Complete BIOS optimization

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  70

1. Standard CMOS Setup (Standard CMOS Setting) Here is the most basic CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor, complementary metal oxide semiconductor) system settings, including dates, drives, and display adapters, the most important one is HALT ON: System hanging Setting up, default is all Errors, indicating that any errors in the POST (Power On Self Test) process will stop starting, this selection ensures stability of the system. If you want to speed up the speed, you can set it to no errors, that is, try to get started at any time, but accelerated consequences may cause system errors, please select it as needed. 1, Drive A / Drive B option: 360K, 5.25in; 1.2m, 5.25in; 720k, 3.25in; 1.4m, 3.25 IN; 2.88M, 3.25IN Set the appropriate drive, if there is no corresponding hardware, try to set it to NONE, you can improve system self-test speed. 2, Video (Video) Options: EGA / VGA, MONO (Black and White Display) is set to EGA / VGA, do not try to change to Mono, slow start speed. Second, BIOS Features Setup (BIOS Feature Equipment) 1, Virus Warning / Anti-Virus Protection Options: Enabled, Disabled, Chipaway (Chip Control) This setting prevents external The program is written to the startup area and the hard disk partition table. When a write operation occurs, the system automatically generates a warning and prompts the user interrupt program. It does not protect the entire hard drive, and for the installation of the operating system (such as Windows 95/98) and some disk diagnostics, even the upgrade of the BIOS, it may generate unnecessary conflicts and cause interruption of the program. It is recommended that the user will turn this option, and the recognition of the system is disable. Some motherboards come from an antiviral core, which can provide a higher defense than the ordinary virus warning, but when using the peripheral controller of the BIOS (such as the SCSI card or Ultradma 66 control card), the start area virus You can bypass the system BIOS to attack, and protection will completely fail. 2, CPU Level 1 Cache / INTERNAL CACHE (Central Processor Level 1 Cache / Internal Cache) Options: Enabled, Disabled This setting is used to control the main cache on / off of the CPU, and L1 Cache has a great impact on the overall performance of the machine. The performance of the system will drop several orders of order after closing. At the time of overclocking, the primary cache is often the key to success, such as you can't exceed 500MHz, does not mean that the CPU cannot be 500MHz, which is probably L1 cache can't be reached, so close the first level cache can improve overclocking success rate. 3, CPU Level 2 Cache / External Cache (Central Processor Second Cache / External Cache) Options: Enabled, Disabled This setting is used to control the CPU's main buffer on / off, and its impact on the system and overclock is like a cache, Close L2 Cache can also overclock success rate.

4, CPU L2 Cache ECC Checking (CPU Level Cache ECC Check) Options: Enabled, Disabled System Enables CPU internal L2Cache to perform ECC (Error Checking and Correction, error check correction) detection, the default value is Enable, it can be reconnaissance and Correct the accuracy of the unit signal error to maintain the data, which is helpful to overclocking stability, but cannot reconnaissance. It should be noted here that enabling ECC detection will delay the time of the system self-test and reduce the performance of the machine, and must be supported to turn this feature. 5, Quick Power ON Self Test: Enabled, Disabled This setting can speed up the speed of the system self-test, so that the system skips some self-test options (such as memory full detection), but will be opened Reduce the power resistance, weaken the reliability of the system. 6, Boot Sequence Options: A, C, SCSI / EXTC, A, SCSI / EXTC, CD-ROM, ACD-ROM, C, AD, A, SCSI / Ext (at least two IDE hard drives) E , A, SCSI / EXT (when there is at least three IDE hard drives) F, A, SCSI (at least four IDE hard drives will appear) SCSI / EXT, A, CSCSI / EXT, C, AA, SCSI / Ext, cls / zip, and c this setting determines the system boot driver number. If you want to speed up the speed of the system's self-test, the system does not directly enter the main boot hard disk directly to other drive self-tests. Some motherboards (such as ABIT BE6 and BP6) have additional IDE controllers to access third or fourth group IDE devices, then you should choose EXT startup priority. 7. Boot Sequence Ext Means (What type of EXT definitions in the startup order) Options: IDE, SCSI When you use the EXT device, define the type of device used, including (Integrated Drive Electronics, Electronic Integrated Drive) and SCSI (Small Computer) System interface, small computer system interface). 8, SWAP FLOPPY DRIVE Options: Enabled, Disabled swaps the location of the disk drive, adapt to floppy disks in different formats. When the system is installed 2 soft drives, if it is set to Enabled, the system will drive B as a startup disk, and if set to disabled, their is reversed. 9, Boot Up Floppy Seek (Looking for Floppy Drives) Options: Enabled, Disabled When the existence or not, the existence of the floppy drive is displayed, and the number of tracks is 40 rails or 80 rails, usually 360K is 40 rails, while 720K / 1.2MB/1.44MB is 80 rails. The default value is Enable. Note: When the number of tracks of the floppy drive is 80 rails, the BIOS cannot distinguish the types thereof. 10. Boot Up Numlock Status (Status of the Status of Digital Lock on the Keyboard) Option: ON (ON), OFF Controls the on / off status of the keypad, and has no effect on performance.

