Win32 API function list 1 (a bit messy)

zhaozj2021-02-16  143

Xu Zhaoyuan, Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications

ID number function name function Description Detailed Description Win16 Support WIN9X Support WINNT Support 1 ABORTDOC Termination A Print Job Yes YES YES2 ABORTPATH ​​Termination or Cancel DC No Yes Yes3 Abortprinter Remove Printer Buffer NO YES YES4 ABORTSYSTEMSHUTDOWNA Stop System Work NO YES YES5 AccessCheck Test Customer Access Permissions No Yes Yes6 AccessCheckAndauditaRAR Trial Access, Generate Sound or Alert No Yes Yes7 ActivateKeyboardLayout A New Keyboard Device Function: Activate the keyboard layout. This function Windows NT and Windows 95 have a great difference. The complete Windows NT is first given in this reference page, and the implementation of the Windows 95 version is given, so that you can better understand the difference between the two. ActivateKeyBoadLayout function in Windows NT activates a different keyboard layout. At the same time, the keyboard layout is set to activity in the process of calling the function in the entire system.

Function prototype: HKL ActivateKeyboardLayout (HKL HKL, UINT FLAGS);


HKL: The handle of the keyboard layout will be activated. This layout must first call the LeadkeyBoadLayout function, this parameter must be the handle of the keyboard branch, or one of the following values:

HKL_NEXT: In the loop chain list of the system maintained, the layout of the hex, select the next layout.

HKL_PREV: In the loop chain list of the loaded layout, select the previous layout.

Flags: Defines how the keyboard layout is activated. This parameter can take some of the following values:

LFREORDER: If the bit is set, the loop link of the loaded keyboard layout will be reordered. If the bit is not set, the order of the loop link table is unchanged. For example, if the user activates the English keyboard layout, the French, German, Spanish keyboard layout is sequentially, and then activate the German keyboard layout by setting the KLF_REORDE bit, it will produce the following sequence: German, English, French, Tiya Keyboard layout. If the German keyboard layout is activated, the KLF_REORDER bit is not set, resulting in the keyboard layout of the keyboard layout: German, Spanish, English, French. If the loaded keyboard layout is less than three, the value of the logo domain does not work.

KLF_SETFORPROCESS: Used in Windows NT 5.0 or later. This parameter is used to activate the specified keyboard cloth throughout the process and send a WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE message to all threads of the current process.

KLF_UNLOADPREVLOUS: Uninstall the previously active keyboard layout.

Return value: If the function call is successful, the return value is the handle of the previous keyboard layout. Otherwise, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, you can call the getLastError function.

Note: You can load a variety of keyboard layout at any time, but only one layout can be activated at a time. Mounting a variety of keyboard layouts make it quickly to switch between multiple layouts. The Windows 95 ActivateKeyBoadLayout function sets the input language for the current thread. This function accepts a keyboard layout handle that identifies a partial and physical layout of the keyboard.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib. "No Yes Yes8 AddAccessAllowedAce ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE added to the ACL No Yes Yes9 AddAccessDeniedAce ACCESS_DENIED_ACE added to the ACL No Yes Yes10 AddAce ACE was added to an existing ACL No Yes Yes11 AddAtom string is added to a local atom table Yes Yes Yes12 AddAuditAccessAce SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE added to the ACL No Yes Yes13 AddFontResource will join a font font table Yes Yes Yes14 AddForm adding a printer form No Yes Yes15 AddJob start a print job No Yes Yes16 AddMonitor adding a printer manager No Yes Yes17 AddPort adding a printer port No Yes Yes18 AddPrintProcessor print Processor Copy to the Printer Server No Yes Yes19 AddPrintProvidor Add A Printer Support NO YES YES20 Addprinter Creating a Printer On the Printer Server No Yes Yes21 AddPrinterConnection To create contact with the printer for the current user NO YES YES22 AddprinterDriver to copy the printer driver to the printer No Yes Yes23 AdjustTokenGroups server enable / cancellations token group No Yes Yes24 AdjustTokenPrivileges calculations required to make the size of the window rectangle Yes Yes Yes26 AdjustWindowRectEx calculate the required size of the window rectangle "function enable / disable token privilege No Yes Yes25 AdjustWindowRect Function: This function calculates the size of the required window rectangle according to the required customer rectangle. The calculated window rectangle can then be transferred to the CREATEWINDOWEX function to create a window required for a client area. Function prototype: BOOL AdjustWindowRectex (LPRECT LPRECT, DWORD DWSTYTE; BOOL BMENU; DWORD DWEXStyle);


LPRECT: Pointer to the RECT structure, which contains the coordinates of the left upper left corner and the lower right corner of the required customer area. When the function returns, the structure contains the coordinates of the left upper left corner and the lower right corner of the window that houses the desired customer area.

DWStyle: Specifies the window style of the window that will be calculated.

BMenu: Indicates if the window has a menu.

DWEXStyle: Specifies the extension window style of the window that will be calculated.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is non-zero; if the function fails, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Remarks: Customer rectangle refers to a minimum rectangle that completely contains a customer area; window rectangle refers to a minimum rectangle that completely contains a window, which contains a client area and non-client.

The AdjustWindowRect function does not increase additional space when a menu bar is pulled out or more.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: 1.0 or above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib. "Yes Yes Yes27 AdvancedDocumentProperties be advanced printer settings No Yes Yes28 AllocConsole establish a console No Yes Yes29 AllocateAndInitializeSid allocation and initialization SID No Yes Yes30 AllocateLocallyUniqueId allocated LUID No Yes Yes31 AngleArc draw an arc by the specified angle No Yes Yes32 AnimatePalette toner replacement logic for the current process Projects YES YES33 AnyPopUp Identifies if the pop-up window exists: This function indicates whether an item window, the visible window, the top-level pop-up window, or the laminated window day is present on the screen. This function searches for the entire screen, not just searching the application's client area.

Function prototype: BOOL AnyPopup (Void)

Parameters: None.

Return Value: If a pop-up window exists, the return value is non-zero, even if the window is completely overwritten by another window. If the pop-up window does not exist, the return value is zero.

Remarks: The function does not detect the pop-up window that has an endless relationship, or the window without the WS_Visible setting bit.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: Does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"YES YES YES34 APPENDMENU] Add a new item in the menu: This function adds a new menu item at the end of the specified menu bar, drop-down menu, submenu, or shortcut menu. This function specifies the content, appearance, and performance of the menu item. The function appendmenu has been replaced by lnsertmenultem. However, if you don't need the extension of the LnsertMenultem, you can still use the appendmenu.



HMENU: The menu bar, drop-down menu, submenu, or handle of the shortcut menu will be modified.

UFLAGS: Controls the appearance and performance of the new menu item. This parameter can be a combination of values ​​listed in the note.

UidNewltem: Specify the identifier of the new menu item, or when the UFLAGS is set to MF_POPUP, the handle of the drop-down menu or submenu is indicated.

LpNewltem: Specifies the contents of the new menu item. The meaning of this parameter depends on whether the parameter uflags contains the MF_bitmap, the MF_OWNERDRAW or MF_STRING flag, as shown below:

MF_bitmap: With bitmap handles. MF_String: The pointer of the string ended with `/ o '.

