation setting region No Yes Yes1330 SetTimer mounting system timer No Yes Yes1331 SetTokenInformation token information provided No Yes Yes1332 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter exception filter function provided No Yes Yes1333 SetUserObjectInformation No Yes Yes1334 SetUserObjectSecurity Settings Safety Description Value No Yes Yes1335 SetViewPortexTex Settings Vision Width Yes Yes YES1336 SetViewportorgex Settings Starting point Yes YES Yes1337 SetVolumeLabel a volume label No Yes Yes1338 SetWinMetaFileBits establish enhanced metafile No Yes Yes1339 SetWindowContextHelpId No Yes Yes1340 SetWindowExtEx setting window width Yes Yes Yes1341 SetWindowLong additional memory disposed elongated window value "function-data from the metafile: This function changes the specified window Attributes. The function will also store the additional window deposit of a 32-bit value of the specified offset address.

Function prototype: long setWindowlong (HWND HWND, INT NINDEX, long dwnewlong);


HWND: Window handle, and the class belonging to this window.

NINDEX: Specifies the offset value that will be set to equal to 0. Valid values ​​range from 0 to an additional class of bytes of the number of bytes of storage space. For example, if a 12-bit or more than 12 additional type storage space is specified, the index bit 8 of the third 32-bit integer should be set. To set any other value, you can specify one of the following values:

GWL_EXISTYLE: Set a new extension style. GWL_Style: Set a new window style.

GWL_WNDPROC: Sets a new address for the window process. GWL_ID: Set a new window identifier. GWL_HINSTANCE: Sets a new application case handle.

GWL_USERDATA: Sets 32-bit values ​​related to the window. Each window has a 32-bit value used by the application that creates the window.

When the HWND parameter identifies a dialog, you can also use the following value:

DWL_DLGPROC: Sets the new address of the dialog process.

DWL_MSGRESULT: Set the return value of the message processed during the dialog process.

DWL_USER: Sets new additional information privately available, such as a handle or pointer.

DWNEWLONG: Specifies the replacement value.

Return value: If the function is successful, the return value is the original value of the specified 32-bit integer. If the function fails, the return value is 0. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

If the original value of the 32-bit integer is 0 and the function is successful, the return value is 0, but the function does not clear the last error message, which is difficult to determine if the function is successful. At this time, you should call the CallingSetLastError (0) function before calling SetWindowlong to clear the last error message. This way, if the function fails, it will return 0, and getLastError. Also returns a non-zero value.

Remarks; if the window specified by the HWND parameter is not the same process, it will cause the setwindowlong function to fail.

The specified window data is saved in the cache, so calling the SETWINDOWPOS function after calling setWindowl to make the change of the setWindowlong function take effect.

If the window process is replaced with a setWindowlong function with a GWL_WndProc index value, the window process must be consistent with the description of the WINDOWPROCCALLBACK function.

If you use the setWindowlong function with the DWL_MsgResult index value to set the return value of the message handled by a dialog process, you should immediately return TRUE immediately. Otherwise, if other functions are called, the dialog process will receive a window message, the nested window message may overwrite the return value set using DWL_MsgResult.

You can create a subclass of a window class using a SetWindowlong function with a GWL_WndProc index value, which is used to create the window. An application can be a system in a system, but cannot be generated by a window class generated by another process, and the setWindowlong function creates a window class by changing a window process associated with a special window class, thus calling system calls. The new window process is not a previously defined window process. The application must pass messages that are not processed by the new window by calling the CallWindowProc function, so that the application allows the application to create a window process chain.

The new window memory is stored in a non-0 value by using the function REGISTERCLASSEX to specify the CBWndextra unit in WNDCLASSEX.

You cannot change the parent window of the sub-window by calling the SETWINDOWLONG of the GWL_HWNDParent index value. You should use the setParent function.

Windows CE: NLndex parameters must be unaligned access in four bytes.

The following NLndex parameter values ​​are not supported:.


Windows CE 2.0 supports DWL_DLGPROC values ​​in the NLndex parameter, but WindowsCe 1.0 does not support.

Quickudo: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: 1.0 or above: Header file: Winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; unicode: UNICODE and ANSIs are implemented on WINDOWS NT version. Function function: This function removes a window class to empty the memory required for this class.

Function prototype: BOOL UnregisterClass (lpctstr ipclassname; hinstance hlnstance);


IPClassName: Points a pointer to an empty end string or a integer atom. If ipclassname is a string, it specifies the class name of the window class. This class name must be registered by the previous call registerclassex function. System class, such as dialog control, must be registered.

If this parameter is a integer atom, it must be a global atom that is previously called the GlobalAdd atom function. This 16-bit integer is less than oxcooo, which must be 16 bits of LPSZClass, and its high appearance must be 0.

HLNSTANCE: Create a module of the module of the class.

Return value: If the function is successful, the return value is non-zero; if the class or the window created by this class still exists, the return value is 0.

To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: Before calling this function, the application must destroy all the windows created by the specified class.

All window classes for the application are unregistered classes after the application is aborted.

Windows 95: All unregistered classes registered by OLL registered window classes are uninstalled in DLL.

Windows NT: All classes registered by DLL are registered classes after DLL uninstallation.

Quickudo: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: 1.0 or above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; unicode: UHICODE and ANSIs are implemented on Windows NT version. YES YES YES1342 SETWINDOWORGEX Settings Window Source Point Yes Yes Yes1343 SetWindowPlacement Settings Window Display Status and Minimum / Max Position "Function: This function sets the display status and recovery of the specified window, maximize, minimize the position.

Letter and prototype; BOOL SETWINDOWPLACEMENT (HWND HWND, Const Windowplace ";


HWND: Window handle.

LPWNDPL: Pointing a pointer to a WindowPlacemwnt structure that gives a new display status and window location.

Place the length unit of the WindowPlaceMwnt structure as a sizeof (WindowPlacement) before calling the function setWindowplacement. If lpwndpl-> length setting is incorrect, the function setWindowplacement will fail.

Return value: If the function is successful, the return value is non-zero. If the function fails, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the CallGetLasterRo function.

Note: If the information specified in WidNowPlacement makes the window except that the window is fully displayed, the system automatically adjusts the coordinates to make the window visible, taking care of the screen settings, and a variety of monitor configurations. The length member information of WindowPlacement is set to sizeof (Windowplacement), if the setting is incorrect, the function will return to flash. Check the information of the window location coordinates, see Windowplacement, see WINDOWPLACEments.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows; 95 or more version; Windows CE: does not support; header file; Winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

YES YES YES1344 SETWINDOWPOS Settings Window Size, Location, Sequential Function: This function changes a sub-window, the size, location, and z order of the pop-up window top window. Sub-window, pop-up window, and top window sorted in the order of order appearing on the screen, the top window sets the highest level, and is set to the first window of the z.

Function prototype: BOOL SETWINDOWPOS (HWND HWND, // Handle of Window Hwnd hwndinsertafter, // planement-order handle int x, // horizontal position int y, // value int Cy, // width int CY, // HEIGHT UINT uflags // window-positioning flags;


HWND: Window handle.

HWndInsertafter: The window handle in front of the set window in the z-order. This parameter must be one of the window handles, or one of the following values:

HWND_BOTTOM: Place the window at the bottom of the z order. If the parameter HWnd identifies a top window, the window loses the top level and is placed at the bottom of the other window.

HWND_DOTTOPMOST: Place the window above all non-top windows (ie after all top windows). If the window has a non-top window, the flag does not work.

HWND_TOP: Place the window in the top of the z.

HWND_TOPMOST: Place the window above all non-top windows. Even if the window is not activated, the top position will be held.

Check the use of this parameter, please see the section.

x: The left boundary of the new location of the window is specified by the customer coordinate.

Y: The top boundary of the new position of the window is specified by the customer coordinate.

CX: The new width specified by the pixel specified window.

CY: The new height specifies the window in pixels.

UFLAGS: Window size and positioning sign. This parameter can be a combination of the following value:

SWP_ASNCWINDOWPOS: If the calling process does not have a window, the system will issue a need to the thread with the window. This prevents a deadlock when the calling thread occurs during other threads.

SWP_DEFERERASE: Prevents generating a WM_SYNCPAINT message.

SWP_DRAWFRAME: Draw a border around the window (defined in the window class description).

SWP_FRAMECHANGED: Send a WM_NCCAlCsize message to the window, even if the window size is not changed, the message will be sent. If this flag is not specified, WM_NCCALCSIZE is only sent when changing the window size. SWP_HIDEWINDOW; hidden windows.

SWP_NOACTIVATE: Do not activate the window. If the flag is not set, the window is activated and is set to the top of the other highest level window or the top of the non-highest group (set according to the parameter hwndlnsertAfter).

SWP_NOCopyBits: Clear all the contents of the client area. If this flag is not set, the valid content of the client area is saved and copies back to the client area after the window size update and heavy positioning.

SWP_NOMOVE: Maintain the current location (ignore the X and Y parameters).

SWP_NOOWNERZORDER: does not change the location of the owner window in the z-order.

SWP_NOREDRAW: No heavy call changes. If this flag is set, no heavy painting action will occur. Suitable for client districts and non-customer districts (including title bar and scroll bar) and any part of the parent window exposed by the window. If this flag is set, the application must explicitly enable the window to retain the window and the parent window needs to redraw some of the part of the window and the parent window.

SWP_NOREPSITION; with the SWP_Noownerzorder flag.

SWP_NOSENDCHANGING: Prevent window receiving WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING message.

SWP_NOSIZE: Maintain the current size (ignore the CX and CY parameters).

SWP_NOZORDER: Maintains the current z order (ignore the HWndLnsertAfter parameter).

SWP_SHOWWINDOW: Displays the window.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is non-zero; if the function fails, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: If the SWP_SHOWINDOW and SWP_HIDEWINDOW flags are set, the window cannot be moved and changed. If you use SetWindowlong to change some of the data of the window, you must call the function setWindowPOS to make a true change. Use the following combination markers: SWP_NOMOVEISWP_NOSISWP_FRAMECHANGED.

There are two ways to set the window to the top window: one is to set the parameter hWndInsertAfter to hWnd_topmost and make sure the SWP_NOZORDER flag is not set; the other is the location of the setting window in the z-order to make it over other windows . When a window is set to the top window, all the windows belonging to it are the top window, and its owner's z preface does not change.

If the hWnd_topmost and hwnd_notopmost flags are not specified, that is, the application requires that the window changes its position in the z-order while activation, only the value specified in the parameter hWndInsertAfter is only used in the following conditions:

There is no HWND_NOTOPMOST and HWND_TOPMOST logo in the HWndInsertAfter parameter.

The window identified by the HWND parameter is not an activation window.

If a non-activated window is not set to the top of the z-order, the application cannot activate the window. The application can change without any restrictions, or activate a window and move it to the top of the top or the highest-level window of the highest-level window.

If a top window is relocated to the bottom of the z-order (hWnd_bottom) or after any non-suggested window, the window is no longer the top window. When a top layer window is set to be non-top, its owner window and the subject window are non-top-top windows.

A non-top window can have a top window, but it is not possible. Any window that belongs to the top window (for example, a dialog) itself is set to the top window to make sure all the window is above their owners. If the application is not in the foreground, it should be set to the setForegroundWindow function to be invoked at the foreground.

Windows CE: If this is a visible top window, and does not specify a SWP_NOACTIVATE flag, this function will activate the window, if this is the current activation window, and specifies the SWP_NOACTIVATE or SWP_HIDEWIDOW flag, activate another visible top window.

When the SWP_FRAMECHANGED flag is specified in the NFlags parameter in this function, the entire non-client area of ​​the WindowsCe redo window may change the size of the customer area. This is also the only way to recalculate the customer area, but also the method usually used by calling the setWindowlong function to change the window.

SetWindowPOS will send the WM_WindowPSChanged message to the window, and the flag passed in this message is the same as that passed to the function. This function does not pass other messages.

Windows CE 1.0 does not support hwnd_topmost and hwnd_notopmost constants in the HWNDINSERTABER parameter.

Windows CE 1.0 does not support SWP_DRAWFRAME and SWP_NOCOPYBITS flags in the Fufags parameter.

Speed ​​check: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: 1.0 or above; header file: Winuser.H library file: eser32lib.

"YES YES YES1345 SETWINDOWRGN No YES YES1346 SETWINDOWTEXT Settings Window Text" function function in the directory header or control window: This function changes the text content of the title bar of the specified window (if the window has a title bar). If the specified window is a control, change the text content of the control. However, the SETWINDOWTEXT function does not change the text content of the control in other applications.

Function prototype: BOOL setWindowText (HWND HWND, LPCTSTSTR LPSTRING);


HWnd: To change the window or control of the text content.

LPSTRING: Points to a pointer to an empty string that will be a new text as a window or control.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is non-zero; if the function fails, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: If the target window belongs to the current process, the SETWINDOWTEXT function will send the WM_SETTEXT message to the specified window or control. However, if the control is controlled by the list box created in the WS_CAPTION style, the SetWindowText function will set text for the control settings instead of setting the text for the list item.

The SetWindowText function does not extend the Tab character (ASCII code 0x09), the Tab character is displayed in characters |

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: 1.0 or above; header file; winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; unicode: Windows NT implements two versions of Unicode and ANSI .

"Yes Yes Yes1347 SetWindowWord This function is obsolete Function: This function is outdated and no longer supported .GWW_value .32-bit Windows programs should use the SetWindowLong function Yes Yes Yes1348 SetWindowsHook install the hook process No Yes No Yes Yes1349 SetWindowsHookEx to install the hook process Yes1350. SetWorldTransform set the world transfer No Yes Yes1351 SetupComm set communication parameters No Yes Yes1352 ShellAbout display SHELL ABOUT dialog No Yes Yes1353 ShellExecute to open or print the specified file No Yes Yes1354 Shell_NotifyIcon send modify the taskbar icon No Yes Yes1355 ShowCaret display caret "function: the The function makes the insert mark on the current location of the screen. When the insert mark is visible, it automatically begins to flash.

Function prototype: BOOL Showcaret (HWND HWND);


HWnd: Identify the window with inserted tags. If the parameter is null, then the showcaret searches the current task to find the window with inserted tags.

Return value: If the function is successful, the return value is non-zero; if the function is executed, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: Only the specified window has inserted tags, and the insert mark has a shape, and when there is no continuous hidden or multiple times, showcaret can display the insert mark. If one or more of these conditions are not satisfied, the showcaret function does not do, and returns false.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 and above Windows: 95 and above version of Windows CE: 1.0 and version; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"YES YES YES1356 Showcursor" Display Cursor "function function: This function displays or hides the cursor.

Function prototype: int showcursor (bool bshow);


Bshow: Determines the internal display counter to be added or decreased, if bshow is true, the display counter adds 1, if Bshow is false, the counter minus 1.

Return Value: Return value specifies a new display counter.

Note: This function sets an internal display counter to determine if the cursor is displayed, only when the value of the counter is greater than or equal to 0, the cursor shows that if the mouse is installed, the initial value of the count is 0. If the mouse is not installed, the display count is C1.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes1357 showownedpopups" display or hidden pop-up window "function: This function displays all pop-up windows that belong to the specified window.

Function prototype: BOOL ShowowNedPopups (HWND HWND, BOOL FSHOW);


HWND: With the window handle of the pop-up window, these pop-up windows will be displayed or hidden. FSHOW: Indicates that the pop-up window is displayed or hidden. If this parameter is True, all hidden pop-up windows are displayed; if the parameter is false, all displayed pop-up windows are hidden.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is non-zero; if the function fails, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Remarks: The showowdpopups function only shows the window hidden by the previous call showownedpopups. For example, if the pop-up window is hidden by calling the showwinodw function, then the showownedpopup then calls showownedpopups (set the FSHOW parameter to true) and cannot display the window.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: USER32. Lib

"Yes Yes Yes1358 ShowscrollBar" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

Function prototype: BOOL Showscrollbar (HWND HWND, INT WBAR, BOOL BSHOW);


HWnd: Depending on the parameter WBAR value, the scroll bar is processed or has a standard scroll strip form.

WBAR: Specifies whether the scroll bar is displayed or hidden. This parameter can be one of the following values, the specific meaning is as follows:

SB_SOTH: Show or hide the standard horizontal or vertical scroll bar of the form.

SB_CTL: Display or hide the scroll bar control. The parameter hwnd must be a handle to the control of the scroll bar.

SB_horz: Show or hide the standard horizontal scroll bar of the form.

SB_VERT: The standard vertical scroll bar showing or hides the official body.

Bshow: Specifies whether the scroll bar is displayed or hidden. This parameter is TRUE, and the scroll bar will be displayed, otherwise it is hidden.

Return value: If the function is running, the return value is non-zero; if the function is running, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: This function hides the scroll bar when the scroll bar message is processed.

Quick Check: Windows NT 3.1, Windows 95 or more, header files: Winuserh; library file: user32.lib.

"YES YES YES1359 ShowWindow Set the display status" function function: This function sets the display status of the specified window.

Function prototype: BOOL ShowWindow (HWND HWND, INT NCMDSHOW);


HWND: Window handle.

NCMDSHOW: How to specify how the window is displayed. If the program is sent to the STARTUPINFO structure, the application is ignored when the application calls ShowWindow for the first time. Otherwise, when the ShowWindow function is called for the first time, the value should be the NCMDSHOW parameter in the function WinMain. In the subsequent call, this parameter can be one of the following values:

SW_FORCEMINIMIZE: Minimizes the window in Windownt 5.0, even if the thread with the window is hanging, it will minimize. This parameter is used when minimizing the window from other threads.

SW_HIDE: Hide the window and activate other windows.

SW_MAXIMIZE: Maximize the specified window.

SW_MINIMIZE: Minimizes the specified window and activate the next top window in the z-order.

SW_RESTORE: Activate and displays the window. If the window minimizes or maximizes, the system returns the window to the original size and location. When the minimum window is restored, the application should specify this flag.

SW_SHOW: The original location is activated and displayed in the original size.

SW_SHOWDEFAULT: The STARTUPINFO structure is passed to the CreateProcess function by the SW_FLAG flag specified in the StartupInfo structure.

SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED: Activate the window and maximizes it.

SW_SHOWMINIMIZED: Activate the window and minimizes it.

SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVATE: The window minimizes the activation window.

SW_SHOWNA: Displays the window with the original status of the window. The activation window still maintains an activation state.

SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE: The window has the most recent size and status display window. The activation window still maintains an activation state.

SW_SHOWNOMAL: Activate and displays a window. If the window is minimized or maximized, the system returns to the original size and size. The application should specify this flag when the application is displayed for the first time.

Return value: If the window is visible prior to the window, the return value is non-zero. If the window is previously hidden, the return value is zero.

Remarks: When the application calls showWindow for the first time, the NCMDSHOW parameter of the Winmain function should be used as its ncmdshow parameter. When you then call the showWindow function, you must use a given value in the list, not the value specified by the NCMDSHOW parameter of the WinMain function.

As declared in the ncmdshow parameter, if the application is called, the information specified in the StartupInfo structure is used to display the window, and the NCMDSHOW parameter is ignored when the ShowWindow function is called for the first time. In this case, the ShowWindow function uses the information in the StartupInfo structure to display the window. In the subsequent call, the application must call the showWindow function (set the ncmdshow parameter to sw_showdefault) to use the startup information provided by the program to call the application. This process occurs in the following cases:

The application creates their main window functions by calling functions with the WS_Visible flag;

The application creates a main window function by calling the CREATEWINDOW function of the WS_Visible flag, and then calls the showWindow function with the sw_show flag to display the window;

Windows CE: NCMDSHOW parameters do not support the following values:



Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above: Windows CE: 1.0 or above; header file: WinUW library file: user32.lib.

"YES YES YES1360 ShowWindowasync Settings" function function: This function sets the display status of the window generated by different threads.

Function prototype: BOOL ShowWindowasync (HWND HWND, INT NCMDSHOW); Parameters:

HWND: Window handle.

NCMDSHOW: How to specify how the window is displayed. To view the list of allowable values, please refer to the description of the showWindow function.

Return Value: If the function is contemplated, the return value is non-zero; if the function is hidden, the return value is zero.

Remarks: This function sends a show-window event to a message queue from a given window. Applications can use this function to avoid hanging up when you wait for a pending application to complete the processing show-window event.

Quick check: Windows NT: 4.0 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: Does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"No Yes Yes1361 SizeOfResource Return Resource Size" function function: This function returns the size of the specified resource byte.

Function prototype: DWORD SIZEOFRESOURCE (HModule HModule, HRSRC HRESLNFO);


HModule: Handle of the executable file module of the resource.

HRESINFO: Resource handle. This handle must be created by a function FindResource or FindResourceEx.