11, GATE A20 OPTION (A20 address line selection) Options: Normal (normal), FAST setting which control unit manages the A20 address line of 1MB above memory address, set to Normal to manage with keyboard controller, set to FAST Chipset controller management can improve the speed of memory access and system overall performance, especially for operating systems such as OS / 2 and Windows. Because their protection mode often requires the BIOS A20 address line to switch, the chipset controller is faster than the keyboard controller, so FAST is the preferred setting. 12, IDE HDD Block Mode option: enabled, DISABLED previously hard disk access mode is performed, block mode makes multiple sectors into one block, each access a few fans District, you can increase the data transfer rate at multiple districts. After opening this feature, the BIOS will automatically reconpected whether the hard disk supports block mode (today's hard drives have this feature), and 64KB data can be issued once a time interrupt. If you use the Windows NT system, be careful, it does not support block mode, which is likely to cause data to transfer, so Microsoft recommends WIN NT 4.0 users to close the IDE hard disk block mode. After turning off this feature, only 512byte data can be issued once a time, which reduces the comprehensive performance of the disk. 13, 32-bit Disk Access (32-bit Disk Access) Options: Enabled, Disabled actually 32-bit disk access is not a real 32-bit transmission, but uses the IDE controller with 2 16-bit operations to achieve the purpose. . For the PCI bus, the more data that can be transmitted at the same time, the better the fake 32-bit transmission can also increase system performance. The Windows NT system does not support 32-bit disk access, which is likely to cause data to transfer, so Microsoft recommends that WIN NT 4.0 users shut down this feature, of course, 16 bits are only 32 times. 14, TypeMatic Rate Setting: Enabled, whether disabled uses manual settings to control the input speed, if you want to speed up text processing efficiency, or open well, only enabled can adjust the input rate and input delay. 15, TypeMatic Rate (CHARS / SEC) (Input Rate, Unit: Characters / Second) Options: 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, 30 Number of consecutive inputs within one second, the larger value The faster the speed. 16, TypeMatic Rate Delay (MSEC) (Input Delay, Unit: Mix) Options: 250, 500, 750, 1000 Each time the character delay is input, the smaller the value, the faster the speed. 17. Security Option option: system, setup As long as the password is created in the BIOS, this feature is turned on, when set to system, BIOS enters the password at each startup, set to setup, enter the BIOS menu Enter a password when you request. If you don't want others to move your machine, or add your password.

18, PCI / VGA Palette Snoop (PCI / VGA Temperature Detection) Options: Enabled, Disabled This feature is only used for additional devices on the graphics card interface, such as MPEG subcard, and the like. The data that can correct frame caches can be corrected by the palette detection, and can be synchronized to the additional device and the main display card, avoiding a black screen phenomenon after adding a subcard. 19, Assign Irq for VGA (Assign IRQ: Interrupt Request, Interrupt Request) Options: Enabled, Disabled Currently, many high-end graphics cards require IRQ to increase data exchange speed with the motherboard, which can significantly improve overall performance. Conversely, the low-end graphics card does not need to be assigned IRQ. In the use manual in the graphics card, it will indicate whether it calls the interrupt, the advantage of the interrupt is the savings system resources. 20. MPS Version Control for OS (MPS version of the operating system) Options: 1.1, 1.4 It is dedicated to multiprocessor motherboard to determine the version of MPS (Multiprocessor Specification, Multiple Processor Specification) to make PC manufacturer build Multi-processor system based on Intel architecture. Compared to 1.1 standards, 1.4 increases the extended structural table, which can be used for multiple PCI buss and is advantageous for future upgrades. In addition, V1.4 has a second PCI bus without a PCI bridge connection. The new SOS (Server Operating Systems, server operating system) supports 1.4 standards, including WinNT and Linux SMP (Symmetric Multi-Processing, Symmetric Multiple Processing Architecture). If possible, try to use V1.4.21, OS SELECT for DRAM> 64MB (how to handle more than 64MB memory) option: OS / 2, NON-OS / 2 When the memory size is greater than 64MB, IBM's OS / 2 The system will manage memory in different ways, if you don't have to use OS / 2, set to "Non-OS / 2". 22, HDD S.M.R.T. Capability (hard drive S.m.a.r.t. capabilities) Options: Enabled, DisabledSmart (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, Automatic Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) is a hard disk protection technology that opens system stability. In the network environment, s.m.a.r.t. You may automatically send some unsurvive packets to your hard drive, which is not allowed by the operating system, often causes the system to restart. This feature is best to close this feature if you intend to use your computer as a web server. 23, Report No FDD for Win9X (Finding Factory Drive for Win9x Report) Options: Enabled, Disabled In machines without FDD (Floppy Disk Driver, floppy drive), turn off this option and FDC in Intergrated Peripherals (Floppy Disk Controller , The floppy drive control device) option allows IRQ6 in Win9x to save system resources.