MF_OWNERDRAW: The 32-bit value containing the application application can reserve additional data related to the menu item. This value is in the message WM_MEASURE or WM_DRAWITEM, which is the structure, or ItemData, or IParam, is located when the menu is created or the appearance is modified.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, return a non-zero value; if the function call fails, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function. Note: Once the menu is modified, whether it is in the display window, the application must call the function DrawMenubar.

In order to control the keyboard acceleration key to control the retention or the menu items you draw, the owner of the menu must handle the WM_MenuChar message.

See the self-drawing menu and WM_MenuChar message.

The following flags can be set in the parameter uflags:

MF_bitmap: Use a bitmap as a menu item. The parameter LPNewLTEM contains the handle of this bitmap.

MF_CHECKED: Place a pick tag next to the menu item. If the application provides a selection tag, a bitmap (see SetMenulteMaps), place the tag bitmap next to the menu item.

MF_DISABLED: Enables the menu item to make the item can't be selected, but do not make the menu item be grayed.

MF_ENABLED: Enables the menu item to make the item can be selected and restore it from the state of the gray.

MF_GRAYED: Enables the menu item to be ineffective and grayish so it cannot be selected.

MF_MENUBARBREAK: The function of the menu strip with the MF_Menubreak flag. For the drop-down menu, submenu or shortcut menu, the new column and the old column are separated by the vertical line.

MF_MENUBREAK: Place the menu item in the new row (for the menu bar), or normally (for the drop-down menu, submenu or shortcut) and unsenger columns.

MF_OWNERDRAW: Specifies the menu item as the self-drawing menu item. The menu is first displayed, and the window with the menu receives a WM_MEASUREITEM message to get the width and high of the menu item. Then, as long as the menu item is modified, the WM_DRAWITEM message will be sent to the menu owner's window program.

MF_POPUP: The specified menu opens a drop-down menu or submenu. Parameter UidNewltem drop-down menu or submenu handle. This flag is used to give the menu bar, open a drop-down menu, or add a name in the menu item, submenu or shortcut menu.

MF_SEPArator: Draw a horizontal zone. This flag is only used by the drop-down menu, used in the menu or shortcut menu. This district line cannot be grayed, invalid or high. Parameters ipnewltem and uidnewltem are useless.

Mf_string: The specified menu item is a text string; the parameter lpnewltem point to the string.

Mf_unchecked: Do not place the selected tag next to the menu item (default). If the application provides a selection tag bitmap (see SetMenultembitmaps), place the tag bitmap next to the menu item.

The following logo groups cannot be used together:



In the Windows CE environment, the parameters of fuflags are not supported using the following signs:

Mf_bitmap; mf_dosable; mf_grayed

MF_GRAYED can be used instead of MF_DISABLED and MFS_GS_GS_GRAYED.

Windows CE 1.0 does not support laminated menus. When using Windows CE 1.0, you cannot insert an MF_POPUP menu into another drop-down menu. WINDOW CE 1.0 does not support the following signs:

MF_POPUP; MF_MENUBREAK; MF_MENUBARBREAKWINDOWS CE 2.0 or later, the above flag is supported, and the laminafter is also supported.

"Subwindow Yes Yes Yes35 Arc Videos arc Yes Yes Yes36 ArcTo Videos elliptical arcs No Yes Yes37 AreAllAccessesGranted checks all required access No Yes Yes38 AreAnyAccessesGranted check for any required access No Yes Yes39 ArrangeIconicWindows arrangement minimizes" Function: This function arrangement designated The parent window minimizes (iconized) sub-window.

Function prototype: Unit ArrangeiconicWindows (HWND HWND):


HWND: Parent window handle.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is the height of the line icon. If the function fails, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the CallGetLastError function.

Remarks: An application can arrange the minimized sub-window to its own minimalized sub-window by using ArrangeiconicWindows. This function can also schedule a desktop icon. Use the getDesttopWindow function to get the handle of the desktop window.

An application sends a WM_MDIICONARRANGE message to the multi-text interface (MDI) client window to make the customer window to schedule itself minimize the MDI sub-window.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: Does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes40 AttachThreadInput the leads connected to one another No Yes Yes41 auxGetDevCaps acquiring ancillary equipment capacity No Yes Yes42 auxGetNumDevs return subsidiary number of devices No Yes Yes43 auxGetVolume get the current volume settings No Yes Yes44 auxOutMessage send messages No Yes to the output device Yes45 auxSetVolume disposed accessory device volume No Yes Yes46 BackupEventLog event record-keeping backup file No Yes Yes47 BackupRead produce tape backup read No Yes Yes48 BackupSeek produce to tape backup search No Yes Yes49 BackupWrite produce tape backup write No Yes Yes50 Beep generates a tone No Yes Yes51 BeginDeferWindowPos create a window position Structure function function: This function is assigned a multi-window location structure and returns the handle of the structure.

Function prototype: HDWP BegindeferWindowPos (Int nnumwindows);


NNumWindows: Indicates the number of initial windows that store location information. If necessary, the DeferWindowPOS function can increase the size of this structure.

Return Value: If the function is successful, return multiple window location structures. If there is insufficient memory when the memory is allocated, the return value is NULL. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Remarks: Multi-window location structure is an internal structure, and the application cannot be directly referenced.

The DEFERWINDOWPOS function fills the target location information of one or more windows that will be moved in the multi-window location structure. EnddeferWindowPos receives the handle of this structure and relocates these windows based on the information stored in this structure. If you set the SWP_HIDEWINDOW and SWP_SHOWWINDOW flags in any of the multi-window location structure, all windows cannot be relocated.

If the system must increase the number of initial windows set by NNumWindows in the multi-window location structure, but there is not enough memory allocation, the entire window relocation order of the system failed (BeGindewsPos, EnddeferWindowPOS). The application can perform early detection and processing during the execution by specifying the maximum number required.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: Does not support: header file: Winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"No Yes YES52 Beginpaint Prepares a Drawing Window YES YES YES53 BeginPath Starting a Rating YES YES YES54 BeginUpdateresource In Executable File Update" Function: This function returns a handle that can be used by the Updateresource function to execute Add, delete, or replace resources in the file.

Function prototype: Handle BeginUpdateresource (LPCTSTSTSTSTSTSTEEXISTINGRESOURES);


PfileName: Points to an empty string pointer indicating the end of it is used to specify the file name based on 32-bit executable files based on the resource. The application must obtain the ability to access this file and this file cannot be executed in the current state. If the PFileName is not specified, the system will search for this file under the current path.

BDeleteexistingResources: Description Whether to delete the existing resources specified by the PfileName parameter. If this parameter is true, the existing resource will be deleted, and the update executable includes only resources added by the Updateresource function. If this parameter is false, the updated executable includes existing resources unless deleted or replaced by the Updateresource specifically.

Return Value: If this function is running success, its value will return a handle by using the Updateresource and the EndUpdateresource function. If the specified file is not an executable file, or the executable file has been loaded, or the file does not exist, or the file cannot be turned on, the return value is empty. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Quick check: Windows 3.1 or more. Header file: WinBase.h: library file: kernel32.lib, Unicode: Double version of Unicode and ANSI on Windows NT.

"No Yes Yes55 Bitblt In Device Description Space Copy Bitmap Yes Yes Yes56 BringWindOPTOP Set the specified window to the top of the z-order" function feature to set the specified window to the top of the z. If the window is a top window, the window is activated; if the window is for the window, the corresponding top parent window is activated.

