Win32 API list 3 (a bit messy format)

zhaozj2021-02-16  206

Xu Zhaoyuan, Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications

601 GetPrintProcessorDirectory processor acquires the printer driver acquires path No Yes Yes602 GetPrinter No Yes Yes603 GetPrinterData printer information acquiring printer configuration information No Yes Yes604 GetPrinterDriver information for the printer driver No Yes Yes605 GetPrinterDriverDirectory path for the printer driver returns No Yes Yes606 GetPriorityClass priority process class No Yes Yes607 GetPriorityClipboardFormat first CLIPBOARD returns Yes Yes Yes608 GetPrivateObjectSecurity format server object returns protected SD No Yes Yes609 GetPrivateProfileInt integer Yes Yes Yes610 GetPrivateProfileSection acquired private key and returns the value No Yes Yes611 GetPrivateProfileString file acquired from a private string from a private file Yes Yes Yes612 GetProcAddress function return address No Yes Yes613 GetProcessAffinityMask get the available processing tasks listed No Yes Yes614 GetProcessHeap call to get the process heap handle No Yes Yes615 GetProcessHeaps No Yes Yes616 GetProcessShutdownParameters return process stops parameters No Yes Yes617 GetProcessTimes acquisition process timer No Yes Yes618 GetProcessWindowStation station returns the process window handle No Yes Yes619 GetProcessWorkingSetSize No Yes Yes620 GetProfileInt obtain integer Yes Yes Yes621 GetProfileSection return keywords and values ​​from WIN.INI No Yes Yes622 GetProfileString acquired from the string from WIN.INI in WIN.INI YES YES YES623 GetProp Returns the Data Handle "Function Function: This function retrieves the data handle from a given window attribute list. A given string identifies the handle to retrieve. The string and handle must be added to the property table when calling the setProp function.

Function prototype: Handle getProp (HWND HWND, LPCTSTR LPSTRING);


HWnd: Points to the window to search for the property table.

LPSTRING: Points to string pointers ending with NULL or contains atoms identifying strings. If this parameter is an atom, it must be created using the GlobalAdDatom function. The atom is 16-bit data value, which must be placed in the low rate of the lpstring parameter, and the high word must be O.

Return Value: If a given string is included in the property table, the return value is the associated data handle. Otherwise, the return value is NULL.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: Does not support: header file: Winuser.h; library file: user32. Lib; Unicode: Implemented in a Windows NT environment.

"YES YES YES624 getQueuestus determines the message queue content" function function: This function returns a flag indicating the type of message in the calling thread message queue. Function prototype: DWORD GETQUEESTATUS (UINT FLAGS);


Flags: The queue status flag indicating the message type. This parameter can be a combination of the following values:

QS_Allevents: Enter, WM_TIMER, WM_PAINT, WM_HOTKEY, or sent messages in the queue.

QS_allinput: Any message in the queue.

QS_AllPostMessage: Sended messages (instead of other messages) in the queue.

QS_hotkey: A WM_HOTKEY message in the queue. QS_INPUT: Enter the message in the queue.


QS_Mouse: WM_MOUSEMOVE message or mouse key message (WM_Buttonup WM_RBUTTONDOWN, etc.) in the message queue.

QS_MouseButton: Mouse Key Message (WM_LButtonup, WM_RBUTTONDOWN, etc.) in the message queue.

QS_MouseMove: WM_MouseMove message in the message queue.

QS_FAINT: WM_PAINT message in the message queue.

QS_POSTMESSAGE: Sending messages (instead of other messages) in the queue.

Qs_sendMessage: Messages sent by other threads or applications in the message queue.

Qs_tieMR: A WM_TIEMR message in the message queue.

Return Value: The high word of the return value indicates the type of current message in the queue. The low word indicates that the last call getQueuesttus, GetMessage or FeekMessBGE, adds the queue and still in the queue.

Remarks: QS_ flag appears in the return value that does not guarantee that the call function getMessage or PeekMessage will return a message later. GetMessSge and PeekMessge Perform some internal filtration will cause the message to be handled internal. Therefore, the return value of getQueuesttus can only be seen as a prompt to call GetMessage or PeekMessage.

QS_AllPostMessage and QS_POStMessage flags are different when cleared. QS_POStMessage is cleared when calling getMessage or PeekMessage, whether it is filtered. QS_AllPostMessage is cleared when calling getMessage or PeekMessage, but the filter message (WMSGFiltermin and WMSGFiltermax are zero). This is very useful for multiple calls of PeekMessage for multiple calls.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above version: Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; enter the library: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes625 GetQueuedCompletionStatus No Yes Yes626 GetROP2 return to the current drawing mode Yes Yes Yes627 GetRasterizerCaps return system TRUETYPE state Yes Yes Yes628 GetRegionData return area data No Yes Yes629 GetRgnBox return to the border area of ​​a rectangle Yes Yes Yes630 GetSaveFileName file name of the save dialog" Function: This function creates a Save public dialog so that the user specifies the drive, directory, and file name. Function prototype: BOOL GetSaveFileName (LPopenFileName LPOFN);


LPOFN: Points to an OpenFileName structure containing the initialization dialog information. This structure contains information about user files when the GetSaveFileName function returns.

Return value: If the user specifies a file name and click the OK button, the return value is a non-zero value. The buffer pointed to the IPSTRFILE member in the OpenFileName structure contains full path and user-specified file name. If the user cancels or closes the Save dialog or the error occurs, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the CommdlGextendError function that returns the value to the getOpenFileName return value.

Quickudes: Windows NT: 3.1 Capgether; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: 1.0 and above version; header file: commdlg.h; library file: comdlg32.lib; unicode: implemented in the Windows NT environment Unicode and ANSI two versions.

"No Yes Yes631 GetScrollInfo Find the Parameter" function of the scroll bar "function: This function finds the parameters of the scroll bar, including the minimum, maximum, the page size, and the position of the scrolling button.

Function prototype: Bool getScrollnfo (HWND HWND, INT FNBAR, LPSCROLLINFO LPSI);

Parameters: hwnd: The scroll bar controls or has a form handle of a standard scroll bar, determined by the fnbar parameter. FNBAR: Specifies the type of the scroll bar parameter to be retrieved, this parameter can be the following value, its value enlightenment: SB_CTL: Retrieve the scroll bar control parameters. The parameter hwnd must be a handle that processes the scroll bar control. SB_HORZ: Retrieves the standard horizontal scroll bar parameters of the specified form. SB_VERT: Retrieves the standard vertical scroll bar parameters of the specified form.

LPSI: Points to the ScrollInfo structure. Set the CBSIZIZE member in the Scrollinfo structure to identify the structure size before calling the GetScrollLoFo function, set the member fmask to explain the scroll bar parameters to be retrieved. Before run, the parameters specified in the appropriate member in the function replicate structure.

Members FMask can be as follows: SIF_PAGE: Copy scrolling page to NPAGE members of the scrollInfo structure pointed to by LPSI. SIF_POS: Copy the scroll position to the NPOS member of the ScrollInfo structure pointed to by LPSI. SIF_RANGE: Copy the scroll range to Nmin and NMAX members of the ScrollInfo structure pointed to by LPSI. SIF_TRACKPOS: Copy the current rolling box tracking position to the NPAGE member of the scrollInfo structure points to NTRACKPOS. Return Value: If the function finds any value, the return value is non-zero; if the function does not find any value, the return value is zero;

To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: GetScrollnfo function Although WM_HScroll and WM_VScroll indicate that the scroll bar position message is provided, only 16-bit data is provided, and the function setscrollnfo and GetScrollnfo provide 32-bit scroll data. Thus, when the application is processed when processing WM_HSCROLL or WM_VSCROLL, the GetScrollNFO function is to be called when the data of the 32-bit scroll bar is obtained. During the WM_HSCROLL or WM_VSCROLL message, in order to obtain a 32-bit rolling box position, you need to call the getScrollNFO function to obtain the scrollInfo value in the structural scrollinfo member Fmask. The function returns the value of the rolling box tracking position indicated in the ScrollInfo member NTrackpos. This will allow it to get its position when the user moves the scrolling cartridge.

Quick check: Windows NT3.51, Windows 95, Windows Ce 1.0 or above, header file: Winuser.h; library file: user32.lib. "No Yes Yes632 GetScrollPOS Return Slider Location" function function: This function gets the current location of the scroll button in the specified scroll bar. The current location is a relative value set according to the current scroll range. For example, if the rolling range is between 0 and 100, the scroll button is in the intermediate position, its current position is 50. This function provides backward compatibility, and new applications should use the GetScroiliofo function.

Function prototype: int GetScrogpos (hwnd hwnd; int nbar);


HWnd: Depending on the parameter NBAR value, the scroll bar is processed or has a standard scroll strip form.

NBAR: Specifies the scroll bar will be checked. This parameter can be the following value, the meaning is as follows:

SB_CTL: Retrieve the position of the scroll flip box in the scroll bar control. The parameter hwnd must be a scroll bar control handle.