24, Delay IDE INITIAL (SEC) (Delay Ide Initialization, Units: Second) Options: 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., today's BIOS startup is much better than before, in the equipment reconnaissance, some Old IDE devices may have not started, in order to adapt to this situation, BIOS provides a delay option to slow down its startup time. The speed is the fastest time, and the BIOS will ignore the initialization failure of the IDE device and start it directly. 25. Processor Number Feature (Processor Number Features) Options: Enabled, Disabled Special Pentium et al. Sequence number processor, you can read the serial number through some special programs after opening, providing a security guarantee. In fact, the level of such protection is quite low, it is easy to crack and attack it by others, or close it. 26, Video Bios Shadowing options: enabled, Disabled graphics Make each job must pass the CPU processing data, or even exchange between hardware and hardware (such as display chip and display memory), CPU. In order to improve the speed, the first solution is to increase the BIOS chip, extend the system BIOS function to manage the graphics. Turn on this feature can copy some of the contents of the video BIOS to the system memory and speed up the access speed. In a traditional computer, the CPU reads data over 64-bit DRAM bus than the 8-bit XT bus, which can greatly improve the performance of the display subsystem. However, contemporary graphics cards have already included a processor chip, all work is done by the display processor, and directly communicate with the special instructions of the driver, while increasing speed, also provides backward compatibility. In addition, most operating systems (such as winnt 4.0, linux) can bypass the BIOS operating hardware, so the BIOS mapping has not been used, but will waste the main memory space or cause system unstable. By the way, most graphics cards are Flash ROMs are EEPROM (Electrical Erasable Programmable ROM, Electric Writing Programmable Read-On Save), but their speed is not only faster than old-style 130-150ns EPROM, even surpass DRAM, so video BIOS The mapping has become meaningless. If you intention to use mapping, you should map all the regions, do not only Copy a 32KB default value (C000-C7FF) to avoid conflicts caused by BIOS capacity. The only advantage of video BIOS map is compatible with DOS games, and those old antiques cannot access hardware directly, and they are not available for BIOS help. 27, Shadowing Address Ranges (XXXXX-XXXXX Shadow) (Map Address Column) Options: Enabled, Disabled This option controls the memory of the area to map video BIOS. Note that some additional cards use CXXX-EFFF as input / output, and the memory read / write request will not be executed by the ISA bus, mapping video BIOS may cause additional cards that cannot work.

Third, CHIPSET FEATURES setup (chipset feature setting) 1, SDRAM RAS-TO-CAS DELAY (Memory Rows Controller to Column Address Controller) Options: 2,3ras (Row Address Strobe, Row Address Controller) to CAS Delay time between Column Address Strobe, Column Address Controller. There is a latency when SDRAM is read, written, and the delay is deleted, and the delay can improve performance, and vice versa will reduce performance. If your memory is fast enough, try to use "2". When overclocking, select "3" will make the system more stable and increase the OC success rate. 2, SDRAM RAS Precharge Time (SDRAM RAS precharge time) Options: 2, 3 before the SDRAM refreshes, the number of precharge cycles required by RAS, reduced time can improve performance, and vice versa to reduce performance. If your memory is fast enough, try to use "2". When overclocking, select "3" will make the system more stable and increase the OC success rate. 3, SDRAM CAS LATENCY TIME / SDRAM CAS LENGTH (SDRAM CAS Wait time / SDRAM cycle length) Options: 2, 3 Control SDRAM before reading or writing, the unit is CLK (Clock Cycle, Clock cycle), reduced waiting Time can increase the performance of burst transmission. If your memory is fast enough, try to use "2". When overclocking, select "3" will make the system more stable and increase the OC success rate. 4, SDRAM Leadoff Command Options: 3, 4 Adjusting the data stored before SDRAM, it affects the first data at the time of burst transmission. If your memory is fast enough, try to use "3". When overclocking, select "4" will make the system more stable and increase the OC success rate. 5, SDRAM BANK INTERLEVE Options: 2-Bank, 4-Bank, Disabled Adjusts SDRAM's interleaving mode, letting different groups of SDRAM turn new and access, when the first group is deleted, the second Group access work can greatly improve the performance of multiple groups in memory. Each DIMM (DUAL in-line memory module) consists of 2 groups or 4 groups, 2 groups of SDRAM DIMM use 32Mbit or 16Mbit and other small capacity chips, 4 sets of SDRAM DIMM uses large capacity such as 64Mbit or 256Mbit. chip. If you use a single 2 group SDRAM module, set to "2-Bank", if it is 4 sets of SDRAM modules, can be set to "2-Bank" or "4-Bank". Of course, 4 groups of SDRAM are better than 2 groups of SDRAM. In addition, Phoenix Technologies's Award BIOS will automatically turn off interlaced access when using 16Mbit SDRAM. 6, SDRAM Precharge Control Options: Enabled, DisableDDisable Demand Control SDRAM's precharge time by the CPU, which will reduce performance while adding stability. When Enabled, the SDRAM controls the precharge time, saving the clock cycle spent on the CPU to SDRAM control, and improves memory subsystem performance.