Function prototype: B00L BRINGWINDOWTOP (HWND, HWND); parameter:

HWnd: Set the window handle to the top of the z-order.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is non-zero; if the function fails, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: Use the BringWindowTotop function to display the window that is partially or all of the other windows or all.

Calling this function is similar to calling the SetWindowPos function to change the location of the window in the z order, but the bringwindowtotop function does not make a window a top window.

If the application is not in the front desk and wants to set it in the front desk, you can call the setForegroundWindow function.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: 1.0 or above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lid.

"YES YES YES57 BROADCASTSYSTEMMESSAGE Send Message to Specifies" function function: This function sends a message to the specified recipient. The recipient can be an application, install the drive, network drive, system-level device driver, or a combination of these system components.



DWFLAGS: Options flag. The combination of the column value can be removed:

BSF_FLUSHDISK: The recipient handles the message after cleaning the disk.

BSF_FORCEIFHUNG: Continue broadcast messages, even if the timeout cycle is over or a recipient has hang.

BSF_IGNORECURRENTTASK: Does not send messages to windows belonging to the current task. In this way, the application will not receive its own message.

BSF_NOHANG: Forced application timeout. If a recipient timeout, no longer continuing to broadcast messages.

BSF_Notimeoutifnothung: As long as the recipient does not hang, wait for the response to the message. There will be no timeout.

BSF_POSTMESSAGE: Send a message. Can't use with BSF_Query.

BSF_QUERY: Each time you send a message to an acceptor, only the current recipient returns TRUE to send to the next recipient.

LPDWRECIPIENTS: Pointer to the variable, which contains information and information of the message recipient. This variable can be a combination of the following value:

BSM_Allcomponents: Broadcast to all system components.

BSM_allDesktops: Windows NT, broadcast to all desktops. Require SE_TCB_NAME privileges.

BSM_Applications: Broadcast to the application.

BSM_INSTALLABEDRIVERS: Windows 95, broadcast to the installation drive.

BSM_INTDRIVER: Windows 95, broadcast to the network drive.

BSM_VXDS: Windows 95 is broadcast to all system-level device drivers.

When the function returns, this variable accepts a combination of the above value to determine the recipient that is really accepting the message. If this parameter is NULL, broadcast the message to all components. UIMESSAGE: System message identifier.

WPARAM: 32 bit message specific value.

IParam: 32 bit message specific value.

Return value: If the function call is successful, the return value is a positive number. If the function cannot broadcast the message, the return value is C1. If the parameter dwflags is BSF_QUERY and at least one recipient returns Broadcast_Query_deny to the corresponding message, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: If BSF_Query is not specified, the function sends a specified message to all requests and ignores the values ​​returned by these recipients.

Speed: Windows NT: 4.0 and above: Windows: 95 and above version; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; enter the library: user32.lib; unicode: in the Windows NT environment in Unicode and ANSI mode achieve.

"No Yes Yes58 BuildCommDCB DCB is transmitted to the apparatus defined string Yes Yes Yes59 BuildCommDCBAndTimeouts COMMDCB established and set the timeout value No Yes Yes60 CallMsgFilter pass the message to a message filtering process Yes Yes Yes61 CallNamedPipe Multi-Channel Operation No Yes Yes62 CallNextHookEx tone in the chain The next hook procedure yes yes yes63 callwindowProc Transports message information to the specified window process "function function: This function CallWindowProc transmits message information to the specified window process.

Function prototype: LResult CallWindowProc (WndProc LppRevwndfunc, HWND HWND.UINT MSG, WPARAM WPARAM, LPARAMIPARAM);


LPPREVWNDFUNC: The pointer to the forward window process. If the value is obtained by calling the getWindowlong function, and the NLndex parameter in the function is set to GWL_WNDPROC or DWL_DLGPROC, then it is actually the address of the window or dialog, or the handle represents the address.

HWnd: Points the handle of the window process for receiving the message.

MSG: Specifies the message type.

WPARAM: Specify the rest, message-specific information. The content of this parameter is related to the MSG parameter value.

IParam: Specifies the rest, message-specific information. The content of this parameter is related to the MSG parameter value.

Return Value: The return value specifies the message processing result, which is related to the message sent.

Remarks: Use the function CallWindowsProc to make a window subclassification. In general, all windows of the same class share a window process. Subclasses are a set of windows of a window or the same class, and these messages are interpreted and processed by another window process before their message is transmitted to the window process.

The SETWINDOWLOOG function makes the system call the new window process by changing the window process related to the specific window, and the new window process replaces the previous window process. The application must transfer any messages that have not been processed by calling CallWindowsProc to the previous window procedure, which allows the application to create a series of window processes.

If strict is defined, the LPPREvWndFunc parameter has a WndProc data type. The WndProc type describes the following: LRESULT (Callback · WndProc) (HWND, UINT WPARAM, LPARAM)

If strict is not defined, the LPPREvWndFunc parameter has a FarProc data type. The FarProc type description is as follows: int (FAR WINAPL · FARPROC) ()

In the C language, FarProc stated that it is a callback function that does not specify a parameter table. However, in C ; the empty parameters in the statement indicate that the function does not have a parameter. This subtle difference is possible to cause a code error. Here is a solution: #ifdef strict; wndproc mywindowprocedure; #else; farproc myindowprocedure; #ENDIF IRESULT = CallWindowProc (MyWindowProcedure, ...)

Further information about the empty parameter table of this function, refer to the C programming language written in Bjarne Stroustrus, written 2nd Edition.

For the Windows NT: Function CallWindowsProc Function, UNICODE to ANSF conversion processing. If you call the window directly, you cannot take advantage of this conversion.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: 1.0 or above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib: unicode: Unicode and ANSI version in a Windows NT environment .

"NO YES YES64 CANCELDC Cancel Any Overdened Operations on DC NO YES YES65 CASCADEWINDOWS Randard Specify Sub-window" Function "function function: This function stacked each of the specified sub-windows of the specified parent window.

Function prototype: Word Winapi Cascadewihdows (HWND HWNDPARENT, UNIT WHOW, Const Rect * LPRECT, UNIT CKIDS, Const Hwnd Fa * LPKIDS);


PARENT: The handle of the parent window. If the parameter is NVLL, it is assumed to be a desktop window.

Whow: Specifies a laminated sign. The only available logo is MDITILE_SKIPDISABLED to prevent the mDI sub-window from being laminated.

LPBECT: Pointer to the RECT structure, which defines a rectangular area in the client coordinate, and arranges the window in this area, which can be NULL, which uses the customer area of ​​the parent window.

CKIDS: Indicates the number of members of the array specified by the LPKIDS parameter. This parameter will be ignored if the IPKIDS parameter is null.

LPKIDS: Pointing a pointer to an array of handle arranging a sub-window. If this parameter is empty, all sub-windows of the specified parent window (or desktop window) will be arranged.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is the number of windows arranging; if the function fails, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function. Note: Call the CascadeWindows function Restores all maximum windows to their original size.

