Win32 API list 4 (a bit messy format)

zhaozj2021-02-16  165

Xu Zhaoyuan, Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications

901 LockServiceDatabase locking designated SC Manager database No Yes Yes902 LockWindowUpdate disable or enable painting Yes Yes in the window Yes903 LogonUser No Yes Yes904 LookupAccountName logged-on user account names into the SID No Yes Yes905 LookupAccountSid the SID into an account name No Yes Yes906 LookuPiconidFromDirectory Return icon or cursor ID Coordinate "function function: This function searches for the icon or cursor for the current display device via icon or cursor data.

Function prototype: int LookuPiconidFromDirectory (Pbyte Presbits, Bool Fic);


Presbits: Pointer to the icon or cursor temptation data. Because this function does not verifying resource data, it causes universal protection (GP) errors or returns an undefined value (if PRESBITS does not point to valid resource data).

FICON: Specifies whether it is a sought icon or a cursor. If this parameter is true, the function search icon; if the parameter is a fake, the function searches the cursor.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is best suited for an integer resource identifier for the icon or cursor of the current display device. If the function is invalid, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: In some devices related and device independent format, RT_GROUP_ICON type resource file (RT_GROUP_CURSOR indicator cursor) contains icon (or cursor) data. The LookuPiconldFromDirectory function Searches the resource file that best suits the icon (or cursor) of the current display device and returns its integer identifier. The FindResource and FindResourceEx functions use this identifier to use the MakeintResource Macro to find resources in the module.

The catalog where the icon is located from a resource file with RT_PROUP_ICON resource type (or cursor)

RT_GROUP_CURSOR type), and a specific icon integer resource name is loaded. The LookupiconldFromDirectory function returns an integer identifier representing the icon resource name, which is mostly matched with the current display device.

Loadicon, LoadCursor, loadImage functions use this function to search for specific resource data that best suits the icon or cursor of the current display device.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"NO YES YES907 LOOKUPICONIDFROMDIRECTORYEX Search is best suited for the current display device icon or cursor" function: This function searches for the icon or cursor for the current display device via icon or cursor data.

Function prototype: int LookupiconidFromDirectoryex (Pbyte Presbits, Bool Ficon, Int CxDesired, Int Cydesired, Uint Flags);


Presbits: Pointer to the icon or cursor directory data. Because this function does not verifying resource data, it causes universal protection (GP) errors or returns an undefined value (if PRESBITS does not point to valid resource data). FICON: Specifies whether it is a sought icon or a cursor. If this parameter is true; function search icon; if the parameter is a fake, the function searches the cursor.

CxDesired: Specify the desired width (in pixels) of the icon. If this parameter is zero, the function uses the SM_CXICON or SM_CXCURSOR system metric value.

Cydesired: Specifies the desired width (in pixels) of the icon. If this parameter is zero, the function uses the SM_CYICON or SM_CYCURSOR system metric value.

Flags: Specify the combination of the following value:

LR_DEFAULTCOLOR: Using the default color format; lr_monochrome: Create a monochrome icon or cursor.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is best suited for an integer resource identifier for the icon or cursor of the current display device. If the function is invalid, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: In some devices related to and device independent format, RT_GROUP_ICON type resource files (RT_GROUP_CURSOR indicate cursor) contain targets (or cursor) data. The LookuPiconidFromDirectoryEx function Searches the resource file that best suits the icon (or cursor) of the current display device and returns its integer identifier. The FindResourceEx function uses the identifier to use the MakentResource Macro to find resources in the module.

The catalog where the icon is located from a resource file with RT_GROUP_ICCON resource type (or cursor)

RT_GROUP_CURSOR type), and a specific icon integer resource name is loaded. The LookuPiconidFromDirectoryEx function returns an integer identifier representing the icon resource name, which matches the current display device.

LoadCon, LoadImage, LoadCursor function Use this function to search for specific resource data that best suits the icon or cursor of the current display device.

Speed: Windows NT: 4.0 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"No Yes Yes908 LookupPrivilegeDisplayName visible return privilege name No Yes Yes909 LookupPrivilegeName return programmable privilege name No Yes Yes910 LookupPrivilegeValue return privilege name LUID No Yes Yes911 lopen No Yes Yes912 lread No Yes Yes913 lstrcat No Yes Yes914 lstrcmp compare two strings Yes Yes Yes915 lstrcmpi compare two strings Yes Yes Yes916 lstrcpy No Yes Yes917 lstrcpyn No Yes Yes918 lstrlen returns the number of characters in the string Yes Yes Yes919 lwrite No Yes Yes920 MakeAbsoluteSD establishment of an independent SD No Yes Yes921 MakeSelfRelativeSD establish autocorrelation SD No Yes Yes922 MapDialogRect the box Image to Pixel "function function: This function maps the specified dialog unit into screen units (pixels). The function MapDialogRect replaces the coordinates in the specified RECT structure with the conversion coordinates, which allows the structure to create controls within the dialog or positioning dialog. Function prototype: BOOL MAPDIALOGRECT (HWND HDLG, LPRECT);


HDLG: Identification dialog. The MapDialogRect function only receives the dialog creates a handle of a created dialog in a function that is invalid for the handle of other windows.

LPRECT: Points to a Rect structure that contains the coordinate coordinates that will be transformed.

Return Value: If the message is processed, the return value is a non-zero value. If the message is not processed, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: The MapDialogRect function assumes the starting coordinate representative dialog unit within the RECT structure. To convert these coordinates from dialog units into pixels, the function retrieval dialog, the current basic unit, and then apply the following formula:

LEFT = (Left * BaseUnitX) / 4; Right = (Right * BaseUnitX) / 4

TOP = (TOP * BASEUNITY) / 8; bottom = (bottom * baseunity) / 8

In many cases, the basic unit of the dialog is the same as the unit that is retrieved by the getDialogbaseunits function. If the dialog template has a DS_setFont type, the basic unit is the average width and height of the characters in the given font, and the unit is pixel.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above: Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: 1.0 and above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes923 MapGenericMask image general access to a private / Standard No Yes Yes924 MapViewOfFile to view the image into the address space No Yes Yes925 MapViewOfFileEx to view the image into the address space No Yes Yes926 MapVirtualKey convert virtual key code or scan code" Function: This function translates a virtual key code into a scan code or a character value, or translates a scan code into a virtual key code.

Function prototype: uint maovirtualkey (uint ucode, uint umapType);

Parameters: ucode: Define a key scan code or virtual key code. This value explains the value dependent on the umapType parameter.

UmapType: Defines the translation to be executed. The value of this parameter depends on the value of the UCode parameter. The value is as follows:

0: The representative Ucodee is a virtual key code and is translated into a scan code. If a virtual key code does not distinguish around, the left button scan code is returned. If the translation is not performed, the function returns O.

1: Represents ucode is a scan code and is translated into a virtual key code, and this virtual key code is not distinguished. If the translation is not performed, the function returns 0.

2: The character value representing UCode is a virtual key code and is translated into a low order word of the return value. The dead key (pronunciation symbol) is represented by setting the highest bit of the return value. If the translation is not performed, the function returns 0.

3: A virtual key code representing UCode is a scan code and is translated into a virtual key code distinguished. If the translation is not performed, the function returns 0.

Return Value: The return value can be a scan code, or a virtual key code, or a character value, which is completely dependent on the value of different ucode and umapType. If the translation is not performed, the function returns O.

Note: The application can use MapVirtualKe to translate the scan code into a virtual key code constant vk_shift, vk_control, and vk_menu. vice versa. These translations do not distinguish around Shift, Ctrl, Alt key. The application can use the ucode parameter by calling the MapVirtualKey function

Set to the following virtual keycode constant to obtain a scan code corresponding to the left and right keys corresponding to the above-described key:


These distinguishes are available only when the application calls getKeyboardState, SetKeyboardStaste, GetAsyncKeyState, GetSyncKeyState, GetKeyState, and MapVirtualKey functions.

Windows CE: Windows CE only supports the UmaPType parameter to get a value of 2, that is, the virtual key is mapped to the unplaced character.

Speed: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows Ce: 1.o and with L version; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; implemented in Windows NT to Unicode and ANSI Two versions.

"YES YES YES927 MAPVIRTUALKEYEX virtual key code and scan code mutual conversion" function function: This function translates the virtual key code into a scan code or character value, or translates the scan code into a virtual key code. This function translates these code using the physical keyboard and input language identified by her keyboard layout handle.

Function prototype: uint MapVirtualKeyex (uint ucode, uint umaptype, hkl dwhkl);


Ucode: Defines a virtual key code or scan code of a key. This value explains the value dependent on the umapType parameter.

UmapType: Defines the translation to be executed. The value of this parameter is with MapVirtuaike.

DWHKL: The handle of the keyboard layout used by the given code. This parameter value can be called any keyboard layout handle returned by the loadkeyboardLayout function before this.

Return Value: The return value can be a scan code, or a virtual key code, or a character value, which is completely dependent on the value of different ucode and umapType. If the translation is not performed, the function returns O. Note: The application can use MapVirtualKeyex to translate the scan code into a virtual keycode constant vk_shit; vk_control and vk_menu. vice versa. These translations do not distinguish around Shift, Ctrl, Alt key. The application can set the UCODE parameter to the following virtual key code constant to obtain a scan code corresponding to the above-described key, respectively.


These distincts can be used only when the application calls GetKeyboardState, SetKeyboardState, GetasyncKeyState, GetKeyState, MapVirtuaiKey, and MapVirtualKeyex functions. To view the complete virtual key code table, please refer to Virtual.KeycoDes.

Quickudo: Windows NT: 4.0 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; unicode: Unicode and ANSIs are implemented on Windows NT Specimen.