7. DRAM DATA Integrity Mode (DRAM Data Integrity Mode) Options: ECC, Non-Eccecc (Error Checking and Correction, Error Check Correction) mode The integrity of additional 72-bit memory check data can correct 1 data error, Improve system stability and increase overclocking successivity. If you don't have an ECC memory, set to Non-ECC. 8, Read-Around-Write (Read nearby) Options: Enabled, Disabled When the processor makes the process, the address pointing to the command is the recently written content, improve the cache hit rate, and it is recommended to be enabled. . 9, System Bios Cacheable options: enabled, Disabled After the secondary cache maps the system BIOS from the ROM to the main memory F0000h-fffh, it can speed up the speed of the system BIOS, however, the operating system raises little request Bios, enabled is difficult to affect overall performance. In addition, many programs are written to the data through this address, suggesting that you disabled, release memory space and reduce conflict. 10, Video Bios Cacheable options: enabled, Disabled After the second-level cache maps video BIOS from the ROM to the main memory C0000h-C7FFFH, it can accelerate the speed of the video BIOS, however, the operating system raises little request Video BIOS, enabled is difficult to affect overall performance. In addition, many programs are written to the data through this address, suggesting that you disabled, release memory space and reduce conflict. 11, Video Ram Cacheable Options: Enabled, Disabled After the second-level cache maps the video memory from the graphics card to the main memory A0000H-AffH, it can speed up the speed of the video memory, however, the operating system rarely requests the video Memory, enabled is difficult to affect overall performance. At present, most graphics cards have a wide range of 1.6GB / sec (128-bit * 100MHz / 8), close to the 2.0GB / sec in the P3-500 L2 cache, and there is no significant meaning in memory. In addition, many programs are written to the data through this address, suggesting that you disabled, release memory space and reduce conflict. 12,8-bit I / O Recovery Time (8-bit input / output recovery time) options: NA, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 due to the PCI bus than 8 ISA bus, In order to ensure continuous PCI to ISA input / output consistency, the BIOS adds a recovery time for it. The default value Na is 3.5 clock cycles, and the performance of the ISA bus can be maximized. If you don't have an ISA card, there is no need to pay attention to this option. 13, 16-bit I / O Recovery Time (16-bit Input / Output Recovery Time) Options: NA, 4, 1, 2, 3 Since the PCI bus is much faster than 16-bit ISA bus, in order to ensure continuous PCI to ISA input / The consistency of the output, the BIOS adds a recovery time for it. The default value Na is 3.5 clock cycles, and the performance of the ISA bus can be maximized. If you don't have an ISA card, there is no need to pay attention to this option.