SB_HORZ: Retrieve the position of the parameters rolling in the standard horizontal scroll bar on the form.

SB_VERT: Retrieves the position of the parameters of the standard vertical scroll bar on the form.

Return Value: If the function is running, its return value is the current position of the scroll flip box; if the function runs fails, its return value is 0. For more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: Functions GetScrollPos allows applications to use a 32-bit scroll position. Although messages WM_HSCROLL and WM_VSCROLL indicate that the scroll bar position is limited, it is limited to 16 bits, while the function setscrollpos, setscrollRange, GetScrollpos, and GetScrollRange support 32-bit scroll data.

In the WM_HSCROLL or WM_VSCROLL message, SB_JHUMBTRACK is notified, in order to get the position of the scroll bar 32 bits, call the getScrollNFO function. In the WM_HSCROLL or WM_VSCROLL message, SB_THUMBTRACK is advertised, in order to obtain a 32-bit scroll bar, the function getScrollNFO is called.

Quick check: Windows3.1, Windows 95 or more, header file: Winuser.h; library file: user32.lib

"YES YES YES633 GetScrollRoll Return Slider Motion Range" function: Get the current maximum minimum of the scroll button in the specified scroll bar.



HWND: Scroll strips control or with a standard scroll strip form, determined by the NBAR parameter value.

NBAR: The position of the ruling roller will be retrieved. This parameter can be the following value, the meaning is as follows:

SB_CTL: Retrieve the scroll bar control position. The parameter hwnd must be a scroll bar control handle.

SB_HORZ: Retrieves the location of the standard horizontal scroll bar on the form.

SB_VERT: Retrieves the standard vertical scroll bar position on the form.

LPMINPOS: Points to the minimum position of the minimum position.

LPMAXPOS: Points to the minimum position of the minimum position.

Return value: If the function is running, the return value is non-zero; if the function is running, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: If the specified form does not have a standard scroll bar or not a scroll bar control, the GetScrollRange function will copy 0 to parameter lpminpos and LPMAXPOS.

The default range value of the standard scroll bar is between 0 and 100, and the default range controlled by the scroll bar is empty.

Note Message WM_HScroll and WM_VScroll of the scroll bar are 16-bit data. However, because the function SetScrolllnfo, SetScrollPos, SetScrollRange; GetScrolllnfo, GetScrollPos, and GetScrollRange support the position of the scrollbar 32-bit data, so there is a way to 16 WM_HSCROLL WM_VSCROLL messages and solutions, see the technical description of the function GetScrohnfo.

Quick Check: Windows NT 3.1, Windows 95 or more, header files: Winuserh; library file: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes634 GetSecurityDescriptorControl correction and control information retrieval SD No Yes Yes635 GetSecurityDescriptorDacl return SD discrete ACL No Yes Yes636 GetSecurityDescriptorGroup return set personal information SD No Yes Yes637 GetSecurityDescriptorLength return length SD SD No Yes Yes638 GetSecurityDescriptorOwner return for all No Yes Yes639 GetSecurityDescriptorSacl return to SD system ACL No Yes Yes640 GetServiceDisplayName obtain service display name No Yes Yes641 GetServiceKeyName key access to services Login name No Yes Yes642 GetShortPathName return short file path No Yes Yes643 GetSidIdentifierAuthority returns the ID field address No Yes Yes644 GetSidLengthRequired return the required SID length No Yes Yes645 GetSidSubAuthority return times canonical array address No Yes Yes646 GetSidSubAuthorityCount return time field address No Yes Yes647 GetStartupInfo obtain the current process start information No Yes Yes648 GetStdHandle return to the standard I / O handles No Yes Yes649 GetStockObject return common brush handle Yes Yes brush or field Yes650 GetStretchBltMode return bitmap tensile mode Yes Yes Yes651 GetStringTypeA obtain ANSI string type No Yes Yes652 GetStringTypeEx No Yes Yes653 GetStringTypeW obtain UNICODE string type No Yes Yes654 GetSubMenu acquired pull-down menu or submenu handle "function: function to obtain the menu is designated Activated drop-down menu or submenu handle. Function prototype: HMenu getSubmenu (HMENU HMENU, INT NPOS);


HMENU: Menu handle.

NPOS: Activate the drop-down menu or submenu with respect to zero position.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, the return value is the handle of the drop-down menu or submenu of the menu item. If the menu item does not activate a drop-down menu or submenu, the return value is NULL.

Speed: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Wiodows: 95 and above; Windowsce: 1.0 and above; header file: winuser.h; enter the library: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes655 GetSysColor return to the display element color Yes Yes Yes656 GetSysColorBrush No Yes Yes657 GetSystemDefaultLCID acquisition system default local ID No Yes Yes658 GetSystemDefaultLangID acquisition system default language ID No Yes Yes659 GetSystemDirectory return WINDOWS system directory path Yes Yes Yes660 GetSystemInfo return system No information YES YES661 GetSystemMenu Access System Menu Function: This function allows the application to access the window menu (System menu or control menu) for replication or modification.

Function prototype: HMENU getSystemMenu (HWND HWND, BOOL BREVERT); parameter:

HWVD: Handle of the window with a window menu copy.

BPEVERT: Specifies the action that will be executed. If this parameter is false, getSystemMenu returns the handle of the copy of the current use window menu. This copy is initially the same as the window menu, but can be modified.

If this parameter is true, the GetSystemMenu reset the window menu to the default. If there is a previous window menu, it will be destroyed.

Return Value: If the parameter BREVERT is false, the return value is the handle of the copy of the window menu: if the parameter BREVERT is true, the return value is NULL.

Remarks: Any window that does not use functions getSystemMenu to generate your own window menu copy will accept the standard window menu.

The menu item that the window is originally included has a variety of identifiers, such as SC_Close, SC_Move, and SC_SIZE.

The menu item on the window menu sends a WM_SYSCOMMAND message.

All predefined window menu items have a large number of identifiers greater than oxfooo. If an application adds a command to the window menu, the number of identifiers smaller than oxfoo should be used.

The system automatically grasses the menu item on the standard window menu according to the state. The application implements the selection and meat ash by responding to the WM_INITMENU message sent before any one ordered.

In the Windows CE environment, the system menu is not supported, but GetSyemMenu is implemented in a macro manner to keep and exist compatibility. You can use the macro return menu handle to make the closing box are invalid, just as on the Windows desktop platform. The return value under Windows CE does not have other uses. The parameter BREVERT is useless.

Use the following code to make the shutdown button invalid:

Enablemenultem (GetsystemMenu (HWND, FALSE), SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND I mf_grayed;

Quickudes: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows Ce: 1.0 and above; header file: Winuser.h; Logan: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes662 GetSystemMetrics return system returns Yes Yes Yes663 GetSystemPaletteEntries metric system palette entry Yes Yes Yes664 GetSystemPaletteUse determine the system palette Yes Yes Yes665 GetSystemPowerStatus AC or DC power acquisition system state returns No Yes Yes666 GetSystemTime system time and date No Yes Yes667 GetSystemTimeAdjustment No Yes Yes668 GetTabbedTextExtent determining tab string size Yes Yes Yes669 GetTapeParameters return the tape drive or media information No Yes Yes670 GetTapePosition returns the current tape position No Yes Yes671 GetTapeStatus returns drive status No Yes Yes672 GetTempFileName establishing a temporary file name Yes Yes Yes673 GetTempPath return path to the temporary file returns No Yes Yes674 GetTextAlign text alignment marks Yes Yes Yes675 GetTextCharacterExtra return to its spacing Yes Yes Yes676 GetTextCharset No Yes Yes677 GetTextCharsetInfo returns the current font setting information No Yes Yes678 GetTextColor returns the current text color returns Yes Yes Yes679 GetTextExtentExPoint length of the substring array No Yes Yes680 GetTextExtentPoint returns the string size Yes Yes Yes681 GetTextExtentPoint32 returns the string size No Yes Yes682 GetTextFace returns the current font typeface Yes Yes Yes683 GetTextMetrics returns the current font metric Yes Yes Yes684 GetThreadContext return to the designated trail description No Yes Yes685 GetThreadDesktop return Clues Desktop handle No Yes Yes686 GetThreadLocale get clues local information No Yes Yes687 GetThreadPriority Returns clues priority No Yes Yes688 GetThreadSelectorEntry return clues description entry No Yes Yes689 GetThreadTimes return cue timing information No Yes Yes690 GetTickCount returns WINDOWS running time Yes Yes Yes691 GetTimeFormat Get Local Specified Time String NO YES YES692 GetTimeZoneInformation Returns the Current Time Zone Information No Yes Yes693 GetTokenInformation Returns the Top Sids Handle of the Specified Window NO YES YES694 GetTopWindou Returns the Top Sids Handle "Function" function: This function checks the sub-window Z associated with the specific father window Z Order, and return the handle of the sub-window in the top of the z-order. Function prototype: hwnd gettopwindow (hwnd hwnd);


HWND: Handle of the parent window of the sequence. If this parameter is null, the function returns the window handle on the top of the z-order.