Return Value: If the function runs successfully, return the number of bytes of resources. If the function is running, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Speed ​​check: Windows NT 3.1, Windows 95, Windows CE 1.0 or above, header file: winbase.h; library file: kerne132.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes1362 Sleep pause clue No Yes Yes1363 SleepEx pause clue until I / O End No Yes Yes1364 sndPlaySound play a sound file No Yes Yes1365 StartDoc start the print job Yes Yes Yes1366 StartDocPrinter start the print job No Yes Yes1367 StartPage prepare the printer to receive data Yes Yes Yes1368 StartPagePrinter began printer No Yes Yes1369 StartService start running service No Yes Yes1370 StartServiceCtrlDispatcher connection leads No Yes Yes1371 StretchBlt copy bitmap Yes Yes Yes1372 StretchDIBits DIB will move from the source rectangle destination rectangle Yes Yes Yes1373 StrokeAndFillPath closed, filled paths No Yes Yes1374 StrokePath exercise path No Yes Yes1375 SubtractRect Two Rectangular Substallo Yes Yes1376 SUSPENREAD SwapBuffers No Yes Yes1378 SwapMouseButton Switch Mouse Button Features: This function reverses or restores the meaning of the mouse

Function prototype: Bool swapmousebutton (BOOL FSWAP);


FSWAP: Specifies whether the meaning of the mouse button is reversed or restored. If this parameter is true, the left button generates the right click message and the right button will generate a left key message. If this parameter is false, the original meaning of the mouse button is restored. Return Value: If the meaning of the mouse button has been reversed before the function call, the non-zero value is returned. If the meaning of the mouse button is not reversed, the return value is zero.

Remarks: The mouse button is to provide convenience for people who use left-handed mice. This function is usually only called by the control board. Although an application is free to call this function, the mouse is a shared resource whose meaning reverse affects all applications.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: Winuser.h; Enter the library: user32.lib.

"YES YES YES1379 SwitchDesktop No Yes Yes1380 System Parameters" function: This function queries or sets the system-level parameters. This function can also update the user profile in the setup parameter.

Function prototype: B00L SystemParametersInfo (uint uiaction, uint uiparam, pvoid pvparam, uint fwinini);


UIAction: This parameter specifies the system-level parameters to query or set. Its value is as follows;

SPI_GETACCESSTIMEOUT: Retrieves information about the overtime segment associated with the accessible feature, the PvParam parameter must point to an Accesstimeout structure to obtain information, and set the value of the CBSIZE member and UIPARAM parameters in the structure to SizeOf (Accesstimeout).

SPI_GetActiveWindowTracking: Used for Windows 98 and Windows NT 5.0 and later. It indicates whether to open the active window tracking (activation the window when the mouse is scheduled to be opened), the PvParam parameter must point to a BOOL type variable (the received value is true when the opening is turned off, and is false).

SPI_GetActiveWndtrKzorder; for Windows 98 and Windows NT 5.0 and later. It indicates whether the window activated by the active window tracking switch is to be placed on the top. The PvParam parameter must point to a BOOL type variable. If you are placed on the top, the value of the variable is true, otherwise false.

SPI_GetActiveWndtrktimeout: Used for Windows 98 and Windows NT 5.0 and later. It indicates that the active window tracking delay is in milliseconds. The PvParam parameter must point to DWORD type variable to receive time.

SPI_GETANIMATION: Retrieves the animation effect related to user activity. The PvParam parameter must point to the AnimatioInfo structure to receive information. And the CBSIZE member of this structure and UIPARAM parameters are set to SizeOf (AnimationInfo).

SPI_GetBeep: Indicates whether the warning buzzer is open. The PvParam parameter must point to a BOOL type variable, if the buzzer is open, then the value of the variable is true, otherwise false.

SPI_GetBorder: Retrieves the boundary of the boundary amplification width of the window boundary. The PvParam parameter must point to a integer variable to receive this value.

SPI_GETDEFAULTINPUTLANG: Returns the keyboard layout handle for the system default input language. The PVPARAM parameter must point to a 32-bit variable to receive this value. SPI_GETCOMBOBOXANIMATION: Used for Windows 98 and Windows NT 5.0 and later. It represents whether the opening effect of the combination cabinet is allowed. The PvParam parameter must point to a BOOL variable, if allowable, then the variable return value is true, otherwise false.

SPI_GETDRAGFULLWINDOWS: Determine if drag is allowed to go to the largest window. The PvParam parameter must point to the BOOL variable, if allowed, the return value is True, otherwise false. For Windows 95 systems, this flag is only supported by Windows Plus installed.

SPI_GETFASTSKSWITCH: This flag is no need! Previous version of the system uses this flag to determine if ALT TAB is allowed to switch. For Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT 4.0, fast task switches are usually allowed.

SPI_GETFILTERKEYS: Retrieves the feature information about the filterKeys (Filter button). The PvParam parameter must point to the FilterKeys structure of the received information, and set the value of the CBSIZE member and the UIPARAM parameter in this structure to Sizeof (FilterKeys).

SPI_GETFONTSMOOTHING: Indicates whether the font smoothing feature is allowed. This feature uses font fidelity technology, by coating pixels on different gray levels, making the font curve more smoothing. Parameters PvParam must point to the Bool type variable, if the feature is allowed, then the return value is True, otherwise false. For Windows 95 systems, this flag is only supported in Windows Plusl installed.

SPI_GETFOREGROUNDFLASHCOUNT: Used for Windows 98 and Windows NT 5.0 and later. It represents the number of times the system flicker task strip button when rejecting the front desk switch application. Parameters PvParam must point to DWORD variables to receive this value.

SPI_GETFOREGROUNDTIMEOUT: Used for Windows NT 5.O and later version or Windows 98. It indicates that the system prohibits the application of the application to enter himself into the front desk, in milliseconds. Parameters PvParam must point to DWORD variables to receive time values.

SPI_GRADIENTCAPTIONS: Used for Windows 98 and Windows NT 5.0 and later. It indicates whether it is allowed to have a tilt effect for the window title bar. Parameters PvParam must point to the BOOL variable whose value is TRUE when it is allowed, and is false when it is disabled.

SPL_GETGRIDGRANULARITY: Retrieves the current particle value of the desktop size grid. Parameters PvParam must point to a integer variable to receive this value.

SPI_GETHIGHCONTRAST: Used for Windows 95 and higher, Windows NT 5.0 and later. Retrieve information related to HIGHCONTRAST easy to use features. The PvParam parameter must be directed to the HighContrast structure for receiving this information, in which. The value of the CBSIZE member and the UIPARAM parameter should be set to sizeof (NighContrast).

SPI_GETICONMETRICS: Retrieves metrics related to the icon. Parameters PvParam must point to an iconmetrics structure to receive information. This structure is in. The value of the CBSIZE member and the UIPARAM parameter should be set to SIZEOF (Iconmetrics).

SPI_GETICONTITLOGFONT: Retrieves the logical font information of the current icon title font. The parameter UIPARAM specifies the size of the LogFont structure, and the parameter PvParam must point to the LogFont structure to be filled. SPI_GETICONTITEWRAP: Determine if the icon title is allowed to surround. The PvParam parameter must point to a BOOL type variable, which is True at the time of allowing, otherwise false.

SPI_GetKeyboardDelay: Retrieval the keyboard recurring keystroke setting, which ranges from 0 (about 25oms delay) to 3 (approximately 1 second delay). The actual delay time associated with each value in this range may be related to the hardware. The PvParam parameter must point to a integer variable to receive the set value.

SPI_GetKeyBoardPref: It is used for Windows 95 and later. Windows NT 5.O and later versions. It determines if the user relies on the keyboard instead of the mouse, whether the application is required to display the keyboard interface to avoid hidden. The PvParam parameter must point to a BOOL type variable. If the user rely on the keyboard, then the variable is True, otherwise false.

SPI_GETKEYBOARDSPEED: Retrieves the keyboard repeating speed setting, the value ranges from 0 (about 30 times / sec) to 31 (approximately 25 times / sec). The actual hit rate is related to hardware, and the linear amplitude of the change is as high as 20%. Parameters PvParam must point to DWORD variables to receive the settings.

SPI_GETLISTBOXSMOTHSCROLLING: Used for Windows 98 and Windows NT 5.0 and later. Indicates whether a smooth scrolling effect is allowed to have a list of lists. The PvParam parameter must point to the BOOL variable, if allowed, the value is true, otherwise false.

SPI_GETLDWPOWERACTIVE: Determine if the low voltage state of the screen protected is allowed. If allowed, then the PvParam parameter to the BOOL variable will receive the TRUE value, otherwise false. For Windows 98, the logo supports 16-bit and 32-bit applications.

For Windows 95, this logo only supports 16-bit applications. For Windows NT, 32-bit applications support 32-bit applications in Windows NT 5.0 and later, the 16-bit application is not supported.

SPI_GETLOWPOWERTIMEOUT: Retrieves the low voltage state timeout value for screen protection. The PvParam parameter must point to a integer variable to receive this value. For Windows 98 This logo supports 16-bit and 32-bit applications. For Windows95, this logo only supports 16-bit applications. For Windows NT, this flag supports 32-bit applications on Windows NT 5.0 and later. 16-bit applications are not supported.

SPI_GETMENUDROPALIGNMENT. Determine that the pop-up menu is left aligned with respect to the corresponding menu bar, or right or right, the parameter pvparam must point to a BOOL type variable if it is left. Then this variable is true, otherwise it is false. SPI_GETMINIMIZEDMETRICS: Retrieves the minimization window related metric data information. Parameters PvParam must point to the MinimizedMetrCs structure to receive information. The value of the CBSIZE and UIPARAM parameters in this structure should be set to SizeOf (Minimizedmetrics).

SPI_GETMOUSE: Two thresholds and acceleration features of the mouse. The PvParam parameter must point to an integer array of length 3, and store this value separately.

SPI_GETMOUSEHOVERHEGHT: Used for Windows NT 4.0 and later or Windows 98. Get the height of the rectangular box that the mouse pointer must stay in the TRACKMOUSEEVENT event is generated in the mouse pointer. Parameters PvParam must point to a UINT variable to receive this height value. SPI_GETMOUSEHOVERTIME: Used for Windows NT 4.0 and later, Windows 98, gets in the TRACKMOUSEEVENT event to generate a WM_MouseOver message, the mouse pointer must stay in the rectangle, in milliseconds. Parameters PvParam must point to a UINT variable to receive this time value.

SPI_GETMOUSEHOVERWIDTH: Used for Windows NT 4.0 and later, Windows 98. Get the width of the rectangular frame that the mouse pointer must stay in the TRACKMOUSEOVENT event. Parameters PvParam must point to a UINT variable to receive this width value.

SPI_GETMOUSEKEYS: Retrieves information about MouseKeys easy to use feature, and the PvParam parameter must point to a MouseKeys structure to get information. The structure of the CBSIZE member and the UIPARAM parameter should be set to SizeOf (Mousekeys).

SPI_GETMOUSESPEED: Windows 98 for Windows NT 5.0 and later, Windows 98. Retrieve the current mouse speed. The mouse speed determines how many distances are moved, and how far the mouse's pointer will move. Parameters PvParam points to a integer variable, which receives 1 (slower) to 20 (fastest) value. Defaults to we 10. This value can be set by the end user using a mouse control panel application or using an application called SPI_SETMOSSPEED.

SPI_GETMOUSETRAILS: Used for WPVParam must point to a BOOL type variable if it is left aligned. Then this variable is true, otherwise it is false.

SPI_GETMINIMIZEDMETRICS: Retrieves the minimization window related metric data information. Parameters PvParam must point to the MinimizedMetrCs structure to receive information. The value of the CBSIZE and UIPARAM parameters in this structure should be set to SizeOf (Minimizedmetrics).

SPI_GETMOUSE: Two thresholds and acceleration features of the mouse. The PvParam parameter must point to an integer array of length 3, and store this value separately.

SPI_GETMOUSEHOVERHEGHT: Used for Windows NT 4.0 and later or Windows 98. Get the height of the rectangular box that the mouse pointer must stay in the TRACKMOUSEEVENT event is generated in the mouse pointer. Parameters PvParam must point to a UINT variable to receive this height value.

SPI_GETMOUSEHOVERTIME: Used for Windows NT 4.0 and later, Windows 98, gets in the TRACKMOUSEEVENT event to generate a WM_MouseOver message, the mouse pointer must stay in the rectangle, in milliseconds. Parameters PvParam must point to a UINT variable to receive this time value.

SPI_GETMOUSEHOVERWIDTH: Used for Windows NT 4.0 and later, Windows 98. Get the width of the rectangular frame that the mouse pointer must stay in the TRACKMOUSEOVENT event. Parameters PvParam must point to a UINT variable to receive this width value.

SPI_GETMOUSEKEYS: Retrieves information about MouseKeys easy to use feature, and the PvParam parameter must point to a MouseKeys structure to get information. The structure of the CBSIZE member and the UIPARAM parameter should be set to SizeOf (Mousekeys). SPI_GETMOUSESPEED: Windows 98 for Windows NT 5.0 and later, Windows 98. Retrieve the current mouse speed. The mouse speed determines how many distances are moved, and how far the mouse's pointer will move. Parameters PvParam points to a integer variable, which receives 1 (slower) to 20 (fastest) value. Defaults to we 10. This value can be set by the end user using a mouse control panel application or using an application called SPI_SETMOSSPEED. SPI_GETMOUSETRAILS: For Windows 95 and higher. It is used to indicate whether MOUSETRAILS is allowed. This feature improves the visibility of the mouse by simply displays the mouse trajectory and quickly erase them. Parameters PvParam must point to a constant variable to receive this value. If this value is 0 or 1, then the feature is prohibited. If the value is greater than 1, then this feature is allowed, and the value represents the number of cursors drawn on the mouse trajectory. Parameter UIPARAM is not available.

SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS: Retrieves metrics related to non-customer zones of the non-minimization window. Parameters PvParam must point to the NonclientMetrics structure to receive the corresponding value. This structure is of. The CBSIZE member and the UIPARAM parameter value should be set to SIZEOF (NonclientMetrics). For Windows 98, this logo supports 16-bit and 32-bit applications. For Windows 95, this logo only supports 16-bit applications. For Windows NT This flag supports 32-bit applications in NT 5.0 and later, 16-bit applications are not supported.

SPI_GETPOWEROFFACTIVE: Determine if the screen saver is allowed to turn. TRUE indicates that the FA parameter PvParam must specify the SerialKeys structure to receive information. The value of the CBSIZE member and the UIPARAM parameter in this structure is set to SIZEOF (SerialKeys).

SPI_GETSHOWSOUNDS: Determine the showSounds easy to use the characteristic flag is open or closed. If it is open, then the user needs an application to visualize the information, accounting for only ways to be seen. Parameters PvParam must point to a BOOL type variable. This variable returns TRUE when the feature is in an open state, otherwise false. Use this value equivalent to calling getSystemMetrics (SM_SHOWSOUNDS). The latter is a modest method recommended.

SPI_GETSNAPTODEFBUTTON: Used for Windows NT 4.0 and later, Windows 98: Determines whether snap-to-default-button is allowed to be allowed. If allowable, then the mouse is automatically moved to the default button, such as the "OK" or "Apply" button of the dialog box. The PvParam parameter must point to the BOOL type variable if the feature is allowed, then the variable receives TRUE, otherwise false.

SPI_GETSOUNDSENTRY: Retrieves information related to SoundSentry accessible feature. Parameters PvParam must point to the SoundSentry structure to receive information. This structure is in. The value of CBSIZE or UIPARAM parameters is set to SIZEOF (SoundSentry).

SPI_GETSTICKYKEYS: Retrieves information related to StickyKeys easy to use features. Parameters PvParam must point to the StickyKeys structure to get information. The value of the CBSZE member and the UIPARAM parameter in this structure must be set to sizeof (StickyKeys). SPI_GETSWITCHTASKDISABLE: Used for Windows NT 5.0, Windows 95, and later, determine whether Alt Tab and AIT ESC task are allowed. Parameters PvParam must point to UINT type variables, if task switch is disabled, then the return value is 1, otherwise it is 0. By default, it is allowed to be handover.

SPI_GETTOGGLEKEYS: Retrieves information related to ToggleKeys easy to use features. Parameters PvParam must point to the ToggleKeys structure to get information. The CBSIZE member and UIPARAM parameter values ​​in this structure are set to set SIZEOF (ToggleKeys).

SPI_GETWHEELSCROLLLLINES: Windows NT 4.0 and later, Windows 98. When the current track ball is rotated, the number of rows of scrolling is obtained. Parameters PvParam must point to the UINT type variable to receive the number of lines. The default is 3.

SPI_GETWINDOWSEXTENSION: In the Windows 95 indicator Whether the Windows Extension and Windows Plus are installed! .

The parameter UIPARAM should be set to 1. And the parameters PVPARAM are not available. If Windows Extenson is installed, then this function returns true, otherwise false.

SPI_GETWORKAREA: Retrieves the workspace size of the main display. The work area refers to the part that is not covered by the system task bar or application desktop tool on the screen. Parameters PvParam must point to the RECT structure to receive coordinate information of the workspace, and the coordinates are represented by virtual screen coordinates. In order to obtain the workspace information of the non-main display, call the getmonitorLnfo function. Parameter UIPARAM Specifies the width, and the unit is pixel.

SPI_ICONVERTICALSPACING: Sets the height of the icon unit. Parameter UIPARAM Specifies height, the unit is pixel.

SPI_LANGDRIVER: Not implemented.


SPL_SetAccesstimeout: Sets the time limit value related to the accessible feature, the parameter PvParam must point to the Accesstimeout structure containing the new parameter, which is set to SIZEOF (AccesstMeout) with the value of the CBSIZE member of the structure.

SPI_SetActiveWindowTracking: For Windows NT 5.0 and later, Windows 98. Set the open or close of the active window tracking, if you set the parameter PvParam to true, it will be opened. The PVPARAM parameter is indicated when False.

SPI_setActiveWndtrkzorder: For Windows NT 5.0 and later, Windows 98. Indicates whether the window activated by the active window tracking to the top. The parameter PvParam is set to TRUE to indicate push to the top, and FALSE means that it is not pushed to the top.

SPI_setActiveWndtrktimeout: Used for WLINDOWS NT 5.0 and later, Windows 98. Set the active window tracking latency.

Parameters PvParam Settings The amount of time required to delay before using the mouse pointer activation window, in milliseconds.

SPI_SETBEEP: Turn the alarm open or off. The parameter UIPARAM is specified as TRUE indicates that open, indicates that it is turned off for false. SPI_setBorder: Sets the boundary amplifier of the determination window zoom boundary. Parameter UIPARAM is used to specify this value.

SPI_SETCOMBOBOXANIMATION: Used for Windows NT 5.0 and later and Windows 98. Allow or prohibit combined sliding opening effects. If the PvParam parameter is set to True, it means that there is a tilt effect, if set to false, is prohibited.

SPI_SETCURSORS: Reset System Cursor. Set the UIPARAM parameter to 0 and the PvParam parameter is set to NULL.

SPI_SETDEFAULTINPUTLANG: Sets the default input language for the system shell (command deranerator) and application. The specified language must be displayed using the current system character set. The PvParam parameter must point to DWORD variables containing a keyboard layout handle for default language.

SPI_SETDESKPATTERN: Sets the current desktop mode by making the Windows system from the win.ini file.

SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER: Sets the desktop wall. The PvParam parameter must point to a string that contains bitmap file names and ends with NULL (empty).

SPI_SETDOUBLECLICKTIME: The value of the UIPARAM parameter is the dupid time. Double-hitting time refers to the maximum time between the first and second click between double hits, in milliseconds. You can also use the SetDoubleClickTime function to set the double click time. To get the current double-click time, call the getDoubleClicktime function.

SPI_SETDOUBLCLKHEGHT: Set the value of the UIPARAM parameter to double-click the height of the rectangular area. Double-click the rectangular area means that the mouse pointer must fall in the second click in the double click, so that it can be recorded as double-click.

SPI_SETDOUBLECLKWIDTH: Set the value of the UIPARAM parameter to double-click the width of the rectangular area.

SPI_SETDRAGFULLWINDOWS: Set whether or not to drag to the largest window. The parameter UIPARAM is specified as TRUE to be allowed to be allowed to be FALSE. For Windows 95, this flag is only supported on Windows Plusl installed.

SPI_SETDRAGHEIGHT: Sets the height of the rectangular area used to detect the starting point of the drag operation, in units of pixels. Refer to SM_CXDRAG and SM_CYDRAG in the NLndex parameter of the getSystemMetrics function.