14. Memory Hole AT 15M-16M (Memory Reserved Area between 15m to 16M) Options: Enabled, Disabled Some expansion cards require a part of the memory area to work, open this feature to assign more than 15M memory to these devices, However, the operating system will not use 15m memory, it is recommended that you disabled. 15. Passive Release option: Enabled, after the Disabled is turned on, allow the PCI bus to passively release to open the CPU to the PCI bus access, then the processor can operate on the PCI and ISA devices. Otherwise, you can only access the PCI bus by other PCI master, and the CPU is not allowed to access directly. This feature is often used in the ISA bus master delay, which can balance the speed of the two bus. Enabled is a performance optimization setting, which can avoid the problem of the ISA expansion card. 16, Delayed Transaction / PCI 2.1 COMPLIANCE (Delay Processing / Compatible PCI 2.1) Options: Enabled, Disabled It is often used for data exchange between PCI and ISA bus, because the ISA bus is much slower than PCI, open this feature to provide 32-bit writing Buffering as a delay processing space. If you don't use the ISA graphics or not compatible with the PCI 2.1 standard, choose Disabled. 17. AGP Aperture Size (MB) (AGP Regional Memory Capacity, Units) Options: One of the features of 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256AGP is to display memory in partial regions of the system memory, The formula is AGP graphics card memory capacity * 2 12MB, where 12MB is used for virtual addressing, 2 times memory capacity is used to form a joint reading memory area. These spaces are not physical memory, if you want to use real memory, you must join a "Create Non-local Surface" command in Direct 3D. Win9X creates an AGP virtual memory in local memory (including disk virtual memory) and automatically optimizes all programs, and then calls the graphics memory and system memory after running. Although the size of the AGP area does not directly improve performance, there must be a certain space to meet large software of 3D games. Because Gart (Graphic Address Remappng Table, Graphic Address Remapplay Table) The general meeting causes the system error, it is recommended that the AGP area memory capacity should not exceed 64-128MB. 18, AGP 2X Mode (opening twice the AGP mode) Options: Enabled, DisableDAGP standard is divided into many specifications, and the AGP 1X transmits data signals using unilateral rising edges, with 264MHz bus with a bandwidth of 264MB / sec. The AGP 2X uses bilateral rising edges and falling edges that can reach 528MB / sec at the same frequency. If you want to take this mode, you must have a motherboard chipset and graphics card to support it. Also, if you intend to exceed 75MHz, it is best to close the AGP 2X to prevent unstable phenomena that frequencies. 19, AGP MASTER 1WS READ (AGP Master 1 Waiter Reading Period) Options: Enabled, Disabled In the default, the AGP master will wait for 2 clock cycles when performing read processing, and open this feature to reduce waiting Time, improve the performance of the display subsystem.

20. AGP MASTER 1WS WRITE (AGP Master 1 Write Period) Options: Enabled, Disabled In the default, the AGP master device waits for 2 clock cycles when writing processing, and open this feature to reduce waiting Time, improve the performance of the display subsystem. 21, USWC WRITE POSTING (UCWC Write) Options: Enabled, DisabledusWC (Uncacheabled Speculative Write Combination, Uncuffed Faprite Writing) combines each small write operation into a 64-bit write command, then send to linear buffer District, this practice can reduce the number of writes, improve the graphical performance of the Pentium PRO chip. However, USWC is not suitable for all devices. If this feature does not support this feature, it will cause system conflicts or startup issues. The new motherboard (above BX level), most of which do not need to open USWC. 22, Spread Spectrum / Auto Detect DIMM / PCI CLK (Stretch Spectrum / Auto Reconnaiss DIMM / PCI Clock) Options: Enabled, Disabled, 0.25%, 0.5%, Smart Clock (Smart Clock) When the motherboard clock generator reaches the limit value It is easy to produce EMI (ElectromagNetic Interference, electromagnetic interference). The stretch spectrum can adjust the clock generator pulse, controlling the modifications of the waveform, reducing conflicts with other devices. Improve the cost of system stability is a decline in performance, and this feature will have a big impact on clock sensitive devices (such as: SCSI card). Some motherboards have intelligent clock technology, which can dynamically adjust the frequency. When AGP, PCI, SDRAM are automatically turned off when not in use. It can reduce EMI and energy consumption and ensure system performance. If you have not encountered an EMI problem, you can choose "disabled", otherwise, please select "Enabled" or "Smart Clock". The other two percent options are the value of the clock generator, and 0.25% provides certain system stability, and 0.5% can sufficiently reduce EMI. 23, Flash Bios Protection options: enabled, disabled prohibits unauthorized users and computer viruses (such as: CIH) to BIOS, in order to system security, generally select Enabled. To upgrade the BIOS, select Disabled. 24. Hardware Reset Protect (Hardware Restart Protection) Options: Enabled, Disabled Server and routers are 24-hour common devices, which are not allowed to have a pause phenomenon. Enabled can avoid system accidental restart. If your machine is not such a device, it is best to be set to disabled. 25, CPU Warning Temperature Options: 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70 When the CPU exceeds this temperature, the motherboard will issue a warning signal and call the IDLE instruction to reduce the burden on the CPU, decrease Chip calories.