Return value; if the function is successful, the return value is a sub-window handle in the top of the z-order. If the specified window has no sub-window, the return value is NULL.

To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above: Windows CE: Do not support; header file: Winuser.h: library file; user32.lib. "Yes Yes Yes695 GetUpdateRect return to Windows Update area size Yes Yes Yes696 GetUpdateRgn return to Windows Update area size Yes Yes Yes697 GetUserDefaultLCID get the local default user ID No Yes Yes698 GetUserDefaultLangID obtain the user's default language ID No Yes Yes699 GetUserName return the username No Yes Yes700 GetUserObjectInformation No Yes Yes701 GetUserObjectSecurity returns the server object SD information No Yes Yes702 GetVersion return wINDOWS and OS version Yes Yes Yes703 GetVersionEx return extended the operating system version information No Yes Yes704 GetViewportExtEx return window width Yes Yes Yes705 GetViewportOrgEx return viewport source Yes Yes Yes706 GetVolumeInformation return documents System Information NO YES YES707 GETWINMETAFILEBITS Returns the element file content NO YES YES708 getWindow Returns the specified window handle "function: This function returns the window handle with the specified window with a specific relationship (such as z-order or owner).

Function prototype: hwnd getwindow (hwnd hwnd, unit ncmd);


HWND: Window handle. The window handle to be obtained is a handle based on the NCMD parameter value relative to this window.

NCMD: Description The relationship between the specified window and the window to get the handle. This parameter value can be one of the following:

GW_CHILD: If the specified window is a parent window, it is obtained that the handle of the sub-window on the top of the z-order, otherwise null. The function only checks the sub-window of the specified parent window and does not check the inheritance window.

GW_ENABLEDPOUP: (WindowsNT 5.0) The handle is identified in the enabled state pop-up window belonging to the specified window (retrieves the first window to satisfy the aforementioned condition by gw_hwndnext); if there is no window, the handle is obtained The same as the specified window.

GW_HWNDFIRST: The returned handle identifies the same type of window in the top of the z-order. If the specified window is the highest end window, the handle identifies the highest end window in the top of the z-order; if the specified window is a top window, the handle identifies the top window at the highest end of the z-order: If the specified window is a sub-window, The handle identifies the homotheit window in the Z-order.

GW_HWNDLAST: The returned handle identifies the same type of window at the lowest end of Z. If the specified window is the highest end window, the handle identifies the highest end window at the lowest end of the z-order: If the specified window is a top window, the handle identifies the top window of the low-end end of the z-order; if the specified window is a sub-window, The handle identifies the same window at the lowest end of the Z.

GW_HWndNext: The returned handler identifies the same type of window in the specified window in the z-order. If the specified window is the highest window, the handle identifies the highest end window under the specified window: If the specified window is a top window, the handle identifies the top window under the specified window; if the specified window is a child window, The handle identifies the same window in the specified window.

GW HWNDPREV: The returned handler identifies the same type of window on the specified window in the z-order. If the specified window is the highest end window, the handle identifies the highest end window on the specified window; if the specified window is a top window, the handle identifies the top window on the specified window; if the specified window is a sub-window, The handle identifies the same window on the specified window. GW_WNER: The returned handler identifies the owner window of the specified window (if present).

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is a window handle; if there is no window with a specified window, the return value is NULL.

To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: Calling a function enormChildWindow is reliable than calling the getWindow function in the cyclic body. Calling a getWindow function implementation This task application may fall into a dead loop or return a window handle that has been destroyed.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: 1.0 or above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes709 GetWindowContextHelpId No Yes Yes710 GetWindowDC return window plant description Yes Yes Yes711 GetWindowExtEx return to the window width Yes Yes Yes712 GetWindowLong returns long value from the additional window memory" Function: This function gets the information about the specified window function is also Gets 32-bit integer values ​​that specify the offset bit address in additional window memory.

Function prototype: long getWindowlong (hwnd hwnd, int nindex);


HWND: Window handle and the window class to which you have an indirect window.

NINDEX: Specifies the offset of the value greater than or equal to 0 to get the value. Valid value ranges from 0 to an additional window memory space, for example, if a 12-bit or more than 12 additional type storage space is specified, the index position 8 of the third 32-bit integer should be set. To get any other value, specify one of the following values:

GWL_EXSTYLE; get the expansion window style.

GWL_Style: Get window style.

GWL_WNDPROC: Get the address of the window process, or the handle of the address of the window process. You must call the window process using the GWL_WndProc function.

GWL_HINSTANCE: Get the handle of the application instance.

GWL_HWNDPAAENT: If the parent window exists, get the parent window handle.

GWL_ID: Get window ID.

GWL_USERDATA: Get 32-bit values ​​related to the window. Each window has a 32-bit value used by the application that creates the window.

You can also use the following value when the HWND parameter identifies a dialog:

DWL_DLGPROC: Get the address of the dialog process, or a handle of the address representing the dialog process. You must use the function CallWindowProc to call the dialog process.

DWL_MSGRESULT: Gets the return value of a message processing in the dialog process.

DWL_USER: Get additional information privately available, such as a handle or pointer.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is the desired 32-bit value; if the function fails, the return value is 0. If you want to get more error messages, please call the getLastError function.

Note: By using the function RegisterClassex to specify the CBWndextra unit in WNDCLASSEX as a non-zero value to retain the storage space of the extra class. Windows CE: NLndex parameter specified by the byte offset must be a multiple of 4. UNALIGMNED Access is not supported.

Windows CE: GWL_HINSTANCE and GWL_HWNDPART set in parameter nlndex are not supported.

Windows CE1.0 also does not support DWL_DLGPROC and GWL_USERDATA in the NLndex parameter.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: 1.0 pair or above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; implement two versions of Unicode and ANSI on Windows NT .

"YES YES YES713 GETWINDOWORGEX Return Window Source YES YES YES714 GetWindowPlacement) Return window display status and minimum / maximum location" function: This function returns the display status of the specified window and the recovered, maximized and minimized window location.

Function prototype: BOOL getWindowPlacement (HWND HWND, WindowPlace * LPWNDPL);


HWND: Window Day handle.

LPWndpl: Points to the pointer to the WindowPlacement structure, which stores display status and location information.

Set the length of the WindowPlacement structure before calling the getWindowPlacement function

SizeOf (WidnowPlacement). If the lpwndpl-> length setting is incorrect, the function getWindowPlacement will fail.

Return the value; if the function is successful, the return value is non-zero; if the function fails, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: The FLAG unit of the WindowPlacement structure obtained by this function is always 0. If the HWnd window is maximized, the showcmd element is showMzaxmized. If the window is minimized, the showcmd element is showminimized, except for Shownormn, the WindowPlacement length unit must be set to sizeof (windowplacement), if the parameter setting is incorrect, The function returns false. View the correct information of the setting window position coordinates, see Windowplacement.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 above: Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: Does not support; header file: Winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"YES YES YES715 getWindowRect Returns the size of the border rectangle" function function of the specified window: This function returns the size of the border rectangle of the specified window. This size is given in a screen coordinate relative to the left corner of the screen coordinates.

Function prototype: BOOL getWindowRect (HWND HWND, LPRECT LPRECT)


HWND: Window handle.

LPRECT: Pointer to a RECT structure, which receives the window coordinate of the window of the window and the lower right corner.

Return value: If the function is successful, the return value is non-zero: if the function fails, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 above: Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: 1.0 or above; header file: Winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"YES YES YES716 GETWINDOWRGN No Yes YES717 GetWindowText Copy Window Toolbar Text to Buffer" Function Function: This function copies the title bar text (if present) of the specified window to a cache. If the specified window is a control, copy the text controlled. However, getWindowText cannot receive control text in other applications.

Function prototype: int getWindowText (HWND HWND, LPTSTSTR LPSTRING, INT NMAXCOUNT);


HWND: Handle with a window with text or control.

LPString: Pointer to the buffer receiving text.

NmaxCount: Specifies the maximum number of characters to be saved within the buffer, which contains NULL characters. If the text exceeds the boundary, it is truncated.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is the number of characters of the copy of the string, excluding the interrupt empty characters; if the window does not have the title bar or the text, or the title bar is empty, or the window or the handle is invalid, then return The value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Functions cannot return text in editing control in other applications.

Note: If the target window belongs to the current process, the getWindowText function sends a WM_GETTEXT message to the specified window or control. If the target window belongs to other processes, and has a window title, getWindowText returns the title text of the window. If the window has no title, the function returns an empty string.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above: Windows CE: 1.0 or above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib: unicode: Uneicode and ANSI on Windows NT version.

"YES YES YES718 GetWindowTextLength Return Window Toolbar Text Length" function: This function returns the character length of the title text (if present) of the specified window. If the specified window is a control, the function will return the length of the internal text. However, the getWindowTextLength function cannot return the length of the text in other applications.