SPI_SETDRAGWIDTH: Sets the width of the rectangular area used to detect the starting point of the drag operation, in pixels.

SPI_SETFASTTASKSWITCH: This sign is no longer used. Previously versions of the system use this flag to allow or do Alt Tab fast task switching. For Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT 4.0, fast task switching is usually allowed. Refer to SPI_SETSWITCHTASKDISABLE.

SPI_SETFILTERKEYS: Sets the parameters of FilterKeys easy to use features. Parameters PvParam must point to the FilterKeys structure containing new parameters. The value of the CBSIZE member and the parameter UIPARAM in this structure should be set to SIZEOF (FilterKeys).

SPI_SETFONTSMOOTHING: Allow or disable font smoothing characteristics. This feature uses font fidelity technology to apply pixel pixel points on different grayscale levels to make the font curve more smoothing, in order to allow this characteristic, the parameter UIPARAM should be set to a TRUE value, otherwise false. For Windows 95, this flag is only supported in Windows Plusl installed. SPI_SETFOREGROUNDFLASHCOUNT: Used for Windows 98 and Windows NT 5.0 and later. Setting SetForegroundWindow The number of times the flashing task block when rejecting the front desk.

SPI_SETFOREGROUNDTIMEOUT: Used for Windows 98 and Windows NT 5.0 and later. It is used to set it after the user input, the system prohibits the application to force the length of time during the front desk, in milliseconds. Parameter PvParam Sets this new time limit value.

SPI_SETGRADIENTCAPTIONS: Used for Windows 98 and Windows NT 5.0 and later. Allow or prohibit window title bar with tilt effects. If you allow parameters PvParam to True, set to false. For more information on tilt effects, please refer to the getSyscolor function.

SPI_SETGRIDGRANULARITY: Sets the particle magnitude value of the grid when the desktop is zoomed to the value in the parameter UIPARAM.

SPI_SETHANDHELD: Internal use, the application should not use this value.

SPI_SETHIGHCONTRAST: Used for Windows 95 and later, Windows NT 5.0 and later. Set the parameters of the HighContrast accessible feature. Parameters PvParam must point to the HIGHCONTRAST structure that contains new parameters. The value of the CBSIZE member and the parameter UIPARAM in this structure is set to sizeof (HighContrast).

SPI_SETICONMETRICS: Sets the information related to the icon. Parameters PvParam must point to the Iconmetrics structure that contains new parameters, and also sets the value of the parameter UIPARAM and the CBSIZIZE member in that structure to SIZEOF (Iconmetrics).

SPI_SETICONS: Reload the system icon. The value of the parameter UIPARAM should be set to 0, and the PVPARAM parameter should be set to NULL.

SPI_SETICONTITLOGFONT: Set the font for the icon title. The parameter UIPARAM is specified as the size of the LogFont structure, and the parameter PVPARAM must point to a logFont structure.

SPI_SETICONTITLEWRAP: Open or close icon title folding function. If you want to open the folding function, set the parameters UIPARAM to true, otherwise false.

SPI_SetKeyboardDelay: Sets the keyboard repeated delay. The parameter UIPARAM must be specified as 0, 1, 2 or 3. 0 indicates that the shortest delay (approximately 250 ms) 3 indicates a maximum delay (approximately 1 second). The actual delay time corresponding to each value may vary depending on the hardware situation.

SPI_SetKeyboardPref: Used for Windows 95 and later, Windows NT 5.0 and later, setup keyboard priority. If the user relies on the keyboard instead of the mouse, the parameter UIPARAM can be specified as True, otherwise it is set to false and requires the application to display without concealing the keyboard interface.

SPI_SetKeyboardSpeed: Set the keyboard cartoon speed. The parameter UIPARAM must specify a value from 0 to 31, where 0 indicates that the fastest speed (approximately 30 times / second), 31 indicates that the minimum speed (approximately 2.5 times / sec), the actual weight is related to hardware, Moreover, it may have a variation amplitude as high as 20%. If UIParam is greater than 31, then this parameter is still set to 31. SPI_SetLangToggle: Switch Set the hot key set to the input language. Parameters UIPARAM and PVPARAM are not available. This value sets the shortcuts in the keyboard properties form by reading the registry. You must set the registry before using this flag, the path in the registry is "" 1 "= alt shift," 2 "= Ctrl Shift," 3 "= none (none).

SPI_SETLISTBOXSMOTHSCROLLING: Used for Windows 98 and Windows NT 5.0 and later. Allow or do not allow the list column to have smooth scrolling effects. Parameters PvParam Set to True means that there is a smooth scrolling effect, which is prohibited to FALSE.

SPI_SETLOWPOWERACTIVE: Activate or turn off the low voltage screen protection feature. The parameter UIPARAM is set to 1 indicates that activation is activated, and 0 is denoted. The parameter PvParam must be set to NULL. For Windows 98, this logo supports 16-bit and 32-bit applications. For Windows 95, this logo only supports 16-bit applications. For Windows NT. This flag only supports the 32-bit application of NT 5.0 and later, and 16-bit applications are not supported.

SPI_SETLOWPOWERTIMEOUT: Used to set the time value in the low voltage screen saver (also known as the timeout value, that is, the screen protection is automatically performed after more than a certain period of time), and the unit is second. UIPARAM parameters are used to specify this new value. The parameter PvParam must be NULL. For Windows98, this flag supports 16-bit and 32-bit applications. For Windows 95, this logo only supports 16-bit applications. For Windows NT This flag only supports the 32-bit application of NT 5.0 and later, 16-bit applications are not supported.

SPI_SETMENUDROPALIGNMENT: Sets the alignment of the pop-up or menu. The parameter UIPARAM is specified as True, indicating that the right alignment is left or left.

SPI_SETMINIMIZEDMETRICS: Sets the data information related to the minimum window, the parameter PvParam must point to the MinimizedMetrics structure that contains new parameters. The value of the CBSIZE member in this structure should be set to SIZEOF (MinMizeDmetrics).

SPI_SETMOUSE: Sets two thresholds and acceleration rates of the mouse. Parameters PvParam must point to an array of length 3 to specify these values. For details, please refer to Mouse_Event.

SPI_SETMOUSEBUTTONSWAP: Switch or restore the meaning of the left and right buttons of the mouse, indicating that the original meaning is restored to FALSE.

SPI_SETMOUSEHOVERHEGHT: Used for Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0 and later. Set the height of the mouse pointer to stay area, in pixels. The mouse pointer stays here stay in order to make TRACKMOUSEEVENT a WM_Muosehover message, and the parameter UIPARAM is used to set this height value.

SPI_SETMOUSEHOVERTIME: Used for Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0 and later. Set the mouse pointer to make TRACKMOUSEEVENT to generate a WM_MouseHover event while staying in the residence area. This flag is only used only when the HOVER_DEFAULT value in the DWHOVERTIME parameter is called to TRACKMOUSEEVENT. Parameter UIPARAM Sets this new time value. SPI_SETMOUSEHOVERWIDTH: Used for Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0 and later. Set the width of the mouse pointer to the residence area, in pixels. Parameter UIPARAM Sets this new value.

SPI_SETMOUSEKEYS: Sets the parameters of the MouseKeys easy to use. Parameters PvParam must point to the MouseKeys structure that contains new parameters. The value of the CBSIZE member in the structure should be set to SIZEOF (MOUSEKEYS).

SPI_SETMOUSESPEED: Used for Windows NT 5.0 and later version and Windows 98, set the current mouse speed. Parameters PvParam must point to an integer between 1 (slower) to 20 (fastest). The default is 10. You can typically use the mouse control panel application to set this value.

SPI_SETMOMOTRAILS: For Windows 95 and later: Allow or disable a MOOUSETRAILS feature. This feature is shortly displayed in the mouse smell trajectory and rapidly erase them to increase the visibility of the mouse. This feature is prohibited to set the parameter UIPARAM to 0 or 1, when allowed, set UIPAram to a value greater than 1, which represents the number of cursor drawn in the trajectory.

SPI_SETNONCLIENTMETRICS: Sets data information related to the non-minimized window, parameter PvParam must point to the NonclientMetrics structure, which contains new parameters. The value of its member CBSZIE and parameter UIPARAM should be set to SIZEOF (NonclientMetrics).

SPI_SETPENWINDOWS; for Windows 95 and later: Specify whether to load the pen window, when loading, the parameter UIPARAM is set to true, not loaded as false. Parameters pvparam is NULL.

SPI_SETPOWEROFFACTIVE: Activate or close the screen protection characteristic parameter. UIPARAM is set to 1 to activate, 0 indicates that it is turned off. The parameter PvParam must be NULL. For Windows 98, this logo supports 16-bit and 32-bit applications. For Windows 95, this logo only supports 16-bit applications. For Windows NT, this flag supports Windows NT 5.0 and later version of 32-bit applications, 16-bit applications are not supported.

SPI_SETPOWEROFFTIMEOUT: Sets the time value required to turn off the screen protection (also known as timeout). Parameter UIPARAM Specifies this value. The parameter PvParam must be NULL. For Windows 98. This logo supports 16-bit and 32-bit applications. For Windows 95, this logo only supports 16-bit applications. For Windows NT, the logo supports the 32-bit application on Windows NT 5.0 and later, 16-bit applications are not supported.

SPI_SETSCREENREADER; for Windows 95 and later, Windows NT 5.0, and later, indicates whether the screen review program is running. The parameter UIPARM is specified as true to run the program, and FALSE does not run.

SPI_SETSCREENSAVERRUNNING: Used for Windows 95 and later, internal use. The application should not use this flag SPI_setsetScreensaveTimeout: The parameter UIPARAM value is the screen protector time limit value. This value is a time quantity, in seconds, before the screen protector is activated, the system should always be idle, and the screen protector is activated before this value. SPI_SETSERIALKEYS: Used for Windows 95 and later: Setting the parameters of the serialKeys easy to use. Parameters PvParam must point to the SerialKeys structure containing new parameters, and its members CBSIZE and parameter UIPARAM should be set to SIZEOF (SerialKeys).

SPI_SETSHOWSOUNDS: Set the showSounds easy to use to turn it on or off. The parameter UIPARAM is specified as TRUE indicates that open, false is turned off.

SPI_SETSNAPTODEFBUTTON: Windows NT 4.0 and later, Windows 98. Allow or disable Snap-to-default-button features. If allowable, then the mouse cursor is automatically moved to the default button, such as the OK or "Apply" button in the dialogper. The parameter UIPARAM is set to true indicates that this feature is allowed, false is prohibited.

SPI_SETSOUNDSENTRY: Sets the parameters of the SoundSentry easy to use. The parameter PvParam must point to the SoundSentry structure, which contains new parameters, and its members CBSIZE and parameter UIPARAM should be set to sizeof (SoundSentry).

SPI_SETSTICKYKEYS: Sets the parameters of the StickyKeys accessible feature. Parameters PvParam must point to the StickyKeys structure that contains new parameters, and the value of its members CBSIZE and UIPARAM parameters is set to SIZEOF (StickyKeys).

SPI_SETSWITCHTASKDISABLE: ALT TAB and ALT ESC task switching feature are allowed or disabled for Windows NT 5.0 and later. The parameter UIPARAM is set to 1 indicates that this feature is allowed to be set to 0. By default, task switching characteristics are allowed.

SPI_SETTOGGEKEYS: Sets the parameters of the ToggleKeys accessible feature, the parameter PvParam must point to the ToggleKeys structure, which contains new parameters. The value of its members CBSIZE and the parameter UIPARAM is set to SIZEOF (ToggleKeys).

SPI_SETWHEELSCROOLLLINES: is used for Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.o and later. Set when the mouse track is rotated

The number of rows to scroll, the number of rows of scrolling is set by the parameter UIPAram, the number of rows of the row is rolling, well without using the modified key in the mouse trackball. If the value is 0, then no scrolling occurs, if the number of rows of scrolls is larger than the number of rows visible, especially if it is WHEEL_PAGESCROLL (#defined sa uint_max), the scrolling operation should be interpreted as a next page of the scroll bar. Or click on the previous page.

SPI_SetworkArea: Sets the size of the work area. The work area refers to the part that is not covered by the system task bar or desktop application desktop tool. Parameters PvParam are a pointer. Point to the RECT structure, which specifies a new rectangular work area, which is expressed in a virtual screen coordinate. In a multi-display system, the function is used to set a display work area containing a specific rectangle. If pvparam is null, the function sets the work area of ​​the main display to full screen. UIParam: related to the system parameters of the query or settings. For details on the system-level parameters, please refer to the UIAction parameter. Otherwise, this parameter must be specified as O without specifying.

PvParam: Related to the system parameters of the query or settings. For details on the system-level parameters, please refer to the UIAction parameter. Otherwise, this parameter must be specified as NULL without specifying.

Fwinlni: If you set the system parameters, it is used to specify whether to update the user profile (profile). Or do you want to broadcast the WM_SETTINGCHANGE message to all top windows to inform them new changes. This parameter can be one of 0 or the following:

Spif_UpdateInifile: Write the settings of the new system parameters to the user profile.

SPIF_SENDCHANGED: Broadcast WM_SETTINGECHANGE message after updating the user profile.

SPI_sendWiniChange is the same as spif_sendchange.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, the return value is non-zero: if the function call fails, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Remarks: This function is generally used with applications, such as control panels. It allows users to customize Windows.

The disk layout name is from the 16-encycloped language identifier corresponding to the layout. For example, the language identifier of USENGLISTH is "" 0 × 0409 "", then the main American English keyboard layout is named "00000409" "Other keyboard layouts such as Dvotak, named" 00010409 ", "00020409", etc., see the makelangid macro about this list.

The Windows CE operating system only supports the following UIAction values:

SPI_GETBATTERYIDLETIMEOUT: The amount of dry battery power can be applied to the system before Windows CE is not suspended by user operation. In seconds, if pvparam is 0, then the flag is ignored.

SPI_GETEXTERNALIDLETIMEOUT: The amount of AC power can adhere to the system power supply time before Windows CE is not suspended by user operation. Parameters PvParam points to a DWORD type variable to return the time value, in seconds. If PvParam is 0, then the flag is ignored.

SPI_GETMOUSE: Two thresholds and speeds of the mouse.

SPI_GETOEMINFO: Returns a string that contains models and manufacturer names. The parameter UIPARAM is specified as the length of the buffer in the PVPARAM parameter, and when the parameter pvparam contains a string in the Unicode character set when it is successfully returned.

SPI_GETPLATFORMTYPE: Returns a string specified by the Windows CE device type, such as "H / PC". The parameter UIPARAM specifies the length of the PVPARAM parameter buffer, the latter contains a string in a Unicode character set while successfully returns. This string allows applications like H / PC Explorer to determine device types. SPI_GETWAKEUPDLETIMEOUT: After the user notifies the reactivation of a pending device, the amount of WINDOWS CE will delay the amount of response. Parameters pvparam points to a DWORD type variable to return time value, in seconds. If the PVPARAM value is 0, then the flag is ignored.

SPI_GETWORKAREA: Retrieves the workspace size. The work area refers to the screen part that is not covered by the task.

SPI_SETBATTERYIDLETIMEOUT: The battery power can be used to supply power to the system before Windows CE is not suspended by user operation. As long as the keyboard or touch screen is active (with input), the Windows CE operating system and battery power will still work. Parameter UIPARAM Specifies the time to set, in seconds. If UIPAram is set to 0, then the flag is ignored.

SPI_SETEXTERNALIDLETIMEOUT: The amount of AC power can be set to the system to supply power to the system before Windows CE is not suspended by user operation. As long as the keyboard or touch screen is active, the Windows CE operating system and the AC power supply will still work. Parameter UIPARAM Specifies the time to set, in seconds. If UIPARAM is set to 0, then the flag is ignored. SPL_SETMOUSE: Sets two thresholds and speeds of the mouse.

SPI_SETWAKEUPIDLETIMEOUT: After the user notifies the deactivated device, the time length of the Windows CE delayed response can be set using this flag. Parameter UIPARAM Specifies this amount of time, unit is second, if UIParam is set to 0, then the flag is ignored.

SPI_SetworkArea sets the workspace size, and the work area refers to the screen portion that is not covered by the task bar. If the PvParam buffer used to get a platform type or OEM information string is too small, then the function will call fails and the error value error_insuffent_buffer appears. Windows CE only supports the Unicode version of this function. Windows CE does not support parameter fwinlni in the case of spif_sendwininichange.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Window: 95 and above; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; unicode: Unicode and ANSI in the Windows NT environment Two versions.

"Yes Yes Yes1381 SystemTimeToFileTime conversion system time 64 time No Yes Yes1382 SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime No Yes Yes1383 ​​TabbedTextOut output string Yes Yes Yes1384 TerminateProcess abort the process No Yes Yes1385 TerminateThread suspend clue No Yes Yes1386 TextOut output string Yes Yes Yes1387 TileWindows Tile specify the parent Each specified sub-window of the window "function function: This function displays each of the specified sub-windows of the specified parent window.

Function prototype: WORD WINAPI TileWindows (HWND hwndParent, // handle of parent window UINT wHow, // types of windows not to arrange CONST RECT * lpRect, // rectangle to arrange windows in UINT cKids, // number of windows to arrange const HWND FAR * LPKIDS // Array Of Window Handles


HWndParent: Window handle. If the parameter is null, it is assumed to be a desktop window.

Whow: Specifies the window type that does not participate in the schedule, and is horizontal and to display or vertically to display. This parameter can be one of the following values, which can be selected to combine with MDITILE_SKIPDISABLED to prevent deactivated MDIs from being displayed:

MDITILE_HORIZONAL: Level and to the display window. MDITILE_VERTICAL: Vertical and to the display window.

LPRECT: Points to the RECT structure, which defines a rectangular area in this area in this area in this area to define a rectangular area in this area. If the parameter is NULL, the client area of ​​the parent window is used.

CKIDS: Number of members of the array given in the LPKIDS parameter. This parameter is ignored if the LPKIDS is NULL.

LPKIDS: Pointer to the plug array of the arranging sub-window. If the parameter is null, all sub-windows of the specified window (or desktop window) are arranged.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is the number of windows being arranged; if the function fails, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: Call the TileWindows function Restore all maximized windows to the original size.

Quick check: Windows NT: 4.o or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"No Yes Yes1388 timeBeginPeriod set the timer resolution No Yes Yes1389 timeEndPeriod clear the timer resolution No Yes Yes1390 timeGetDevCaps return timer performance No Yes Yes1391 timeGetSystemTime return WINDOWS runtime No Yes Yes1392 timeGetTime return WINDOWS runtime No Yes Yes1393 timeKillEvent abort timer event No Yes Yes1394 timeSetEvent set timer callback No Yes Yes1395 TlsAlloc distribution clues local store index No Yes Yes1396 TlsFree release clues local store index No Yes Yes1397 TlsGetValue return value No Yes Yes1398 TlsSetValue TLS TLS setting values ​​No Yes Yes1399 ToAscii convert virtual key codes For the Windows Character Function: This function translates the specified virtual key code and keyboard status into the corresponding character or string. This function translates code using the physical keyboard layout and input language identified by a given keyboard layout handle. Function Prototype: int ToAscii (UINT uVirtKey, // virtual-key code UINT uScanCode, // scan code PBYTE lpKeyState, // address of key-state array LPWORD lpChar, // buffer for translated key UINT uFlags // active-menu flag );


NVIRTKEY: Specifies the virtual key to translate.

USCANCODE: Defines hardware scanning code for translated keys. If the key is in a UP state, the highest bit of the value is set.

LPKEYSTATE: Points a 256-byte array containing the current keyboard status. Each member of the array contains a state of a key. If the highest bit of a byte is set, the button is in the DOWN state. If the lowest bit is set, the key is triggered. In this function, only the trigger bits of the CapSlock key are related. The trigger status of Numlock and Scroll Lock keys will be ignored.

LPCHAR: Points to the buffer that accepts the translation income characters or strings.

UFLAGS: Defines if a menu is active. If a menu is active, this parameter is 1, otherwise 0.

Return Value: If the defined key is dead key, the return value is negative. Otherwise, the return value should be the following value:

O: For the current keyboard state, the defined virtual keys are not translated.

1: A character is copied to the buffer.

2: Two characters are copied to the buffer. This value is usually returned when a dead key (sponary or dual audio character) stored in the keyboard layout cannot form a single character with the defined virtual key.

Note: If a dead key is stored in the keyboard layout, the parameters provided to the toascii function may not be sufficient to translate the virtual key code.

Typically, the TOASCII function performs a virtual key code. However, in some cases, the 15th bit of the USCANCODE parameter may be used to distinguish a key and release state. The scan code is used to translate the key combination of the Alt number key.

