.NET Framework user processing mechanism (Forms)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  51

1. Declare in Web.config:

Protection = "all" timeout = "30">

II. Normally enter the page:


Formsauthentication.sertauthCookie (TBemail.Text, True);

Where User is a user object that has UserID, username, emaildress, and so on.

Third. Page conversion:

First join in Global.asax:

Protected Void Application_AuthenticateRequest (Object Sender, Eventargs E)


IF (request.isauthenticated == true)


Context.user = new dong.webmodules.accounts.business.dongprincipal (context.user.Identity.Name);



Then take the value in another page and other operations:

DONG.WEBModules.accounts.business.user currentuser =

New dong.webmodules.accounts.business.user ((Dong.webmodules.accounts.business.dongprincipal) Context.user);

TBUSERNAME.TEXT = CurrentUser.userName;

TBemail.Text = Currentuser.emailaddress;


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