Quick check: Windows NT: 4.0 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: USER32.1

"No Yes Yes66 ChangeClipboardChain from clipboard viewer window to delete a window Yes Yes Yes67 ChangeMenu No Yes Yes68 ChangeServiceConfig modify the service parameters No Yes Yes69 CharLower character or string to lowercase No Yes Yes70 CharLowerBuff string to lowercase No Yes Yes71 Charnext Go to String Next Character No Yes Yes72 Charprev Go to String Previous Character NO YES YES73 CHARTOEM Transferring strings into OEM characters No yes yes74 ChartooEmbuff Transforms strings into OEM characters No Yes Yes75 Charupper will make characters or string uppercase No Yes Yes76 CharUpperBuff whether the string becomes lowercase No Yes Yes77 CheckColorsInGamut inspection equipment palette color No Yes Yes78 CheckDlgButton change the selected button control "function: this function changes the selected button control .

Function prototype: BOOL CheckdlgButton (HWndHDLG, INT NLDBUTTON, UINT UCHECK);


HDLG: Points the handle of the dialog containing the button.

NldButton: Identifies the button to modify.

Ucherck: Select state of this button. This parameter can remove the column value, the meaning of these values ​​is as follows:

BST_CHECKED: Settings button status is CHECKED.

BST_INDETERMINATE: Setting the button status to gray, indicating that it is uncertain. This value can only be used when the button has a BS_3STATE or BS_AUTO3STATE style.

BST_UNCHECKED: Setting button is unchecked.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is non-zero; if the function fails, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Quick check; Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above version; Windows CE: does not support: header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes79 CheckmenuItem Modify the Reset Tag Properties" Function Function: This function setting specifies the check mark attribute of the menu item to select or not select. This function has been replaced by a function setMenuItemInfo. However, if you do not need SETMENUITEMINFO extension characteristics, checkmenuitem can still be used.


HMENU: Handle of the menu.

UldCheckItem: Specifies the menu item to set it to select the tag property. Its meaning is determined by the parameter ucheck.

Ucherck: Specifies the flag of the control parameter uidcheckItem, and specifies the status of the selected tag properties of the menu item. This parameter can be a combination of MF_BYCOMMAND or MF_BYPOSION and MF_CHECKED or MF_UNCHECKED.

MF_BYCOMMAND: indicates that the parameter uidcheckItem gives the identifier of the menu item. If the flag MF_BYCOMMMAND is

MF_BYFOSITION is not specified, then mf_bycommmnd is the default value.

MF_CHECKED: Set the pick tag properties as the selected.

MF_unchecked: Setting the selection tag attribute is not selected.

Return Value: Return Value Specifies the previous state of the menu item (MF_CHECKED or MF_UNUNCHECKED). If the menu item does not exist, the return value is oxfffffffff.

Remarks: The items in the loose single cannot have a tag.

Parameter UidCheckItem identifies a menu item or command item that opens submenu. For the menu items of the open submenu, the parameter uidcheckItem must specify the location of the menu item. For the command item, the parameter uidcheckItem can specify its location or identifier.

"Yes Yes Yes80 CheckmenuradioInInItem" function: This function analyzes a specified menu item and makes it a circular button item. At the same time, the type flag of the other menu items in the relevant group is not collected and the type flag of the country buttons of these items.

Function prototype: Bool CheckmenuradioItem (Hmen HMENU, UINT IDFIRST, UINT IDLAST, UINT UFLAGS);


HMENU: The handle of the menu containing a group of menu items.

IDFirst: The identifier or location of the first menu item in the menu group.

IDLAST: The identifier or location of the last menu item in the menu group.

IDCHECK: The identifier or position of the menu item to be selected.

UFLAG: Specifies the value of idFirst, IDLAST, IDCHECK meaning. If this parameter is MF_BYCOMMAND, then other parameters specify the menu item identifier. If this parameter is MF_BYPOSITION, the other parameter specifies the menu item location.

Return value: If the function call is successful, the return value is non-zero. If the function call fails, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: CheckMenuradioItem sets the MFT_Radiocheck type flag and sets the MFS_CHECKED state to the item specified by IDCheck, while clearing the above two signs of all other items in the group. The item selected is expressed with item objectives instead of using a check mark target. To get more information about the menu item type and status flag, see the Menuiteminfo structure.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: 1.0 and above version; header file; Winuser.h; Enter the library: user32.lib.

"NO YES YES81 CheckRadiobutton Add flag" function feature: This function adds a specified button in a set of radio buttons to select the flag and clear other buttons in the group clear. Function prototype: Bool Checkradiobutton (HWndHDLG, INTNLDFirstButton, INTNLDLASTBUTTON, INTNLDCHECKBUTTON);


HDLG: Points the handle of the dialog box that contains the radio button.

NLDFirstButton: The identifier of the first radio button in the group is specified.

NLDLASTBUTTON: The last single selection in the specified group presses the group identifier.

NldCheckButton: Indicates the identifier of the radio button to select.

Return value: If the function is successful, the return value is non-zero; if it fails, zero is returned. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Quick: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and wide version; Windows CE: 1.0 and above version; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes82 ChildWindowFromPoint determines a bit window" function function: This function determines which sub-window belonging to a parent window (if existing) contains a specified point.

Function prototype: hwnd childwindowfromPoint (hwnd hwndparent.point point):

Parent: Parent window handle.

Point: Specifies a Point structure that gives the coordinates of the candidated point.

Return Value: The return value is a handle containing the sub-window of the point, even if the sub-window is hidden or disabled. If this point is outside the parent window, the return value is NULL. If this point is in the parent window, but in either sub-window, the return value is a parent window handle.

Note: The system has an internal list of all sub-windows with a parent window. The handle order in the list is based on the z order of these sub-windows. If more than one sub-window contains this point, the system returns the handle of the first window of the point in the list.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 above: Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE; 1.0 or above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes83 CHildWindowFromPointex determines a bit window" function function: This function determines which sub-window belonging to the parent window (if present) contains the specified point. This function can ignore undesior, prohibited and transparent sub-windows.

Function prototype: HWND ChidWindowFromPointex (HWND HWNDPARENT, POINT PT, UNIT UFLAGS);


HWNDPARENT: Parent window handle.

PT: Specify a Point structure that defines the coordinates of the candidated points.

UFLAGS: Indicates the type of sub-window ignored. This parameter can be a combination of the following parameters.

CWP_all: No son window is ignored. CWP_SKIPInvisible: Ignore the unacceptable sub-window. CWP_SKIPDISABLE: Ignore the prohibited sub-window. CWP_SKIPTRABSPARENT: Ignore the transparent sub-window.

Return Value: The return value is a handle that contains the first sub-window that contains the point and meets the rules defined by uflags. If this point is in the parent window, but the return value is the parent window handle in the sub-window that satisfies the condition. If this point is outside the parent window, the return value is NULL.

Note: The system has an internal list of all sub-windows with a parent window. The handle order in the list is based on the z order of these sub-windows. If more than one sub-window contains this point, the system returns the handle of the first window that contains this point in the list and meets the rule defined by uflags.

Quick check: Windows NT: 4.0 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: Does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"No Yes Yes84 Choosecolor creates a color selection dialog" function function: This function creates a universal color dialog that enables users to select color.

Function prototype: BOOL CHOOSECOLOR (LPChoosecolor IPCC);


LPCC: Points to a Choosecolor structure that includes initialization dialog information. This structure contains information about user color when the ChooseColor function returns.