Although Numlock facts affects the trigger key of the keyboard status, TOASCII will ignore the trigger setting of LPKEYSTATE (VK_NUMLOCK) because only the UVIRTKEY parameter is enough to distinguish the cursor mobile key (VL_DECIMAL, VK_NUMPADO_VK_NUMPAD9). Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above version; Wiodows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"YES YES YES1400 TOASCIEX translates the specified virtual key code" function function: This function translates the specified virtual key code and keyboard status into the corresponding character or string. This function translates code using the physical keyboard layout and input language identified by a given keyboard layout handle.

Function Prototype: int ToAsciiEx (UINT uVirtKey, // virtual-key code UINT uScanCode, // scan code PBYTE lpKeyState, // address of key-state array LPWORD lpChar, // buffer for translated key UINT uFlags, // active-menu Flag HKL DWHKL / / Keyboard Layout Handle; Parameters:

NVIRTKEY: Specifies the virtual key to translate.

USCANCODE: Defines hardware scanning code for translated keys. If the key is in a UP state, the highest bit of the value is set.

LPKEYSTATE: Points a 256-byte array containing the current keyboard status. Each member of the array contains a state of a key. If the highest bit of a byte is set, the button is in the DOWN state. If the lowest bit is set, the key is triggered. In this function, only the trigger bits of the CapSlock key are related. The trigger status of Numlock and Scroll Lock keys will be ignored.

LPCHAR: Points to the buffer that accepts the translation income characters or strings.

UFLAGS: Defines if a menu is active. If a menu is active, this parameter is 1, otherwise 0.

DWNKL: Translation of the handle of the keyboard layout used by the given code. This parameter can be the keyboard layout handle returned by the previous loadkeyboardlayout function.

Return value: Ib.

Quick check: Windows NT: 4.0 or above; Windows: 95 and above version; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winustr.n; library file: user32.lib.

"NO YES YES1401 TOUNICODE Conversion Virtual Keyword Code is an ANSI Character" function function: This function translates a given virtual key code and keyboard state into a corresponding character or string.

Function Prototype: int ToUnicode (UINT wVirtKey, // virtual-key code UINT wScanCode, // scan code PBYTE lpKeyState, // address of key-state array LPWSTR pwszBuff, // buffer for translated key int cchBuff, // size of translated Key Buffer uint wflags // set of function-conditioning flags; parameter:

WVIRTKEY: Defines virtual keys that will be translated.

WSCANCODE: Defines hardware scanning code that is translated key. If the highest value is set to 1, the key is in the UP state.

LPKEYSTATE: Points a 256-byte array containing the current keyboard state. Each member (byte) in the array contains a state of a key. If the highest bit of one byte is set to 1, the key is in the DOWN state.

PWSZBuff: The buffer pointer accepting the translated Unicode urit or string.

Cchbuff: Defines the size of the string in the buffer pointing to the PWSZBuff parameter.

WFLAGS: Form a logo collection of function execution conditions. If a menu is active, set 0 bits to 1. The first to 31st is retained.

Return Value: This function returns a value:

-1: The specified virtual key code is a dead key (accent or double tone character). Even if several characters have been tapped, and these characters have been stored in the keyboard state, the keyboard layout will also be ignored, and the value is returned. If possible, even for the Unicode keyboard layout, this function also gives a spacing of the buffer defined by the dead key characters to the PWSZBuff parameter. For example, function writes Character SPACing Acute

(0x00b4), not written to characters Non_SPacing Acute (0x0301).

0: For the current keyboard state, the defined keys have no translation. No buffers defined by anything to the PWSZBuff parameter.

1: A buffer defined by a character written in a PWSZBuff parameter

2: Two or more characters are written to the buffer defined by the PWSZBuff parameter. The most common cause of this happens is that since a dead key stored in the keyboard layout cannot be combined by the specified virtual key code into a single bond character.

Remarks: If a dead key is stored in the keyboard layout, the parameters that provide to the Tounicode function may not be sufficient to translate the virtual key code. Typically, the Tounicode function performs only translation based on virtual key code. However, in some cases, the 15th bit of the WSCANCode parameter may be used to distinguish a key and release state.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: Does not support; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: Winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"NO YES YES1402 TRACKPOPUPMENU Displays and Tracking Pop-up Menu" function: This function displays shortcut menu in the specified location and tracks the choice of menu items. The shortcut menu can appear anywhere on the screen.

Function prototype: BOOL TrackPopupMenu (HMENU hMenu, // handle of shortcut menu UINT uFlags, // screen-position and mouse-button flags int x, // horizontal position, in screen coordinates int y, // vertical position, in screen coordinates INT NRESERVED, // Reserved, Must Be Zero HWND HWND, // Handle Owner Window Const * PrcRect // Points To Rect That Specifies No-Dismissal Area); Parameters

HMENU: The handle of the displayed shortcut menu. This handle can be a handle of the new shortcut menu created by CreatePopupUpmenu, or a handle that is to call GetSubMenu with a submenu that is associated with an existing menu item.

UFLAGS: A bit flag of a specified function option. Use one of the following flags to determine how the function is horizontally placed shortcut menu:

TPM_CENTERALLGN: If this flag is set, the function will place the shortcut menu at the coordinate level specified by the parameter x.

TPM_LEFTALLGN: If this flag is set, the function enables the left boundary of the shortcut menu to align the coordinate specified by the parameter x.

TPM_RightallGN: If this flag is set, the function enables the right boundary of the shortcut menu to align the coordinate specified by the parameter x.

Use one of the following flags to determine how the function places the shortcut menu:

TPM_BOTTOMALLGN: If this flag is set, the function allows the lower boundary of the shortcut menu to align the coordinate specified by the parameter y.

TPM_TOPALLGN: If this flag is set, the function enables the upper boundary of the shortcut menu to align the coordinate specified by the parameter y.

TPM_VCENTERALLLGN; If this flag is set, the function will be in direct purchase of the shortcut menu by the coordinate specified by the parameter y.

Use one of the following flags to determine the user's choice if there is no parent window in the menu:

TPM_nonotify: If this flag is set, the function does not send a notification message when the user clicks on the menu item.

TPM_RETURNCMD; if this flag is set; the function returns the identifier of the user's selected menu item to the return value.

Use one of the following flags to determine which mouse button tracking in the shortcut menu:

TPM_LEFTBUTTON: If this flag is set, the user can only select the menu item with the left mouse button.

TPM_RightButton: If this flag is set, the user can use the left and right click to select the menu item.

X: Under the screen coordinates, the horizontal position of the shortcut menu.

Y: Under the screen coordinates, the vertical position of the shortcut menu.

NRESERVED: The reserved value must be zero.

HWND: Handle with a window with a shortcut menu. This window receives all messages from the menu. This window does not accept WM_COMMAND messages from the menu before the function returns.

If the TPM_nonotify value is specified in the parameter uflags, this function does not send a message to the HWND identity. However, you must pass a window handle to HWND, which can be any window handle in the application.

PRCRECT: Not used.

Return Value: If the TPM_RETURNCMD value is specified in the parameter uflags, the return value is the identifier of the menu item selected by the user. If the user does not make a selection, the menu is canceled or an error has occurred, the return value is zero. If the TPM_RETURNCMD value is not specified in the parameter uflags, if the function call is successful, return a non-zero value, if the function call fails, returns zero. To get more error messages, cleaning with the getLastError function:

Note: Windows CE does not support parameter uflags to remove the column value: TPM_NONOTIFY; TPM_LEFTBUTTON; TPM_RightButton.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: 1.0 and above; header file: winuser.h; enter the library: user32.lib.

"YES YES YES1403 TRACKPOPUPMENUEX Display and Tracking Pop-up Menu" function: This function displays shortcut menu in the specified location and tracks the selection of menu items. The shortcut menu can appear anywhere on the screen.



HMENU: The handle of the displayed shortcut menu. This handle can be a handle of the new shortcut menu created by CreatePopupUpmenu, or a handle that is to call GetSubMenu with a submenu that is associated with an existing menu item.

UFLAGS: Positioning or Other Options. This parameter can be zero or take the value listed in the function createPopUpMenu, or one of the following values:

TPM_HORIZONTAL: When not overwriting the rejection rectangle, you cannot display the menu in the specified location display, the system will first consider the requirements of horizontal alignment.

TPM_Vertical: When not overwriting the rejection rectangle, you cannot display the menu in the specified location, the system will first consider the requirements of vertical alignment. The rejection rectangle means that the screen on the screen cannot be overwritten, specified by IPTPM.

X: Under the screen coordinates, the horizontal position of the shortcut menu.

Y: Under the screen coordinates, the vertical position of the shortcut menu.

HWND: Handle with a window with a shortcut menu. This window receives all messages from the menu. This window does not accept WM_COMMAND messages from the menu before the function returns.

If the TPM_nonotify value is specified in the parameter uflags, this function does not send a message to the HWND identity. However, you must pass a window handle to HWND, which can be any window handle in the application.

LPTPM: Pointer to the structure TPMPARAMS, which specifies the area where the menu on the screen cannot be overwritten. This parameter can be NULL.

Return Value: If the TPM_RETURNCMD value is specified in the parameter uflags, the return value is the identifier of the menu item selected by the user. If the user does not make a selection, the menu is canceled or an error has occurred, the return value is zero. If the TPM_RETURNCMD value is not specified in the parameter uflags, the function call is successful, returns a non-zero value, and if the function call fails, returns zero. If you want to get more error messages, please call GetLastError


Remarks: WOMDPWS CE does not support parameter uflags Remove the column value: TPM_nonotify; TPM_LEFTTBUTTON; TPM_RightButtton; TPM_HORIZONTAL; TPM_Vertical

The parameter LPTPM must be set to NULL.

Speed: Windows NT: 4.0 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: 1.0 and above; header file: Winuser.h; Enter the library: user32.lib.

"No Yes Yes1404 TransactNameDpipe Read and write Named" "YES YES1405 Translate" function: translation acceleration key table. This function processes the acceleration key in the menu command. This function translates a WM-Deydoun or WM-SYSDEYDOWN message or a WM-COMMAND or WM-SYSCOMMAND message (if there is an entry of the key in a given acceleration key table), then WM-Command or WM-SysCommand message Directly sent to the corresponding window processing process.

The TranslateAccelerator is returned until the window processes the message.

Function prototype: int TranslateAccelerator (HWND HWND, HACCEL HACCTABLE, LPMSG LPMSG);


HWND: Window handle, the message of the window will be translated.

HACCTABLE: Accelerate the key table handle. The acceleration key table must be loaded from the loadAccelerators function call or created by the CreateAccd_RATORTABLE function call.

LPMSG: MSG structural pointer, the MSG structure contains the message content obtained from the thread message queue to the thread message queue using the GetMessage or PeekMessage function.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, return a non-zero value; if the function call fails, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, you can call the getLastError function.

Note: In order to distinguish the message sent by the function with the menu or the message sent, the WPARAM parameter of the WM_COMMAND or WM_SYSCOMMAND message is 1. The accelerator key combination for selecting the menu item from the window menu is translated into a WM-SYSCOMMAND message: All other accelerator combinations are translated into WM-COMMAND. If TranslateAccelerator returns a non-zero value and the message has been translated, the application cannot call the TranslateMessage function to process the message. Each acceleration button does not necessarily correspond to the menu command. If the accelerator command corresponds to the menu item, the WM-IITMEMU and WM-IITMENUPOPUP messages will be sent to the application, as if the user is trying to display the menu. However, when any of the following conditions, these messages will not be sent: the window is disabled and the menu item is disabled.

The acceleration key combination does not have the corresponding window menu item and the window is minimized. The mouse is getting effective. See the setcapture function on the mouse grabbing message. If the specified window is the active window and the window is not kept focus (this is usually this when the window is minimized), translatmssage translates the WM-SYSDEYUP and WM-SYSKEYDOWN messages instead of WM-Deyup and WM-DeyDown messages.

The translateMsSage does not send a WM-Command message when the window that contains the menu is minimized. However, if the TRANSLATEMESSAGE will send a WM-COMMAND message, even if the window is minimized even if the window is minimized. Windows CE: All acceleration key messages are translated into WMMAND messages; Windows CE does not support WM-SYSCOMMAND messages.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above: Windows CE: 1.0 and above version; header file: windows.h; library file: user32.lib; unicode: Unicode and ANSI in Windows NT Two versions.

"YES YES YES1406 TranslateCharsetInfo Conversion Structure] TRANSLATEMDISYSACCEL Processing MDI Keyboard Accelerator" Function: This function processing accelerates the acceleration key response of the menu command of the multi-document interface (MDI) sub-window associated with the specified MDI client window . This function converts the WM_KEYUP and WM_KEYDOWN messages to the WM_SYSCOMMAND message and send it to the corresponding MDI sub-window.

Function prototype: BOOL TranslateMdisysAccel (HWND HWndClient, LPMSG LPMSG);


HWNDCLIENT: MDI Customer window handle.

LPMSG: The pointer to the message retrieved by the getMessage or PEEDMESAGE function, this message must be an MSG structure and contain message information from the application message queue.

Return Value: If the message is converted to a system command, the return value is a non-zero value. If the message is not converted to the system command, the return value is 0.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above version: Windows CE: Do not support; header file: Winuser.h;

Enter the library: User32.lib.

"YES YES YES1408 TranslateMess" converts the virtual key message to the character message "function function: This function converts the virtual key message into a character message. The character message is sent to the message queue that calls the thread, and is read when the function getMessage or PeekMessage is called.

Function prototype: BOOL TranslateMessage (const msg * lpmsg);


LPMSG: Pointer to point to the MSG structure containing messages, which contains message information obtained in the message queue from the call thread with the function getMessage or PeekMessage.

Return Value: If the message is converted (ie, the character message is sent to the message queue of the calling thread), returns a non-zero value. If the message is WM_KeyDown, WM_Keyup WM_SYSKEYDOWN or WM_SYSKEYUP, returning a non-zero value, does not consider the conversion. If the message is not converted (ie, the character message is not sent to the message queue of the calling thread), the return value is zero.

Remarks: This function does not modify the message pointed to by the parameter ipmsg.

WM_KEYDOWN and WM_KEYUP combines a WM_CHAR or WM_DEADCHAR message. WM_SYSKEYDOWN and WM_SYSKEYUP combines a syswm_char or wm_sysdeadchar message. TtanslateMessage generates a WM_CHAR message for the keys that are mapped to ASCLL characters by the keyboard drive.

If the application handles virtual key messages for other purposes, TranslateMessage should not be called. For example, if the THRANSLATEACCELERATOR returns a non-zero value, the application should not call TranslateMessage.

Windows CE: Windows CE does not support scan code or extension key flags, so the IKeyData parameter (iParam) in the WM_CHAR message generated by TranslateMessage is not supported 16-24.

TranslateMessage can only be used to convert messages received by Calling GetMessage or PeekMessage.

Quick check: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows Ce: 1.0 and above; header file: winuser.h; enter the library: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes1409 TransmitCommChar added character Yes Yes Yes1410 UnhandledExceptionFilter filter exception condition No Yes Yes1411 UnhookWindowsHook remove the filter function No Yes Yes1412 UnhookWindowsHookEx Yes Yes Yes1413 UnionRect delete function associated with the two rectangular Yes Yes Yes1414 UnloadKeyboardLayout keyboard layout deleted from the chain hook in the transmission queue "Function function: This function removes a keyboard layout.

Function prototype: BOOL UnloadKeyboardLayout (HKL HKL);


HKL: The keyboard layout of the unloaded.

Return value: If the function call is successful, the return value is not 0. If the function call fails, the return value is 0. Function call fails can have the following reasons: a invalid keyboard layout handle. The keyboard layout is pre-tested. The keyboard layout is being used.

To get more detailed error messages, you can call the getLastError function.

Remarks: Windows 95: UnloadKeyboardLayout cannot uninstall the system default keyboard layout. This ensures that there is always a suitable character set for the name of the shell command and the file system used for the user.

Windows NT: UnloadKeyboardLayout is able to uninstall the system default keyboard layout.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"No Yes Yes1415 UnlockFile No Yes Yes1416 UnlockFileEx unlock file unlock file No Yes Yes1417 UnlockServiceDatabase No Yes Yes1418 UnmapViewOfFile unlocking stop database file view image data acquisition No Yes Yes1419 UnpackDDElParam No Yes Yes1420 UnrealizeObject Yes Yes Yes1421 reset the logical palette from the DDE message IPARAM UnregisterClass Delete Window Yes Yes YES1422 Unregisterhotkey Release Hotkey "Function: This function releases the hotkey that the call thread is previously registered. Function prototype: BOOL UnregisterhotKey (HWND HWND, INT ID);


HWnd: Window handle related to the released hotkey. If the hotkey is not associated with the window, the parameter is NULL.

ID: Defines the identifier of the released hotkey.

Return value: If the function call is successful, the return value is not 0. If the function call fails, the return value is 0. To get more error messages, you can call the getLastError function.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"No Yes Yes1423 UpdateColors Update Colors YES YES1424 UPDATERESOURCE Update Resources" function function: This function adds, deletes, or replaces resources in a executable file.

Function prototype: BOOL UpdateResource (HANDLE hUpdate, // update-file handle LPCTSTR lpType, // address of resource type to update LPCTSTR lpName, // address of resource name to update WORD wLanguage, // language identifier of resource LPVOID lpData, / / Address of Resource Data DWORD CBDATA // Length of Resource Data, in Bytes


HUPDATE: Specify the update file handle. This handle is returned by the BeginUpdateresource function.

LPTYPE: The string of the resource type that will be updated, it is NULL to terminate. This parameter can be an integer value passed through macro MakentResource, and the meaning is enormated to enormreslangProc \LPTYPE.

LPNAME: Point to the string of the resource name to be updated, it is NULL to terminate. This parameter can be an integer value passed through the macro MakeintResource.

WLANGUAGE: Specifies the language identity that will be updated. To understand the basic language identifier, and a list of words identifiers consisting of these identifiers, see macro makelangid.

LPDATA: Pointer to the resource data being plugged into the executable. If the resource is one of the predefined types, the data must be valid and arranged properly. Note that this is the original binary data stored in the executable, not data provided by LoadLCon, LoadString, or other loaded special resource function. All data containing strings must be a Unicode format; ipdata cannot point to ANSI data. If LPDATA is NULL, the specified resource will be deleted from the executable.

CBDATA: Specifies the resource data size in LPDATA, with byte count.

Return value: If the function is running, the return value is non-zero; if the function is running, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: The application reuses Updateresource to change resource data. Each UpdateResource call must take up an increase, delete, replacement list inside the system, and actually does not write data to an executable. The application must write a change in the executable by using the EndUpdateresource function.

Quick Check: Windows NT 3.1 or more, header file: winbase.h; library file: kerne132.lib; unicode: Uneicode and ANSI version are implemented on Windows NT.

"Customer Area No Yes Yes1425 UpdateWindow update window Yes Yes Yes1426 ValidateRect Remove Rectangular Yes Yes Yes1427 ValidateRgn deleted region Yes Yes Yes1428 VerFindFile determine the file installation path No Yes Yes1429 VerInstallFile installation file No Yes Yes1430 VerLanguageName language ID is converted to text description No Yes Yes1431 VerQueryValue access to resources project No Yes Yes1432 VirtualAlloc reserved virtual page No Yes Yes1433 VirtualFree release virtual page No Yes Yes1434 VirtualLock locked virtual pages No Yes Yes1435 VirtualProtect modify virtual protection No Yes Yes1436 VirtualProtectEx modify virtual protection No Yes Yes1437 VirtualQuery return to the virtual information No Yes Yes1438 VirtualQueryEx Returns Virtual Protection No Yes Yes1439 VirtualUnlock Unlocking Virtual Page NO YES YES1440 VKKEYSCAN Transfer Characters to Virtual Keyword Code "Function Function: This function translates a character into the corresponding virtual key code and the current keyboard. This function is replaced by the VKKEYSCANEX function. You can still use the vkkeyscan function, but you don't have to define the keyboard layout.

Function prototype: short vkkeyscan (tchar ch);


CH: Define characters that are translated into virtual keys.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, the return value contains a virtual key code, and the high byte contains a load state, which may be a combination of the following flag:

1: The pressed can be any Shift key. 2: The pressed can be any CTRL key.

4: The pressed can be any AIT key. 8: Press the Hankaku button.

16: Reserved (defined by the keyboard driver). 32: Reserved (defined by the keyboard driver).

If the function cannot translate the passed character code into a button, the low and the high byte will be all _1. Note: For keyboard layouts (such as French Keyboard layout) using the right hand ALT key (eg, French keyboard layout), the conversion state is represented by a value 6 because the right hand ALT key is translated into Ctrl Alt.