Function prototype: nit getwindowtextlent (hwnd hwnd);


HWND: Handle of Window or Control.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is the character length of the text. Under certain conditions, the return value may be greater than the actual text length. Please refer to the instructions. If the window is free, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: If the target window belongs to the current process, the getWindowTextLength function sends a WM_GETTEXT message to the specified window or control.

Under certain conditions, the return value of the function getWindowTextLength may be larger than the actual text length. This is due to the mixing use of ANSI and UNLCODE and the system allows the DBCS character to exist within text, but the function return value is at least equal to the actual length of the text, so this point can be utilized to assign the buffer area. When the application uses the ANSI function and use the unicode's normal dialog box; Similarly, when the application uses the ANSI's getWindowTextLength function during a Unicode window, or in an ANSI window process There is also a problem with a cache assignment when using the getWindowTexTlength function of Unicode. View the ANSI and VNICODE functions, refer to the Wind32 function prototypes. To obtain the actual length of the text, use the WM_Gettext, LB_Gettext or CB_GetlbTbText message or getWindowText function.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 above: Windows: 95 or above: Windows CE: 1.0 or above Specimen.

"YES YES YES719 GetWindowThreadProcessID Return Window Thread and Procedure ID" function: This function returns the identifier of the identifier that creates the identity of the specified window thread and the process of creating a window, and the latter item is optional.



HWND: Window handle.

LPDWPROCESSID: Receive the address of the 32-bit value of the process identifier. If this parameter is not null, getWindWThreadProcessLD copies the process identifier to this 32-bit value, otherwise you will not copy.

Return Value: Return the value of the thread identifier for the creation window.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: 1.0 or above; header file: Winuser.h; library file; user32.lib.

"No Yes Yes720 GetWindowWord return value of the function word function from the additional memory window: This function is obsolete .32-bit Windows programs should use GetWindowLong function Yes Yes Yes721 GetWindowsDirectory return window WINDOWS directory Yes Yes Yes722 GetWorldTransform returns the current transforms No Yes Yes723 GlobalAddAtom. Add string Yes Yes atoms in the system table Yes724 GlobalAlloc Yes726 GlobalDeleteAtom atoms Yes Yes deleted from the system atom table allocated in the heap memory Yes Yes Yes725 GlobalCompact No Yes Yes727 GlobalFindAtom returns the string Yes Yes Yes728 GlobalFix No atom from the global atom table Yes Yes729 GlobalFlags global memory block info returns Yes Yes Yes730 GlobalFree release global memory block returns Yes Yes Yes731 GlobalGetAtomName global atom string Yes Yes Yes732 GlobalHandle the global pointer to a handle lock Yes Yes Yes733 GlobalLock memory object and returns a pointer Yes Yes Yes734 GlobalMemoryStatus check memory status No Yes Yes735 GlobalReAlloc modify the global memory block size / attribute Yes Yes Yes736 GlobalSize returns the global memory block size Yes Yes Yes737 GlobalUnWire No Yes Yes738 GlobalUnfix No Yes Yes739 GlobalUnlock unlocking the global memory block Yes Yes Yes740 GlobalWire No Yes Yes741 GrayString at the specified location Drawing Gray Text No Yes Yes742 Heapalloc from Pile Allocation No Yes Yes743 HeapCompact Compressed Central Stack No Yes Yes744 Heapcreate Build Stack No Yes Yes745 Hea pDestroy cancel heap No Yes Yes746 HeapFree release locked heap No Yes Yes748 HeapReAlloc No Yes Yes747 HeapLock from memory allocated on the heap to allocate memory from the heap heavy No Yes Yes749 HeapSize return heap size of the object No Yes Yes750 HeapUnlock release heap lock No Yes Yes751 HeapValidate Verify the specified heap structure No Yes Yes752 HIDECARET Hide Denhamiting "Function: This function clears the insert mark on the screen. In fact, hidden insert tags is not to delete its current shape or invalid the insertion point. Function prototype: b00l hidecaret (hwnd hwnd);


HWnd: Identify the window with inserted tags. If this parameter is null, the HIDECARET function searches the current task to find a window with inserted tags.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is non-zero: If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: HideCaret hides the insert mark when you have the specified window with insertion tag. If the specified window does not insert a tag, then the function hidecaret does not do, and returns false.

The hidden operation is accumulated. If the application calls hidecaret 5 times in a row, then the program must also call SHOWCARET 5 times to display the insert mark.

Quick check; WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows Ce: 1.0 and above; header file: Winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"YES YES YES753 HILITEMENUITEM Modified Top Menu Item High Brightness" function: This function highlights or clears brightness to the menu item in the menu bar.



HWND: Handle with a menu.

HMENU: With a menu clause that will be highlighted menu items.

UITMHILITE: Specifies the menu item that will be highlighted. This parameter can be an identifier of the menu item, or the offset of the menu item in the menu bar, its meaning is determined by the value of the parameter UHILITE. UHILITE: Control Parameters Ultemhilite how to explain the flag and determine if the menu item is high. This parameter must be MF_BYCOMMAND or MF_BYPOSION and MF_HILITE or MF_UNHILITE.

MF_BYCOMMAND: indicates that the parameter ultemhilite gives the identifier of the menu item.

MF_BYPOSITION: Indicates that the parameter ultemhilite gives the menu item relative to zero position.

MF_HILITE: Highlight menu items. If this flag is not specified, the brightness of the menu item is cleared.

MF_UNHILITE: Clear the brightness of the menu item.

Return Value: If the menu item is set to the specified bright state, return a non-zero value; if the menu item is not set to the specified bright state, zero.

Note: The MF_HILITE and MF_UNHILITE flags can only be used by the function hilitementem, and cannot be used by the function modifymenu.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: Winuser.h; Enter the library: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes754 hread No Yes Yes755 hwrite No Yes Yes756 ImmAssociateContext No Yes Yes757 ImmConfigureIME No Yes Yes758 ImmCreateContext No Yes Yes759 ImmDestroyContext No Yes Yes760 ImmEnumRegisterWord No Yes Yes761 ImmEscape No Yes Yes762 ImmGetCandidateList No Yes Yes763 ImmGetCandidateListCount No Yes Yes764 ImmGetCandidateWindow No Yes Yes765 ImmGetCompositionFont No Yes Yes766 ImmGetCompositionString No Yes Yes767 ImmGetCompositionWindow No Yes Yes768 ImmGetContext No Yes Yes769 ImmGetConversionList No Yes Yes770 ImmGetConversionStatus No Yes Yes771 ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd No Yes Yes772 ImmGetDescription No Yes Yes773 ImmGetGuideLine No Yes Yes774 ImmGetIMEFileName No Yes Yes775 ImmGetOpenStatus No Yes Yes776 ImmGetProperty No Yes Yes777 ImmGetRegisterWordStyle No Yes Yes778 ImmgetStatusWindowPos No Yes Yes779 ImmgetVirtualKey No Yes Yes780 Immistallime No Yes YES781 Immisime No Yes Yes782 Immisuimessage No Yes783 Immno tifyIME No Yes Yes784 ImmRegisterWord No Yes Yes785 ImmReleaseContext No Yes Yes786 ImmSetCandidateWindow No Yes Yes787 ImmSetCompositionFont No Yes Yes788 ImmSetCompositionString No Yes Yes789 ImmSetCompositionWindow No Yes Yes790 ImmSetConversionStatus No Yes Yes791 ImmSetOpenStatus No Yes Yes792 ImmSetStatusWindowPos No Yes Yes793 ImmSimulateHotKey No Yes Yes794 ImmUnregisterWord No Yes Yes795 ImpersonateDdeClientWindow simulation DDE client window No Yes Yes796 ImpersonateLoggedOnUser simulate the specified user No Yes Yes797 ImpersonateNamedPipeClient pipe server impersonate the client No Yes Yes798 ImpersonateSelf process of getting called impersonation token No Yes Yes799 InSendMessage determine whether the window during SENDMESSAGE "function: this function determines whether the current program window Handling another thread calls the message sent by SendMessSge (in the same process or different processes).

Function prototype: BOOL INSENDMESSAGE (VOID); Parameters: None.

Return Value: Returns a non-zero value if the window program handles the message sent by SendMessage. If the window program does not process the message sent by another thread to call sendMessage, the return value is zero.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above: Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: Winuser.h Enter the library: user32.iib.

"Yes Yes Yes800 InflateRect change the size of the rectangle Yes Yes Yes801 InitAtomTable initialize the local atomic hash table Yes Yes Yes802 InitializeAcl create a new access control list No Yes Yes803 InitializeCriticalSection initialize a critical section object No Yes Yes804 InitializeSecurityDescriptor initialize the security descriptor No Yes Yes805 InitializeSid initialization SID No Yes YES806 InitiateSystemShutdown Close System No Yes Yes807 InsertMenu Add to New Menu Item Function: This function is inserted into a new menu item to the menu and moves other items in the menu.



