Several settings of MSDE

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  54

How to change the SA password

1. Open the command prompt window in the host computer that is being connected to the MSDE instance. 2. Type the command below, press Enter: OSQL -U SA At the Password: prompt, press ENTER (if the password is empty) or type the current password. This allows the SA account to connect to the local default instance of the MSDE. To connect using Windows authentication, type this command: use osql -e3. Type the following command in each separate line, then press ENTER: sp_password @old = null, @new = 'complexpwd', @loginame = 'sa '


To switch from a hybrid mode to an integrated (Windows) authentication mode, follow these steps:

1. To stop MSSQLServer, all other related services (such as SQLServerAgent), open the service program in the Control Panel. 2. Open the Registry Editor. To open a registry editor, click Start and Run in turn, then type: "regedt32" (excluding quotation marks) Click OK. 3. Find one of the following two subtries (depending on whether the MSDE is installed as the default MSDE instance or is installed as a named instance):


- or -

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Microsoft SQL Server / / MSSQLServer /

4. In the right pane, double-click the LoginMode child. 5. In the DWORD Editor dialog box, set the value of this subkey to 1 (mixed verification mode 2). Make sure the HEX option is selected, and then click OK. 6. Restart the MSSQLServer and SQLServerAgent services to make changes to take effect.


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