The translation of the digital keyboard (VK_NUMPAD0 --vk_numpad9) is ignored. This function is only translated into a corresponding keystroke action. For example, the character "7" is translated into VK_7 instead of vk_numpad7.

The application uses this function to transmit characters by sending a WM_KEYUP and WM_KEYDOWN messages.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.7 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; unicode: Unicode and ANSI on Windows NT Specimen.

"YES YES YES1441 VKKEYSCANEX converts characters to virtual keyword code" function function: This function translates a character into the corresponding virtual key code and the state of the current keyboard. This function translates characters using a physical keyboard layout and input language identified by a given keyboard layout handle.

Function prototype: Short Vkkeyscanex (Tcha CH, HKL DWHKF);


CH: Define characters that are translated into virtual keys.

DWHKL: Keyboard layout handle for translation characters. This parameter value can be any keyboard layout handle that is previously returned by the LoadKeyboardLayout function.

Return value: with VKKEYSCAN.

Quickudo: Windows NT: 4.0 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; unicode: Unicode and ANSIs are implemented on Windows NT Specimen.

"No Yes Yes1442 WNetAddConnection redirect a local device network resources Yes Yes Yes1443 WNetAddConnection2 redirect a local device network resource No Yes Yes1444 WNetCancelConnection disconnected from the network No Yes Yes1445 WNetCancelConnection2 disconnected from the network Yes Yes Yes1446 WNetCloseEnum end network resource list No Yes Yes1447 WNetConnectionDialog start network connections dialog box No Yes Yes1448 WNetDisconnectDialog disconnected from the network to continue the dialog No Yes Yes1449 WNetEnumResource list of network resources No Yes Yes1450 WNetGetConnection access to network resources name Yes Yes Yes1451 WNetGetLastError network function recently returned error No Yes Yes1452 WNetGetUniversalName No Yes Yes1453 WNetGetUser get the current network users No Yes Yes1454 name listed WNetOpenEnum network resource No Yes Yes1455 WaitCommEvent monitor mask events No Yes Yes1456 WaitForInputIdle monitoring process idle No Yes Yes1457 WaitForMultipleObjects monitor multiple objects No Yes Yes1458 WaitForMultipleObjectsEx monitor multiple objects or I / O monitoring end No Yes Yes1459 WaitForPrinterChange Printer or printer server change NO YES YES1460 WAITFORSINGLEOBJECT Monitoring an object No Yes Yes1461 WaitForsingleObjectEx Monitor an object or I / O End No Yes YES1462 WaitMessage Pause App Running and Generating Control Function: This function generates control for other threads, if one Threads There are no other messages in their message queue. This function abdominal thread until a new message is placed in the message queue of the thread and returns. Function prototype; BOOL WAITMESSAGE (VOID);

Parameters: None.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, return a non-zero value; if the function call fails, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Remarks: After the thread calls a function to check the queue, if there is an un read input in the message queue, WaitMessage does not return. This is because PeekMessage, GetMessage, GetQueuesttus: WaitMessage, MsgwaitFormultiPleObjects, MsgWaitFormullPleObjectEx, etc. After changing the status information of the queue, the status information of the queue is no longer considered new. If you call WaitMessage continuously, return it to the new input of the specified type reaches. Existing unread input (received before the last thread check queue) is ignored.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: Winuser.h; Enter the library: user32.lib.


Yes Yes Yes1463 WaitNamedPipe named pipe monitoring No Yes Yes1464 waveInAddBuffer transmit buffer No Yes Yes1465 sound input device to turn off the sound input apparatus waveInClose No Yes Yes1466 waveInGetDevCaps acquired sound input device performance sound acquired No Yes Yes1467 waveInGetErrorText error information acquired text No Yes Yes1468 waveInGetID sound input apparatus ID No Yes Yes1469 waveInGetNumDevs returns the number of sound input apparatus No Yes Yes1470 waveInGetPosition acquires a sound input device position No Yes Yes1471 waveInMessage input device transmits information to the sound Yes1472 waveInOpen No Yes open sound input device preliminary No Yes Yes1473 waveInPrepareHeader No sound input buffer Yes Yes1474 waveInReset stop the sound input device work No Yes Yes1475 waveInStart stop the sound input device work No Yes Yes1476 waveInStop stop the sound input No Yes Yes1477 waveInUnprepareHeader clear prepared sound file header No Yes Yes1478 waveOutBreakLoop interrupt the sound output cycle No Yes Yes1479 waveOutClose off the sound output device No Yes Yes1480 waveOutGetDevCaps acquires a sound output apparatus performance No Yes Yes1481 waveOutGetErrorText acquires a sound error text No Yes Yes1482 waveOutGetID acquires a sound output apparatus ID No Yes Yes1483 waveOutGetNumDevs acquires the number of the sound output apparatus No Yes Yes1484 waveOutGetPitch acquired sound output intensity No Yes Yes1485 waveOutGetPlaybackRate acquires a sound Backward rate no yes Yes1486 WaveoutgetPositio n acquired sound playback position No Yes Yes1487 waveOutGetVolume acquired sound volume No Yes Yes1488 waveOutMessage send messages No Yes to the sound output apparatus Yes1489 waveOutOpen open sound output apparatus No Yes Yes1490 waveOutPause pause sound playback No Yes Yes1491 waveOutPrepareHeader preliminary sound playback data block No Yes Yes1492 waveOutReset stop sound playback restart No Yes Yes1493 waveOutRestart No Yes Yes1494 waveOutSetPitch sound playback waveform of the output intensity setting No Yes Yes1495 waveOutSetPlaybackRate set the playback rate No Yes Yes1496 waveOutSetVolume output volume provided No Yes Yes1497 waveOutUnprepareHeader clear sound preliminary data block written No Yes Yes1498 waveOutWrite sound output device No Yes Yes1499 WideCharToMultiByte wildcard image multi-byte No Yes Yes1500 WidenPath provided No Yes Yes1501 WinExec current path running program Yes Yes Yes1502 WinExecError No Yes Yes1503 WinHelp invoked wINDOWS HELP Yes Yes Yes1504 WindowFromDC returns the device description standard window No Yes Yes1505 WindowFromPo

INT returns a window "function function" function "function: This function gets the handle of the window that contains the specified point. Function prototype: hwnd windowfromPoint;


Point: Specifies the Point structure of a point detected.

Return Value: The return value is the handle of the window containing the point. If the window containing the specified point does not exist, the return value is NULL. If this point is above static text control, the return value is the following window on the static text control.

Note: The WindowFromPoint function does not get hidden or disabled window handles, even in this window. Applications should use the ChildWindowFromPoint function without restriction query.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 above: Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: 1.0 or above: Header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes1506 WriteConsole write console screen buffer No Yes Yes1507 WriteConsoleOutput direct control screen buffer No Yes Yes1508 WriteConsoleOutputAttribute write attribute to the console string No Yes Yes1509 WriteConsoleOutputCharacter write string No Yes Yes1510 WriteFile to write files to the console No Yes Yes1511 WriteFileEx No Yes Yes1512 WritePrinter write files to the printer output data No output data Yes Yes1513 WritePrivateProfileSection to private INI file No Yes Yes1514 WritePrivateProfileString output string Yes Yes to private INI file Yes1515 WriteProcessMemory write memory No Yes Yes1516 WriteProfileSection the segment in a given process write WIN.INI No Yes Yes1517 WriteProfileString string written WIN.INI Yes Yes Yes1518 WriteTapemark write tape mark No Yes Yes1519 wsprintf Yes No No1520 ZeroMemory formatted string to a zeroed memory No No No1521 AdlustWindowRect window size of a rectangle calculated "Function function: This function calculates the size of the required window rectangle based on the size of the customer's rectangle required. The calculated window rectangle can then be passed to the CREATEWINDOW function to create a window required for a client area.

Function prototype: BOOL AdjustWindower (LPRECT LPRECT, DWORD DWSTYLE, BOOL BMENU);


LPRECT: Pointer to the RECT structure, which contains the coordinates of the left upper left corner and the lower right corner of the required customer area. When the function returns, the structure houses the left upper corner of the window of the customer area and the coordinates of the lower right corner.

DWStyle: Specifies the window style of the window that will be calculated.

BMenu: Indicates if the window has a menu.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is non-zero; if the function fails, the return value is zero. Get an error message, see getLastError.

Note: The customer's rectangle refers to a minimum rectangle that completely contains a customer area; window day rectangle means a minimum rectangle that completely contains a window, which contains a client area and non-client. The AdjustWindowRect function does not increase additional space when a menu bar is pulled out or more.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 above: Windows: 95 or above: Windows CE: Does not support; header file: Winuser.h; library file: user32.lib. "No Yes Yes1522 AnimateWindow Displays a special effect function function when displaying and hiding the window: This function can produce a special effect when displaying and hiding the window. There are two types of animation effects: rolling animation and sliding animation.

Function prototype: BOOL AnimateWindow (HWND HWND, DWORD DWTIME, DWORD DWFLAGS);


HWND: Specifies the handle of the window that produces an animation.

DWTIME: Indicates the movie continued time (in microseconds), completes an animation standard time of 200 microseconds.

DWFAGS: Specifies the type of animation. This parameter can be a combination of one or more of the following marks. Sign Description:

AW_SLIDE: Use the slide type. The default is the type of animation. This flag is ignored when using the aw_center flag.

AW_ACTIVE: Activate the window. Do not use this flag after using the AW_HIDE logo.

AW_BLEND: Use the fade out. This flag can only be used when HWND is the top window.

AW_HIDE: Hide the window, the window is displayed.

AW_CENTER: If the AW_HIDE flag is used, the window will overlap the window; if the AW_HIDE flag is not used, the window is extended outward.

AW_HOR_POSTIVE: Displays the window from left to right. This logo can be used in rolling animations and sliding animations. This flag will be ignored when using the AW_Center flag.

AW_VER_POSTIVE: The window is displayed in the top. This logo can be used in rolling animations and sliding animations. This flag will be ignored when using the AW_Center flag.

AW_VER_NEGATIVE: Displays the window from the bottom. This logo can be used in rolling animations and sliding animations. This flag will be ignored when using the AW_Center flag.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is non-zero; if the function fails, the return value is zero. The function will fail in the following cases:

The window uses the window boundary; the window is already visible to still display the window; the window has hidden the window. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: You can combine AW_HOR_POSTIVE or AW_HOR_NEGTVE with AW_VER_POSITVE or AW_VER_NEGATIVE to activate a window.

You may need to process WM_PRINT or WM_PRINTCLIENT messages during the window of the window and the window of its sub-window. The dialog, control, and shared control have been processed WM_PRINTCLIENT messages, and the default window process has also processed WM_PRINT messages.

Quick Check: WIDDOWS NT: 5.0 or above: Windows: 98 or above; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib. "No Yes Yes1524 CChookProc Application or Library Defined Tune Function" function: This hook function is a callback function defined by an application or library. The ChooseColor function uses the hook function to store information or notice with this function, this information and the default dialog function of the Color Public dialog box.

The LPCEHOOPROC type defines a pointer to this callback function. CchookProc is a location occupant of a function name defined by an application.

Function prototype: uint Callback CchookProc (HWND HDLG, UINT UIMSG, WPARAM WPARAM, LPARAM iParam);


HDLG: Points the handle of the Color dialog box specified by the information.

UIMAG: Identify information stored.

WPARAM: Specifies additional information about the information number. The precise significance is determined based on the value of the UIMDSG parameter.

IParam: Specifies additional information about the message. Accurate significance is determined by the value of the UIMSG parameter. If UIMSG most indicates the WM_IMTDIALOG message, iParam is a pointer to the Choosecolor structure that is pointed to the value specified when the dialog is created.

Return value; if the hook function returns zero value, the default dialog function processes the message. If the hook function returns a non-zero value, the default dialog function ignores the message.

Note When you create a Color dialog with the ChooseColor function, the application can provide the CchookProc hook function to the dialog function to process the message. The CHOOSECOLOR structure in the conveyor to the conversation can make the hook function to take effect, or you can specify the address of the hook function in the IPFNHOOK member and the specified Flags member CC_ENABIEHOOK logo. The default dialog function processes this message before transmitting the message WM_INITDIALOG to the hook function. For all other messages, the hook function is first stored. The return value is then decided that this default dialog function is a processing message or ignoring the message. If the hook function processes the WM_CTLCOLORDIG message, you must return a valid brush handle to draw the background of the dialog. In summary, if the hook function handles any WM_CTLCOLOR message, it must return a background of a valid brush handle to brush the specified control panel.

Do not call the EndDialog function from the hook function. Conversely, the hook function calls the PostMessage function to transfer the WMCommand message with the idAbort value to the dialog box. Transferring the LDABORT message to turn the dialog closes and return the dialog to the value of false. If you want to know why the hook function is shut down, you must provide your own contact function and your application.

Sub-classification can be made to the standard control panel of the public dialog. However, the public dialog function can also classify the control panel, for this, the control panel must be submitted to the control panel when the hook function is handled. This ensures that the sub-classification function stores the specified control message before the dialog function is set to the classification function.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: 2.0 and above; header file: command: COMMDLG.H; library file: User customization.

"No Yes Yes1525 CfhookProc application defined or library defined callback function" function function: This hook function is an application-defined or library definition callback function, which is used with the Choosefont function. The hook function receives messages and notices for the default dialog function for the Font Public dialog. The LPCFhookProc type defines a pointer to this callback function. CfhookProc is a location occupant of a function name defined by the application.

Function prototype: uint Callback CfhookProc (HWND HDLG, UINT UIMSG, WPARAM WPARAM, LPARAM iParam);


HDLG: Points the handle of the Font dialog window to the message referred to.

UIMSG: Specifies the message stored.

WPARAM: Specifies additional information about the message. Accurate significance is determined based on the value of the UIMSG parameter.

IParam: Specifies additional information about the message. Accurate significance is determined based on the value of the UIMSG parameter. If the UIMSG parameter indicates the WM_INITDIALOG message, iParam is a pointer to the Choosefont structure, which contains the value specified when the public dialog is created.

Return Value: If the hook function returns zero value, the default dialog function processes the message. If the hook function returns a non-zero value, the default dialog function ignores the message.

Note: When you create a Font dialog with the ChooseFont function, you can process the message to process the message for the dialog function.

To make the hook function take effect, you must use the ChooseFont structure that is sent to the conversation to create a function, specify the address of the hook function in the IPFNHOK member and the CF_ENABLEHOOK flag in the FLAGS member.

The default dialog function processes the WM_INTDIALOG message, transfer it to the hook function. For additional messages, the hook function is first stored. Then the return value of the hook function determines whether the default dialog function processes the message or ignores it.

If the hook function processes the WM_CTLCOLORDLG information, it must return a valid brush handle to brush the background of the dialog.

In summary, if the hook function handles any WM_CTLCOLOR message, you must return a valid brush handle to draw the background of the specified control. No need to call the endDialog function from the hook function. In contrast, the hook function can call the PostMessage function, transfer one WM_CDommand information with the idAbort value to the dialog function Posting IDABORT Close dialog box, so that the dialog function returns the false value. To learn why the hook function is closed, the hook must be provided. The connection mechanism between functions and applications.

Sub-classification can be made to the standard control panel of the public dialog. However, the public dialog function can also subclassify the control panel. For this reason, the control panel subclass is classified when the hook function WM_INTDIALDG is handled. This ensures that the subclassification function receives the specified control message before the dialog function sets the sub-classification function.

Quickudes: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: command: user custom.

"No Yes Yes1526 CREATEWINDOW Create a window" function function: This function creates an overlapping window, a pop-up window or sub-window. It specifies the window class, window title, window style, and initial position and size of the window (optional). This function also specifies the parent window of the window or a window (if present), and the menu of the window. To use the extension style that is supported by the CreateWindow function, use the CREATEWINDOWEX function instead of the CreateWindow function. The function prototype: HWND CreateWindow (LPCTSTR lpClassName, LPCTSTR lpWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, HWND hWndParent, HMENU hMenu, HANDLE hlnstance, LPVOID lpParam);


LPClassName: Points a string or integer ATOM ending to an empty end. If this parameter is an integer, it is the global amount generated by the THEGLOBALADDATOM function. This 16-bit number of less than 0xc000 must be low 16 bits of LPClassName parameters, and the high position of this parameter must be 0.

If lpclassname is a string, it specifies the class name of the window. This class name can be any class name registered with a function RegisterClassex, or any predefined control class name. Please see the list of explanations.

LPWindowname: The string pointer to the empty end of a specified window name.

If the window style specifies the title bar, the window title points to the LPWindowname will be displayed on the title bar. When using the CREATEWINDOW function to create control, such as a button, select box, and static control, you can use lpwindowname to specify the control text.

DWStyle: Specifies the style of creating a window. This parameter can be a combination of the following window styles to add a control style of the description. Significance:

WS_Border: Create a window of a single border.

WS_CAPTION: Create a window with a title box (including WS_BODER style).

WS_CHILD: Create a sub-window. This style cannot be used with the WS_POPVP style.


WS_CLIPCHILDREN: When drawing in the parent window, the sub-window area is excluded. Use this style when you create a parent window.

WS_CLLPBLINGS; exclude the relative area between the sub-window, that is, when a specific window receives the WM_PAINT message, the WS_CLIPSIBLINGS style excludes all the stacked windows outside the drawing and only redraw the specified sub-window. If the WS_CLIPSIBLINGS style is not specified, and the sub-window is stacked, the adjacent sub-window will be redirected when the client area of ​​the sub-window is retraction.

WS_DISABLED: Create an initial state as a prohibited sub-window. A disabled window can't accept losing information from the user.

WS_DLGFRAME: Create a window with a dialog box. This style window cannot with a title bar.

WS_GROUP: Specifies the first control of a set of controls. This control group consists of the first control and subsequent control, starting each control from the second control, having a WS_GROUP style, the first control of each group with a WS_TABSTOP style, so that the user can move between groups . The user can then use the cursor to change the keyboard focus between the controls within the group.

WS_HSCROLL: Create a window with horizontal scroll bar.

WS_ICONIC: Create an initial state to minimize the window. The same is the same as the WS_MINIMIZE style. WS_MAXIMIZE: Create a window with the maximized button. This style cannot appear at the same time as the WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP style, and must specify the WS_SYSMENU style.

WS_OVERLAPTID: Generates a laminated window. A stacked window has a title bar and a border. The same as the WS_TILED style.


WS_POPUP; Create a pop-up window. This style cannot be used simultaneously with the WS_CHLD style.

WS_POPUWINDOW: Create a window with WS_Border, WS_POPUP, WS_SYSMENU style, WS_CAPTION, and WS_POPUPWINDOW must be set at the same time to make the window can be seen.

WS_SIZEBOX: Create a window of a tonable border, the same as the WS_THICKFRAME style.

WS_SYSMENU: Create a window with a window menu on the title bar, must be set at the same time.

WS_TABSTOP: Create a control, which can get the keyboard focus when the user presses the TAB button. After pressing the Tab button, make the keyboard focus to the next control of the WS_TABSTOP style.

WS_THICKFRAME: Create a window with an adjustable border, which is the same as the WS_SIZEBOX style.

WS_TILED: Generates a laminated window. A stacked window has a title and a border. The same as the WS_OVERLAPPED style.


WS_MINIMIZEBOX, WS_MAXMIZEBOX style laminated window. The same is the same as the WS_OVERLAPPEDWindow style.

WS_Visible: Creates an initial state as a visible window. WS_VSCROLL: Create a window with a vertical scroll bar.

X: Specify the initial horizontal position of the window. For a laminated or pop-up window, the X parameter is the initial X coordinate of the upper left corner of the window of the screen coordinate system. For subfolden, X is the initial X coordinate of the left corner of the sub-window relative to the parent window client area. If this parameter is set to CW_UCEDEFAULT, the system selects the default left corner coordinate and ignores the Y parameters. CW_USEDEFAULT is only valid for the laminated window, and if the pop-up or sub-window is set, the X and Y parameters are set to zero.

Y: Specifies the initial vertical position of the window. For a laminated or pop-up window, the Y parameter is the initial Y coordinate of the left corner of the window of the screen coordinate system. For the sub-window, Y is the initial Y coordinate in the left corner of the sub-window relative to the parent window client area. For the list box, Y is the initial Y coordinate in the upper left corner of the list box client area relative to the parent window client area. If the laminated window is created using the WS_VISible bit and the X parameter is set to CW_USEDEFAULT, the system will ignore the Y parameter.