26, ShutDown Temperature Options: 50, 53, 56, 60, 63, 66, 70 When the entire system exceeds this temperature, the motherboard will issue a warning signal and call instant shutdown to protect the hardware to avoid overheating. Drop. 27, Current CPU Temperature (the temperature of the current CPU) If your motherboard has a temperature observation device, you can see the temperature of the current CPU here. 28, Current CPUFAN1 / CPUFAN2 SPEED (Current CPU Fan Speed) If your motherboard has a CPU wind speed exploration device, you can see the speed of the CPU fan, prevent a hardware failure caused by too low speed or fan-stopping. Now, many board drivers have software, allowing you to see these parameters in Windows, do not need to enter the BIOS to view. 29, CPU Host / PCI Clock (CPU Overseas / PCI Clock) Options: Default (66 / 33MHz), 68 / 34MHz, 75 / 37MHz, 83 / 41MHz, 100 / 33MHz, 103 / 34MHz, 112 / 33MHz, 133 / 33MHz sets the outer frequency of the CPU, one of the soft overclocking, try not to choose a non-standard PCI extravolus (ie 33MHz), avoid the system load overweight and burn the hardware. Fourth, Integrated Peripherals 1, Onboard IDE-1 Controller (onboard IDE First Interface Controller) Options: Enabled, Disabled Activation / Disable the First IDE Controller on the motherboard, if you have SCSI The hard disk is not using the IDE device, and the disabled can release an IRQ, otherwise it or selects ENALBED. 2, Onboard IDE-2 Controller Options: Enabled, Disabled Activation / Disable the second IDE controller on the motherboard, if you have a SCSI hard drive and does not use the IDE device, Disabled can release one IRQ, otherwise, or choose ENALBED. 3, Master / Slave Drive Pio Mode Options: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, Auto (Auto) Once Ide First / Second Interface Controller is turned on, you can use this option to adjust The Pio (Programmed Input / Output, Programmable Enter Output Mode) mode of the hard disk. The higher the value, the faster the speed, and the low speed mode can increase the system stability when overclocking, and the overclocking power can be increased. ----------------------------- Pio Data Transmission throughput (MB / sec) Pio Mode 0 3.3 Pio Mode 1 5.2 Pio Mode 2 8.3 Pio Mode 3 11.1 Pio Mode 4 16.6 ------------------------------ 4, Master / Slave Drive Ultra DMA option: Auto (Auto), DISABLED Turn on the board ID Ide first / two interface controller, you can use this option to On / Off Hard Drive Ultra DMA (Direct Memory Access, Direct Memory Access) 33 mode, excluding Ultradma 66.

If set to auto, the BIOS does not adjust the hard disk to Ultradma mode (of course, the non-UltraDMA hard drive supports Ultradma mode) must be manually opened in the operating system. ----------------------------- DMA Data Transmission throughput (MB / sec) DMA Mode 0 4.16 DMA Mode 1 13.3 DMA MODE 2 16.6 Ultradma 33 33.3 Ultradma 66 66.7 ------------------------------ 5, Ultra DMA-66 Ide Controller (Ultra DMA 66 IDE Controller) Options: Enabled, Disabled Sets the Ultra DMA-66 IDE controller's on / off state. 6. USB Controller options: Enabled, Disabled Sets the on / off state of the USB (Universal Serial Bus, General Serial Bus) controller. 7. USB Keyboard Support (USB Keyboard Support) Options: Enabled, Disabled On / Off USB Keyboard Support. 8, USB Keyboard Support VIA (USB Keyboard Support Mode) Option: OS, BIOS Set to OS, can only control the USB keyboard by operating the system and other operating systems. Set to BIOS, you can use the USB keyboard in DOS real mode. 9, Init Display First (Display Adapter Selection) Options: AGP, PCI If you use more than one display adapter, select the first open device through this setting. If there is only one AGP graphics card, select AGP will increase the start speed. 10, KBC Input Clock Select (Keyboard Controller Enter Clock Selection) Options: 8MHz, 12MHz, 16MHz Select the frequency of KBC (KeyBroad Control, Keyboard Controller), the higher the clock, the faster the natural speed. 11, POWER ON FUNCTION Options: Button Only, Keyboard 98 (98 keyboard), Hot key (hotkey), mouse left, Mouse Right (right mouse button) How to use the computer, button only is the key to switch on the chassis; Keyboard 98 is a keyboard with a special power switch button; the hotkey is started using shortcuts such as Ctrl F11 or Alt F12, if The keyboard is too old may fail; Mouse Left and Mouse Right are using the mouse to open, some PS / 2 mice may not support this feature. 12, Onboard FDD Controller Options: Enabled, Disabled Activation / Disable Soft Pan Drive Controller on the motherboard, if you do not use a floppy drive, Disabled can release an IRQ, otherwise you still select ENALBED.