HMENU: Handle of the modified menu.

Uposition: Specifying a new menu item will be inserted into the menu item in front, and its meaning is determined by the parameter uflags.

UFLAGS: Specifies the interpretation of the interpretation of the control parameter uposition, the content, appearance, and performance of the new menu item. This parameter must be one of the following values ​​and a combination of a value listed in the note.

MF_BYCOMMAND: Indicates the identifier of the UPSITION to the menu item. If mf_bycommand and mf_byposition are not specified, MF_BYCOMMAND is the default flag.

MF_BYPOSITION: Indicates that Uposition gives the new menu item based on zero relative position. If Uposition is OxFFFFFFF new menu item, it is appended to the end of the menu.

UidnewItem: Specify the identifier of the new menu item, or when the parameter uflags is set to MF_POPUP, specify the handle of the drop-down menu or submenu.

LPNEWITEM: Specifies the content of the new menu item. Its meaning depends on whether the parameter uflags contains the flag Mf_bitmap, MF_OWNERDRAW, or MF_STRING. As follows:

MF_bitmap: With bitmap handles. MF_String: The pointer of the string ended in `/ 0 '.

MF_OWNERDRAW: The 32-bit value containing the application application can reserve additional data related to the menu item. This value is in the structure of the message WM_Measure or WM_DRAWITEM, the menu is oriented in the structure of the message WM_Measure or WM_DRAWITEM.

Return value: If the function call is successful, the return value is non-zero; if the function call fails, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: Once the menu is modified, whether it is in the display window, the application must call the function DrawMenubar.

The following flags can be set in parameter uflags: mf_bitmap: Use a bitmap as a menu item. Parameter iPNewLTEM contains the handle of this bitmap.

MF_CHECKED: Place a pick tag next to the menu item. If the application provides a selection tag bitmap (see SetMenultembitmaps), place the tag bitmap next to the menu item.

MF_DISABLED: Enables the menu item to make the item can't be selected, but do not make the menu item be grayed.

MF_ENABLED: Enables the menu item to make the item can be selected and restore it from the state of the gray.

MF_GRAYED: The Lee single item is invalid and grayish, so it can't be selected.

MF_MENUBARBREAK: The function of the menu strip with the MF_Menubreak flag. For the drop-down menu, submenu or shortcut menu, the new column and the old column are separated by the vertical line.

MF_MENUBREAK: Place the menu item in the new row (for the menu bar), or normally (for the drop-down menu, submenu or shortcut) and unsenger columns.

MF_OWNERDRAW: Specifies the menu item as the self-drawing menu item. The menu is first displayed, and the window with the menu receives a WM_MEASUREITEM message to get the width and high of the menu item. Then, as long as the menu item is modified, the WM_DRAWITEM message will be sent to the menu owner's window program.

MF_POPUP: The specified menu opens a drop-down menu or submenu. Parameter UidNewltem drop-down menu or submenu handle. This flag is used to give a menu item, open a drop-down menu or a submenu, a submenu or shortcut menu plus a name.

MF_SEPArator: Draw a horizontal zone. This flag is only used by drop-down menus, submenu, or shortcut menu. This district line cannot be grayed, invalid or high. Parameters ipnewltem and uidnewltem are useless.

MF_String: The specified menu item is a text string: the parameter ipnewltem points to the string.

Mf_unchecked: Do not place the selected tag next to the menu item (default). If the application provides a selection tag bitmap (see SetMenultembitmaps), place the tag bitmap next to the menu item.

The following logo groups cannot be used together:



Mf_bitmajp, mf_string, mf_ownerdraw and mf_separator



In the Windows CE environment, the parameters of fuflags are not supported using the following signs:


If the parameter item is not grateful, it cannot make it invalid. To make the menu item invalid, use the MF_GRAYED flag.

Windows CE 1.0 does not support laminated menus. When using Windows CE 1.0, you cannot insert an MF_POPUP menu into another drop-down menu.

"Yes Yes Yes808 INSERTMENUITEM Insert a new menu item in the specified location of the menu: This function is inserted into a new menu item in the specified location of the menu.



HMENU: The new menu item will be inserted with the handle of the menu.

UItem: Insert the identifier or position of the menu item of the new menu item in front. The meaning of this parameter depends on the value of the parameter fbyposition. FBYFOSITION: The value used to determine the meaning of the ULTEM. If this parameter is false, UItem represents the identifier of the menu item. Otherwise, UItem represents the location of the menu item.

LPMII: Pointer to the structure Menuiteminfo, which contains information about the new menu item.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, return a non-zero value; if the function call fails, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: In order to allow the keyboard accelerator to control the bitmap or the menu item you draw, the owner of the menu must handle the WM_MenuChar message.

See the self-drawing menu and WM_MenuChar message.

Speed: Windows NT: 4.0 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: Winuser.h; Enter the library: user32.lib unicode: In the Windows NT environment, in Unicode and ANSI achieve.

"No Yes Yes809 InterlockedDecrement reduce LONG No Yes Yes810 InterlockedExchange automatic exchange 32-bit value No Yes Yes811 InterlockedIncrement increase LONG No Yes Yes812 IntersectClipRect establish Yes Yes Yes813 IntersectRect clipping region is calculated at the two overlapping rectangles Yes Yes Yes814 InvalidateRect added to update a rectangular region Yes Yes Yes815 InvalidateRgn added to the update region in a region Yes Yes Yes816 InvertRect flip rectangular region Yes Yes Yes817 InvertRgn flip region color Yes Yes Yes818 IsBadCodePtr read pointer to determine the legality No Yes Yes819 IsBadHugeReadPtr read pointer to determine the legitimacy of the process of determining No Yes Yes820 IsBadHugeWritePtr is there a written action No Yes Yes821 IsBadReadPtr process to determine whether there is a read operation Yes Yes Yes822 IsBadStringPtr string pointer determine the legality Yes Yes Yes823 IsBadWritePtr determine the legality of the write pointer Yes Yes Yes824 IsCharAlpha determine whether the string is a letter Yes Yes Yes825 IsCharAlphaNumeric OK whether the string is a digital Yes Yes Yes826 IsCharLower determine whether the string is a lowercase Yes Yes Yes827 IsCharUpper determine whether a string is uppercase Yes Yes Yes828 IsChild determine whether the window is a child window "The IsChild function tests whether a window is a child window or descendant window Of a Specified Parent Window. a child window is The Direct Descendant of a Specified Parent Window If That P arent window is in the chain of parent windows; the chain of parent windows leads from the original overlapped or pop-up window to the child window.BOOL IsChild (HWND hWndParent, // handle of parent window HWND hWnd // handle of window to Test);



Identifies the parent window.


Identifies the window to be tsted.

Return Values

If the window is a child or descendant window of the specified parent window, the return value is nonzero.If the window is not a child or descendant window of the specified parent window, the return value is zero. "Yes Yes Yes829 IsClipboardFormatAvailable determined format Whether you can use yes yes yes830 isdbcsleadbyte to determine if the character is DBCS boot byte YES YES YES831 isDialogMessage determines whether the message is used for dialog box "function function: This function determines whether a message is specified to the specified dialog, if yes, processing the message. Function prototype: BOOL IsDialogMessage (HWND HDLG, LPMSG IPMSG);

Parameters: HDLG: Identification dialog. LPMSG: Points to an MSG structure containing the message that will be detected.

Return Value: If the message is processed, the return value is a non-zero; if the message is not processed, the return value is zero.

Remarks: Although the IsDialogMessage function is extended for no modal dialog, you can use any window with control. When ISDIALOGMESSAGE handles a message, it detects keyboard information and converts them into the selection commands for the response dialog. For example, when the TAB is pressed, select the next control or control group, and select the next control of the control group when Down is pressed. Because the IsDialogMessage function To perform a message All necessary transformations and transfer, the message of the IsDialogMessage function processed does not have to be transmitted to the TranslateMessage or DispatchMessage function. The IsDialogMessage function sends WM_GETDLGETDLGCODE to the convetrial application, which is determined which key should be processed. The LSDialogMessage function sends the DMA_ETDEFID and DM_SETDEFID messages to the window. These messages are defined as WM_USER and WM_USER 1 in the Winuserh header file, so there is a conflict with the same value of the application defined by the application.

Speed: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows Ce: 1.0 and above version; header file: winuser.h; library file: usgr32.lib: unicode: Unicode and ANSIs are implemented on Windows NT Specimen. YES YES YES832 IsdlGButtonChecked OK button control status function function: This function can determine if a button controls if there is a selected flag, or the trix button control is gray, select, or both.

Function prototype: uint isdlgButtonChecked (hwnd hdlg, int nidbutton)


HDLG: Points to the dialog that contains the button control.

NidButton: Specifies the integer identifier of the button control.

Return Value: The return value of the buttons created using BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON, BS_AUTO3STATE, BS_CHECKBOX, BS_RADIOBUTION, or BS_3STATE style:

BST_CHECKED: Indicates the button being selected.