"No Yes Yes928 MapWindowPoints will point conversion to another coordinate system Yes Yes Yes929 MaskBlt convert bitmaps No Yes Yes930 mciExecute execute MCI device command No Yes Yes931 mciGetCreatorTask return create tasks No Yes Yes932 mciGetDeviceID return device name corresponding with the ID No Yes Yes933 mciGetDeviceIDFromElementID element references device ID No Yes Yes934 mciGetErrorString MCI return error code text description No Yes Yes935 mciGetYieldProc address acquisition process No Yes Yes936 mciSendCommand issuing a command message sent to the No Yes Yes937 mciSendString MCI device a command string No Yes Yes938 mciSetYieldProc to MCI device Setting Procedure Address NO YES YES939 MENUITEMFROMPOINT Menu Item Determine Specified Location Function: This function determines the menu item (if present) of the specified location.

Function prototype: uint WinApi MenuItemFromPoint (HWND HWND, HMENU HMENU, POINT PTSCREEN);


HWND: Handle of the window with a menu.

In Windows NT 5.0 and Windows 98 environments, if this value is null and the parameter hmenu specifies a pop-up menu, this function will find the menu window.

HMENU: The handle of the menu item where the menu item tested is hit.

PTSCreen: The Point structure used to specify the test position. If HMENU specifies a menu bar, this parameter press the window coordinate, otherwise, according to the customer coordinate.

Return Value: Returns the position of the menu item of the specified location relative to zero, or returns C1 when there is no menu item in the specified location.

Speed: Windows NT: 4.0 and above: Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: winuser.h; enter the library: user32.lib. "No Yes Yes940 MessageBeep Generate Sound YES YES YES941 MessageBox" Function "function: This function creates, display, and action a message box. The message box contains messages and titles defined by the application, plus any combination of predefined icons and PUSHs buttons.



HWnd: Identify the owned window of the message box that will be created. If this parameter is NULL, the message box does not have a window.

LPText: Pointing a pointer to a string that is ended with NULL and contains a string of the message displayed.

LPCAPTION: Pointer pointed to a string ended with NULL and used for dialog headings.

Utype: Specifies the contents and behaviors of a decision dialog box. This parameter can be a combination of flags in the following flag groups.

Specifies one of the following flags to display buttons in the message box, the meaning of the flag is as follows.

The MB_ABortRetryIgnore: message box contains three buttons: Abort, Retry, and Ignore.

MB_OK: The message box contains a button: OK. This is the default.

MB_OKCANCEL: The message box contains two buttons: OK and Cancel.

MB_RETRYCANCEL: The message box contains two buttons: Retry and Cancel.

MB_YESNO: The message box contains two buttons: Yes and NO.

MB_YESNOCANCEL: The message box contains three buttons: Yes, NO, and Cancel.

Specifies one of the following flags to display icons in the message box: The meaning of the flag is as follows.


MB_ICONWARNING: An exclamation point appears in the message box.


MB_ICONASTERISK: The icon composed of lowercase letters in a circle appears in the message box.

MB_ICONOSESTION: A problem tag icon appears in the message box.



MM_ICONHAND: A Stop Message icon appears in the message box.

Specifies one of the following flags to see the inspirational button: The meaning of the flag is as follows.

MB_DEFBUTTON1: The first button is the default button. If MB_DEFBUTTON2, MB_DEFBUTTON3, MB_DEFBUTTON4 is not specified, then MB_DEFBUTTON1 is the default value.

MB_DEFSUTTON2; the second button is the default button.

MB_DEFBUTTON3: The third button is the default button.

MB_DEFBUTTON4: The fourth button is the default button.

Specifies one of the following flags to display the form of dialog: The meaning of the flag is like.

MB_ApplModal: Continue to work in the window of the HWND parameter identifier, the user must respond to the message box. However, users can move to the window of other threads and work in these windows. Depending on the hierarchy of the window in the application, the user moves to other windows within the thread. The sub-window of all the master message box is automatically invalid, but the pop-up window is not the case. If no MB_SYSTEMMODAL is specified, MB_ApplModal is default. MB_SYSTEMMODAL: In addition to the message box with WB_EX_TOPMOST type, MB_APPLMODAL and WS_EX_TOPMOST are the same. Use the system modal message box to change a wide variety of users, the main damage error requires immediate attention (for example, memory overflow). If it is not those who contact HWnd, this flag does not affect the user's interconnection of the window.

MB_TASKMODAL: If the parameter hwnd is NULL, MB_TASKMODALL and MB_APPLModal are the same in addition to all levels of windows that belong to the current thread. Use this flag when the calling application or library does not have a window handle. However, it still needs to block the input of other window to call the application, not the other threads.

Alternatively, you can specify the following flags.

MB_DEFAULT_DESKTOP_ONLY: The current desktop that receives the input must be a default desktop. Otherwise, the function call failed. The default desktop is a desktop that is running on the user recorded and later.

MB_HELP: Adds a Help button to the message box. Select the Help button or press F1 to generate a Help event.

MB_Right: Text is right adjustment.

MB_RTLREADING: Displays messages and uppercase text from right to left in Hebrew and Arabic systems.

MB_setForeground: The message box changes to the foreground window. The SETFOREGRUNDWINDOW function is called in the internal system.

MB_TOPMOSI: The message box uses the WS_EX_TOPMOST window type to create MB_Service_Notification.

Windows NT: The calling program is a user's service program for notifying events. The function displays a message box on the current event desktop, even if there is no user registered to the computer.

If this parameter is set, the HWND parameter must be NULL. So the message box can appear on a desktop instead of the desktop response parameter hwnd.

For Windows NT 4.0, the value of MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION changes. For old and new values, see Winuser.

Windows NT 4.o is mapped to the new value in MessageBox and MessageBoxEx, providing inverse compatibility with the presented service program. This map is only done for the number of available executables.

In order to establish a server with MB_Service_Notification, you can have two options on Windows NT 3.x and Window NT 4.0. In the connection time, specify a version of a version of less than 4.0, or at the connection time, specify a version 4.0 version. In runtime, use the function getversionEx to detect the system version, then use MB_Service_Notification_NT 3.x on Windows NT 3.x to run and run with MB_Service_Notificaion on Windows NT 4.0. MB_SERVCE_NOTIFICATION_NT3.X (Windownt) This value is in response to the MB_Service_notificaion for Windownt3.51

The value defined.

Return Value: If there is not enough memory to create a message box, the return value is zero. If the function call is successful, the return value is one of the menu item values ​​returned by the following dialog: The Idabort: The Abort button is selected. The IDCANCEL: Cancel button is selected. The iDignore: The IGNORE button is selected.

IDNO: No button is selected. The IDOK: OK button is selected. The IDRETRY: RETRY button is selected.

The iDyes: Yes button is selected.

If a message box has a Cancel button, and if the ESC button is pressed or the CANCEL button is selected, the function returns the IDCANCEL value. If the message box does not have a Cancel button, press the ESC key.

Note: When a system modal message box is created, when the system is in the low end of the memory, the string points to by the LPText and LPCAPTION parameters should not be removed from a resource file because it can cause failure.

When an application calls MessageBox, and when specifying the MB_ICONHAND and MB_SYSTEMMODAL flags for the UTYPE parameter, the system displays the result message box regardless of the available memory. When these logos are specified, the system limits the length of the message box text to three rows. The system cannot automatically truncate the row to be filled in the message box, but the message string must contain a return line to go back in a suitable location.

If the message box is created while the dialog appears, the handle of the dialog box can be used as the HWND parameter, and the HWND parameter should not be identified, such as one of the dialog boxes.

Windows 95: The system can support up to 16364 window handles.

Windows CE: Windows CE does not support the following values ​​of UTYPE parameters:



The following return values ​​are not supported: idclose; IDHELP.

Speed: Windows: 3.1 and above: Windows: 95 and above; Windows: 1.0 and above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; uriIDE: Uneicode and ANSI on Windows NT Specimen.

"YES YES YES942 MessageBoxEx creates a message box" "function: This function is created, displayed, and a message box. The message box contains a message and title that is defined by an application, plus any combination of predefined targets and PUS (push) buttons. The WLANGUAGELD parameter specifies which language resource set is used for a predefined push button. For a complete description of other parameters of the MessageBoxEx function, see the MessageBoxEx function.



HWnd: Identify the owned window of the message box that will be created. If this parameter is NULL, the message box does not have a window.

LPText: Pointing a pointer to a string that is ended with NULL and contains a string of the message displayed.

LPCAPTION: Pointer to a string of a string that ends with NULL, for a string of the dialog header. If this parameter is NULL, use the default title Error. Utype: Specifies the contents and behaviors of a decision dialog box. Meaning of the sign See Messagebox / UTYPE.

Note: When you create a system modal message box indicating that the system is in the low end of the memory, the string points to by the LPText and IPCAPTION parameters should not be removed from one resource file because it may cause failure.

When an application calls MessageBox, and when specifying the MB_ICONHAND and MB_SYSTEMMODAL flags for the UTYPE parameter, the system displays the result message box regardless of the available memory. When these logos are specified, the system limits the length of the message box text to three rows. The system cannot automatically truncate the row to be filled in the message box, but the message string must contain a return line to go back in a suitable location.

If the message box is created while the dialog appears, the handle of the dialog box can be used as the HWND parameter, and the HWND parameter should not be identified, such as one of the dialog boxes.

Windows 95: The system can support up to 16364 window handles.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above: Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: 1.0 and above version; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; unicode: Unicode on Windows NT and ANSI two versions.

"No Yes Yes943 MessageBoxIndirect creation, display, and action a message box" function: This function creates, displays, and operates a message box. The message box contains any combination of a message text and title, any bitmap, and a predefined PUSH button.

Function prototype: int MessageBoxIndirect (lpmsgboxparams lpmsgboxparams);


LPMSGBOXPARAMS: Points to a MSGBoxParams structure with information with message box information.

Return Value: If there is not enough memory to create a message box, the return value is zero. If the function call is successful, the return value is one of the menu item values ​​returned by the following dialog:

The IDABORT: The Abort button is selected;

The IDCANCEL: CANCEL button is selected;

IDGNORE: LGNOREM button is selected;

IDNO: NO button is selected;

The IDOK: OK button is selected;

The IDRETRY: RETRY button is selected;

The iDyes: Yes button is selected.