13, Onboard Serial Port 1/2 (Onboard serial port 1/2) Options: disabled, 3F8H / IRQ4, 2F8H / IRQ3, 3E8H / IRQ4, 2E8H / IRQ3, 3F8H / IRQ10, 2F8H / IRQ11, 3E8H / IRQ10, 2E8H / IRQ11, Auto Adjusts the input / output address of the serial line and IRQ, select Auto to handle the operating system to complete, set to disabled saves an IRQ. 14, Onboard IR Function options: IrDA (HPSIR) Mode, ASK IR (Amplitude Shift Keyed Infra-Red, Long Waveform Movable Infrared Infrared) Mode, DISABLED This feature is usually created on the second board string Under the line, if you turn off the second serial port, you may not see this setting. Choosing different transmission modes can be adapted to a variety of external additional devices, provided that there is an infrared output on the motherboard. 15. Duplex SELECT Options: Full-Duplex (Full Bidirection), Half-Duplex Select Full Bidirectional Transmission, can simultaneously send and receive data, speed up infrared transmission. Select half-bidirection, only or receive data can be issued or received in the same time. 16, RXD, TXD Active (RXD, TXD Activation) Options: High, LOW This feature is usually found under the second board, if you turn off the second serial port, you may not see this Set. As for the polarity of infrared transmission, the correct choice can be made in accordance with the instructions of the IR peripheral device. 18, Onboard Parallel Port Options: 3bch / IRQ7, 278H / IRQ5, 378H / IRQ7, Disabled Adjust the input / output address of the parallel port, IRQ, if you do not use a parallel device, it is recommended to set up a disabled to save one IRQ. 19, Parallel Port Mode option: ECP, EPP, ECP EPP, Normal (SPP) This feature is usually found in parallel ports. If you turn off parallel port, you may not see this setting. Normal SPP (Standard Parallel Port, Standard Parallel Port) mode is compatible with all parallel devices, the speed is slower. ECP (Extended Capabilities Port, Extended Capabilities Port) uses the DMA protocol to send data and provide symmetric bidirectional communication, with a speed of 2.5 Mbit / second. With the help of FIFO (First Input First Output, first out queue), ECP is very advantageous to scan and printers. EPP (Enhanced Parallel Port, Enhanced Parallel Interface) Provides asymmetric bidirectional communication using existing parallel ports, which is more suitable for the parallel port driver. The BIOS also supports ECP EPP mode. If you don't have one device, you will waste an IRQ. Therefore, the appropriate mode (ECP or EPP) is set by the peripheral manual, and the overall speed can be improved.

20. ECP MODE USE DMA (DMA channel used by ECP mode) option: Channel 1 (Channel 1), Channel 3 (Channel 2) This feature is usually found under the parallel port, if you turn off the ECP or ECP of the parallel port EPP may not see this setting, which channel has no effect on system performance. 21, EPP Mode SELECT Options: EPP 1.7, EPP 1.9 This feature is usually found in parallel ports, if you turn off the ECP or ECP EPP of the parallel port, you may not see this setting. 1.9 Standards are fast than 1.7 standards, if not encounter compatibility issues, try to choose new standards. 5. PNP / PCI Configuration 1, PNP OS Installed (Plug and Play Operating System Installation) Options: Yes (Yes), NO (None) If the operating system in your computer supports PNP (Plug & Play, plug and play), select YES to make it better manage hardware resources. Note: Since Windows 2000 supports ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface, advanced settings, and power management) features, you must turn off the APM (Advanced Power Management, Advanced Energy Management) feature in the BIOS's energy option. In the Linux system in incomplete PNP, the installation hardware is more trouble. If PNP OS is set to "No", the BIOS allows the ISA expansion card to call resources, and in many cases, there will be a conflict, you must use a named ISA PNP Tools Tools set hardware. Even so, we will often find that hardware can't work, and the work of ISA PNP Tools after the PNP OS "YES" will become easier. Therefore, I recommend users of various operating systems, it is best to set this feature into "Yes". 2, Force Update ESCD / RESET Configuration Data (Forced Upgrade ESCD / Re-Arrangement Configuration: Enabled, Disabled In PNP BIOS, ESCD (Extended System Configuration Data) is used to store various cards IRQ, DMA, I / O, and memory configuration, usually, this feature is set to disabled. When you join the new device in your computer, the BIOS will automatically upgrade the ESCD, rearrange the hardware resources, and set it to disabled after the upgrade is completed, so we do not need to change this value. 3. Resource Controlled BY (Resource Control) Options: Auto (Auto), Manual (Manual) When you set up, the BIOS automatically sets the IRQ and DMA of all PNP devices. If you encounter conflicts that cannot be resolved, it can be set to Manual, manually change the resources occupied by ISA or PCI device. Traditional ISA cards must use specific IRQs (such as IQR 5, 7) or DMA, and new PCI / ISA PNP cards can use any IRQ or DMA.