BST_INDETERMINATE: Indicates that the button is gray, that is, the uncertain state (this value is used only if the button has a BS_3STATE or BS_AUTO3STATE style). BST_UNCHECKED: Indicates that the button is unchecked. If the button is used in any other style, the return value is zero.

Quickud: Windows NT: 3.1 and 11 Versions; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Does not support: header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"YES YES YES833 ISICONIC OK Whether the window is minimized" function function: This function determines if a given window is a window that minimizes (icon).

Function prototype: BOOL ISICONIC (HWND HWND);


HWND: Handle of the test window.

Return Value: If the window has icon, the return value is non-zero; if the window is not marked, the return value is zero.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: does not support; header file: Winuser.h;

Library file: USER32.IIB.

"YES YES YES8334 IsMenu Determines whether the handle is a menu" function function: This function determines if a handle is a menu handle.

Function prototype: BOOL IsMenu (HMENU HMENU);


HMENU: The handle tested.

Return Value: If HMENU is a menu handle, return a non-zero value. If the HMENU is not a menu handle, the return value is zero.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: Winuser.h; Enter the library: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes835 IsRectEmpty determine the rectangle is empty Yes Yes Yes836 IsTextUnicode No Yes Yes837 IsValidAcl the access control list valid No Yes Yes838 IsValidCodePage determine the code page is valid No Yes Yes839 IsValidLocale determine local code is valid No Yes Yes840 IsValidSecurityDescriptor the security descriptor effective No YES YES841 isvalidsid makes SID valid no yes yes842 iswindow determines whether the window handle is valid "function: This function determines whether a given window handle recognizes an existing window.

Because of the original: BOOL iswindow (hwnd hwnd);


HWND: Handle of the test window.

Return Value: If the window handle identifies an existing window, the return value is non-zero; if the window handle is not identified an existing window, the return value is zero.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: 1.0 or above; header file: WinuserHs; library file: user32.lib. "YES YES YES843 IsWindowEnabled Determines the user input" function function: This function is used to determine if the specified window allows the keyboard or mouse input.

Function prototype: BOOL IswindowEnabled (HWND HWND);


HWND: The window handle is tested.

Return Value: If the window allows the keyboard or mouse input, return a non-zero value. If the window does not allow the keyboard or mouse input, the return value is 0.

Note: The child window can only be accepted when it is allowed and visible.

Speed: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windowsce: 1.0 and above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes844 IsWindowunicode Determine" Unicode "function function: This function determines if the specified window is a local Unicode window.

Function prototype: BOOL IswindowUnicode (HWND HWND);


HWND: Handle of the test window.

Return Value: If the window is a local Unicode window, the return value is non-zero; if the window is not a local Unicode window, the return value is zero, and the window is an ANSI window.

Remarks; the character set of a window is determined by the function regosterclass. If the window class is registered with the ANSI version of RegisterClass (RegjsterClassa), the window character set is ansi; if the window class is registered with RegisterClass (RegisterClassw) with UNICODE, the window character set is Unicode.

The system automatically uses two-way translations for Unicode and ANSI for window messages. For example, if an ANSI window message is measured using a window using the Unicode character set, the system converts the message into a Unicode message before calling the window process. The system calls the LswindowUnicode function to determine if the message is translated.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: Does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"No Yes Yes845 IsWindowVisible" function function "function function" "This function gets the visual state of the given window.

Function prototype: BOOL IswindowVisible (HWND HWND);


HWND: Handle of the test window.

Return Value: If the specified window and its parent window have the WS_Visible style, the return value is non-zero; if the specified window and its parent window do not have a WS_Visible style, the return value is zero. Since the return value indicates whether the window has a WS_Visible style, even if the window covers the other window, the function return value is also non-zero.

Remarks: The window of the window is indicated by the WS_Visible bit. When the WS_Visible bit is set, the window can be displayed, and as long as the window has a WS_Visible style, any information on the window will be displayed. Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: 1.0 or above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"YES YES YES846 iszoomed determines whether the function" function function "" This function determines if the window is the maximized window.

Function prototype: BOOL iszoomed (HWND HWND);


HWND: Handle of the test window.

Return Value: If the window maximizes, the return value is non-zero; if the window is not maximized, the return value is zero.

Quick Check: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: Does not support; header file: Winuer.h; library file: user32.iib.

"Yes Yes Yes847 joyGetDevCaps determine joystick is available No Yes Yes848 joyGetNumDevs returns the number of joystick No Yes Yes849 joyGetPos return button joystick position and activities No Yes Yes850 joyGetPosEx return lever position extended information No Yes Yes851 joyGetThreshold return joystick movement threshold No Yes Yes852 joyReleaseCapture release lever capture No Yes Yes853 joySetCapture message to the specified window capture joystick No Yes Yes854 joySetThreshold set joystick movement threshold No Yes Yes855 keybd_event synthesize a keystroke event "function: this function synthesis keystroke event. The system can use this synthetic keystrual event to generate WM_KEYUP or WM_KEYDOWN messages, and the keyboard driver's interrupt handler calls the keybd_event function. This function is replaced by using Sendlhput in Windows NT.

Function prototype; void keybd_event (Byte Bvk, Byte Bscan, DWORD DWFLAGS, DWORD DWEXTRAINFO);


BVK: Defines an objective quasius code. The key code value must be between 1 and 254.

BSCAN: Defines the hardware scan code of the key.

DWFlags: Defines a logo bit set in the name of the function operation. The application can use a combination of the following predefined constants to set the flag bit.

KeyEventf_exetendedKey: If this value is specified, the preceded value of the previous value of OxEO (224) is the prefix byte. Deyeventf_keyup: If this value is specified, the key will be released; if this value is not specified, the key is connected.

DWEXTRALNFO: Defines the additional 32-bit value associated with the keystroke.

Return Value: This function has no return value.

Note: Although keybd_event passes a hardware scan code related to OEM to the system, but the application cannot use this scan code. The system converts the scan code into a virtual keycode inside and the UP / DOWN bit that is cleared before the application is transmitted. The application can try to get a screen snapshot of the PRINTSCREEN key and store it into the shear board. To do this, you should set the keybd_event's BVK parameter to vk_snapshot, and the BSCAN parameter is set to 0 (to get full screen snapshot) or HSCAN is set (snapshot of only the active window). Windows CE: Windows CE supports the DWFlags parameter attached flag. That is, use the KeyEventf_silent flag to simulate the keystroke without generating the sound of the tap. The KeyEventf_extendedKey flag is not supported by Windows CE. Speed: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windowsce: 1.0 and above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"No Yes Yes856 KillTimer abort timer Yes Yes Yes857 lclose No Yes Yes858 lcreat No Yes Yes859 LCMapString No Yes Yes860 LPtoDP image string pointer becomes the logical device pointer Yes Yes Yes861 LZClose Yes Yes Yes862 LZCopy closing files or compressed copy Yes Yes Yes863 LZDone No Yes Yes864 LZInit initialization compressed data structure Yes Yes Yes865 LZOpenFile open file Yes Yes Yes866 LZRead read pointer Yes Yes into data Yes Yes Yes867 LZSeek relocatable file from the compressed file Yes868 LZStart No Yes Yes869 LeaveCriticalSection Retain last input threshold Segment NO YES YES870 LINEDDA CATE NO Our Current Pictures Yes Yes YES872 LLSeek No Yes Yes YES YES872 LLSEEK NO Our YES873 LOADACELERATORS Load Acceleration Key Table "Function: Turn to Accelerator Mock. This function is tested into the specified acceleration key table.

Function prototype: Haccel loadAccelerators (Hinstance Hinstance, LPCTSTR LPTABLENAME);


Hinstance: The handle of an example of the module contains the acceleration key table that will be tonged in the executable.

LPTABLENAME: Points to a pointer to a space-ended string that contains the name of the upcoming acceleration key table. Another optional solution is that this parameter can specify a resource identifier in the low word of the acceleration key table resource, and the high word is all zero. The MadeintResource macro can be used to create this value.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, the non-zero value is returned. If the function call fails, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, you can call the getLastError function.

Note: If the accelerator key table is not loaded, the function can be loaded from the specified executable. The acceleration key table loaded from the resource is automatically released at the end of the program. Windows CE: The resource is not copied into the RAM, so it cannot be modified.

Speed: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above version; Windows Ce: 1.0 and above version; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; uncode: Unicode and ANSIs are implemented on Windows NT Specimen. YES YES YES874 LOADBITMAP Loading Bitmap Resources YES YES YES875 LOADCURSOR Load Cursor Resource "Function: This function is loaded into the specified cursor resource from a executable executable (Exe file) associated with the application case. This function has been replaced by the loadLmage function.

Function prototype: HCURSOR LOADCURSOR (Hinstance Hinstance, LPCTSTR LPCURSORNAME);


Hinstance: Identify a module case, and its executable contains the cursor to be loaded.