If a message box has a Cancel button, and when the ESC button is pressed or the CANCEL button is selected, the function returns the IDCANCEL value. If the message box does not have a Cancel button, press the ESC key.

Note: When you create a system modal message box, when the system is in the low end of the memory, the string points to by the LPText and LPCAPTION parameters should not be removed from a resource file because it may cause failure.

When an application calls MessageBox, and when specifying the MB_ICONHAND and MB_SYSTEMMODAL flags for the UTYPE parameter, the system displays the result message box regardless of the available memory. When these logos are specified, the system is limited to three lines of the length of the message box text. The system cannot automatically truncate the row to be filled in the message box, but the message string must contain a return line to go back in a suitable location. If the message box is created while the dialog appears, the handle of the dialog box can be used as the HWND parameter, and the HWND parameter should not be identified, such as one of the dialog boxes.

Windows 95: The system can support up to 16364 window handles.

Quick check: WBINDOWS NT: 4.0 and above; Windows: 95 and below; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib: unicoda: Uneicode and ANSIs are implemented on Windows NT Specimen.


No Yes Yes944 midiConnect MIDI device connected No Yes Yes945 midiDisconnect OFF No Yes Yes946 midiInAddBuffer MIDI equipment device to transmit MIDI input buffer No Yes Yes947 midiInClose Close MIDI input device is determined No Yes Yes948 midiInGetDevCaps MIDI device performance No Yes Yes949 midiInGetErrorText return error codes MIDI text description returns No Yes Yes950 midiInGetID MIDI device handle ID No Yes Yes951 midiInGetNumDevs apparatus returns the number of MIDI message transmitted No Yes Yes952 midiInMessage No Yes Yes953 MIDI device driver to open the MIDI device midiInOpen No Yes Yes954 midiInPrepareHeader prepare MIDI input buffer No Yes Yes955 midiInReset the end of the MIDI input and standard input buffer No Yes Yes956 midiInStart start MIDI input device No Yes Yes957 midiInStop end MIDI input No Yes Yes958 midiInUnprepareHeader Clear preliminary head No Yes Yes959 midiOutCacheDrumPatches preloaded MIDI collision correction code No Yes Yes960 midiOutCachePatches preloaded MIDI amendment code No Yes Yes961 midiOutClose Close MIDI output device No Yes Yes962 midiOutGetDevCaps return to the MIDI output device performance No Yes Yes963 midiOutGetErrorText return to the MIDI output error text No Yes Yes964 midiOutGetID return to the MIDI output device ID No Yes Yes965 midiOutGetNumDevs acquired MIDI output device number No Yes Yes966 midiOutGetVolume return MIDI output device volume no yes yes967 MID MIDI system exclusive message transmission iOutLongMsg No Yes Yes968 midiOutMessage MIDI device driver sends a message No Yes Yes969 midiOutOpen Open MIDI output device ready No Yes Yes970 midiOutPrepareHeader MIDI output data block No Yes Yes971 midiOutReset end marker and MIDI output buffer provided No Yes Yes972 midiOutSetVolume MIDI output device volumes No Yes Yes973 midiOutShortMsg send message No Yes Yes974 midiOutUnprepareHeader eliminate MIDI output head No Yes Yes975 midiStreamClose close the open MIDI stream No Yes Yes976 midiStreamOpen open MIDI stream No Yes Yes977 midiStreamOut transmit data to the MIDI stream No Yes to the MIDI output device Yes978 midiStreamPause pause MIDI stream No Yes Yes979 midiStreamPosition get MIDI stream current position No Yes Yes980 midiStreamProperty get MIDI stream attribute No Yes Yes981 midiStreamRestart restart specify the MIDI stream No Yes Yes982 midiStreamStop stop playing the MIDI stream No Yes Yes983 mixerClose closed mixing device No Yes Yes984 mixerGetControlDetails Get the specified mixer

Controls No Yes Yes985 mixerGetDevCaps acquisition performance mixer mixer No Yes Yes986 mixerGetID acquires the ID value No Yes Yes987 mixerGetLineControls return line mixer No Yes Yes988 mixerGetLineInfo control information acquired mixer No Yes Yes989 mixerGetNumDevs obtain the current amount to the mixing device mixing No Yes Yes990 mixerMessage the device sends a message No Yes Yes991 mixerOpen open No Yes Yes992 mixerSetControlDetails mixing apparatus placed mixer control No Yes Yes993 mmioAdvance direct I / O buffer No Yes Yes994 mmioAscend RIFF block exceeds closed No Yes Yes995 mmioClose MM files No Yes Yes996 mmioCreateChunk established RIFF file block No Yes Yes997 mmioDescend reduce RIFF block No Yes Yes998 mmioFlush converting MM I / O buffers to disk No Yes Yes999 mmioGetInfo returns file information MM No Yes Yes1000 mmioInstallIOProcA charged and delete custom I / O process No Yes Yes1001 mmioOpen open a media file No Yes Yes1002 mmioRead read file No Yes Yes1003 mmioRename rename the media file name No Yes Yes1004 mmioSeek change the current document position No Yes Yes1005 mmioSendMessage send messages No Yes Yes1006 mmioSetBuffer control I / O buffers No Yes Yes1007 mmioSetInfo setting file information to the I / O process No yes yes1008 mmiostringtofourcc Turn string into four character code No yes yes1009 mmiowrite write file no yes yes1010 mmsystemgetversion returns MM software version NO Y ES YES1011 MODIFYMENU Change Menu Yes Yes Yes1012 ModifyWorldTransformhange World Transform NO YES YES1013 MOUSE_EVENT Synchronous Mouse button and Mouse Action "Function" function function function "function" function "function combine mouse button and mouse action. Function prototype: void mouse_event (DWORD DWFLAGS, DWORD DX, DWORD DY, DWORD DWDATA, DWORD DWEXTRAINFO);


DWFLAGS: Sign bit set, specify a variety of situations in clicking buttons and mouse action. You can be any reasonable combination of the following values ​​in this parameter:

Moose_Eventf_absolote: Indicates the parameters DX, DY contains a normalized absolute coordinate. If this bit is not set, the parameters contain relative data: the change position relative to the last position. This flag can be set, or not, regardless of the type of mouse or a device that is similar to the mouse connected to the system. To obtain information about the action of the mouse, see the following note section.

MooseEventfmove: Indicates that moves.

M00seEventf_leftdown: Indicates that press the left mouse button.

M00seEventf_leftup: Indicates that the left mouse button is released.

MooseEventf_rightdown: Indicates right mouse button.

MooseEventf_rightup: Indicates Railing Mouse button.

MooseEventf_midddingn: Indicates that the mouse is pressed.

MooseEventf_middleup: Indicates the mouse button.

MooseEventf_wheel: If the mouse has a wheel in Windows NT, it indicates that the mouse wheel is moved. The number of movements is given by DWDATA.

DX: Specifies the number of movements along the absolute position along the X axis or from the last mouse event, depending on the setting of MooseEventf_absolote. The absolute data given as the actual X coordinate of the mouse; gives the relative data as the number of moving mickeys. A MICKEY indicates the number of mouse movements, indicating that the mouse has been moved.

DY: Specifies the number of mouse along the absolute position of the Y-axis or from the last mouse event, depending on the setting of MooseEventf_absolvte. The absolute data given as the actual Y coordinates of the mouse, the relative data given as the number of moving mickeys.

DWDATA: If dwflags is mooseeventf_wheel, DWDATA specifies the number of mouse wheels. The positive value indicates that the mouse wheel is rotated forward, that is, away from the direction of the user; negative value indicates that the mouse wheel is rotated backwards, namely the user. A pointer is defined as Wheel_Delta, ie 120.

If dwflags is not mooseeventf_wheel, the DWDATA should be zero.

DWEXTRAINFO: Specifies additional 32-bit values ​​associated with the mouse event. The application call function getMessGexTraInfo is obtained.

Return Value: None.

Remarks: If the mouse is moved, use the MouseEventf_Move to indicate, DX and DY keep the mobile information. The information given is absolute or relative integer value.

If the MOWSEEVENTF_ABSOLOTE value is specified, DX and DY contain standardized absolute coordinates, which are between 0 and 65535. The event program maps this coordinate to the display surface. The coordinates (0, 0) are mapped to the upper left corner of the display surface, and (6553, 65535) is mapped to the lower right corner.

If not specified, MOWSEEVENTF_ABSOLOTE, DX, and DY indicate the movement of the location generated by the last mouse event (ie the last report). The positive value indicates that the mouse is moved to right (or); negative value means that the mouse is moved to left (or).

The relative movement of the mouse is set from the mouse speed and acceleration level. A end user uses the mouse control panel application to set these values, and the application uses the function SystemParametersInfo to get and set these values.

The system provides two tests for the specified mouse movement when applying acceleration. If the distance from the specified edge of the X-axis Y axis is larger than the first mouse threshold, and the operating system is doubled. If the specified distance along the X-axis or Y axis is larger than the second mouse threshold, and the operating system is 2, the operating system will double from the first threshold test. This allows the operating system to simultaneously move the relative displacement of the X-axis or Y axis to 4 times along the X-axis or Y axis.

Once acceleration is applied, the system is used to convert the synthesized value with the desired mouse speed. The range of mouse speed is from 1 (slower) to 20 (fastest) and represents the number of distance indicators based on mouse movement. The default is 10, indicating that the movement of the mouse is attached.

The application that Mouse_Event needs to be used to synthesize mouse events. It is also used to obtain mouse information other than mouse position and mouse button state. For example, if the input board manufacturer wants to pass the brush-based information to its own application, you can write a dynamic key pick library (DLL) that directly communicate with the input board, obtain additional information, and saves it into a queue. The DLL then calls mouse_event, with standard buttons and X / Y position data, and sets the pointers or indexes of the additional information arranged in the parameter DWEXTRAINFO. When the application needs additional information, call the DLL (along with the pointer or index in DWEXTRALNFO), the DLL returns additional information. Windows CE: Windows CE does not support parameter dwflags to take the moose eventf Wheel constant.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: Winuser.h; Enter the library: user32.lib.

