Delphi realizes camera photo

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  69

procedure Tfrm1.Button2Click (Sender: TObject); Var jpeg: TJPEGImage; bmp: TBitmap; MyStm: TMemoryStream; strfilename, strcard: String; begin inherited; strfilename: = extractfilepath (Application.ExeName); with DBEdit12.DataSource.DataSet do begin If not video1.saveasdib the beginning ('taking photo failed "; Abort; end; //

bmp: = TBitmap.Create; try bmp.LoadFromFile (strfilename 'Capture.bmp'); MyStm: = TMemoryStream.Create; jpeg: = TJPEGImage.Create; try jpeg.Assign (bmp); jpeg.compress; jpeg.SaveTofile ( strfilename 'Capture.jpg'); strfilename: = strfilename 'Capture.jpg'; jpeg.LoadFromFile (strfilename); jpeg.SaveToStream (MyStm); MyStm.Position: = 0; OpenQry (query1, 'select count (1) as CNT from TB_Photo where card_no = '' ' strcard ' ''); // Find no this card number openqry (Pubqry, 'SELECT * from TB_Photo where card_no =' ' strcard ' ''); // Open the card number data sheet {OpenQry is a function of custom open data table OpenQRY (Qry1: TQuery, SSQL: String); Begin With qry1 DO BEIGN IF ACTIVE THEN Close; SQL.Clear; SQL.Add (SSQL); Try Open Catch ON E: EXCEPTION DO ErrorDialog (E.MESSAGE, E.helpContext); end; // try end; end;} with query1 do beg Inix if pubqry.fields [0] .asinteger> 0 Then // Judgment if this card number exists, if there is, replace; otherwise, insert. Edit Else Insert;


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