LPCURSorname: Point points to the pointer of the string ended with NULL, which stores the like. Loaded cursor resource name. This parameter low byte and high byte 0 make up the resource identifier can also be composed of a low word a resource identifier and a high level. You can also create this value with the MadeintRes_ource macro command. To use a Win32 predefined cursor, the application must set the HLnsFance parameter to null and set lpcursorname to one of the following:

IDC_APPSTARING: Standard arrow and small hourglass;

IDC_ARROW: Standard Cursor;

IDC_CROSS: Cross cursor.

Return Value: If successful, the return value is a handle of the newly loaded cursor: if it fails, the return value is NULL. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Remarks: The loadCursor function loads only the cursor resources that are not loaded, otherwise it detects the handle of the existing optical adapter. This function returns a valid cursor handle if the IPCursorname parameter points to a cursor resource. If lpcursorname does not point to the cursor, it points to other types of resources (such as icon), the function return value is not null, although it is not a valid cursor handle, the function searches the current display device cursor for the most appropriate cursor resources. The cursor resource can be a color or monochrome bitmap.

Windows Ce: When the target platform does not support the mouse cursor. Use the CURSOR cursor component. The unique cursor supported by the cursor assembly is a waiting cursor (IDC_WAIT). Use the loadcursor function to wait for the cursor with the setcursor function. SetCursor (NULL, IDC_WAIT) When the target platform does not support the mouse cursor, use the Cursor cursor component that supports the loadcursor function in the same manner in the desktop window platform, the only difference is that only monochromatic cursors are supported. Windows CE does not support color cursor. Attempting to load a color cursor will result in an unpredictable result. The return value is uncertain.

"YES YES YES876 LOADCURSORFROMFILE Create a cursor" function function according to the data included in a file: This function creates a cursor based on the data contained in a file. This file is specified by its name or by a system cursor authenticator, which returns a handle of a new cursor, and the cursor data contained in the file can be a cursor format (Cur) or a sports optical standard format (. Ni).

Function prototype: hcursor loadingcursorfromfile (lpctstr lpfilename); parameter:

LPFileName: Indicates that the file data resource used by the cursor is created, the data format in the file must be COR or AI, if the LPFileName is non-zero, then lpFileName is a pointer to a string, which is a file containing cursor data. name.

If the high word of the LPFileName is zero, the low word is a system cursor identifier, then the function searches for the [CURSORS] entry related to the system cursor name in the win.ini file, the following is the list of the name and identifier of the system cursor:

"AppStarting": Ocr_AppStarting; "Arrow": Ocr_NORMAL

"Crosshair": OCR_CROSS;

"Hand": WindowsNT5.0 and later OCR_HAND;

"Help": OCR_HELP;


"Icon": Ocr_ICON;

"NO": Ocr_NO;





"Sizenwse": Ocr_SIZENESW;

"SizeWe": Ocr_SIZEWE;

"Uparrow": OCR_UP;

"Wait": Ocr_Wait

Return Value: If successful, the return value is a handle of the new cursor; if it fails, the return value is empty (NULL). To get more error messages, call the getLastError function. GetLastError may return the following value: Error_File_not_Found, did not find the specified file.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above version: Windows CE: Do not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; unicode: Unicode and ANSI in Windows NT version.

"NO YES YES877 LOADICON Load Icon Resource" function function: This function is loaded with a limited icon resource from the executable file (exe) associated with the application case.

Function prototype: HiCon Loadicon (Hinstance Hinstance, LPCTSTSTR LPICONNAME); parameter:

Hinstance: Module Event Handle, the executable of the module contains the loaded icon. When the standard icon is loaded, the parameter must be NULL.

LPLConname: String pointer with an empty end of the loaded icon resource name. Alternatively, this parameter can be 0 in the low position of the word, and the value is used to generate this value using the MakeintResource macro. In order to use a predetermined icon, the HLNSTANCE parameter is set to NULL and the LPLConName parameter is one of the following values:

IDi_Application: Default application icon;


Idi - Error: Hand · Shape Icon:

Idi_exclamation: The same as IDi_Warning.

Idi_hand: The same as idi_error;

IDI_INFORMATION: asterisk icon.

IDI_QUESTION: Question mark icon;

IDI_WARNING: exclamation number icon.

IDI_WINLOGO: Windows logo language icon.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is a handle of the new load icon. If the function is invalid, the return value is NULL. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: Only load it with LoadLCon only when the icon resource is not loaded, otherwise it gets the handle that has existing resources. This function searches for icons that best suggest icons for the current display. The icon resource may be a color or monochrome bitmap. LoadLCON can only load the size of the SM_CXICON and SM_CYICON system metric values. Load other sizes of icons using the loadmage function.

Windows CE: The predetermined icon (IDi *) is not supported. In Windows CE 1.0, the icon must be an icon or monochrome icon for each pixel (.ic2).

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows; 95 and above version; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib. "YES YES YES878 LOADIMAGE Load Icon, Cursor, or Bitmap" function function: This function load icon, cursor, or bitmap.

Function prototype: handle loading (Hinstance Hinst, LPCTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSZNAME, UINT UTYPE, INT CXDesired, int Cydesired, UINT FULOAD);


HinST: Processing the special case of the loaded image module. To load an OEM image, set this parameter value to O.

LPSZNAME: Processing image loading. If the parameter hinst is non-empty, and the parameter fuload does not include the value of the LR_LoadFromFile, the parameter lpszName is a string that pointing to the image resource that is loaded in the Hinst module, and a string of null as the end of the end.

If the parameter hinst is empty, and the lr_loadfromfile is specified, the low word of this parameter must be loaded OEM image identifier. The OEM image identifier is defined in the WinUser.h header file, and the meaning of the prefix is ​​listed below:

OBM_ OEM: bitmap; OIC_OEM icon; OCR_OEM: Cursor. If the parameter fuload contains the lr_loadfromfile value, the parameter lpszname is the file name containing the image.

UTYPE: Specifies the loaded image type. This parameter can be the following value, its meaning is as follows:

Image_bitmap: loading bitmap; image_cursor: load cursor; image_icon: Load icon.

CxDesired: Specifies the width of the icon or cursor, in pixels. If this parameter is zero and the parameter fuload value is lr_defaultsize, the function sets the width using the SM_CXICON or SM_CXCURSOR system metric value; if this parameter is zero and the value LR_DEFAULTSIZE is not used, the function uses the current resource width.

Cydesired: Specifies the height of the icon or cursor, in pixels. If this parameter is zero and the parameter fuload value is lr_defaultsize, then the function sets the height using the SM_CXICON or SM_CXCURSOR system metric; if this parameter is zero and the value lr_defaultsize is not used, then the function uses the current resource height.

Fuload: Specify the function value according to the following composite value list, the value meanings as follows:

LR_DEFAULTCOLOR: The default flag; it does not make anything. Its meaning is "no lr_monochrome".

Lr_createdibsection: When the parameter utype is specified as image_bitmap, the function returns a Dib partial diagram instead of a compatible bitmap. This flag is very useful when loading a bitmap instead of mapping its color to the display device.

LrDifaultsize: If cxdesired or cydesired is not set to zero, use the system specified by the system to identify the width and high of the cursor or icon. If this parameter is not set and cxdesired or cydesired is set to zero, the function uses the actual resource size. If the resource contains multiple images, the size of the first image is used.

LR_LOADFROMFILE: The image is loaded according to the value of the parameter lpszname. If the tag is not given, the value of LPSZNAME is the resource name.

LW_LOADMAP3DCOLORS: Find the color table of the image and replaces the grayscale of the corresponding 3D color table below.

Color replacement: DK Gray RGB (128, 128, 128) Color_3dshadow; Gray RGB (192, 192, 192) Color_3dFacelt Gray RGB (223, 223, 223) Color_3DLight Lr_LoadTransparent; find one pixel color value in the image and according to color table The default color value of the system replaces the value of its respective interface. All the colors of all pixels that use this interface becomes the default form color of the system. This is only used to apply for a corresponding color table.

If Fuload includes two values ​​of LR_LOADTRANSPARENT and LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS, LRLOADTRANSPARENT is preferred. However, the color table interface is replaced by Color_3dFace, not Color_Window.

LR_Monochrome: Mount black and white map.

Lr_shared: If the image will be shared multiple times. If the LR_Shared is not set, the next call to the same resource will be loaded again to load this image and return a different handle. Do not use LR_Shared using images of different standard sizes, there may be changes after loading, or loaded from the file.

Windows 95 and Windows 98: The function discovers the first image discovered based on the requested resource name in the cache, regardless of the requested size. LR_VGACOLOR: Using VGA true color.

Return Value: If the function is running success, the return value is the handle of the data of the relevant resource. If the function is running, the return value is NULL. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: When you use the resource, you must pass the function to release the accelerator table, bitmap, cursor, icon, and menu. : DestroyMenu

When the process creates termination, the system will automatically delete these resources. However, calling related functions can also retain the space settings of the memory reduction process.