"No Yes YES1014 MOVEFILE NOTY NOY YES YES1015 MOVEFILEEX Change Name File NO YES YES YES YES YES1017 MOVEWINDOW Change Window Location and Size" Function: This function changes the location and size of the specified window. For top-level windows, locations and sizes are relative to the top left corner of the screen: for sub-windows, locations and sizes are coordinates relative to the parent window client area.



HWND: Window handle.

x: Specify the left boundary of the new location of the window.

Y: Specifies the top boundary of the new location of the window.

NWIDTH: Specifies the new width of the window.

NHAIGHT: Specifies the new height of the window.

BREPAINT: Determines if the window is refreshed. If this parameter is true, the window receives a WM_PAINT message; if the parameter is false, no refresh action does not occur. It applies to the client area, non-client area (including the title bar and scroll bar), and the area of ​​the parent window exposed due to the mobile sub-window. If the parameter is false, the application must explicitly enable the window to invalid or redraw this window and the parent window that needs to be refreshed.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is non-zero; if the function fails, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Remarks: If Brepaint is true, the system sends a WM_PAINT message to the window after the window moves (ie, by the MoveWindow function call UpdateWindow function). If BREPAINT is false, the system places the WM_PAINT message in the message queue of the window. The message loop dispatches only WM_PAINT messages when dispatched in other messages in the message queue.


Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 above: Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: 1.0 or above: Header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib. "Yes Yes Yes1018 MsgWaitForMultipleObjects waiting for multiple object handle No Yes Yes1019 MulDiv the two numbers and multiplying the result of dividing the multimedia Yes Yes Yes1020 MultiByteToWideChar string image specifies NCB No Yes Yes1022 NotifyBootConfigStatus notification wildcard string running No Yes Yes1021 Netbios generating review / alarm No Yes Yes1027 OemKeyScan is generated when generating review / alarm No Yes Yes1025 ObjectOpenAuditAlarm access an object when responding boot configuration No Yes Yes1023 NotifyChangeEventLog No Yes Yes1024 ObjectCloseAuditAlarm delete objects review / alarm No Yes Yes1026 ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarm perform privileged operations the OEM ASCII image as Scan code "function function: This function maps 0-0X0FF OEM ASCII code to OEM scan code and its conversion state. This function provides information by analog keyboard input, making a program to transfer OEM text to another program.

Function prototype: DWORD OEMKEYSCAN (Word Woemchar);


Woemchar: Defines the ASII value of the OEM character.

Return Value: The low sequence word of the return value contains the scan code of a given OEM character. The high order word contains a conversion state, which may be a combination of the following flag:

1: Enee. The Shift key is pressed; 2: Any CTRL button is taken;

4: Ann Alt button is pressed; 8: Hankaku button is pressed;

16: Reserved (defined by the keyboard layout driver); 32: Reserved (defined by the keyboard layout driver)

If a character cannot be generated by clicking a key under the current keyboard layout, the return value is oxffffff.

Remarks; this function does not provide translation for characters or dead keys that require Ctrl Alt keys. This function does not translate the character must be copied by analog input using the Alt key area mechanism. The NUMLOCK button must be turned off.

This function does not translate the characters that cannot be obtained with the current keyboard layout, such as the tone of the dead key. This function does not translate the character must be copied by analog input using the Alt key area mechanism. The NUMLOCK button must be turned off. This function is implemented using the VKKEYSCAN function.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes1028 OemToChar conversion OEM string No Yes Yes1029 OemToCharBuff conversion OEM string No Yes Yes1030 OffsetClipRgn move a clip region for moving Yes Yes Yes1031 OffsetRect offset rectangular Yes Yes Yes1032 OffsetRgn offset Yes Yes Yes1033 OffsetViewportOrgEx movement area with a specified movement viewport region Yes Yes Yes1034 OffsetWindowOrgEx moving window area Yes Yes Yes1035 OpenBackupEventLog open backup event handler No Yes Yes1036 OpenClipboard open CLIPBOARD Yes Yes Yes1037 OpenDesktop No Yes Yes1038 OpenDriver open to install the driver Yes Yes Yes1039 OpenEvent open event object No Yes Yes1040 OpenEventLog open event Registration Handle NO YES YES1041 OpenFile Establishment, Open, or Remove File Yes Yes YES 1042 Open NOY YES YES1043 OpenICON Activation Window Function: This function restores a minimization window to its original location and size and activate This window. Function prototype: BOOL OpenICION (HWND HWND);


HWND: The handle of the window that is restored to the activated window.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is non-zero; if the function fails, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: OpenLCON sends a WM_QueryOpen message to the given window.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: Does not support: header file: Winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes1044 OpenInputDesktop No Yes Yes1045 OpenMutex open MUTEX named objects No Yes Yes1046 OpenPrinter No Yes Yes1047 OpenProcess get a handle to the specified printer will handle returned to the process object No Yes Yes1048 OpenProcessToken open process token object No Yes Yes1049 OpenSCManager Connection Service Control Manager No Yes Yes1050 OpenSemaphore open a named semaphore object No Yes Yes1051 OpenService open service No Yes Yes1052 OpenThreadToken open trail token object No Yes Yes1053 OpenWindowStation No Yes Yes1054 OutputDebugStr No Yes Yes1055 OutputDebugString PackDDElParam data package sent to the debug string charged Yes Yes Yes1056 DDE Message iParam No Yes Yes1057 PagesetUpdlg Create and Display Page Settings Dialog Function: This function creates a Pagesetup dialog that enables the user to specify the properties of the Print page. These properties include paper size and source, paper feed direction, and margin.

Function prototype: BOOL PageSetupdlg (LPPAGESETUPDLG LPPSD);


LPPSD: Points to a PageSetUpdlg structure containing the initialization dialog information. When the function returns, the structure stores information about the user selection. Return Value: If the user clicks on the OK button, the return value is a non-zero value, and the member of the PagesetUpdlg structure in the PagesetUpdlg structure in the LPPSP parameter displays the user's choice. If the user cancels or closes the Pagesetup dialog or the error occurs, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the CommdlGextendedEdError function

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above version; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: command: command: command: command: commdlg32.lib; unicode: Unicode and ANSI in the Windows NT environment Two versions.

"No Yes Yes1058 PaintDesktop No Yes Yes1059 PaintRgn establish Bitmap Pattern Yes Yes Yes1061 PathToRegion establishing region No Yes Yes1062 PeekMessage checks the message queue with a brush filled area Yes Yes apparatus described in the table Yes1060 PatBlt" Function: the function is a message check thread Message queue and put the message (if present) in the specified structure.

Function prototype: Bool PeekMessage (lpmsg lpmsg, hwnd hwnd, uint WMSGFILTERMIN, UINT WMSGFILTERMAX, UINT WREMOVEMSG);


LPMSG: The MSG structural pointer that receives message information.

HWND: The handle of its message is checked.

WMSGFILTERMIN: Specifies the first message in the message range being checked.

WMSGFILTERMAX: Specifies the last message in the message range being checked.

Wrememsg: Determines how messages are processed. This parameter can remove one of the following:

After the PM_NOREMOVE: PeekMessage process, the message is not removed from the queue.

After the PM_Remove: PeekMessage is processed, the message is removed from the queue.

PM_NOYIELD can be combined to PM_NOREMOVE or PM_REMOVE. This flag allows the system to not release threads waiting for the calling program.

Default, process all types of messages. If you only process some messages, specify one or more of the following values:

PM_QS_INPUT: Windows NT5.0 and Windows 98: Hands mouse and keyboard messages.

PM_QS_Paint: Windows NT 5.0 and Windows 98: Processing Drawing Messages.

PM_QS_POSTMESSAGE: Windows NT 5.0 and Windows 98: Processing all sent messages, including timers and hot keys.

PM_QS_SENDMESSAGE: Windows NT 5.0 and Windows 98: Processing all send messages.

Return Value: If the message can be obtained, return a non-zero value; if there is no message to get, the return value is zero.

Remarks: And the function getMessage is not the same, the function peekmesssge is not waiting for the message before returning to the queue.

PeekMeSSGE only allows messages associated with the window of the parameter HWnd ID or a message that is determined to be in its sub-window, and the message is within the range determined by the parameter WMSGFitermin and WMSGFIHERMAX. If hwnd is NULL, PeekMessage receives messages that belong to the window of the current calling thread (PeekMessage does not receive a message belonging to the window of other threads). If hwnd is C1, PeekMessage only returns a message that the HWND value is NULL, which is sent by the function PostthreadMessage. If WMSGFILTERMIN and WMSGFILTERMAX are zero, getMessage returns all available messages (ie, no range filtering). Constant WM_KEYFIRST and WMKEYLAST can take all keyboard messages as a filter value; constant WM_MOUSEFIRST and WM_MOUSELAST can be used to receive all mouse messages.

PeekMessage usually does not clear the WM_PANT message from the queue. The message will remain in the queue until the process is completed. But if the WM_PAINT message has an empty update area, PeekMessage will clear the WM_PAINT message from the queue.

Windows CE: WM_PAINT messages with a NULL update area are not cleared from Queue.

Speed: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; WiHDOWS: 95 and above version: Windowsce: 1.0 and above; header file: WinUser.h Enter the library: user32.lib: unicode: In the Windows NT environment, it is implemented in Unicode and ANSI. .

"Yes Yes Yes1063 PeekNamedPipe prepresenting pipe queue data plotted No Yes Yes1064 Pie pie wedge Yes Yes Yes1065 PlayEnhMetaFile FIG run Enhanced Metafile No Yes Yes1066 PlayEnhMetaFileRecord run enhanced metafile records No Yes Yes1067 PlayMetaFile running WINDOWS metafile to DC Yes Yes Yes1068 PlayMetaFileRecord running WINDOWS metafile record Yes Yes Yes1069 PlaySound play sound files No Yes Yes1070 PlgBlt transmission pixel No Yes Yes1071 PolyBezier Videos BEZIER curve No Yes Yes1072 PolyBezierTo Videos BEZIER curve No Yes Yes1073 PolyDraw Videos series of straight and curved BEZIER No Yes Videos Yes1074 PolyPolygon polygon Yes Yes Yes1075 PolyPolyline series connected line Videos No Yes Yes1076 PolyTextOut writing string No Yes Yes1077 polygon Videos Videos Yes Yes Yes1078 Polyline polygon segment Yes Yes Yes1079 PolylineTo Videos one or more lines No Yes Yes1080 PostMessage added to the message thread Message Queue Function Function: This function puts a message into (send) to the thread that is created with the specified window, and returns the threads of the thread. Message in the message queue gains by calling getMessage and PeekMessage.