NWIDTH: Indicates the width of the window in the device unit. For a laminated window, NWIDTH, or a window width of the screen coordinates or CW_USEDEFAULT. If NWIDTH is CW_USEDEFAULT, the system selects a default height and width: the default width is starting from the initial X coordinate to the right boundary, the default height begins to the top of the target area from the initial X coordinate. CW_USEDFEAULT only the ginsear window is valid; if the CW_USEDEFAULT flag is set for the pop-up window and the sub-window, NWIDTH and NHEIGHT are set to zero. NHELGHT: The height of the window is indicated by the device unit. For the laminated window, NHEIGHT is the window width of the screen coordinates. If NWIDTH is set to CW_USEDEFAULT, the system ignores the NHEIGHT parameter.

HWndParent: Points to the parent window of the created window or the end of the owner window. To create a sub-window or a belonging window, you need to provide a valid window handle. This parameter is optional for pop-up windows. Windows NT 5.0; Create a message window, you can provide HWND_MESSAGE or provide a handle of a message window that exists.

HMENU: Menu handle, or pointing a sub-window identifier based on the window style. For a laminated or pop-up window, the HMENU specifies the menu used by the window: If the menu class is used, the HMENU can be NULL. For the sub-window, HMENU specifies the sub-window identifier (a integer amount), and a dialog box uses this integer value to notify the parent class. The application determines the sub-window identifier, this value must be unique to all sub-windows of the same parent window.

HLNSTANCE: Handle of the module case associated with the window.

LPPARAM: Points a pointer to a value, which is passed to the window WM_CREATE message. This value passes through the CreateStruct structure in the iParam parameter. If the application call CREATEWINDOW creates an MDI client window, LPPARAM must point to a ClientCreatestruct structure.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is a handle of the new window: If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Remarks: CreateWindow sends a WM_CREATE message to the window before returning. For laminated, pop-up and sub-windows, createWindow sends WM_CREATE, WM_GETMAXINFO, and WM_NCCREATE messages to the window. The iParam parameter of the message WM_CREATE contains a pointer to the CreateStruct structure. If you specify a WS_Visible style, createWindow sends all messages that need to activate and display the window.

Get the control information about whether the task bar is displayed to display a button, see the visibility of the taskbar button.

The following predefined control classes can be specified in the LPClassName parameter. Note that the corresponding control style can be used in the DWStyle parameter.

The Button button is a small rectangular sub-window, and the user can click to turn it on or off. Button control can be used alone or included in the group, which can be used to write labels or non-write tags. There is a significant change in the appearance of the button when the user clicks the button control. Please see Button. Check the button style table specified in the DWStyle parameter. Please refer to Button Style.

The ComboBox combo box consists of a list box and a selection domain similar to editing control. When using this style, the application or makes the list box always displayed or made into a drop-down list. If the list box is visible, enter characters in the editing domain will enable the first domain that is consistent with the character in the list box. Conversely, items selected in the list box will be displayed in the editing domain. Please see Combo Boxes.

See the Combo Boxes Style for the Combination Frame Table specified in the DWStyle parameter. EDIT Edit Box A small rectangular sub-window user can use the keyboard to enter text in it. The user can select the edit box to control by clicking or pressing the Tab key and enables control to focus. When a flashing insertion mark is displayed in the edit box, the user can enter text. Use the mouse to move the cursor, select the alternative characters or set the position inserted into the character or use the rollback button to delete characters. Please see Edit. Controls.

See Edit Control Style for editing box style in DWStyle parameters.

ListBox list box string list. When the application must display a list of names, such as a file name list, the user can specify the list box when the user can select. Users can select the name by clicking. When selecting, the name is selected to highlight, and the parent window is passed to a notification message. Please see List Box Style. See the List Box Control Style for the list style table specified in the DWStyle parameter.

MDICLIENT MDI customers have designed the MDI customer window. The window receives the message that controls the MDI application sub-window. It is recommended to use two control style bits: WS_CLIPCHILDREN and WS_CHILD. The MDI client window specified in WS_HSCROLL and WS_VSCROLL-style allows users to slide the MDI sub-window into the window. Please see MDI.

Richedit Design a Rich EditL.0 version of the control. This control user can detect and edit text in characters and paragraph format, and can include embedded COM objects. Please see Rich Edit Controls. See the List Box Control Style for the Richedit style table specified in the DWStyle parameter.

Richedit Class Design a control of Rich EDIK2.0. This control user can detect and edit text in characters and paragraph format, and can include embedded COM objects. Please see RicheditControls. Please refer to RicheDitControistyle for the Richedit style table specified in the DWStyle parameter.

A ScrollBar scroll bar design includes a rectangle with a rolling cartridge and both ends. As long as the user clicks on the control, the scroll bar sends a notification message to the parent window. If necessary, the parent window is responsible for updating the position of the scroll bar. Please see Scrollbars. Please refer to Scroll Bars Style for the scroll bar style table specified in the DWStyle parameter.

Static A simple static text domain, text box or rectangle is used to control the controllable, combined control, or separate control with other controls.

Static control does not provide input and no output. Please refer to Static Control Styles. See Scroll Bars Style for a static text style table specified in the DWStyle parameter.

Windows95: The system can support the maximum 16,364 window handles.

Note: If you indicate the Windows 4.x version when you link the application, the window control has no title control if the application's window has a window. There is no such requirement for Windows3.x versions.

Windows CE: CREATEWINDOW is done in a "macro" mode. It is defined as CREATEWINDOWEX, and the DWEXSTYLE parameter is set to long intensity 0. Menu stripes are not supported unless the branch is declared as a child window flag. Otherwise, the HMENU parameter must be NULL. MDICLIENT window classes are not supported. The DWStyle parameter can be a window style and control style in dialogue box, window (Windows), control (Controls) file.

The following DWStyle flags do not support in the window:



The following DWStyle flags do not support in the control and dialog:

Unsupported button style and static control style:


The combo box SS_WHITERECT style is not supported.


The list box is not supported to control the SS_WHITEFRAME style.


Unsupported dialog box style:


DS_FIXEDSYS style without rolling bars



You can use the BS_OWNERDRAW style instead of the BS_USERBUTTON style.

The SS_LEFT or SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP style can be used instead of static control SS_SIMPLE style.

MDICLIENT window classes are not supported.

All windows are hidden in ws_clipsiblings and WS_CLIPCHILDREN style.

The Windows CE1.0 version is not supported outside the window. If the HWndParent parameter is not NULL, the window is implied to the WS_CHILD style. Windows CE 1.0 does not support the menu bar.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: 1.0 or above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; unicode: Uneicode and ANSI on Windows NT version.

"Yes YES YES1527 CREATEDIALOG Create a Modeless Dialog" Function: CREATEDIALOG Macro creates a non-mode dialog box from a dialog template resource, CreateDiaog Macro uses the createDialogParam function.



HLNSTANCE: Identify the module case, the executable of the module contains a dialog template.

PTEMPLATE: Identify the dialog template, this parameter or point to one end-end string pointer, the string specifies a dialog template name, or a integer value of the resource identifier of the specified dialog template. If this parameter specifies a resource identifier, its high word must be zero, and the low word must contain the identifier, and this value must be created with the MakeintResource macro.

HWndParent: Identify the window with the dialog.

LPDIALOGFUNC: Points to the pointer to the dialog application. For more dialog applications, see Dialogproc. Return Value: If the function call is successful, the return value is the handle of the point to the dialog; if the function call fails, the return value is NULL. To get more error messages, you can call the getLastError function.

Note: The createDialog function creates a dialog with the CREATEWINDOWEX function. The CREATEDIALOG function is then transferred to the dialog application to the dialog application with a CreateDialog function (if the template specifies the DS_SETFONT type. If the template specifies the WS_Visible style, the function is displayed, and final CREATEDLALOG returns the window handle pointing to the dialog. After the CreateDialog function returns, the application displays the dialog box (if not yet displayed). The application clears the dialog by using the DestroyWindow function. Windows 95 and later: System Each dialog template can support up to 255 controls. If you want to put more than 255 control places in the dialog box, you must create controls in the WM_INITDIALOG message processor instead of putting them into the template. Windows CE: The DigTemplate structure does not support all types in the dialog template pointing to the IPTempiate parameter.

Speed: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above: Windows: 95 and above version: Windows: 1.0 and above version: Header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; unicode: unicode: Uneicode and unicode on Windows NT and ANSI two versions.

"No Yes Yes1528 CREATEDIALOGIONDIRECT Create a Mode dialog box from the dialog template in memory: This macro creates a non-Mode dialog box from the dialog template in memory. This macro uses the CreatedialogLndirectParam function.

Function prototype: HWND CREATEDIALOGINDIRECT (Hinstance Hlnstance, LpcdlgTemplate iptemplate, hwndhwndparent, dlgproc ipdialogfunc);


Hinstance: Identify the case of the module that creates the dialog.

IPTemplate: Points to a pointer to a global memory object with a template. CreateDialogindirect creates a dialog with this template. The dialog template consists of the title of the description dialog, followed by the title to describe one or more data blocks of each control, the template can be used in standard format or extended format. In the standard template, the title is composed of a DLGTEMPLATE structure follows one bearing length array. Each control data is composed of a DLGTEMPLATE structure with a bearing length array. In the extended template, the title is in the DLGTemplateEx format and control defines the DLGITEMPLATEEX format. After the CreatDialogindirect function returns, the template can be released, this template is only used to start the dialog.

HWndParent: Identify the window with the dialog.

Ipdialogfunc: Pointer to dialog applications, for more dialog applications, see Dialogproc.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, the return value is the handle of the point to the dialog. If the function call fails, the return value is NULL. To get more error messages, you can call the getLastError function. Note: CreateDialog Indirect Macro uses the CreateWindowEx function to create a dialog, then send a WM_INITDIALOG message to the dialog application, if the template specifies the DS_SETFONT type, the function also sends a WM_SETFONT message to the dialog application. If the template specifies the WS_Visible type, the function is displayed, and final CreateDialog Indirect returns the window handle pointing to the dialog.

After the CreateDialogindirect function returns, you can display the dialog with the showWindow function (if not yet displayed). Use the DESTROYWINDOW function to clear the dialog.

In the Standard Dialog Template, the DLGTemplate structure and each DLGItemTemplate structure must be aligned in DWORD borders, and the data created by the DLGEMTEPLATE structure must also be aligned according to DWORD boundaries. All other variable length arrays in the template must be adjusted according to the DWORD boundary.

The DLGTemplateEx structure and each DLGItemTemplateEx structure must be aligned with DWORD border; in accordance with DLGEMTEPLATE structure, it must be aligned according to DWORD boundaries. All other variable length arrays in the template must be adjusted according to the DWORD boundary.

All dialog templates of the string, such as the title of the dialog, buttons, must be a Unicode string. use

MLTIBYTOWIDECHAR functions Generate these Unicode strings to create code that works on both Windows and Windows NT.

Windows 95 and later: The system can support up to 255 controls each dialog template. To put more than 255 controls into the dialog box, you can create controls in the WM_INITDLAIOG message processor instead of putting them into the template.

Windows CE: The DLGTemplate structure does not support all types in the dialog template pointed to the Windows CE: LPTempate parameter.

Speed: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above version; Windows Ce: 1.0 and above version; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; unicode: Uneicode and ANSI on Windows NT Specimen.

"NO YES YES1529 CREATEICOFROMROMROMROMRESourceEx creates icon or cursor by describing icons" function function: This function creates icon or cursor by describing the resource bits of the icon.

Function prototype: Hicon CreateiconFromResourceEx (Pbyte Pbiconbits, DWORD CBICIBITS, BOOL FICON, DWORD DWVERSION, INTCXDesired, int Cydesired, uint uflags);


PbiconBits: The pointer to the icon or the cursor resource bit buffer. Typical applications can be loaded by calling the lookuplConldFromDirectoryEx or LoadResource function.

CBICONBITS: Specifies the size of the bit collection specified by the PBLConbits parameter in bytes.

FICON: Specifies whether to create an icon or a cursor, if the parameter is true, create an icon; if the parameter is false, create a cursor.

DWVersion: Specify the icon or cursor format of the resource bit specified by the PBLCPMBOTS parameter. The parameter may be the following value: windows2.x 0x00020000; Windows3.x 0x00030000

All WIN32-based applications use Windows3.x format icons and cursors.

CxDesired: Specifies the desired width (in pixels) of the icon or cursor. If the parameter is zero, the function uses the SM_CXICON or SM_CXCURSOR system metric value to set the width.

Cydesired: Specifies the desired height of the icon or cursor (in pixels). If the parameter is zero, the function uses the SM_CYICON or SM_CYCURSOR system metric value to set height.

VFlags: Specified combined value:

LR_DEFAULTCOLOR: Using the default color format;

LR_MONOCHROME: Create a monochrome icon or cursor

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is a handle of the icon or cursor: if the function is invalid, the return value is NULL. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Remarks: CreateiconFromResource, CreateiconFromResource, CreateiconIndirect, GeticonInfo, the LookupiconFromDirectoryEx function allows the enclosure application and the icon browser to check and use resources throughout the system.

Speed: Windows NT: 4.O and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"No Yes Yes1530 Dialogbox creates a modal dialog" function function based on dialog template resources: This macro creates a modal dialog based on dialog template resources. The Dialogbox function can return to the control by calling the EndDialog function to abort the modal dialog box by calling the endDialog function. This macro uses the DialogboxParam function.

Function prototype: int DialogBox (Hinstance Hinstance, LPCTSTSTRIPTEMPLATE, HWND HWNDPARENT, DLGPROC IPDIALOGFUNC);


Hinstance: Sample of an example of a module This module contains a dialog template.

IPTemplate: Identify dialog template. This parameter can be a pointer to a string ending with NULL, which specifies a dialog template name, or a set of values ​​in the resource identifier of the dialog template. If this parameter specifies a resource identifier, its high word must be zero, and the low word must contain an identifier. This value must be created with the MakeintResourDe macro.

HWndParent: Specifies the window with the dialog.

Ipdialogfunc: Pointer to the dialog process. For more detailed information about the dialog process, see DialogProc.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, the return value is the NRESULT parameter in the call to the function EndDialog. This function is used to abort dialogs. If the function call fails, the return value is C1. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Remarks: Dialogbox Macro Create a dialog with the CreateWindowEx function. The Dialogbox function then passes a WM_INITDIALOG message (and a WM-SETFONT message if the template specifies the DS_SETFONT type) to the dialog process. Regardless of whether the template specifies the WS_Visible type, the function display dialog box, and enables the window (also known as the main window) that has the dialog (also known as the main window), and the message loop to the dialog is started to retrieve and deliver the message. When the dialog application calls the EndDialog function, the DialogBox function clears the dialog box restriction loop, enables the main window to take effect (if it is valid), return the NRESULT parameters in the function enddialog call.

Windows 95 and later: The system supports up to 255 controls in each dialog template. In order to put the control of more than 255 controls into the dialog box, you need to create control in the WM_INITDIALOG message processor instead of putting them into the template.

Windows CE: The DLGTemplate structure in the dialog template pointing to the Dialog Template does not support all types in dialog box templates.

Quickudo: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above version; Windows Ce: 1.0 and above version; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib unicode: Uneicode and ANSIs are implemented on Windows NT version.

"No Yes Yes1531 DialogBoxParam creates a modal dialog" function feature based on dialog template resources: This function creates a modal dialog in accordance with dialog template resources. Before the dialog box is displayed, the function is transmitted as the iParam parameter for the WM_INITDIALOG message to the dialog process, and the application can initialize the dialog control.



Hinstance: Identify an example of a module that contains the dialog template.

IpTemplateName: Identifies the dialog template. This parameter can point to a pointer to a string ending with NULL, which specifies a dialog box toggle, or an integer value of the resource identifier of the specified dialog template. If this parameter specifies a resource identifier, its high word must be zero, and the low word must contain an identifier. This value must be created with the MakeintResourDe macro.

HWndParent: Specifies the window with the dialog.

IPDIRLOGFUNC: Pointer to the dialog process. For more detailed information about the dialog process, see DialogProc.

Dwinitaram: Specifies the value of the dialog process in the iParam parameter passed to the WM_INITDIALOG message.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, the return value is the NRESULT parameter in the call to the function EndDialog, which is used to abort the dialog. If the function call fails, the return value is C1. If you want to get an error message, call the getLastError function.

Note: The DialogBoxParam function creates a dialog with the CREATEWINDOWEX function. Then pass a WM_INITDIALOGG message to the dialog process. If the template specifies the DS_SETFONT type, the DialogBoxParam function passes a WM_SETFONT message to the dialog process. (Regardless of whether the template specifies the WS_Visible type), the function display dialog box makes the ownership window, and launches its own message loop to the dialog to check and pass the message. When the dialog application calls the EndDialog function, the DialogBoxParam function clears the dialog for abort the message loop; enabling the ownership window (if it is valid), and return the NRESULT parameters in the call of the function EndDialog. Windows 95 and later: The system can support up to 255 controls each dialog template. To put more than 255 controls into the dialog box, you can create controls in the WM_INITDLALOG message processor instead of putting them into the template. Windows CE: The DLGTemplate structure in the dialog template pointing to the IPTemplatename parameter does not support all types. Quickudo: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above: Windows: 95 and above; Windowsce: 1.0 and above version; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib: unicode: Uneicode and ANSIs are implemented on Windows NT Specimen.

"NO YES YES1532 DialogProc Definition Call Tune Function" function with the Dialogbox function: This function defines a callback function that can be used with the Dialogbox function. It handles messages sent to a modal or non-Mode dialog. The DLGProc type defines a pointer to this callback function. The DialogProc function is a placeholder for the application definition function name.

Function prototype: BOOL Callback DialogProc (HWND HWNDDLG, UINT UMSG, WPARAM WPARAM, LPARAM iParam);


HWNDDLG: Specifies the dialog.

UMSG: Specify the message.

WPARAM: Specifies additional information for messages.

IParam: Specifies additional information for messages.

Return Value: In addition to the response to the MM_INITDIALOG message, the dialog application should return a non-zero value if the function is processed.

If the function does not process the message, the dialog application should return zero. In response to the WM_INITDIALOG message, if the function calls a focus in the SETFOCUS settings dialog box, the dialog application should return zero, otherwise the dialog application should return non-zero value, in which case the system can have The first control setting focus in the focus dialog box.

Remarks: The dialog application should be used as long as the dialog is used to use the dialog class class. This is the default class, and does not use a clear class in the dialog template. Although the dialog application is similar to the Windows application, it cannot call DEFWINDOWPROC

Functions to handle unwanted messages. Unwanted messages are handled internally by dialog window.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: 1.0 and above; header file: WinSer.h; library file: User definition.

"No Yes Yes1533 EditWordBreakProc" function function "Demo" function function "" This function is used by the application defined callback function, which is used with the EM_SETWORDBREAKPROC signal, and a multi-line editing control will call EditWordBreakProc whenever you have to interrupt the text. function. The EditWordBreakProc function defines a pointer to this callback function, and EditWordBreakProc is a placeholder for a function name defined by an application. Function prototype: int Callback EditWordBreakkProc (LPTSTR LPCH, INT ICHCURRENT, INT CCH INT CODE);


IPCH: Pointer to edit the text of the text.

Ichcurrent: Specifies the index of the character position in a text buffer, which indicates that the function should start the interrupt of the word.

CCH: Specifies the number of characters in editing control text.

Code: Specifies the action to take to callback functions, this parameter can be one of the following values.

WB_CLASSIFY: Retrieves the word interrupt flag and character class for the character of the specified location, this value is used with Hypertext editing control.

WB_ISDECIMITER: Check that the characters in the specified location are separator.

WB_LEFT: On the left side of the specified location, find the beginning of the word.

WB_LEFTBREAK: On the left side of the specified location, find the end separator of the word, this value is used with hypertext editing control.

WB_MOVEWORDLEFT: On the left side of the specified location, find the beginning of the word, this value is used for use with hypertext editing control when using Ctrl Right.

WB_MOVEWDRDRIGHT: On the right side of the specified location, find the beginning of the word, this value is used for use with hypertext editing control when Ctrl ROGHT is used.

WB_Right: On the right side of the specified location, find the beginning of the word. (It is useful for the editing control of right alignment)

WB_RightBreak: Found the word end separator on the right side of the specified location, (this is useful for the right alignment editing control) This value is used with Hypertext editing control.

Return Value: If the code parameter specifies the WB_ISDELIMITER, and if the character of the specified location is a separator, the return value is non-zero (TRUE), otherwise the return value is zero. If the code parameter specifies WB_CLASSIFY, the return value is a character class and character word interrupt flag of the specified location, otherwise, the return value is the index of the beginning of the beginning of the text buffer.

Remarks: A carriage return operation follows a newline, must be seen as a single word as a single word, and two carriage return operations that follow a newline will be considered a single word.

An application must install the callback function by specifying the address of the callback function in the EM_SETWORDBREAKPROC message.