Return Value: If the user clicks on the OK button in the dialog, the return value is a non-zero value. The RGBRESULT member in the Choosecolor structure contains the RGB color value of the colors selected by the user. If the user cancels or closes the Color dialog or error, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the CommdlGextondedEdError function, the return value of this function is one of the following:





Remarks The Color dialog box does not support color palette, the selection of the color provided by the dialog is limited to the system color and the mixed value of these colors, which can provide a CchookProc program for the dialog, which can process information sent to the dialog box. Enable the hook program to take effect by establishing the CC_ENABLEHOOK flag of the Flags member in the Choosecolor structure and the address of the hooked program in the IPFNHOK member.

Speed: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows Ce: 2.0 and above; header file: command: command: command: command: commdlg32.lib; unicode: Unicode and ANSI in the Windows NT environment Two versions.

"NO YES YES85 Choosefont creates a font selection dialog" function function: This function creates a dialog box for users to select the logical font properties, including the font name, font style (such as bold, oblique or normal), the font size, Effects (such as emphasis line, underscore or font color) and handwritten (or character set). Function prototype: BOOL Choosefont (LPChoosefont IPCF);


IPCF: Points to a Choosefont structure containing the initialization dialog information. This structure contains information selected by the user when returns a ChooseFont function.

Return Value: If the user clicks the OK button of the dialog, the return value is a non-zero value, and the member in the Choosefont structure indicates the user's choice. If the user cancels or closes the Font dialog or an error message, the return value is zero. To get more error messages. Please call the CommdlGextendedEdError function, which return the value as follows:





Note: You can provide a CFhookProc hook program for the Font dialog. This hook program can handle information sent to the dialog.

By establishing the CE ENABLEHOOK flag of the Choosefont structure and the address of the hook program in the IPFN Hook member can make the hook program.

The hook program can put the information wm_choosefont_getloglont, wm_choosefont_setflags, and

WM_ChooseFont_setLogFont messages are sent to the dialog to get and create icons for the current value and dialog.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 and with a last version; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: command: comMMDLG.H; library file: comdlg32.lib; unicode: Unicode in a Windows NT environment And two versions of ANSI.

"No Yes Yes86 ChoosePixelFormat No Yes Yes87 Chord draw a chord Yes Yes Yes88 ClearCommBreak restore character transmission Yes Yes Yes89 ClearCommError allow communication No Yes Yes90 ClearEventLog elimination event logging No Yes Yes91 ClientToScreen after an error converting client point into screen coordinates Yes Yes Yes92 ClipCursor The cursor is limited to the rectangular "function" function function; the function limits the cursor to a rectangular area on the screen, if the setCursor or a subsequent cursor position with the mouse setting is outside the rectangular area, the system is automatically adjusted to adjust the location. Keep the cursor within the rectangular area.

Function prototype: BOOL ClipCursor (const reference * lprect); parameter:

IPRECT: Pointer to the RECT structure contains a screen coordinate that restricts the left upper corner of the rectangular area and the lower right corner. If the pointer is NULL (empty), the cursor can be moved any area on the screen.

Return Value: If successful, return value is non-zero; if it fails, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, please call GetLastError.

Remarks: The cursor is a shared resource. If an application controls the cursor, you must use ClipCursor to release the cursor with CLIPCURSOR, which must have Winsta_WRITEATTRIBUTES access to the window.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above version; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file; user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes93 CloseClipboard off clipboard Yes Yes Yes94 CloseDesktop No Yes Yes95 CloseDriver light closing Display drivers loaded Yes Yes Yes96 CloseEnhMetaFile light off Enhanced Metafile DC No Yes Yes97 CloseEventLog optical recording closing event handler No Yes Yes98 CloseFigure a number No Yes Yes99 optical closed path CloseHandle close the open object handle No Yes Yes100 CloseMetaFile closed wINDOWS metafile DC Yes Yes Yes101 ClosePrinter close open the printer No Yes Yes102 CloseServiceHandle close the Service Control Manager Object No Yes Yes103 CloseWindow minimized window "Function function: This function minimizes the specified window, but does not destroy the window.

Function prototype: BOOL CloseWindow (HWND HWND);


HWnd: The handle of the window will minimize.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is non-zero; if the function fails, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: The window size is minimized into an icon and moves to the icon area of ​​the screen. The system displays the icon of the window without the window and displays the window title under the icon. The application must use the DestroyWindow function to destroy the window.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib

"Yes Yes Yes104 CloseWindowStation No Yes Yes105 ColorMatchToTarget preview control device context No Yes Yes106 CombineRgn the two regions into one region Yes Yes Yes107 CombineTransform The two transforms together No Yes Yes108 CommConfigDialog No Yes Yes109 CommDlgExtendedError returns an error dialog box Code "function function: This function returns a dialog error code, which shows the nearest error to appear when performing the following dialog function: Choosecolor, GetopenFileName, Choosefont, Getsavefilename, FindText, Printdlg, ReplaceText, PagesetPdlg. Function prototype: DWORD CommmdlgeXtendedError (Void)

Parameters: None.

Return Value: If the last dialog function call is successful, the return value is uncertain. If the dialog function returns false because the user turns off or cancels the dialog, the return value is zero. Otherwise the return value is a non-zero error code. See the following description for more information.

Remarks: The CommmdlGextendedEdError function can return to the general error code in the public dialog function.

In addition, it is also returned to the error code of a specific public dialog. The error code returned by CommdlgeXtendedEdEdedError defines in the CDERR.H file:

Here is the return error code value of CommdlgeXtendedEdError.

CDERR_DIALOGFAILURE: The dialog cannot be created. The Dialogbox function fails to the call function of the dialog function, for example, if the call of the public dialog specifies an invalid window handle, this error is generated.

CDERR_FINDRESFAILURE: The public dialog function cannot find the specified resource.

CDERR_INITIALIZATION: The public dialog function failed during initialization. This error occurs when there is not enough memory.

CDERR_LOADRESFAILURE: The public dialog function cannot adjust the specified resource.

CDERR_LOADSTRFAILURE: The public dialog function cannot adjust the specified string.

CDERR_LOCKRESFAILURE: The public dialog function is not available to the specified resource.

CDERR_EMAILCOLFAILURE; Public dialog function cannot be allocated for internal structures.

CDERR_NOHINSTANCE: Sets the EnableTemplate flag in the corresponding public dialog initialization structure Flags, but is wrong when providing the appropriate case handle.

CDERR_NOHOOK: Sets the Enablehook flag in the corresponding public dialog initialization structure Flags, but error when providing the corresponding hook program pointer.

CDERR_NOTEMPLATE: Initialization of the corresponding public dialog initialization structure FLAG member sets the EnableTemplate flag, but error occurs when providing the corresponding template.

CDERR_REGISTERMSGFAIL: When the registerWindowMessage function is called by the public dialog function, the function returns an error code.

CDERR_STRUCTSIZE: The corresponding public dialog initializes the old ISTRUCTSIZE into invalid members.

The next list is the return value of the Print DLG function.

PDERR_CREATEICFAILURE: An error occurred when the PrintDLG function wants to create a message table.

Pderr_Defaiktdfferent: Use the DN_DEFAULTPRN flag specified in the DEVNAMES structure to call the PrintDLG function. However, the printer described by another structural member does not match the currently default printer. (This error occurs when the deposit DEVNAMES structure and the user use the control panel to change the default printer). To use the default printer described by the DEVNAMES structure, you must empty the DN_DEFAULTPRN flag and to call PrintDLG again. To use the default printer, you must replace the devNames structure with the devun, if this structure exists), and then call the PrintDLG function again. PDERR_DNDMMISMATCH: OEVMOOE and DEVNAMFS structures describe two different printers.