Function prototype: B00L PostMessage (HWND HWND, UINT MSG, WPARAM WPARAM, LPARAM LPARAM);


HWND: The handle of the window that has a window that receives the message. Two values ​​that can be taken: hwnd_broadcast: Messages are sent to all top windows of the system, including invalid or invisible non-own windows, covered windows and pop-up windows. The message is not sent to the sub-window.

NULL: This function is the same as the identifier of the current thread.

MSG: Specifies the message sent.

WPARAM: Specifies additional messages specific information.

LPARAM: Specifies additional message-specific information.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, return a non-zero value: If the function call fails, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: Applications that need to be communicated in hwnd_broadcast should use the functions of functionalityWindWosMessage to get unique messages between applications.

If you send a message below the WM_User range to the asynchronous message function (postmessage.sendNotifyMessage, SendMessSgeCallback), message parameters cannot contain pointers. Otherwise, the operation will fail. The function returns before receiving the thread process, and the sender will release before the memory is used.

Speed: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows Ce: 1.0 and above version; header file: winuser.h; enter the library: user32.lib; unicode: in a Windows NT environment in Unicode and ANSI mode achieve.

"YES YES YES1081 POSTQUITMESSAGE Notification Windows Thread" function function: This function indicates that there is a thread to terminate request. Usually used to respond to WM_DESTROY messages.

Function prototype: void postquitMessage (int nexitcode);


PEXITCODE: Specifies the application exit code. This value is used as a WPARAM parameter for message WM_QUIT.

Return Value: None.

Note: PostquitMessage Sends a WM_OUT message to the thread message queue and return immediately; this function indicates that a thread request is terminated at a certain time.

When the thread gets the WM_QUIT message from the message queue, the message loop should be exited and the control is returned to the system. The exit value returned to the system must be the WPARAM parameter of the message WM_QUIT.

Quick check: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above version; Windows Ce: 1.0 and above version; header file: Winuser.h; Enter the library: user32, lib: uhicode: in the WiHDOWS NT environment in Unicode and Ansi mode achieve.

"YES YES YES1082 PostthreadMessage" function function "" This function puts a message into the message queue of the specified thread, and returns the thread process.

Function prototype: BOOL Postthread, Uint MSG, WPARAM WPARAM, LPARAM LPARAM;


IDTHREAD: The thread identifier of the thread that will be sent. This function will fail if the thread has no message queue. When the thread calls a Win 32 User or GDI function for the first time, the system creates a message queue for the thread. To get more information, see Remarks. Msg: Specifies the type of message that will be sent.

WPARAM: Specifies additional message specific information.

LPARAM: Specifies additional messages specific information.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, return a non-zero value. If the function call fails, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function. If IDTHREAD is not a valid thread identifier or thread determined by idthread, there is no message

Column, getLastError returns ERROR_INVALID_THREAD.

Note: The message will be sent to the thread must create a message queue, otherwise the PostthReadMessage will fail. Use one of the following methods: call postthreadMessage. If you fails, call Sleep, then call PostthReadMessage, execute it repeated until postthreadMessage is successful.

Create an event object and create a thread. Before calling PostthReadMessage, use a function waitforsingleObject to a special event to be notified. The message will send the thread call PEEDMESSAGE (& MSG, NULL, WM_USER, WM_USER, PM_NOREMOVE) to enforce the system to create a message queue. Set the event, indicating that the thread is ready to receive the message.

The message will be sent to the thread to get the message by calling getMessSge or PeekMessSge. The return of the HWND member in the returned MSG structure is NULL.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: 1.0 and above version: Header file: winuser.h; Enter the library: user32.lib; unicode: in a Windows NT environment with Unicode and ANSI mode is implemented.

"NO YES YES1083 Preparetape Prepare Tape Device NO YES YES1084 PrintDLG" Function Function: This function displays the print dialog or the Print Settings dialog. The print dialog box provides the user to specify a special print job.

The Print Settings dialog cannot be applied in a new application, which has been replaced by the Print Settings the PagesetUpdlg function.

Function prototype: BOOL PrintDLG (LPPRINTDLG LPPD);


LPPD: Points a PrintDLG structure that contains the initialization dialog information. This structure contains information about the user selected when the PrintDLG function returns.

Return Value: If the user clicks on the OK button, the return value is a non-zero value. The member's selection is displayed by members of the PrintDLG structure pointed to by the LPPD parameter. If the user cancels or closes the Print or PrinterSetup dialog or the error occurs, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the CommdlGerror function. If the user cancels or closes the dialog box, the function returns zero value: Otherwise, the return value is as follows:


Coerr_initialization pderr_defaultdifferent









Remarks: If the hook function (by the LPFNPRINTHOOK member in the PrintDLG structure or LPFNSetUphook member, the hook function must return a brush handle, this brush is used to brush the background.

Windows NT 5.0 and later version: You can use the PrintDlgex function to display a print property page. This property page has a General page containing the Print Public dialog, which controls the control in the PRINT public dialog.

Windows CE: The PrintDLG structure contains different members in Windows CE.

Speed: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above version; Windows Ce: 2.0 and above; header file: commdlg.h; library file: comdlg32.lih; unicode: Unicode and ANSI in the Windows NT environment Two versions.


No Yes Yes1085 PrinterMessageBox display print job error message No Yes Yes1086 PrinterProperties Modify Printer Properties No Yes Yes1087 PrivilegeCheck check prerogatives of the Security description No Yes PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm produce Yes1088 privileged system service audible alarm No Yes Yes1089 PtInRect determine point is within the rectangle Yes Yes Yes1090 PtInRegion No Yes Yes1091 PtVisible query point if Yes Yes Yes1092 PulseEvent set and reset event No Yes Yes1093 PurgeComm eliminate traffic queue No Yes Yes1094 QueryDosDevice obtain DOS device name information No Yes Yes1095 QueryPerformanceCounter acquired count value No Yes Yes1096 QueryPerformanceFrequency return count frequency No Yes in the clip area Yes1097 QueryServiceConfig get service configuration parameters No Yes Yes1098 QueryServiceLockStatus get service database lock status No Yes Yes1099 QueryServiceObjectSecurity get service object's security descriptor No Yes Yes1100 QueryServiceStatus get service status No Yes Yes1101 RaiseException establish an abnormal condition No Yes Yes1102 ReadConsole read console input data No Yes Yes1103 ReadConsoleOutput read screen buffer data No Yes Yes1104 ReadConsoleOutputAttribute read console attribute string No Yes Yes1105 ReadConsoleOutputCharacter read screen buffer string No Yes Yes1106 ReadEventLog read the event log No Yes Yes1107 ReadFile read asynchronous file No Yes Yes1108 ReadFileEx Reading file No Yes Yes1109 ReadPrinter read printer data No Yes Yes1110 ReadProcessMemory read memory No Yes Yes1111 RealizePalette the logical palette in the process image for the system palette Yes Yes Yes1112 RectInRegion check whether there is overlapping rectangular areas Yes Yes Yes1113 RectVisible query whether the rectangle there are clips zone Yes Yes Yes1114 rectangle draw a rectangle Yes Yes Yes1115 RedrawWindow update the client window Yes Yes Yes1116 RegCloseKey Close Login keywords No Yes Yes1117 RegConnectRegistry connection Telnet No Yes Yes1118 RegCreateKey create keyword No Yes Yes1119 RegCreateKeyEx create keyword No Yes Yes1120 RegDeleteKey delete keywords No Yes Yes1121 RegDeleteValue delete a value from the login No Yes Yes1122 RegEnumKey keyword list of keywords specified keywords No Yes Yes1123 RegEnumKeyEx list keyword keyword sub No Yes Yes1124 RegEnumValue enumerated value specified keyword No yes yes1125 regflushkey write keyword no yes yes1126 reggetKeySecurity Get Login Key Security Properties No Yes Yes1127 RegloadKey Registration Keywords and Sub Keywords

No Yes Yes1128 RegNotifyChangeKeyValue show changes No Yes Yes1129 RegOpenKey registration key to open keyword No Yes Yes1130 RegOpenKeyEx open Keywords No Yes Yes1131 RegQueryInfoKey return to the login information No Yes Yes1132 RegQueryValue word returns the specified key name No Yes Yes1133 RegQueryValueEx return type keyword and values ​​No Yes Yes1134 RegReplaceKey change keyword No Yes Yes1135 RegRestoreKey Log No Yes Yes1136 RegSaveKey save trees save the trees will be logged into a file No Yes Yes1137 RegSetKeySecurity set of security attributes No Yes Log keyword Yes1138 RegSetValue specified text strings No Yes Yes1139 RegSetValueEx keywords associated with the text string associated with the specified keyword No Yes Yes1140 RegUnLoadKey unloading keywords No Yes Yes1141 RegisterClass register window class "function from the record function: the function is then invoked Createwindow function used in the function and CreatewindowEx The window is registered a window class .RegisterClass function is replaced by a function regiSterClassex function, but if you don't need to set a small object of setting classes, you can still use the registerclass function. Function prototype: Atom RegisterClass (const wndclass * lpwndclass;


LPWNDCLASS: Pointer to a WNDCLASS structure. Before passing it to a function, you must populate the appropriate class properties in this structure.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is one atom unique to identify the registered class; if the function fails, the return value is 0. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: If you use RegisterClassA to register the window, the application notifies the message of the system to be registered with the text and character parameters of the ANSI character set; if you use the RegisterClassw to register the window, the application requires the system to pass the text parameters for the message in Unicode. The LswindowUnicode function enables the application to query the character feature of each window. See ANSI and Unicode in Win32API

Function, please consult the FunctionT Prototype.