For hypertext editing control, the EM_SETWORDBREAKPROCEX message can also be used to replace the default extension interrupt program with the EditWordBreadProcex callback function, which provides additional information about the text, such as the character set.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: WinUser.h; library file: User custom. Unicode: Defines two prototypes for Unicode and ANSI.

"YES YES YES1534 EnumchildProc" function function: This function is defined by the application, the callback function used with the function enumchildWindows. It receives sub-window handles. Type WNDENUMPROC defines a pointer to the callback function. EnumChildProc is a location flag of a function name defined by an application. Function prototype: BOOL Callback EnumchildProc (HWND HWND, LPARAM ITPARAM);


HWnd: Points the sub-window handle of the parent window specified in ENUMCHILDWINDOWS.

LPARAM: Specifies the application definition value given in the EnumChildWindows function.

Return Value: To continue enumeration, the callback function must return TRUE; to stop enumeration, the callback function must return false.

Remarks: The callback function can perform any required tasks.

The application must register this back User.h by transmitting its address to the EnumChildWindows function. Library file: user custom.

"No Yes Yes1535 EnumreslangProc User-defined and EnumResource" function: This function is a user-defined and a callback function used by the enumResourceLanguages ​​function. It receives the resource language. The EnumReslangProc type definition points to the pointer to the response function. EnumReslangProc is a placeholder for user-defined function names.

Function prototype: Bool Callback EnumreslangProc (Handle Hmodule, LPCTSTSTSTSZTYPE, LPCTSTSTSZNAME, WORDLDLANGUAGUE, long lparam)


HMODULE: Handling modules that contain executables that are listed in the term resource. If this parameter is empty, the function will list the resources used in the module to build the current process.

LPSZTYPE: Points a string with NULL ending, and string specifies the type name of those listed statement resources. As a standard resource type, this parameter can be the following value, the meaning is as follows:

RT_ACCELERATOR: Accelerator table; RT_ANICURSOR: Dynamic cursor;

Rt_aniicon: Dynamic icon; rt_bitmap: bitmap resources;

RT_CURSOR: The cursor resource supported by hardware; DI_DIALOG: dialog:

RT_FONT: Font Resources; RT_FONTDIR; Font Directory Resource;

RT_GROUP_CURSOR: Nobbal resources unrelated to hardware;

RT_GROUP_ICON: The target resource independent of the hardware;

RT_HTML: HTML document; RT_ICON: Icon Resources supported by hardware:

RT_MENU: Menu resources; RT_MESSAGETABLE: The entrance of the message table;

RT_PLUGPLAY: Plug and Play resources;

RT_RCDATA: Apply defined resources (raw data): RT_STRING character table entry;

RT_VERSION: Version Resources: RT_VXD: VXD.

LPSZNAME: Points a string with null as ending, the string illustrates the name of the term in the resource. WLDLANGUAGE: Specifies the identifier of the statement in the resource. The EnumResourceLanguages ​​function provides this value. The list of the original statement identifier and the identifier composition clause identifier can be seen in the MAKELANGID.

LPARAM: Specifies to pass the parameters defined to the EnumResourceLanguages ​​function, which will be used for error checking.

Return Value: This response function returns a value to True will continue to list: Otherwise, the reference will be stopped when the return value is false.

Note: The application must be registered by delivering the address of this function to the EnumResourceLanguages ​​function.

Quick check: Windows NT 3.1, Windows 95 or more, header file: WinBase.h; library file: Defined by the user.

"NO YES YES1536 EnumResNameProc User-defined and EnumResourceNames Functions" Tune Function "Function: This function is a user-defined and the callback function used by the enumResourceNames function. The EnumResNameProc type defines a pointer to this callback function. EnumResNameProc is a placeholder for a user-defined function name.

Function prototype: BOOL Callback EnumResNameProc (Handl HModue.lpctstr HaszType, LPTSTR IPSZNAME, Long LPARAM)


HModule: Processing modules that contain executables that are listed in the resource file name. If this parameter is null, the function will list the resource name of the current process in the module.

LPSZTYPE: Points to strings with null as ending, which specifies the name of the resource type listed. As a standard type, this parameter has the meaning of ENUMRESLANGPROC / LPSZTYPE.

LPSZNAME: Points to a string with null as the end of the character, which specifies the name of the resource listed.

LPARAM: Specifies the parameters that passed to the application definition of the EnumResourceNames function, this parameter is used for error checking.

Return Value: This response function returns the value of TRUE will continue to be listed; otherwise, the reference will be stopped when the return value is false.

Note: The application must be registered by passing the address of this function to the EnumResourceNames function.

Quick check: Windows NT 3.1, Windows 95 or more, header file: WinBase.h; library file: Defined by the user.

"NO YES YES1537 EnumrestyProc User-defined and EnumResource" function function: This function is a user-defined and the EnumResourceTypes function is used together with the callback function. It receives the resource type. The EnumRestyProc type defines a pointer to this callback function. EnumrestyProc is a placeholder for this user-defined function name.

Function prototype: BOOL CALLBACK EnumResTyPeProc (HANDLE hModue, LPTSTR lpszType, LONG LParam);


HModule: Processing modules that contain executables that are listed in the resource type. If this parameter is null, the function will list the resource type of creating the current process in the module.

LPSZTYPE: Points to strings with null as ending, which specifies the type of resource listed. As a standard type, this parameter has the meaning of ENUMRESLANGPROC \LPSZTYPE. LPARAM: Specifies a request to define a parameter value to pass to the EnumResourceTypes function, which can be used to incorrectly check.

Return Value: If the response function returns a true value; otherwise, the list will be stopped when the false value is returned.

Note: The application must be registered by passing the address of the function to the EnumResourceTypes function.

Quick check: Windows NT 3.1, Windows 95 or more, header file: WinBase.h; library file: Defined by the user.

"NO YES YES1538 EnumTaskWindows function function: This function is outdated, replacing it by the EnumThreadWindows function. No no1539 enumthreadWndProc enumerates all non-sub-window" function functions associated with a thread: This function enumerate all related to one thread The non-sub-window, the method is to transfer the handle to each window and then transfer to the callback function defined by the application. The EnumThreadWindows function continues until all window enumerations are complete or the callback function returns false. To enumerate all sub-windows of a particular window, use the ENUMCHILDWINDOWS function.



DWTHREADLD: Identify threads that will be listed.

LPFN: Pointing a callback function pointer to an application, see EnumthReadWndProc.

LPARARM: Specifies a defined value that passes to the callback function.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is non-zero; if the function fails, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: Does not support: Header file: Winuser.h; library file: user32.iib.

"NO YES YES1540 EnumWindows enumerates the top window" Function "function: This function enumerates the top window on all screens, and the method is to pass the handle to each window, then transfer to the application defined callback function. The EnumThreadWindows function continues to all top window enumerations until the callback function returns FALSE

Function prototype: BOOL EnumWindows (WndenumProc LpenumFunc, LParam Lparam);


LpenumFunc: Points to an application-defined callback pointer, see EnumWindowsProc.

LPARARM: Specifies a defined value that passes to the callback function.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is non-zero; if the function fails, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Remarks: The EnumWindows function is not listed in the sub-window.

Calling this function in the cyclic body is more reliable than calling the getWindow function. Calling an application that performing this task in a getWindow function may fall into a handle of a dead loop or point to a window that has been destroyed. Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: 1.0 or above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"No Yes Yes1541 EnumWindowsProc Application Defined Tune Function" function function: This function is a callback function defined with the application defined with EnumWindows or EnumDeskTopWindows. It receives the top window handle. WndenumProc defines a pointer to this callback function. EnumWindowsProc is the location flag of the application definition function.

Function prototype: BOOL Callback EnumwindowsProc (HWND HWND, LPARAM LPARAM);


HWND: Top window handle.

LPARAM: Specifies the application definition value in EnumWindowsh or EnumDeskTopWindows.

Return Value: To continue list, the callback function must return true; if the list is stopped, it must return false.

Note: The application must register this callback function by passing to the EnumWindows or EnumDeskTopWindows application address.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: 1.0 or above: Header file: Winuser.h; library file: User custom.

"NO YES YES1542 FRHOKPROC is defined by the application definition or the library-defined callback function" function "" This function is the callback function defined by the application definition or the library. It is used with the FindText function or the replace text function. The hook function receives messages and notices for the default dialog function for the Find or Replace Public dialog.

The LPFRHOKPROC type defines a pointer to this callback function, and frhookProc is a location holder of a function name defined by an application. Function prototype: uint Callback frhookProc (HWND HDLG, UINT UIMSG WPARAM WPARAM, LPARAM LPARAM)


HDLG: Points the handle of the Find or Replace Public dialog window transmitted to the message.

UIMSG: Specifies a message.

WPARAM: Specifies additional information about the message, the precise meaning is based on the value of the UIMSG parameter.

LPARAM: Specifies additional information about the message, the precise meaning is based on the value of the UIMSG parameter. If the UIMSG parameter indicates the WM_INITDIALOG message. IParam is a pointer to the FINDREPLACE structure that contains the value specified when the public dialog is created.

Return Value: If the hook function returns zero, the default dialog function processing message; if the hook function returns a non-zero value, the default dialog function ignores the message.

Note: When you create a Find or ReplaceText function to create a Find or Replace Public dialog box, you can provide a FRHOOKPROC hook function related to the public dialog function and the notification. In order to enable the hook function, apply the FINDREPLACE structure transmitted to the public creating function and specify the address of the hook function in the IPFNHOK member and the address of the FR_ENABLEHOOK flag in the Flags member. After the default dialog function processes the WM_INTTDIALOG message, it passes it to the hook function. For all all messages, the hook function first receives the message, and then the return value of the hook function determines whether the default dialog function is to process the message or ignore it. If the hook function processes the WM_CTLCOLORDLG message, you must return a valid brush handle to draw the background of the dialog. In short, if the hook function handles any WM_HLOLOR information, you must return a valid brush handle to draw the background of the specified control. You don't have to call the EndDialog function from the hook function. In contrast, the hook function calls the PostMessage function to transfer a WM_COMMAND information with the idAbort value to the dialog function Posting IDABORT Close dialog box, so that the dialog function returns a false value. To understand why the hook function is closed, the hook function must be provided. And the contact mechanism between the application.

Sub-classification can be made to the standard control panel of the public dialog. However, the public dialog function can also subclassify the control panel. For this reason, the control panel subclass is classified when the hook function function is WM_INTDIALDG message. This ensures that the subclassification function receives the specified control message before the dialog function sets the sub-classification function.

Quickudes: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: command: user custom.

"No Yes Yes1543 GetActiveWindows Get the Window Handle" function function: This function can get the window handle of the active window related to the message queue called the thread.

Function prototype: hwnd getActiveWindow (Void)

Parameters: None.

Return Value: The return value is the handle of the active window related to the message queue called the thread. Otherwise, the return value is NULL.

Quick check: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows Ce: 1.0 and above; header file: winser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"NO YES YES1544 GetClassInfoEx gets information" function function for window classes "function: This function obtains information about window classes, including information about small icons associated with the window class. The GetClassInfo function does not retrieve the handle of a small icon.

Function prototype: Bool getClasslnfoEx (Hinstance Hinst, LPCTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSZCLASS, LPWNDCLASSEX LPWCX)


HLNST: The handle of the example of creating a class of applications. The information defined by the system defined by the system is obtained, setting this parameter null.

LPSZCLASS: Pointer to a character string that contains an empty end of the class name. Class names must be classes that are registered in advance, or class from the registerclassex function that is previously called. Or can also be an integer, if the parameter is an integer, it must be a global atom that was created by the previously called GlobaAdd atom function. This 16-bit integer is less than oxcooo, which must be 16 bits of LPSZClass, and its high word is 0. LPWCX: Pointer to the WNDCLASSEX structure of the receiving class information.

Return Value: If the function does not find a matching class and the data is successfully copied, the return value is 0. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Quick check: Windows NT: 35 or above; Windows: 95 or above: Windows CE: Do not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; unicode: Double version of Unicode and ANSI on Windows NT .

"No Yes Yes1545 getMouseMovePoint" get the mouse or brush "function: This function gets the mouse or brush.

Function prototype: int GetMouseMovePoints (Uint Cbsize, LPMouseMovePolnt LPPT, LPMOFPOINT LPPTBUF, INT NBUFPOINTS, DWORD Resolution)


CBSIZE: Structure MoosemovePoint size.

LPPT: Pointer to the structure MouseMovePoint, which contains a valid mouse coordinate (screen coordinate). You can also include a time tag.

Functions getMouseMovePoints look for a little in the mouse coordinate history. If this function finds this point, returns the last NBUFPoints that contains this before this. If the application provides a time tag, the function getMouseMovePoints will use it to distinguish between two equal points recorded at different times.

The application calls this function using the mouse coordinates received from the message WM_Moosemove and converts them to the screen coordinates.

LPPTBUF: Pointer of the buffer of the received point. It should be at least CBSZE · NBUFFPOINTS.

NBUFPOINTS: Specifies the number of points that will be obtained.

Resolution: Specify the desired resolution. This parameter can remove one of the following:

GMMP_USE_DISPLAY_POINTS: Get points with the display resolution.

GMMP_USE_DRIVER_POINTS: Get points with drive resolution. Under the Windows CE platform, the resolution of the brush driver is higher than the display resolution. This way, the function getMouseMovePoints can be used by applications that require accurate resolution. (Such as handwritten identification software or computer aided design software).

Return Value: If the function call is successful, the return value is the number of points in the buffer. Otherwise, the function returns C1. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function. Function getLastError may return the following error code.

GMMF_ERR_POINT_NOT_FOUNQ can not be found by the point specified by LPPT or no longer exist in the system buffer.

Remarks: The system retains at least 64 mouse coordinates and their time tags. If the application provides a mouse coordinate to getMouseMovePoints, the coordinate is in the mouse coordinate history in the system, and the function acquires the number of coordinates from the historical coordinate record. One time tag can also be provided to distinguish the same point in the history record. Functions getMouseMonePoints will return to the actually sent to call threads and other threads.

Quick check: WindowsNT: 5.0 and above; Windows: 98 and above; Windows Ce: 2.0 and above; header file: winuser.h; enter the library: user32.lib.

"No Yes Yes1546 getsysmodalWindow This function has been outdated: This function is over time, which is only available to 16-bit window programs. No no no1547 getWindowTask This function has been functional function: This function is outdated, Functions are only available to 16-bit window programs. Based on 32-bit applications should use getWindowThreadProcessLD functions. No no1548 InsendMessageEx and INSENDMESSGE similar "function feature: function determines whether the current window program handles SendMessage ( Send messages sent in the same process or different processes. This function is similar to the InsendMesssge, but additionally provides information on how to send messages.



LPRESERVED: The reserved value must be NULL.

Return Value: If the message is not sent, the return value is ismex_nosend. Otherwise, the return value is one or more of the following values:

Ismex_callback: The message is sent with the function sendMessSgeCallback. The thread sent this message is not blocked.

Ismex_notify: The message is sent using a function SendNotifyMESSAGS. The thread sent this message is not blocked.

Ismex_replied: Window program processes the message. The thread sent this message is no longer blocked.

Ismex_send: The message is sent with a function sendMessage or SendMessageTimeout. If ismex_replied is not set, the thread that sends this message is blocked.

Speed: WiHDOWS NT: 5.0 and above: Windows: 98 and above; WiHDOWS CE: Does not support: header file: Winuser.h; Enter the library: user32.iib. "No Yes Yes1551 OFNHOKPROC application defined or library defined callback function" function function: This hook function is the callback function defined by the application or the library definition, which is used with the Explorer_Style and Save AS Public dialog box. The function stores the message from the public dialog box or informs the LPOFNHOKPROC type to define a position to point to the callback function pointer, and OFNHOOKPROC is the location occupant of the application defined or the library defined function name, when creating an Open or Save AS public dialog box, If you do not specify the OFN_EXPLORER flag and need a hook function. Must use the old OFNHOKPROCOLDSTTYLE to hook the hook function. In this case the dialog box will display the old user interface.

Function prototype: uint Callback OFNHOKPROC (HWND HDLG, UINT UIMSG, WPARAM WPARAM, LPARAM LPARAM); Parameters:

HDLG: Points the handle of the sub-dialog of the Open or Save AS dialog. Use the getParent function to get the handle to the Open or Save AS dialog window.

UIMSG. Identify the message stored.

WPARAM: Specifies additional information about the message. Accurate significance should be determined according to the value of the UIMSG parameter.

LPARAM: Specifies additional information about the message. Accurate significance should be determined according to the value of the UIMSG parameter. If the UIMSG parameter displays the WM_INITDIALOG message, iParam is a pointer to the OpenFileName structure. This structure contains the value specified when the dialog is created.

Return Value: If the hook function returns zero, the default dialog function processes the message. If the hook function returns a non-zero value, the default dialog function ignores the message. For cdn_shareviolation messages, the hook function should return a non-zero value to indicate that a non-zero DWL_MsgResult value has been set up with the setwindowlong function.

Note: When you create a browser-style Open or Save AS Public dialog box with a GetopenFileName or getSaveFileName function, you can provide an OFNHOOKPROC hook function. In order to enable the hook function, it is necessary to apply the OpenFileName structure that is passed to the conversation creation function, and must specify a pointer to the hook function in the PFNHOK member, and specify the OFN_ENABLEHOOK ID in the Flags member.

If a hook function is provided for the browser style public dialog, the system creates a sub-dialog of the default dialog box, the hook function is the sub-dialog as a dialog, the sub-dialog is based on the module specified by the OpenHLENAME structure. Or if there is no specified template, the dialog is a default sub-dialog. When the default dialog function is creating a WM_INITDALOG message, the sub-dialog is created. When the sub-dialog is handled by the WM_INITDIALOG message, the default dialog function deletes the standard control panel. If necessary, provide space to any of the other control panels of the child dialog box, then the system sends the cdn_initdone advertise message to the hook function .

The hook function does not receive a message specified to the standard control panel of the default dialog. Subclass can be made if the control panel is subclassified, but if the control panel makes the application with the public dialog future version, subclassification cannot be performed. But the browser-style public dialog provides a set of messages that can utilize this message to minimize and control dialogs. It includes a set of notification messages sent from the dialog box, as well as messages that can be sent to the information from the dialog box. See Explorer-StylehookProcedures for all lists of these messages.

If the hook function processes the WM_CTLCOLORDLG information, it must return a valid brush handle to brush the background of the dialog. In short, if the hook function handles any WM_CTLCOLOR message, you must return a valid brush handle to draw the specified control background. You don't have to call the EndDialog function from the hook function. Instead, the hook can call the PostMessage function to transfer a WM_COMMAND information with the idAbort value to the dialog function Posting idAbort to close the dialog box, so that the dialog function returns the false value. To learn why the hook function is closed, the contact mechanism must be provided between the hook function and the application.

Quickudes: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: command: user custom. "No Yes Yes1552 OFNHOKPROCOLDSTYLE application definition or library defined callback function" function function: This hook function is the callback function of the application definition or the library definition. This callback function is used with the Open and Save AS public boxes. The function receives a message or notification specified to the dialog function. The LPOFNHOKPROC type defines a pointer to this callback function. OFNHOOKPROCOLDSTYLE is the location occupant of the application defined or library defined function name. When you create an Open or Save AS public dialog, if you specify the OFN_EXPLORER flag and need a hook function, you must apply an Explorer_Style's OFNHOKPROC hook function.


HDLG: Points to the Open or Save AS dialog window specified by the message.

UIMSG: Identify the received message.

WPARAM: Specifies additional information about the message. Accurate significance should be determined according to the value of the UIMSG parameter.

LPARAM: Specifies additional information about the message. Accurate significance should be determined according to the value of the UIMSG parameter. If the UIMSG parameter displays the WM_INITDIALOG message, iParam is a pointer to the OpenFileName structure. This structure contains the value specified when the dialog is created.

Return Value: If the hook function returns zero, the default dialog function processing message; if the hook function returns a non-zero value, the default dialog ignores the message.

Note: When you create an old Open or Saves dialog box with the getopenfilename or getSaveFileName function. You can provide an OFNHOOKPROCOLDSTYLE hook function.

To make the hook function take effect, you must apply the OpenHlename structure that is passed to the conversation creation function, and must specify a pointer to the hook function to the iPnhook member, and specify the OFN_ENABLEHOOK identity in the Flags member. If the hook function processes the WM_CTLCOLORDLG message, you must return a valid brush handle to draw the background of the dialog.