4. Assign Irq for USB (Assign IRQ to USB Device) Options: Enabled, Disabled Distributes specific IRQ to USB devices, and disabled is equivalent to prohibiting USB work. If you don't have a USB device, turn off this option to release an IRQ. 5, PCI IRQ ActiVated BY (PCI Activation IRQ) Options: Edge, Level (horizontal) ISA and old PCI cards use the EDGE single voltage trigger mode to activate IRQ, new PCI card and AGP cards Using Level Multi-voltage trigger To activate IRQ. EDGE is a fixed IRQ, suitable for old equipment, Level is shared IRQ, suitable for new devices. Use Level mode as much as there is no conflict. 6, PIRQ_0 USE IRQ NO. ~ PIRQ_3 USE IRQ NO. options: Auto, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 hand-to-install equipment IRQ, pay attention to Points: 1) IRQ can not be given to the same ISA device 2) Each PCI slot can be activated by 4 interrupt activation, int A, int b, int C and Int D3) each AGP slot can be activated by 2 interrupts, int A and INT B4) Typically, each slot uses int A, other interrupts reserved to PCI / AGP devices Request more IRQ 5) AGP slot and PCI 1 slots share an IRQ, PCI 4 slot and PCI 5 Slot sharing an IRQ, USB uses PIRQ_4 table below as PIRQ and INT allocation scheme: Figure 1 can be seen from the table, many slots use the same resource, it is easy to conflict, should try to avoid shared slots, such as using AGP Do not use the PCI 1 slot. Usually select Auto, you can automatically set the BIOS. If you want to set up, you must clearly know the PIRQ number occupied by the slots. For example, a PCI network card uses the PCI 3 slot, which will be allocated to Int A, then the corresponding PIRQ number is 2. If your network card needs IRQ 7, set the PIRQ to IRQ 7. Such push, AGP and PCI 1 slots use PIRQ_0, PCI 2 slots use PIRQ_1, fairly simple, isn't it? 6. Power Management Setup (Energy Management Settings) 1, Power Management option: Enabled, Disabled Controls the on / off status of energy management. 2, ACPI Function Power Managing Options: Users Define (User Definition), MIN Saving, Max Saving (Maximum Saving), Disable (Off) UERS Define: The system does not execute any programs in a time to enter the power supply. And the length of time is defined by the user .min Saving: When the system is not used in 10 seconds, it enters the power energy savings method. Max Saving: Enter the power energy saving method when the system is not used within 1 hour. Disable: Close the energy Management, the computer is working in a normal working condition, although wasting electricity, but allows the machine to run at full speed, avoiding problems that suddenly enter the energy saving state when VCD is observed.

3, PM Control by APM (Control Energy Management) Options: Enabled, DISABLEDAPM execution will enhance power saving mode and turn off the internal clock of the CPU. The recognition of the system is enabled. If DISBLE is set, the system will slightly the APM functionality when the PM (Power ManagerMent, Power Management) is turned on. 4, Video Off Option: DMPS, Blank Screen, V / H Sync Blankdpms (Display Power Management Signalling, Show Energy Management Signal) Close the signal sent to the display; Blank Screen turns off the screen; The V / H Sync Blank is turned off at the black screen while turning off the vertical / horizontal refresh signal. 5, Video Off After (VGA Close) Options: Doze (Satches), SUSPEND DOZE Mode Reduces the CPU Clock; Standby mode appears after doze mode, further reduce the CPU speed; Suspend mode completely stops the CPU clock . This setting determines which state starts closing the video device. 6. Modem USE IRQ (IRQ number) Options: 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11 determine the IRQ number used by Modem to issue a suitable interrupt signal when remote wakeup, the default value is IRQ3. 7, Doze Mode option: 1min (minutes), 2min, 4min, 8min, 12min, 20min, 30min, 40min, 1HOUR (hours), disabled When the system is not used in the rated time, enter the snoring mode Time, DISABLED does not enter the energy-saving status. 8, Standby Mode (standby mode) Option: 1min (minutes), 2min, 4min, 8min, 12min, 20min, 30min, 40min, 1HOUR (hours), Disabled When the system is not used in the rated time, enter the standby mode Time, DISABLED does not enter the energy-saving status. 9, SUSPEND MODE (Sleep Mode) Options: 1min (minute), 2min, 4min, 8min, 12min, 20min, 30min, 40min, 1HOUR (hours), Disabled When the system is not used in the rated time, enter sleep mode Time, DISABLED does not enter the energy-saving status. 10, HDD Power Down option: 1 to 15 min, Disabled When the system is not used in the rated time, the time to cut off the hard disk power supply, Disabled does not enter the energy-saving state. However, when using this option, you first make sure the Power Management option is set to User Define. 11, THROTTLE DUTY CYCLE: 12.5%, 25%, 37.5%, 50%, 62.5%, 75.0% Control the energy-saving cycle of the computer, the default is 62.5%, the smaller the value, the less energy saving.


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