All window classes for the application are unregistered classes after the application is aborted.

Windows 95: All classes that are not registered after the class registered by the DLL is uninstalled.

Windows NT: All classes registered by DLL are registered classes after DLL uninstallation.

Windows 95: If the CBWndextra or Cbclsextra unit in the WNDCLASSEX structure contains more than 40 bytes of bytes, RegisterClassex will fail.

Windows CE: The LPSZMenuname domain is not supported by the WNDCLAS structure pointed to the lpwndclass parameter because Windows Ce does not support the default menu.

Unless the LCONCURS component of Windows Ce is used (this component provides mouse support on the appropriate target platform), the HCursor domain in the Wndclass structure points to the WndClass structure by lpwndclass is not available.

Quick Satches: Windows NT: 3.1 Contractions; Windows: 95 oriented version: Windows Ce: 1.0 or above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; unicode: Double version of Unicodee and Ansi on Windows NT . "No Yes Yes1142 RegisterClassex Register a window class" function function: This function is subsequently registered with a window class in the window used in calling the CreateWindow function and the CreateWindowEx function.

Function prototype: Atom RegisterClassex (const wNDCLASSEX * LPWCX);


LPWCX: Pointer to a WndClassex structure. Before passing to this function, the properties of the appropriate class must be filled in the structure return value: if the function is successful, the return value is a unique identification of the registered class; if the function fails, the return value is 0. If you want to get more error messages, call the CallGetLastError function.

Remarks: If you use RegisterClassex to register a window class, the application notifies the message of the system that is registered. The message using the ANSI character set text and character parameters; if using registerClassexw to register the window class, the application requires the system to deliver messages in Unicode. Text parameters. The IsWindowUnicode function enables the application to query the character feature of each window. See the ANSI and Unicode functions in the Win32 API, please consult the FunctionT Prototype (Function Prototype).

All window classes for the application are unregistered classes after the application is aborted.

Windows 95: All classes that are not registered after the class registered by the DLL is uninstalled.

Windows NT: All classes registered by DLL are registered classes after DLL uninstallation.

Windows 95: If the CBWndextra or CBCISEXTRA unit in the WndClassex structure contains more than 40 bytes of bytes, REGISTERCLASSEX will fail.

Speed: Windows NT: 4.0 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: Does: Header file: Winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; unicode: Double version of Unicode and ANSI on Windows NT .

"No Yes Yes1143 RegisterClipboardFormat" YES YES 1144 RegistereventSource Returns the Register Event Record Handle No Yes Yes1145 RegisterhotKey Defines a System Range Hotkey "Function: This function defines a system-wide hotkey.

Function prototype: BOOL Registerhotkey (HWND HWND, INT ID, UINT FSMODIFIERS, UINT VK);


HWND: The hotkey generates the window handle of the WM_HOTKEY message. If the parameter null, the WM_HOTKEY message passed to the calling thread must be processed in the message loop.

ID: Define the identifier of the hotkey. The other hotkeys in the calling thread cannot use the same identifier. The application function program must define a value of 0x0000-0XBFFF range. A shared dynamic link library (DLL) must define a value of the DabuBaladDatom function in the 0xC000-0xFFFF range returns to this range). To avoid the conflict conflicts defined with other dynamic link libraries, a DLL must use the GlobalAdDatom function to get the identifier of the hotkey. FSMODIFOERS: Defines the keys that must be pressed together with the keys defined by the NVIRTKEY parameter in order to generate WM_HOTKEY messages. This parameter can be a combination of the following:

MOD_ALT: The pressed can be any Alt key. MOD_CONTROL: The pressed can be any Ctrl key.

MOD_SHIFT: The pressed can be any Shift key.

MOD_WIN: The pressed can be any Windows button. These keys can be recorded in the Microsoft Windows log.

VK: Defines the virtual key code of the hotkey.

Return value: If the function call is successful, a non-value is returned. If the function call fails, the return value is 0. To get more error messages, you can call the getLastError function.

Note: When a key is next, the system is looking for a match in all hot keys. Once a matching hotkey is found, the system will pass the WM_HOTKEY message to the message queue of the thread that is registered with the hotkey. This message is transmitted to the queue head, so it will be removed in the next round message loop. This function cannot associate a hotkey to create a window created by other threads.

If a hotkey definition is defined by other hotkeys, the RegisterhotKey function call failed.

If the window of the HWND parameter identification has been registered with the same identifier as the ID parameter, the new value of the parameters fsmodifiers and VK will replace these parameters previously defined values.

Windows CE: Windows CE 2.0 The above version supports an additional sign bit for parameter fsmodifiers. Is called MOD_KEYUP.

If the mod_keyup bit is set, the window will send a WM_HOTKEY message when the key is pressed or bounted.

RegisterhotKey can be used to register hot keys between threads.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"No Yes Yes1146 RegisterServiceCtrlHandler registration service control request handle No Yes Yes1147 RegisterWindowMessage defining a new window message Yes Yes Yes1148 ReleaseCapture release the mouse capture" Function: This function releases the mouse capture from the thread in the window, and returns to the normal mouse input processing. Capture the window to receive all mouse inputs (where the cursor is positioned), unless you click the mouse button, the cursor hotspot in the window of another thread.

Function prototype: BOOL ReleaseCapture (Void);

Parameters: None.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, return a non-zero value; if the function call fails, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Remarks: The application calls this function after calling the function setCapture.

Windows 95: Calling ReleaseCapture will cause a WM_CAPTureChanged message that causes the window to be captured by the mouse.

Speed: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above: Windowsce: 1.0 and above version; header file: winuser.h; enter the library: user32.lib. "Yes Yes Yes1149 ReleaseDC release device context Yes Yes Yes1150 ReleaseMutex release metric objects No Yes Yes1151 ReleaseSemaphore release semaphore object No Yes Yes1152 RemoveDirectory delete directories No Yes Yes1153 RemoveFontResource delete font resources Yes Yes Yes1154 RemoveMenu delete menu items and pop-up menu" function Function: This function removes a menu item from the specified menu or separates a submenu. If the menu item opens a drop-down menu or submenu, the REMOVEMENU does not descumed the menu or its handle, allowing the menu to be reused. Before calling this function, the function getSubmenu should get the handle of the drop-down menu or submenu.

Function prototype: BOOL RemoveMenu (HMenu Hmenu, Uint Uposition, uint Uflgs);


HMENU: Handle of the modified menu.

Uposition: Specifies the menu item that will be deleted, and its meaning is determined by the parameter uflags.

UFLAGS: Specify how the parameter UPOSITION explains. This parameter must be one of the following values:

MF_BYCOMMAND: indicates the identifier of UpoSiton to the menu item. If MF_BYCOMMAND and MF_BYPOSITION are not specified, MF_BYCOMMAND is the default sign.

U_BYPOSITION: Indicates that UpoSiton gives the menu item relative to zero.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, return a non-zero value; if the function call fails, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: As long as a menu is modified, whether it is in the display window, the application must call the function DrawMenubar.

Quick check: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows Ce: 1.0 and above; header file: winuser.h; enter the library: user32.lib.

"YES YES YES1155 REMOVEPROP Removes a" function function from the specified window attribute: This function removes an item from the specified window attribute table. The specified string identifies the item to be deleted.

Function prototype: Handle RemoveProp (HWND HWND, LPCTSTSTSTRING);


HWnd: Points the handle of the window to change the property item.

LPSTRING: Points to string pointers ending with NULL or contains atoms identifying strings. If this parameter is an atom, it must be created using the AddAM function. Atom is 16-bit data value, it must be placed in the low word of the lpstring parameter,

The high rate must be 0.

Return Value: The return value identifies the specified string. If the string cannot be found in the specified attribute table, then the return value is NULL.

Note: The application must release the data handle associated with the item cleared from the property table. Applications can only clear those properties it adds it does not clear other applications or the properties they join.

The REMOVEPROP function returns the data handle associated with the string so that the application can release data related to the handle. Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: does not support; header file: Winuser.h; file: user32.lib; unicode: In the Windows NT environment, Unicode and ANSI version are implemented.

"YES YES YES1156 ReplaceText Establishs Alternative Text Dialog" function. This function creates a system-defined non-Mode dialog that enables users to find or replace a string or perform control and alternative operations.

Function prototype: HWnd ReplaceText (LPFINDREPLACE LPFR);


LPFR: The FindReplace structure pointing to a message containing the initialization dialog. The dialog is applied to this structure to transfer the information input by the user to the application. For more information, see the reference portion.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, return the value of the value of the dialog, you can use the window handle to contact or close it. If the function call fails, the return value is NULL. If you want more error messages, call the CommdlGexError function, its return value is as follows:







Note: The Pepiace Text function does not perform text alternative operations. Instead, the dialog box transmits FINDSGSTRING to the window function of the dialog window. When the dialog is created, the HWndowner member of the FindReplace structure specifies the dialog window.

Before calling the ReplaceText function, you must call the RegisterWindowMessage function to register the FINDSGSTRING information.

When the user combines the Find next, the Replace All button, or when the dialog is turned off, the dialog function applies these identities to send information.

The iParam parameters in FindMsgString information contain a pointer to the FindReplace structure. The FLAGS members of this structure indicate an event of formal information. Other members in this structure indicate the user's input information.

If you create a Replace dialog, you must apply the ISDIALOGMESSAGE function in the application information chain to ensure that the dialog can correctly handle the chain input information, such as the Tab key, and the ESC key.

IsDialogMessage function return value indicates whether the Replace dialog handles information.

You can provide a FRHOOKPROC hook function for the Replace pair, this hook function can handle information sent to the dialog.

To make a hook function take effect, you can set the FR_ENABLEHOOK flag of the FLAGS member in the FINDREPLACE structure and specify the address of the hook function in the IPFNHOK member.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: does not support; header file: command: Commdlg.h; library file: comdlg32.lib: unicode: Unicode and ANSI in the Windows NT environment Two versions. "NO YES YES1157 ReplyMessage Response" function function "function" function "function" function "" This function is used to respond to messages sent by the function sendMessage, and do not return the control to the function of calling SendMessage.