In summary, if the hook function handles any WM_CTLCOLOR information, you must return a valid brush handle to draw the background of the specified control. You don't have to call the EndDialog function from the hook function. In contrast, the hook function can call the PostMessage function, transfer one WM_COMMAND information with the idAbort value to the dialog function POSTINGABORT, and close the dialog box, so that the dialog function returns a false value. To learn why the hook function is closed, the dialog box must be provided. The contact mechanism between the hook function and the application.

Sub-classification can be made to the standard control panel of the public dialog. However, the public dialog function can also subclassify the control panel. For this reason, the control panel subclass is classified when the hook function WM_INTDIALDG is handled. This ensures that the subclassification function receives the specified control message before the dialog function sets the sub-classification function.

Quickudes: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: command: user custom.

"No Yes Yes1553 PagePainThook Application or Library Defined Tune Function" function: This hook function is a callback function defined by an application or library, which is used with the Pagesetup function. This function receives messages that make the sample page drawing in the Pagesetup dialog box. The LLPPAGEPAINTHOOK type defines a pointer to this callback function. PagePainThook is the location holder of a function name defined by an application or library. Function prototype: Uint Callback PagePainthook (HWND HDLG, UINT UIMSG, WPARAM WPARAM, LPARAM LPARAM);


HDLG: Points the handle of the Pagesetup dialogue.

UIMSG: Identify the received message.

WPARAM: Specifies additional information about the message. Accurate significance should be determined according to the value of the UIMSG parameter.

LPARAM: Specifies additional information about the message. Accurate significance should be determined according to the value of the UIMSG parameter.

Return Value: If the hook function is true for any return value in the top three drawing sequence messages. And the first three messages are WM_PSD_PAGESETUPDLG, WM_PSD_FULLLPAGERECT or WM_PSD_MINMARGINRECT, and the dialog no longer sends a message. And until the next system needs to redraw the sample page when you need to scribble the sample page. If you have three messages for all. The hook function returns false, and the dialog box sends a message to the chart sequence.

If the hook function returns any one of the message in the drawing order, the return value is true, then the dialog box does not paint the part of the sample page, if the hook function is flyse, the dialog box draws the sample page section .

Remarks: The Pagesetup dialog contains a vision of a sample page. This idea shows how users choose how to affect the appearance of the printout. The concept consists of a rectangular rectangle representing a selected page or an envelope, and the point is rectangular represents the current page. Some letters show the status of the text in the page. When you create a Page Setup Dialog dialog with a PagesetUpdlg function, you can provide a PagePainThook hook function to create an apparent appearance.

To make the hook function take effect, you must use the PageSetupdlg structure that is passed to the creation of the dialogue, and specify a pointing

LPFNPAGEPrinthook members of the hook function of the hook function and the PSD_ENABLEPAGEPAINTHOOK flag in the specified Flags member.

Whenever, as long as the dialog box will paint the contents of the sample page, the hook function accepts the message of the following sequence list: WM_PSD_PAGESETUPDLG: The dialog will paint on this page, the hook function is used to prepare the content to the sample page.

WM_PSD_FULLPAGERECT: Dialog To draw sample page, this information specifies the rectangular edge of the sample page.

WM_PSD_MINMARGINRECT: The dialog will be drawn on this page, this information specifies the blank rectangle.

WM_PSD_MARGINRECT: The dialog will draw blank rectangles.

The WM_PSD_REEKTEXTRECT: The dialog will be in the blank rectangle inside the Greek text.

WM_PSD_ENVSTAMPRECT: The dialog will be on the envelope sample page. Stamp rectangle. This message is only sent to the envelope.

The WM_PSD_YAFULLLLPAGERECT: The dialog will draw the address part of the letter seal sample page. This message is only transmitted to envelopes and other paper sizes.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Does not support: header file: command: user custom.

"No Yes Yes1554 PagesetUphook application or library defined callback function" function: This hook function is a callback function defined by an application or library. This callback function is used with the PageSetUpdlg function, which is received for the Pagesetup Public dialog box to set a message or notification of the default dialog. The LPPAGESETUPHOK type defines a pointer to this callback function. PagesetUphook is the location holder of a function name defined by an application or library. Function prototype: Uint Callback PagesetUphook (HWND HDLG, UINT UIMSG, WPARAM WPARAM, LPARAM LPARAM);


HDLG: Points the message specified to the handle of the Page Setup dialog window.

UIMSG: Identify the received message.

WPARAM: Specifies additional information about the message. Accurate significance should be determined according to the value of the UIMSG parameter.

LPARAM: Specifies additional information about the message. Accurate significance should be determined according to the value of the UIMSG parameter.

Return Value: If the hook function returns zero, the default dialog function processes the message; returns a non-zero value, and the message will be ignored.

Quickudes: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: command: user custom.

"No Yes Yes1555 PostappMesSage This function has been outdated function: This function is outdated. This function is only compatible with Windows 16-bit version. Win32-based application should use the function PostthreadMessage. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no1556 PrintDlgex displays a print property page" Function function: This function displays a page of a print property. This property page enables the user to specify the characteristics of a specific print job, and a print property page has a controlled General page. This control is similar to the dialog in the print. The property page also has additional applications and specified drive feature pages with the specified application of the general page.



LPPD: Points to a PrintDlgex structure that includes initialization properties page information. This structure contains information about user selection when the PrintDlgex function returns.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, the return value is S_OK, and the DW ResuhltAction member in the PrintDlgex structure contains the following value:

PD_RESULT_APPLY: The user clicks the Apply button, then click the Cancel button, which shows that the user wants to apply the change in the property page, but I don't want to print. When the Apply button is clicked, the PrintDlgex structure contains the information specified by the user.

PD_RESUCT_CANCEI: The user clicks on the Cancel button, the information in the PrintDlgex structure is not changed.

PD_RESUCT_PRINT: The user clicks on the Print button, the PrintDlgex structure contains the information specified by the user.

If the function call is successful, the return value may be one of the following COM error code. For more information, see ErrorHandling.

E_OUTOFMEMORT: Insufficient memory; E_INVALIDARG: One or more parameters are invalid.

E_POINTER: The pointer fails; E_HANDLE: The handle is invalid; E_FAIL: Uncertain errors.

Note: For more information, see Print PropertySheet. Quickudo: Windows NT: 5.0 and above; Windows9x: Does not support; Windows CE: does not support; header file: commdlg.h, library file. COMDLG32.LIB; Unicode: Double versions of Unicode and ANSI in the Windows NT environment.

"NO No Yes1557 PrinthookProc Application or Library Defined Tune Function" function function: This hook function is a callback function defined by an application or library, which is used with the PrintDLG function.

The function receives messages and notifications for the default dialog function specified to the Print Public dialog. The LPPWTHOKPROC type defines a pointer to this callback function. PrinthookProc is the location occupant of a function name defined by an application or library.

Function prototype: Uint Callback PrinthookProc (HWND HDLG, UINT UIMSG, WPARAM WPARAM, LPARAM LPARAM);


HDLG: Points the handle of the PRINT public dialog window to the message specified.

UIMSG: Identify the received message.

WPARAM: Specifies additional information about the message, the precise meaning is determined by the value of the UIMSG parameter.

LPARAM: Specifies additional information about the message, the precise meaning is determined by the value of the UIMSG parameter.

Return Value: If the hook function returns the value of zero, the default dialog function processing message; returns a non-zero value, the message will be ignored.

Note: When you create a Print Public dialog with the PrintDLG function, you can provide a PRINTHOKPROC hook function to process messages or notifications specified to the dialog function.

To make the hook function take effect, you should use the PrintDLG structure passed to the creation dialog function, and to specify the address of the hook function in the LPFNPrinThook member and the PD_ENABLEPRINTHOOK flag in the specified Flags member.

The default dialog function processes this message before transmitting the message WM_INITDIALOG to the hook function. For all other messages, the hook function is first stored. The return value is then decided that this default dialog function is a processing message or ignoring the message.

Quickudes: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows Ce: 2.0 and above; header file: command: COMMDLG.H; library file: User customization.

"No Yes Yes1558 RegisterWindowsMessage Defines a new window message" function: This function defines a new window message that ensures that in the system is unique. The returned message value can be used when calling a function sendMessage or PostMessage.

Function prototype: uint registerWindowsMessage (LPCTSTR LPSTRING);


LPSTRING: Specifies the string pointer that will end with '/ o' ending the message.

Return Value: If the message is successfully registered, the return value is a message identifier in the range OXCOOOO to Oxffff; if the function call fails, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the function getLastError.

Note: RegisterWindowMessage is usually registered with communication between cooperative applications.

If the different applications register the same message string, the application returns the same message value. The message is kept registered until the session is completed.

When more than one application must handle the same message, you must use RegisterWindowMessage. To send a private message in the window class, the application can use the UM_USER to any integer within the OX7FFF range. (The message in this range is private, not the application private. For example, the predefined control class such as Button, Edit Listbox, and ComboBox can use this range of values.) Speed ​​check: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Does not support; header file: Winuser.h; Enter the library: user32.lib; unicode: In the Windows NT environment, it is implemented in Unicode and ANSI.

"No Yes Yes1559 SendasyncProc Application Defined Tune Function" function function: This function is the callback function defined by the application, and is used with SendMessageCallback. After passing the message to the target window program, the system passes the message to the callback function. Type SendAsyncProc defines a pointer to this callback function. SendasyncProc is the placeholder of the function name defined by this application.

Function prototype: Void Callback SendasyncProc (HWND HWND, // Handle of Destination Window Uint UMSG, // Application-Defined Value LRESULT LRESULT // RESULT OF Message Processing);


HWnd; its window program receives the handle of the window of the message. If the parameter hwnd of SendMessageCallback is set to HWND_BROADCAST, the system calls a SendasyncProc for each top window.

UMSG: Specify the message.

DWDATA: Specifies the value defined by the application that is sent from the function SendMessageCallback.

LRESULT: Specifies the results and messages of message processing.

Return value: This callback function has no return value.

Remarks: Use a SendAsyncProc Pointer to give the function sendMessageCallback to install a callback function defined by the SendasyncProc application.

This callback function is called only when calling the sendMessageCallback's thread calling GetMessage, PeekMessage or WaitMessage.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: Winuser.h; Enter the library: user32.lib.

"No Yes Yes1560 sendInput is used to synthesize keystroke, mouse movement, buttons Press" function function: This function is used to synthesize keystrokes, mouse movement, buttons, etc.

Function prototype: uint sendInput (uint ninputs, lpinput pinputs, int cbsize);


NINPUTS: Defines the number of structures pointed to by PINPUTS. PINPUTS: Pointer to the INPUT structure array. Each structure represents an event in the interrupted keyboard or mouse input stream.

CBSIZE: Defines the size of the INPUT structure. If CBSIZE is not the size of the INPUT structure, the function call failed.

Return Value: The function returns the number of events in the successfully interrupted keyboard or mouse input stream. To get more error messages, you can call the getLastError function.

Note: The SendInput function sequentially inserts the events in the INPUT structure into the keyboard or mouse. These events are not compatible with the user's input streams that are inserted (with mouse or keyboard) or call keybd_event, mouse_event, or additional Sendinput intercropes.

Windows CE: Windows CE does not support the input_hardware value in the type domain of the INPUT structure pointed to by the PINPUTS parameter.

Speed: Windows NT: 4.0 and above: Windows: 98 and above; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: Winuser.h;

Library file: user32.lib.

"No Yes Yes1561 SendMessageExtrainfo Sets the Additional Message Information" function function for the current thread: This function sets additional message information for the current thread. Additional message information is a 32-bit value associated with the message queue of the application or driver defined with the current thread. GetMessageExtRalnfo to obtain additional message information for the thread.

Function prototype: lParam setmessgeextrainfo (lParam lparam);


LPARAM: Specifies the 32-bit value associated with the current thread.

Return Value: The return value is the previous 32-bit value.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Does not support; header file: winser.h; Enter the library: user32.lib.

"No Yes Yes1562 SetsysmodalWindow This function has been outdated function: This function is over time, which is only available to 16-bit window programs. The new input module does not allow the system's module window. No no no1563 setuProc application Or the library defined callback function function function: This hook function is a callback function defined by an application or library, which is used with the PrintDLG function.

Other functions 19.

Function prototype: uint apientry setuProc (hwnd hdlg, // handle to the dialog box window uint uimsg, // message identifier wparam wparam, // message parameter lparam lparam // message parameter);


HDLG: Points the handle of the PRINT public dialog window to the message specified.

UIMSG: Identify the received message.

WPARAM: Specifies additional information about the message, the precise meaning is determined by the value of the UIMSG parameter.

LPARAM: Specifies additional information about the message, the precise meaning is determined by the value of the UIMSG parameter. Return Value: If the hook function returns the value of zero, the default dialog function processing message; returns a non-zero value, the message will be ignored.

Remarks; the PrintSetup dialog function has been replaced by the Pagesetup dialog. This requires the use of new applications. However, for consistency, the PrintDLG function still supports the display of the PrintSetup dialog. A setuPhookProc function can be provided to the PrintSetup dialog, and the message and notification specified to the dialog function will be provided. To make the hook function take effect, you must use the PrintDLG structure that passed to the conversation to create a function, and specify the address of the hook function in the LPFNSetUphook member and the PD_ENABLESETUPHOOK flag in the specified Flags member.

Quickudes: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: command: user custom.

"No Yes Yes1564 SoundSentryProc A library defined callback function" function function: This function is a library-defined callback function, when SoundSentry is easy to use, and a Win32-based application (or application running within the window) When the built-in speaker of the computer sounds, it produces a controlled visualization message.



Millisec: Specifies the duration of the visual message, in milliseconds. This message is displayed when a Win32-based application (or running on a window) is displayed.

TDWEFFECT: Specifies the type of visual message to display. The current value should usually be SSWF_CUSTOM.

Return Value: If the visual message has or will be displayed correctly, the return value is true, if the message is asynchronous, and the status is invalid when the function is called, then TRUE should be returned. If the error makes the message unable to display, the return value is false. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: The library containing the SoundSentryProc function must be a 32-bit DLL, and the DLL must export a function named SoundSentryProc to external calls and connections. The SoundSEntryProc function is only called after the application or library calls the SystemParametersInfo function. The SystemParametersInfo function specifies the value of the SPI_setSoundSentry item and the address of the SoundSentry structure. In the SoundSentry structure, the value of member iWindowSeffect is set to SSWF_CUSTOM.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: does not support; library file: User custom.

"NO YES YES1565 TOUNICODEEX Conversion Virtual Keyword Code is an ANSI Character" function: This function translates a given virtual key code and keyboard state into a corresponding character or string.

Function Prototype: int ToUnicodeEx (UINT wVirtKey, // virtual-key code UINT wScanCode, // scan code PBYTE lpKeyState, // address of key-state array LPWSTR pwszBuff, // buffer for translated key int cchBuff, // size of translated Key Buffer uint wflags, // set of function-conditioning flags hkl dwhkl // keyboard Layout Handle; parameter:

WVIRTKEY: Defines virtual keys that will be translated.

WSCANCODE: Defines hardware scanning code that is translated key. If the highest value is set to 1, the key is in the UP state.

LPKEYSTATE: Points a 256-byte array containing the current keyboard state. Each member (byte) in the array contains a state of a key. If the highest bit of one byte is set to 1, the key is in the DOWN state.

PWSZBUFF: Accept the buffer pointer of the translation of the Unicode character or string.

Cchbuff: Defines the size of the string in the buffer pointing to the PWSZBuff parameter.

WFLAGS: Form a logo collection of function execution conditions. If a menu is active, set 0 bits to 1. The first to 31st is retained.

DWHKL: Use the keyboard layer to translate the specified code.

Return the value; the function returns the value of TOUNICODE.

Quick check: Windows NT: 4.0 and above; Windows: Does not support; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: Winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"NO No Yes1566 TrackMouseEvent Send Mouse Mobile Related Message" function: This function is sent when the mouse pointer is left or hovering on one window at the specified time.



LPEVENTTRACK; pointing to the pointer of the structure trackmouseevent.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, return a non-zero value; if the function call fails, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

This function can be sent as follows:

WM_Mousehover: In the last time the TRACKMOUSEEVENT specified, the mouse is hovering at the client area of ​​the window. When this message is generated, the circle track is stopped. If a further mouse flutter is required, the application should call TRACKMOUSEEVENT again.

WM_MouseLeave: The mouse off the window client specified when calling TRACKMOUSEEvent. When this message is generated, all tracking required by TrackMouseEvent is canceled. When the mouse enters the window, the application must call TrackMouseevent when further mouse is tracked.

Remarks: When the mouse pointer is staying within the specified rectangle within the specified time, it is considered to be in a circular state. Call the function systemparameterslnfo and use SPI_GETMOUSEAOVERWIDTH, SPI_GETMOUSEHOVERAEight and

The SFI_GETMOOSEAOVERTIME value is obtained to get the size and time of the rectangle.

Quick check: Windows NT 4.0 and above; Windows98 and above; Windowsce: 1.0 and above; header file: winuser.h; enter the library: user32.lib.

"No Yes Yes1567 UnlockResource This function has been outdated: This function is outdated. This function is only compatible with 16-bit Windows. For 32-bit applications, it is not necessary to unlock resources. No no no1568 WINDOWPROC handles messages sent to the window" Function function: This function is a function of an application definition. It handles messages sent to the window. The WndProc type defines a pointer to this callback function. WindowProc is a placeholder for application definition functions.

Function prototype: Lresult Callback WindowProc (HWND HWND, // Handle of Window Uint UMSG, // Message Identifier WPARAM WPARAM, / / ​​FIRST Message Parameter LParam Lparam // Second Message Parameter);


HWND: Points the handle of the window.

UMSG: Specifies the message type.

WPARAM: Specify the rest, message-specific information. The content of this parameter is related to the UMSG parameter value.

LPARAM: Specify the rest, message-specific information. The content of this parameter is related to the UMSG parameter value.

Return Value: The return value is the message processing result, which is related to the sent message.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: 1.0 or above; header file: Winuser.h; library file: User custom.

"NO YES YES1569 WINMAIN 32-bit Applications Entry Point" function function: This function is called as an entry point of a 32-bit application.

Function Prototype: int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, // handle to current instance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, // handle to previous instance LPSTR lpCmdLine, // pointer to command line int nCmdShow // show state of window);


Hinstance: The handle of the current instance of the application.

HPREINSTANCE: The handle of the former instance of the application. For a 32 bit program, this parameter is always NULL. If you need to detect if another instance already exists, create a unique name using the CreateMutex function. Even if the mutual name already exists, the CreateMutex function is also successful, but the getLastError function will return ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, which indicates that there is another example in the application because it first created a mutual exclusion name.

LPCMDLINE: Pointer to point to the empty string of the application line, does not include a function name. Get the entire command line, see getcommandline.

NCMDSHOW: Indicates how the window is displayed. This parameter can be one of the following values:

SW_HIOE: Hide the window and activate another window.

SW_MINIMIZE: Minimizes the specified window and activate the top window in the system table.

SW_RESTORE: Activate and displays the window. If the window has minimized or maximized, the system will be restored to the original size and location display window (same as SW_SHOWNORMAL).

SW_SHOW: Activate a window and display the window in the original size and location.

SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED: Activate the window and maximizes it.

SW_SHOWMINIMIZED: Activate the window and targets it.

SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE: Display a window as an icon. Active window maintains the status.

SW_SHOWNA: Displays the window with the current status of the window. The activation window remains active.

SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE: The window is displayed in the latest size and location display window. The activation window maintains the active state.

SW_SHOWNORMAL: Activate and displays the window. If the window maximizes or minimizes it, the system returns to the original size and position (the same as SW_RESTORE).

Return Value: If the function is successful, it is aborted when it receives a WM_QUIT message, and the function should return an exit value of the WPARAM parameter of the message. If the function exits when the message is entering the message cycle, zero should be returned.

Note: The WinMain function should initialize the application, display the main window, enter a message to receive a transmission loop, which is the top-level control structure of the rest of the application. When a WM_QUIT message is received, the program is aborted. At this time, the WinMain function should exit the application and return the value of the WPARAM parameter passed to the WM_QUIT message. If you receive a WM_QUIT message due to calling a PostQuitMessage function, the value of WPARAM is the value of NexitCode's nexitcode. Please see "Creating a Window Loop".

ANSI applications can use the lpcmdline parameters of the Winmain function to enter the command line string (except for the program name). The reason for WinMain cannot return a Unicode string is that ipcmdline uses the LPSTR data type instead of the LPTSTR type. The getcommandline function can be used to enter the Unicode string of the command line because it uses the lPTSTR type.

Windows CE: Windows CE does not support the following NCMDLINE parameter values:



Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 above; Windows: 95 or above: Windows CE: 1.0 or above; header file: WinBase.H library file: User custom. "No Yes Yes


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