Pderr_getDevmodefail; printer driver cannot initialize a DEVMODE structure (this error code is only used for Windows 3.0 and above printer drivers).

The PDERR_INITFAILURE: The PrintDLG function cannot be initialized, and there is no more error code to describe this error.

PDERR_LOADDRVFAILURE: The Prindlg function cannot be equipped with the specified printer equipment driver.

Poerr_nodefaultPRN: There is no default printer.

Poerr_Nodevkes: No printer driver is found.

PDERR_PARAEFAILURE: The PrintDLG function is erroneous when the [DEVCES] section of the Win.ini file is analyzed.

PDERR_PRINTERNOTFOUND; WIN.INI file [Device] section does not contain the entry of the requested printer

The PDERR_RETDEFFAILURE_PD: RETURNDEFAULT flag is specified in the Flags member of the PrintDLG structure. But HDEVMODE or HDEVNAMES members are not NULL.

Pderr_SetupFailure: The PrintDLG function is erroneous when loading the resources required.

The following is the return value of the Choosefont function.

CFERR_MAXLESSTHANMIN: The size of the NSIZEMAX member in the ChooseFont structure is smaller than the size of the NSIZEMIN member.

CFERR_NOFONTS: There is no font.

Below is the return value of the getopenfilename and getSaveFileName functions.

Fnerr_buffertoosmall: The buffer pointed to by the OpenFileName structure is too small to be used by the file name specified by the user. The byte of the first two IPSTRFile buffer contains a set value of the specified size. Used to store a full file name.

FNERR_INVAIDFILENAME: The file name is invalid.

FNERR_SUBASSFAILIIRE: An error occurred while categorizing the list box because there is not enough memory.

Below is the return value of the FindText and ReplaceText functions.

FRERR_BUFFERLENGTHZERO: A member of the structure FINDREPLACE points to an invalid buffer.

Windows CE supports additional four return values ​​in Windows CE, as follows:

The CDERR_REGISTRYFAILURE public dialog function cannot read the registry.

Some of the return values ​​below apply only to the PrintDLG function.

PDERR_NOPORTS: No registered port Pderr_noprinters: No registered printer


Windows CE does not support CDERR_LOADSTRFAILURE, CDERR_MEMLOCKFAILURE, or CDERR_REGISTERMSGFAIL return value. WINDOWS CE also does not support any PDERR_ error value. Speed: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above version; Windows Ce: 1.0 and above version: Header file: commdlg.h; library file: COMDLG32.LIB.

"No Yes Yes110 CommandLineToArgv No Yes Yes111 CompareFileTime comparing two 64-bit file time No Yes Yes112 CompareString compare two local specified string No Yes Yes113 ConfigurePort configure the printer port No Yes Yes114 ConnectNamedPipe wait for the client No Yes Yes115 ConnectToPrinterDlg browser to connect to the display dialogue and connect to the network printer No Yes Yes116 ContinueDebugEvent make debugging trail continues No Yes Yes117 ControlService sent to the server control No Yes Yes118 ConvertDefaultLocale will be converted to the local default actual local value No Yes Yes119 CopyAcceleratorTable copy accelerator table "function: copy accelerator table. Copy Acceleration Key Table Function Copy Specifies Acceleration Key Table. This function is used to obtain acceleration key table data corresponding to an acceleration key table handle, or to determine the size of the acceleration key table data.

Function prototype: int CopyAcceleratorTable (Haccel Haccelsrc, LpacCel iPacceidst, Int Caccelentries);


Haccelsrc: The handle of the copied acceleration key table.

IPacceLDST: Points to the ACCEL structure array, which exists in the structure of the acceleration key table information that will be copied.

CacCelentries: Specifies the number of ACCEL structures to be copied to the buffer by the iPacceidst parameter.

Return Value: If iPacceLDST is empty, the return value gives the number of initial acceleration keys. Otherwise, give the number of entrances to the accelerated key table of the copy.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above: Windows: 95 and above version; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; unicode: Unicode and ANSI on Windows NT Specimen.

"NO YES YES120 COPYCURSOR Copy a Cursor" function function: This function is copied to a cursor.

Function prototype: hcursor copycursor (HCURSOR PCUR);


PCUR: Handle of the copied cursor

Return the value; if successful, the return value is the handle of the copied cursor; if it fails, the return value is null (empty). To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Remarks; the CopyCursor function enables an application or a dynamic connection library (OLL) to get a handle of the cursor shape belonging to another module. If another module is released, the application can still use the cursor shape. Before shutting down, an application must call the DestroyCursor function to release any system resources related to the cursor. Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib

YES YES YES121 COPYENHMETAFILE Copy Enhancement Module File No Yes Yes122 Copyfile Copy Document NO YES YES123 Copy Icon Function: This function copies the specified icon from another module to the current module.

Function prototype: Hicon Copyicon (HICON HLCON);


HLCOM: The handle of the copy icon.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is the handle of the icon copy; if the function is invalid, the return value is NULL. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: Copyicon function Enables application or dynamic link library (DLL) to get another module you own yourself. If this module is released, the application icon will still use this icon.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"YES YES YES124 COPYIMAGE Create a new image" function: This function creates a new image (icon, cursor, bitmap) and copy the properties of the specified image to the new image. If necessary, the function will extend the bit value to fill the size required for the new image.

Function prototype: Handle Copy, ujnt utype, int cxdesired, int Cydesired, uint fuflags


HIMAGE: It is directed to a handle of a special case in a model that will be copied.

Utype: Describes the type of the copied image, this parameter will might be the same value:

Image_bitmap: Represents a bitmap; image_cursor; represents a cursor.

Image_ICON: Represents a copy of an icon.

CxDesired: The pixel width required to specify the image.

Cydesired: The pixel height required to specify the image.

FuFlags: Specifies the following composite values, the meaning of which is as follows:

LR_copyDeleteorg: Deletes the original image after creating a copy.

LR_copyReturnorg; represents an accurate copy of an image, and ignores parameters cxdesired and cydesired.

LR_Monochrome: Indicates a new monochrome image.

LR_copyFromResource; indicates that trying to load the icon or cursor resources from the original resource file rather than a simple copy of the current image. This makes it very useful when creating a copy of different sizes in a resource file containing multiple sizes. If there is no such sign, the CopyLmage function will extend the original image to the new size; if this flag is set, the CopyLmage function will select the value that is closest to the expected size in the resource file. This function is only running when the HLMAGE parameter in the loadlcon, loadcursor, or loadlmage function is loaded into a lr_shared value.

Return Value: If the function is running success, its value will return the handle of the latest image; if the function is failed, its value will return empty. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: When the resource is used, you can call the functions listed in the table below to release the relevant memory.

Resource Release Function Resource Release Function: Bitmap DeleteObject Bitmap: DELETEOBJECT;

Cursor Destroycursor Cursor: DestroyCursorr; Lcon Destroylcon Icon: Destroylcon.

When the process terminates, the system will automatically delete these resources. Thus, call-related functions can save memory space and reduce the size of space required for process work settings.

Quick check: Windows NT 3.5 Windows 95 or more, header file: Winuserh; library file: user32.lib.