Function prototype: BOOL ReplyMessage (LRESULT LRESULT);


LRESULT: Specifies the result of the message processing. Possible values ​​are determined by the message sent.

Return Value: If the call thread processes the message sent from other threads or processes, returns a non-zero value. If the calling thread is not a message sent from other threads or processes, the return value is zero.

Note: Call this function, the window program that receives the message allows calls to call the sendMessage to continue running, although the thread that receives the message has been returned. The thread calling the replyMessage also continues to run.

If the message is not sent via SendMessage, or the message is sent by the same thread, replyMessage does not work.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above: Windows CE: Does not support: header file: Winuser.h; Enter the library, user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes1158 ReportEvent written to the event log entry No Yes Yes1159 ResetDC updated device context No Yes Yes1160 ResetEvent reset event object No Yes Yes1161 ResetPrinter prints data type and value of the device mode No Yes Yes1162 ResizePalette modify the logical palette size Yes Yes Yes1163 RestoreDC recovery device context Yes Yes Yes1164 ResumeThread suspended from the clue No Yes Yes1165 ReuseDDElParam heavy use of DDE messages IPARAM No Yes Yes1166 RevertToSelf stop the simulation No Yes Yes1167 RoundRect draw a rounded rectangle Yes Yes Yes1168 SHAppBarMessage set the taskbar message No Yes Yes1169 SHFileOperation execution system operation No Yes Yes1170 SHFreeNameMappings object file name of the image file to release the object table acquisition No Yes Yes1171 SHGetFileInfo shell folders interface No Yes Yes1172 SHGetNewLinkInfo No Yes Yes1173 SaveDC storage device context Yes Yes Yes1174 ScaleViewportExtEx adjust the size of the viewport window adjustment Yes Yes Yes1175 ScaleWindowExtEx size Yes Yes Yes1176 ScheduleJob No Yes Yes1177 ScreenToClient job schedule screen Yes1179 ScrollDC point conversion to horizontal or vertical movement rectangle "function-coordinate of customer data No Yes Yes Yes Yes1178 ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer scroll buffer: this function is vertical scrolling and a horizontal position rectangle. Function prototype: BOOL ScrollDC (HDC hDC, // handle of device context int dx, // horizontal scroll units int dy, // vertical scroll units CONST RECT * lprcScroll, // address of structure for scrolling rectangle CONST RECT * lprcClip, / / address of structure for clipping recrestangle hrgn HRGNUPDATE, // Handle of Scrolling Region LPRECT LPRCUPDATE / / Address of structure for update recucture;


HDC: Device Description Table Handle with Number of Rolling Bits.

DX: In the device unit, specify the number of horizontal scrolls. This parameter must be negative when scrolling to the left.

DY: In the device unit, specify the number of vertically scrolled. This parameter must be negative when scrolling upward.

LPRCSCROLL: Points to the RECT structure of the same thing containing the rolling rectangle.

LprcClip: Points to the RECT structure that contains a rectangle similar to the cut rectangle. Only patterns inside the clip rectangle are affected.

HRGNUPDATE: Handling the area overlay in the scrolling process. SCROLLDC defines this area, it is not necessarily a rectangle. LprCUpdate: Points to the RECT structure that receives a rectangle similar to the restricted scroll update area. This is the largest rectangular area of ​​the needs of the needs. When the function returns, regardless of the mode of the specified device content map, the value in the structure will be in the client corresponding structure.

Return value: If the function is running, the return value is non-zero; if the function is running, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: If the parameter lprcupdate is empty, the system will no longer calculate the update rectangle. If the parameters hrgnupdate and iprcupdate are empty, the system will no longer calculate the update area. If the parameter HRGNUPDATE is not empty, the system will seem to have a valid unruly process overlay area (definition scroll by scroll). Use the ScrollWindowEx function when you must scroll through the entire customer area of ​​the form.

Windows CE: Only one of the parameters DX and DY can be non-zero.

Speed ​​check: Windows NT 3.1, Windows 95, Windows Ce1.0 to the above, header file: Winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"YES YES YES1180 SCROLLWINDOW Mobile Window Customer Area" function function: This function scrolls the specified form customer area content. Functions provide backward compatibility, and new applications should use ScrollWindowEx.

Function prototype: BOOL ScrollWindow (HWND hWnd, // handle of window to scroll int XAmount, // amount of horizontal scrolling int YAmount, // amount of vertical scrolling CONST RECT * lpRect, // address of structure with scroll rectangle CONST RECT * LPClipRect // Address of structure with clip reprut;


HWND: The customer area will be scrolled by the form handle.

XAMOUNT: Specifies the number of horizontal scrolls in units of equipment. If the form is scrolling mode as CS_OWNDC or CS_CLASSDC, this parameter uses logical units without using device units. When scrolls the content to the left, the parameter value must be negative.

YAMOUNT: Specifies the number of vertical scrolling equipment units. If the form is scrolling mode as CS_OWNDC or CS_CLASSDC, this parameter uses logical units without using device units. When scrolls the content up, the parameter value must be negative.

LPRECT: Points the RECT structure of the customer area portion that will be scrolled. If this parameter is NULL, the entire customer area is scrolled.

LPCLIPRECT: Points to contains the RECT structure similar to the clip scroll bar. Only the bits inside the clip rectangle strip are affected. The inside of the rolling rectangle in the outer direction is colored, and the scroll from the inside of the rectangle will not be colored.

Return value: If the function is running, the return value is non-zero; if the function is running, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: If the scrolling rich in the scrolling form will automatically hide the ^ compass to prevent it from being wiped; then restore the ^ in the scrolling. The position of the ^ character is thus adjusted. The area that is not covered by ScrollWindow is no longer saga, but it combines into a form of an update area. The application finally finally received the message of WM_Paint, informing it must be redrawn. In order to scroll the unwrapping area while the scrolling process, the UpdateWindow function should be called immediately after calling the scrollwindow function.

If the parameter LPRECT is empty, the position of any subform in the form determines the number of parameters Xamount and Yamount; the form invalid (unloaded) is also off. IPRECT is faster when scrollwindow is empty.

If the parameter LPRECT is not empty, the position of the subform in the form does not change, and the area in which the invalid (unloaded) in the form is not off. In order to prevent LPRECT from being updated in time, the UPDATEWINDOW function is called before calling ScrollWindow.

Quick check: Windows NT 3.1, Windows 95 or more, header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes1181 ScrollWindowEx Mobile Window Customer" function function: This function scrolls to specify the directory of the form customer area.

Function prototype: int ScrollWindowEx (HWND hWnd, // handle of window to scroll int dx, // amount of horizontal scrolling int dy, // amount of vertical scrolling CONST RECT * prcScroll, // address of structure with scroll rectangle CONST RECT * PrcClip, // address of structure with clip rectangle hrgn HRGNUPDATE, / / ​​HANDLE OF Update Region LPRECT Prcupdate, // Address Of Structure for Update Rectangle Uint Flags // Scrolling Flags


HWND: The customer area will be scrolled by the form handle.

DX: In the device unit, specify the number of horizontal scrolls. This parameter must be negative when scrolling to the left.

DY: In the device unit, specify the number of vertically scrolled. This parameter must be negative when scrolling upward.

PRCSCROLL: Points to the RECT structure, which specifies the portion of the client area that will be scrolled.

PrcClip: Points to the Rect structure that contains a rectangular shape similar to being cut. Only small block graphics in the cut is affected. The rolling portion from the inside of the rectangular exterior will be colored; and the rolling portion from the inward direction will no longer be colored.

HRGNUPDATE: Handling the area that has been modified, saving these areas where scrolling is invalid. This parameter can be empty.

PRCUPDATE: Points to the RECT structure, which receives the boundary of the rectangle invalid part due to scrolling. This parameter value can be empty.

Flags: Specifies the logo that controls the scroll. This parameter can be the value below: SW_ERASE: Give the form by sending a WM_ERASEBKGND message.

SW_INVALIDATE: After scrolling, the invalid area identified by the parameter HRGNUPDATE is erased.

SW_SCROLLCHILDREN: Moves all sub-forms of cross-overlapping rectangles by parameter prcscroll. The subform rolls according to the number of pixels specified in DX and DY. The system sends a message to all sub-forms that are cross-overlapped by prcscroll, even if they don't move.

SW_SMOTHSCROLL: Windows NT 5.0 or above: Use smooth scrolling. The time required to smooth scrolling operations in the HiWord section in the FLAGS parameter.

Return Value: If the function runs successfully, the return value is a SimpleRegion (a rectangular invalid area), the ComplexRegion (non-rectangular invalid area) or NULLREGON (no invalid area) If the function is run, the return value is Error. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: If the SW_INVALIDATE and SW_ERASE flags are not set, the function ScrollWindowEx does not fail the scrolling area. If any of the flags are set, the ScrollWindowEx function can make the zone invalid. This area will no longer be updated until the application calls the theupdateWindow function, call the TheredRawWindow function (specify the RDW_UPDATENOW or RDW_ERASENOW flag) or find the WM_PAINT message from the application queue.

If the form has a WS_CLIPCHILDREN type, the return area specified by HrgnUpdate and prcupdate describes the full area of ​​the scroll form that must be updated, including any area of ​​the desired update subscription.

If the SW_ScrollChildren flag is set, the system will not fully update the screen when the child form is scrolled. The scrolling sub-form part located outside the rectangle is not erased, nor is it heavy in its new direction. In order to move the child form, the deferWindowPos function can be used in the rectangular strip specified by PRCScroll. If the flag SW_ScrollChildren is set and the symbol cross scrolls, the cursor is also reset.

All input and outputs are defined as the client if necessary, use IPTODP and DPTOLP function conversion logical correlation.

Windows CE: Parameter Flags does not support SW_ScrollChildren. There is only one of the parameters DX and DY to zero.