Windows CE: For image_bitmap, parameter cxdesred and cydesred p must be zero. The Windows CE does not support chart jumps or flashes.

The parameter fuload must be (= LR_DEFAULTCOLOR).

If the target platform does not support the mouse cursor, you can specify the value of the SM_CXCURSOR and SM_CYCURSOR in the parameter cxdesred and cydsired, but cannot specify the value of Image_Cursor in the parameter utype.

If the target platform supports the mouse cursor, you can specify the value of the SM_CXCURSOR and SM_CYCURSOR in the parameter cxdesired and cydesred, and you can specify the value of Image_cursor in the parameter utype.

Speed ​​check: Windows NT3.1, Windows 95, Windowsce 1.0 or above, header file: minuser.h: library file; user32.lib; unicode: Uneicode and ANSI version are implemented on Windows NT.

"No Yes Yes879 LoadKeyboardLayout is loaded into a new keyboard layout" function: This function puts a new keyboard layout in the system, which can be loaded into several different keyboard layouts, only one process is only one process. Active, loading multiple keyboard layouts enables quick switching between multiple layouts.



PWSZKLID: The keyboard layout name of the storage load in the buffer is the hexadecimal string consisting of the language identifier (low word) and device identifier (high words), such as the language identifier corresponding to the US English. DX0409, the basic US English keyboard layout is named "0000409". U.S. Variety of English keyboard layout (eg DVORAK layout) is named "00010409", "00020409", etc.

Flags: Specifies how to load the keyboard layout, which can be the following value.

KLF_ACTIVATE: If the specified layout has not been loaded, the function is loaded and activated in the current thread.

KLF_NOTELSHELL: When a new keyboard layout is loaded, a shellproe process is prohibited to receive a hshell_language code. When the application is loaded in multiple keyboard layouts, all keyboard layouts except the last keyboard layout will delay the processing of the shell until all keyboard layout is loaded.

KLF_Recoroer: Move the specified keyboard layout to the header of the layout table, so that for the current thread, the layout activity. If the DLF_ACTIVATE value is not provided, the value records the keyboard layout table.

KLF_REPLACE_LANG: Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 95 or above, The identifier, the current layout is not replaced, the function returns a NULL value.

KLF_SUBSTITE_OK: Replace the given layout with the user's favorite keyboard layout, the system initially sets the flag, and it is recommended to set this flag, only a replacement is only replaced when a replacement layout is defined under the registration of HKEY_CURRENT_USER / KEYBOARD LAYOUT / SUBSTITATE. For example, there is a value of more than 00010409 in a portion called 00000409, then set the flag to load the U.S. English keyboard layout causes the DVORAK US. English keyboard layout. This parameter is used when the system boot is recommended to use this value when all applications are loaded into the keyboard layout to ensure that the user's favorite keyboard layout is selected.

KLF_SETFORPROCESS: Windows NT 5.0 This bit is only valid when working with KLF_Activate, activating the specified keyboard layout for the entire process, and sending a WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE message in all threads of the current process. Typical LoadKeyboardLayWut only activates a keyboard layout for the current thread.

KLF_UNLOADPREVIOS: WindowsNT5.0, Windows 95, Windows 98 is not supported, only when it is used with KLF_Activate, it is valid, only when loaded and activated, the specified keyboard layout is successful, the previous layout can be uninstalled, it is recommended to use the unloadkeyboardLayout function.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, return the keyboard layout handle that matches the required name. Returns NULL if there is no matching layout.

Note: The application can load the IME of the language to the default keyboard layout by defining a string of the language identifier. If the application wants to load the specified keyboard layout of the IME, you must read the registration information to determine the keyboard layout handle that is passed to LoadKeyboardLayout to activate.

Windows 95 and Windows 98: If the load is loaded with the original keyboard layout, the KLF_REPLACLANG flag is not set, the function call fails, only one keyboard layout can be associated with a given language. (For loads related to the same language, multiple IMEs are also acceptable).

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above version; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; unicode: Unicode and ANSIs are implemented on Windows NT Specimen.

"NO YES YES880 LOADLIBRARY Image Module to the Address Space YES YES YES881 LOADLIBRARYEX Return Library Module Handle No Yes Yes882 LOADMU Pack Menu Resources" Function "Function: This function is loaded from the executable file (.exe) associated with the application case (.exe) Menu resources. Function prototype: hmenu loading, lpctstr lpufactance, lpctstr lpmenuname;


Hinstance: The handle of the instance module that is loaded with the menu resource.

LpMenuname: Pointer to the end of the menu resource name. At the same time, this parameter can consist of the resource identifier on the low word and the zero on the high word. To create this value, use the makeintResource macro.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, the return value is a menu resource handle; if the function call fails, the return value is NULL. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: Turn off the application, use the function design to destroy the menu and release the memory that the load menu occupies. Windows CE 1.0 does not support laminated menus. Windows CE 2.0 and later supports a laminated menu.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above version; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; enter: user32.lib; unicode: In Windows NT environment, Unicode and ANSI Implementation.

"YES YES YES883 LOADMENUIIRECT Get menu template handle" function function: This function loads the specified menu template to memory.

Function prototype: hmenu loadmenulndirect (const menutemplate * lpMenuTemplate);


LpMenuTemplate: Pointer to menu template or extended menu template.

A menu template consists of a MenuItemTemplateHeader structure and one or more consecutive MenuItemTemplate structures. An extended menu template consists of a menuex_template_header structure and one or more Menuex_Template_Item structures.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, the return value is a menu handle; if the function call fails, the return value is null. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Remarks: In the ANSI and Unicode versions of this function, the strings in the MenuItemTemplate structure must be a Unicode string.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above version; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; enter: user32.lib; unicode: In Windows NT environment, Unicode and ANSI Implementation.

"YES YES YES884 LOADMODULE Load and Run the program YES YES YES885 LOADRESOURCE Return Resource Handle" Function Function: This function loads the specified resource to the global memory.

Function prototype; Hglosal LoadResource (HModule HModule, HRSRC HRESINFO); parameter:

HModule: Handling the module handle of the executable of the resource. If hmodule is NULL, the system loads resources from the module in the current process.

HRESINFO: The handle of the resource will be loaded. It must be created by a function firtDResource or FindResourceEx.

Return Value: If the function is running success, the return value is the handle of the data of the relevant resource. If the function is running, the return value is NULL. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: The return type of LoadResource is backward-compatible hglobal type, not because the function returns a global storage block handle. Don't pass this handle to function GlobalLock or GlobalFree. In order to get more resource data information, call the LockResource function.

When you use the resource, you must release the function to release the accelerator table, bitmap, cursor, icon, and memory resources occupied by the menu:

Accelerator table: DestroyAcceleratorTable;

Bittap: deleteObject;

Cursor: destroycursor;

Icon: destroylcon;

Menu: Destroymenu.

When the process creates termination, the system will automatically delete these resources. However, calling related functions can also retain the space settings of the memory reduction process.

Windows CE: Parameter hmodule must be non-empty.

Quick Check: Windows NT 3.1, Windows 95, Windows Ce 1.0 or above, header file: WinBase.h; library file: kernel132.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes886 LoadString charged string resource returns Yes Yes Yes887 LocalAlloc local memory block information Yes Yes Yes891 LocalFree release local heap memory allocation Yes Yes Yes888 LocalCompact No Yes Yes889 LocalFileTimeToFileTime local file transfer time is UTC time file from No Yes Yes890 LocalFlags memory information Yes Yes Yes892 LocalHandle returns the local pointer handle Yes Yes Yes893 LocalLock locked to the local memory object and returns a pointer Yes Yes Yes894 LocalReAlloc modify the local memory size and attributes Yes Yes Yes895 LocalShrink No Yes Yes896 LocalSize return to the local memory block size Yes Yes Yes897 LocalUnlock unlocked local Memory block YES YES898 LOCKFILE Locks a byte range No yes yes899 LockFileEx Locks a Byte range NO YES YES900 LOCKRESOURCE Lock Source "Function" function function: This function locks the specified resource in memory.

Function prototype: lpvoid lockResource (HGlobal HRESDATE);


HRESDATE: Handle of the loaded resource. Functions LosDResource can return this handle.

Return Value: If the loaded resource is locked, the return value is the pointer of the first byte of the resource; otherwise null.

Note: Return your handle to try to live resources by using a function FindResource or FindResourceEx, no longer work. You can return a pointer to any data and any data. When the resource is used, you must release the function to release the accelerator table, bitmap, cursor, target, and memory resources occupied by a single:

Accelerator table: DestroyAcceleratorTable;

Bittap: deleteObject;

Cursor: destroycursor;

Icon: destroylcon;

Menu: Destroymenu.

When the process creates termination, the system will automatically delete these resources. However, calling related functions can also retain the space settings of the memory reduction process.

Speed ​​check: Windows NT 3.1, Windows 95, Windows CE 1.0 or above, header file: winbase.h; library file: kerne132.lib.



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