"No Yes Yes125 CopyLZFile No Yes Yes126 CopyMetaFile copy Windows Metafile Yes Yes Yes127 CopyRect copy rectangle size Yes Yes Yes128 CopySid the SID copied into the buffer No Yes Yes129 CountClipboardFormats return clipboard format number Yes Yes Yes130 CreateAcceleratorTable established accelerator table "Function function: Create an acceleration key table. This function creates an acceleration key table.

Function prototype: Haccel CreateAcceleratorTable (lpaccel lpaccl, int centries);


IPACCL: Pointer to the ACCEL structure array describing the acceleration key table.

CENTIRES: Specifies the number of accel structures in the array.

Return value: If the function call is successful, return the value of the value created to the accelerated key table; otherwise, the return value is empty. If you want more error messages, please call GetLastError.

Note: Before shutting down the application, you must call the DESTROYACCEELERATORTABLE function to undo all the acceleration key table created by the CreatedAccelersTortable function.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1U and above; Windows: 95 and above version; Windows CE: 1.0 and above version: Header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; unicode: Unicode on Windows NT Two versions of ANSI.

"No Yes Yes131 CreateBitmap establish device independent memory bitmap Yes Yes Yes132 CreateBitmapIndirect with the BITMAP structure established bitmap Yes Yes Yes133 CreateBrushIndirect establishing a brush Yes Yes with the specified attribute Yes134 CreateCaret system caret create a new shape" functional capabilities; the The function creates a new shape for the system insertion tag and specifies the primary relationship of the inserted tag to a specific window. Insert the marker shape. Can be a line, block, or bitmap. Function prototype: Bool CreateCaret (HWND HWND, HBIBMAP HBITMAP, INT NHEIGHT);


HWnd: Specifies the commission with a window that is inserted.

HBitmap: Identifies a bitmap for defining the shape of the inserted marker. If the parameter is null, the insert mark is solid (primary color), if the parameter is (hbitmap) 1, then the insert mark is gray. If this parameter is a bitmap sector, the insert mark is the specified bitmap. Bitchart Squi must have been created by createBitmap, CreatorDibitmap or LoadBitmap function.

If hbitmap is a bitmap, then the CreateCaret function will ignore the parameters NWIDTH and NHEIGHT because the bitmap defines its width and height.

NWIDTH: Specify the width of the insert mark according to the logical unit, if the parameter is zero, then the width is set to the window boundary width defined by the system. If hbitmap is a bitmap sector, the function CreateCaret ignores the parameter.

NHEIGHT: Specifies the height of the insert mark as a logical unit. If this parameter is zero, then the window boundary of the system-defined window is high if hbitmap is a bitmap section, then the function CreateCaret ignores the parameter.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is non-zero; if the function is executed, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Remarks: Parameters NWIDTH and NHEIGHT specify the width and height of the inserted tag, which is represented by logical unit; according to the true width and height of the pixel.

The CREATECARET function automatically clears the previous inserted mark, and does not consider ownership the inserted tag. The newly created insert tag has been hidden until the application calls showcaret function makes the insertion tag.

The system provides an insert mark for each queue. The window only creates an insert mark when it has a keyboard focus (FOCUS) or it is an active window. This window should clear the insert mark before the keyboard focus disappears or window becomes inactive.

You can retrieve the width or height of the system window boundary by using the GetSystemMetrics function and specifying the SM_CXBORDER and SM_CYBORDER value. The width or height of the window boundary can ensure that the insert mark is visible on the high resolution screen.

For Windows CE: Windows CE does not support HbitMap parameters, and this parameter should be set to NULL. Windows CE default is solid (Solid) insert tag.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: 1.0 and above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes135 CreateColorSpace shadow area to establish a logical color No Yes Yes136 CreateCompatibleBitmap establish the DC compatible bitmap Yes Yes Yes137 CreateCompatibleDC establish compatible with the specified DC DC Yes Yes Yes138 CreateConsoleScreenBuffer returns a handle to the new screen buffer No Yes Yes139 CreateCursor creates a cursor with a specified size: This function creates a cursor specified for size, bit mode, and hotspots. Function prototype: HCURSOR CREATECURSOR (Hinstance HTNST, INT Xhotspot; Int Yhotspot; Int Nwidth; IUT NHEIGHT, Const Void * pvandplane, const void * pvxorplane);


HLNST: Create a current case handle of the application of the cursor.

Xhotspot: Specifies the horizontal position of the cursor hotspot.

YHOTSPOT: Specifies the vertical position of the cursor hotspot.

NWIDTH: Specifies the width of the cursor in units of pixels.

NHEIGHT: Specifies the height of the cursor in pixels.

Pvandplane: Points to a pointer to a byte array, which contains the bit value of the cursor and mask, just like the monochrome bitmap related to the device.

PVXorplane: Points to a pointer to a byte array, which contains the bit value of the cursor XOR mask, just like the monochrome bitmap related to the device.

Return Value: If successful, return the value of the cursor; if it fails, the return value is null (empty), if you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: NWIDTH and NHEIGHT parameters must specify a width and height of a current display drive support because the system cannot create a cursor of other sizes, in order to determine the width and height supported by the display driver, use the GetSystemMetrics function, specify the SM_CXCuror or SM_CYCURSOR value. Before an application is closed, you must call the DestroyCursor function to release any system resources related to the cursor.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes140 CreateDC establish a device description Yes Yes Yes141 CreateDIBPatternBrush established pattern brush Yes Yes Yes142 CreateDIBPatternBrushPt from the DIB establishing a logical brush No Yes Yes143 CreateDIBSection No Yes Yes144 CreateDIBitmap from bitmap establish bitmap handle Yes Yes Yes145 CreateDesktop from DIB spec in NO YES YES146 CREATEDIALOGINDIRECTPARAM Create a Non-Modal Dialog from Memory Module "Function: This function creates a non-Mode dialog box from the dialog template in memory. Before the display dialog box, the function is used as WM_INITDIALOGOG. The iParam parameter of the message is transmitted to the dialog process. The application can be used to initialize the dialog control.

Function prototype: HWND CREATEDIALOGIIRECTPAR (Hinstance Hinstance, LPCDLGTemplat iptempiate, hwndhwndparent, dlgproc ipdialogfunc, lparam iParaminit); parameter:

Hinstance: Identify the example of the module that will create the dialog.

IPTemplate: Points a pointer to a global memory object containing a template, CreateDialog IndirectParam With this template to create a dialog.

The dialog template consists of the title of the description dialog, followed by the title to describe one or more data blocks of each control, the template can be used in standard format or extended format.

In the standard template, the title is composed of a DLGTEMPLATE structure follows one bearing length array. Each control data is composed of a DLGTEMPLATE structure with a bearing length array.

In the extended template, the title is in the DLGTemplateEx format and control defines the DLGITEMPLATEEX format.

After the CreatedIlogindirectParam function returns, the template can be released, this template is only used to start the dialog.

HWndParent: Identify the window with the dialog.

Ipdialogfunc: Point points to the dialog process, for more dialog, see DialogProc.

LParamlnit: Specifies the value in the iParam parameter passed to the WM_INIDIALOG message.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, the return value is the handle of the point to the dialog: if the function call fails, the return value is NULL. To get more error messages, you can call the getLastError function.