Speed ​​check: Windows NT 3.1, Windows 95, Windows CE 1.0 or above, header file: Winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes1182 SearchPath find files No Yes Yes1183 SelectClipPath Select the current path for the clip region No Yes Yes1184 SelectClipRgn selected clip region Yes Yes Yes1185 SelectObject Yes1186 SelectPalette selected objects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes1187 SendDlgItemMessage selected palette to dialog controls Send Message Function: This function sends a message to the control in the specified dialog.

The function prototype: LONG SendDlgItemMessage (HWND hDlg, // handle of dialog box int nIDDlgItem, // identifier of control UINT Msg, // message to send WPARAM wParam, // first message parameter LPARAM lParam // second message parameter); Parameters:

HDLG: Specifies a dialog that contains control.

NiddigItem: Specifies the identifier of the control of the received message.

Msg: Specifies the message that will be sent.

WPARAM: Specifies additional information for messages.

LPARAM: Specifies additional information for messages.

Return Value: Return the value specifies the result of the message processing and rely on the message sent.

Note: The SenddlgItemMessage function returns until the message has been processed.

Use the SenddlgItemMessage function to retrieve handles from a specified control and call the sendMessagge function.

Quickudo: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above version; Windows Ce: 1.0 and above version; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib unicode: Uneicode and ANSIs are implemented on Windows NT version.

"YES YES YES1188 SendDriveRMess" Function "function function" function function "function function" function "function function" "YES YES1189 SendMessage" YES YES1189 SendMessage "function function" function function "function function" function function "function" function "function function" function function "function" function function "function function" function is sent to the window process "function" function "function" function "function function" function "function" function function "function" function function "function" function function "function" function function "function" function "function function" function "function function" function "function function is sent to the window process" function function: This function sends the specified message to one or more windows. This function calls a window program for the specified window until the window program has returned again. Unlike the function PostMessage, return a message to a message queue to a thread.

Function prototype: LResult SendMessage (HWND HWND, // Handle of Destination Window Uint Msg, // Message To Send WPARAM WPARAM, // First Message Parameter LParam Lparam // Second Message Parameter);


HWND: The window will receive the handle of the window of the message. If this parameter is hWnd_broadcast, the message will be sent to all top windows in the system, including invalid or invisible non-own windows, covered windows, and pop-up windows, but the message is not sent to the sub-window.

MSG: Specifies the message sent.

WPARAM: Specifies the additional message to specify information.

LPARAM: Specifies the additional message to specify information.

Return Value: The return value specifies the result of the message processing, depending on the message sent.

Note: Applications that need to communicate with hwnd_broadcast should use the function registerWindowMessage to make a unique message to communications between applications.

If the specified window is created by the calling thread, the window program is immediately called as a subroutine. If the specified window is created by different threads, the system switches to the thread and calls the appropriate window program. The message between the thread is only processed when the thread executes the message retrieval code. The sending thread is blocked until the receiving thread is finished. Windows CE: Windows CE does not support all messages supported by the Windows desktop platform. Before using SendMessSge, check whether the sending message is supported.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above: Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: 1.0 and above version; header file: winuser.h; Enter the library: user32.lib; unicode: in a Windows NT environment with Unicode and ANSI mode is implemented.

"YES YES YES1190 SendMessageCallback" function function "" This function sends the specified message to one or more windows. This function calls the window program for the specified window and returns immediately. When the window program is handled, the system calls the specified callback function, and the result of the message processing and the value defined by an application to the callback function.

Function prototype: BOOL SendMessageCallback (HWND hWnd, // handle of destination window UINT Msg, // message to send WPARAM wParam, // first message parameter LPARAM lParam, // second message parameter SENDASYNCPROC lpResultCallBack, // function to receive message value DWORD Dwdata // Value to pass to callback function;


HWND: The window will receive the handle of the window of the message. If this parameter is hWnd_broadcast, the message will be sent to all top windows in the system, including invalid or invisible non-own windows, covered windows, and pop-up windows, but the message is not sent to the sub-window.

MSG: Specifies the message sent.

WPARAM: Specifies the additional message to specify information.

LPARAM: Specifies the additional message to specify information.

LPRESULTCALLBACK: Pointer to the recycled function, the window: The callback function is called after processing the message. See SendasyncProc to get information about the appropriate callback function. If hwnd is hwnd_broadcast, the system calls a SendasyncProc callback function for each top window.

DWDATA: A value defined by an application is transmitted to the callback function directed by the parameter lpresultcallback.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, return a non-zero value. If the function call fails, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: If you send a message below the WM_User range to the asynchronous message function (PostMessage, SendNotifymesSge; SendMessageCallback), the message parameter cannot contain a pointer. Otherwise, the operation will fail. The function will return before receiving the thread process, and the sender will be released before the memory is used. Applications that need to be communicated in hwnd_broadcast should use functions RegisterWindWosMessage to get unique messages between applications.

This callback function is called only when calling the sendMessageCallback's thread calling GetMessage, PeekMessage or WaitMessage.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Does not support; header file: Winuser.h; enter: user32.lib; unicode: in a Windows NT environment with unicode and ansi mode achieve.

"No Yes Yes1191 SendMessageTimeout Send Message" function function: This function sends the specified message to one or more windows. This function calls a window program for the specified window, and if the specified window is a different thread, until the window program handles the message or the specified timeout cycle end function returns. If the window and the current thread receive the message belong to the same queue, the window program is called immediately, and the timeout value is useless.

The function prototype: LRESULT SendMessageTimeout (HWND hWnd, // handle of destination window UINT Msg, // message to send WPARAM wParam, // first message parameter LPARAM lParam, // second message parameter UINT fuFlags, // how to send the message UINT Utimeout, // time-out duration LPDWORD LPDWRESULT // Return Value for Synchronous Call);


HWND: The window will receive the handle of the window of the message. If this parameter is hwnd_broadcast, the message will be sent to all top windows in the system, including invalid or invisible non-own windows.

MSG: Specifies the message sent.

WPARAM: Specifies the additional message to specify information.

LPARAM: Specifies the additional message to specify information.

Fuffs; specify how to send messages. This parameter can be a combination of the following values:

SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG: If the reception process is in the "hung" state, it will return to the end of the timeout cycle.

SMTO_BLOCK: Blocks calling threads from eliminating any request until the function returns.

SMTO_NORMAL: When calling the thread waiting function to return, it is not prevented from processing other requests.

SMTO_ONTIMEOUTIFNOTHUNG: Windows 95 and later: If the receiving thread is not suspended, do not return when the timeout cycle ends. Utimeout: Specifies the duration of in milliseconds for the timeout cycle. If the message is a broadcast message, each window can use the full overtime cycle. For example, if you specify a 5 second timeout cycle, there are 3 top windows that fail to process messages, and you can have a delay in up to 15 seconds.

LPDWRESULT: Specifies the result of the message processing, depending on the message sent.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, return a non-zero value. If the function call fails, or timeout, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function. If getlasterror returns zero, it indicates that the function is timeout. If you use hwnd_broadcast, SenddMessAggTimeout does not provide a single window timeout information.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Does not support; header file: Winuser.h; enter: user32.lib; unicode: in a Windows NT environment with unicode and ansi mode achieve.

"No Yes Yes1192 SendNotifyMessage Send Message" function function: This function sends the specified message to a window. If the window is created by the calling thread; this function calls the window program for the window and waits for the window program to return to the message. If the window is created by a different thread, this function passes the message to the window program and returns immediately, and the message is not waiting to process the message.

Function prototype: Bool SendNotifyMessage (HWND HWND, // Handle of Destination Window Uint MSG, // Message To Send WParam WParam, // First Message Parameter LParam Lparam // Second Message Parameter);


HWND: The window will receive the handle of the window of the message. If this parameter is hWnd_broadcast, the message will be sent to all top windows in the system, including invalid or invisible non-own windows, covered windows, and pop-up windows, but the message is not sent to the sub-window.

MSG: Specifies the message sent.

WPARAM: Specifies the additional message to specify information.

LPARAM: Specifies the additional message to specify information.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, return a non-zero value; if the function call fails, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: If you send a message below the WM_User range to the asynchronous message function (PostMessage, SendNotifyMessage, SendMessSgeCallback), the message parameter cannot contain pointers. Otherwise, the operation will fail. The function will return before receiving the thread process, and the sender will be released before the memory is used.

Applications that need to be communicated in hwnd_broadcast should use functions RegisterWindWosMessage to get unique messages between applications. Speed: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above version; Windows Ce: 1.0 and above version; header file: winuser.h; enter the library: user32.lib; unicode: in the Windows NT environment with uncode and ansi mode achieve.

"NO YES YES1193 SETABORTPROC Device Print Jobs" No Yes Yes1194 SetAclinformation Device ACL Information NO YES YES1195 SetActiveWindOW A Window "Function Function: This function activates a window. This window must be associated with a message queue called a thread.

Function prototype: hWnd setActiveWindow (hwnd hwnd // handle of window to activiVate);


HWnd: The top-level window that will be activated.

Return value: If the function call is successful, return the handle of the original active window. If the function call fails, the return value is NULL. To get more error messages, you can call the getLastError function.

Remarks: The setActiveWindow function activates a window, but when the application is in the background, the specified window will not activate. When the application activates the window, the window will be placed in the front desk.

If the window specified by the HWnd parameter is created by the calling thread, the status of the movable window of the calling thread will be set to the hWnd. Otherwise, the status of the movable window of the calling thread is set to NULL.

On the other hand, the SetForegroundWindow window function activates a window and enforces it as a front desk. When the application wants to display a key error or require the user to pay attention to information, you should only call the setForeGroup function.

Use the AttachThreadInput function to connect to other threads to other threads. This allows calls to call the setActiveWindow function to activate the window related to the message queue of other threads.

Speed: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windowsce: 1.0 and above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes1196 SetArcDirection disposed Videos arc width and height direction No Yes Yes Yes1199 SetBkColor value Yes Yes Yes1198 SetBitmapDimensionEx the bitmap Yes Yes1197 SetBitmapBits the bitmap set current background color is provided Yes Yes Yes1200 SetBkMode background mode Yes Yes Yes


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