Remarks: The CreatDialogindirectParam function uses the CreateWindowEx function to create a dialog, then send a WM_INTDIALOG message to the dialog application if the template specifies the DS_SETFONT type, the function also sends a WM_SETFont message to the dialog application. If the template specifies the WS_Visble type, the function is displayed, and final MedialogDirectParam returns the window handle pointing to the dialog.

After the CreatDialogindirectParam function returns, use the showWindow function to display the dialog (if not yet displayed). Use the DESTROYWINDOW function to clear the dialog.

In the Standard Dialog Template, the DLGTemplate structure and each DLGItemTemplate structure must be aligned in DWORD borders, and the data created by the DLGEMTEPLATE structure must also be aligned according to DWORD boundaries. All other variable length arrays in the template must be adjusted according to the DWORD boundary.

On the extended dialog template, the DLGTemplateEx structure and each DLGITEMTEMPLATEEX structure must be aligned by DWORD border, and the data arranging the DLGEMTEPLATE structure must also be aligned according to DWORD boundaries. All other variable length arrays in the template must be adjusted according to the DWORD boundary.

All dialog templates of the string, such as the title of the dialog, buttons, must be a Unicode string. use

MultibyToWideChar function Generates these Unicode strings to create code that works on both Windows and Windows NTs.

Windows 95 and later: The system can support up to 255 controls each dialog template. To put more than 255 controls into the dialog box, you can create controls in the WM_INITDLALOG message processor instead of putting them into the template.

Windows CE: Dialogs outside the visual screen area cannot be automatically repositioned. If the user presses Alt H while the dialog box is input, the system transmits a WM_HELP message to the dialog process, and the application should respond to this message via the display dialog descriptor.

The type member of the DLGTemplate structure does not support the following types:

DS_SETFONT: The font cannot be set in the dialog.

DS_RECURSE: No need. Any sub-dialog is automatically seen as a recursive dialog.

DS_CONTROL: No need.

WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT: All dialogs are automatically assumed to control the parent. Use the DS_Center type to get the default location. If you do not specify WS_CHLD. It is assumed to be a WS_POPUP type.

Speed: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above: Windows: 95 and above version; Windows Ce: 1.0 and above version; header file: Winuse.H library file: user32.lib; unicode: Uneicode and ANSIs are implemented on Windows NT version.

"NO YES YES147 CREATEDIALOGPARAM Establishs Non-Modal Dialog" function: This function creates a non-mode dialog based on dialog template resources. Before the dialog box is displayed, the function is used as a WM_INITDIALOG message iParam parameter to the dialog process application to initialize the dialog control.



Hinstance: Identify an example of a module that contains the dialog template.

IpTemplateName: Identifies the dialog template. This parameter can point to a pointer to a string ending with NULL, the string specifies a dialog template name, or an integer value of the resource identifier of the specified dialog template. If this parameter specifies a resource identifier, its high word must be zero and the low word must contain an identifier. This value must be created with the MakeTResourDe macro.

HWndParent: Specifies the window with the dialog.

Ipdialogfunc: Pointer to the dialog process. For more detailed information about the dialog process, see DialogProc.

DWLNITPARAM: Specifies the value of the dialog process in the iParam parameter passed to the WM_INITDIALOG message.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, the value is the window handle pointing to the dialog. If the function call fails, the return value is NULL.

To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: The CreateoialOGParam function creates a dialog with the CreateWindowEx function. The createDialogparam function passes a WM_INITDIALOG message (and a WM_SETFONT message if the template specifies the DS SetFont type) to the dialog process. If the template specifies the WS_Visible type, the function is displayed, and the last CreateDialogparam returns the window handle of the dialog.

CreateDialogParam After returning the application with the showwindow display dialog (if not yet displayed). The application uses the DestroyWindow function to clear the dialog.

Windows 95 and later: The system supports up to 255 controls in each dialog template. In order to put the control of more than 255 controls into the dialog box, you need to create control in the WM_INITDIALOG message processor instead of putting them into the template. Windows CE: The DLGTemplate structure in the dialog template pointing to the IPTemplatename parameter does not support all types.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: 1.0 and above; header file; winuser.h; library file: use32.lib; unicode: Unicode and Unicode and ANSI two versions.

"No Yes Yes148 CreateDirectory create a new directory No Yes Yes149 CreateDirectoryEx establish a template attribute a directory No Yes Yes150 CreateDiscardableBitmap establishment may abandon bitmap Yes Yes Yes151 CreateEllipticRgn establish an elliptical area Yes Yes Yes152 CreateEllipticRgnIndirect establish an elliptical area Yes Yes Yes153 CreateEnhMetaFile establish an enhanced map metafile DC No Yes Yes154 CreateEvent returns a new event object handle No Yes Yes155 CreateFile create, open or truncate file No Yes Yes156 CreateFileMapping returns a new file image of the object is a handle No Yes Yes157 CreateFont create a logical font Yes Yes Yes158 CreateFontIndirect build fonts LOGFONT structure YES YES YES159 CREATEHALFTONEPALETTE Establishing an Intermediate Color Paper NO YES YES160 CREATEHATCHBRUSH Establishment Creation Brush YES YES YES YES YES162 CREATEICON Establishing an icon with a specified property: This function is specified by the specified size, Color, bit creation icon.

Function prototype: HCON Createicon (Hinstance Hinstance, Int Nwidth, Int NHEIGHT, BYTE CPLANES, BYTE CBITSPIXE, CONS TBYTE * IPBITS, Const Byet * ipbxorbits;


Hinstance: Create a handle of the icon module instance.

NWIDTH: Specifies the target width (pixel).

NHEIGHT: Specifies the icon height (pixels).

CPLANES: Specifies the number of parties or the number of parties that are different from the icon bib.

CBITSPIXEL: Specifies the number of bits per pixel in the icon bib code.

IPBANDBITS: The pointer of a zyll array, this array contains a icon bit and bit value. This bit mask describes a monochrome bitmap.

IPBXORBITS: The pointer of a zyll array, this array contains a target-like or bit value. This bit mask describes a monochrome bitmap or device-related color bitmap.

Return Value: If the function successfully returns the value is the handle of the icon. If the function is invalid, the return value is NULL. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Remarks: NWIDTH and NHEIGHT parameters are limited by the width and height limit specified by the current display driver because the system cannot create an icon of other sizes. Use the getSystemMetric function to determine the width and height of the display driver support.

Createicon Application List and and List or Table:


0 0 black

0 1 white

1 0 Direct Display 1 1 Inverted Display

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95N or above: Windows CE: Does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"YES YES YES163 CREATEICONFROMROMROMROMROMRESOURCE Establish Icon" function: This function creates an icon or cursor by describing the resource bits of the icon.

Function prototype: Hicon CreateiconFuomResource (Pbyte Presbits, DWORD DWRESSIZE, BOOL FLCON, DWORD DWVER);

Dresdits: Typical applications that contain icons or cursor resource bit buffers, which can be loaded into these bits by calling the LookUplConldFromDirectory or LOADRESOURCE function (LookuplConldFromDirectorVex in Windows 95).

DWRESSIZE: Specifies the size of the bit set by the DRESBITS parameter in bytes.

DWVER: Specifies the version number of the icon or cursor format of the resource bit specified by the Presbits parameter. The parameters may be the following values:

Format DWVER

Winsows2.x 0 × 00020000

WinSows3.x 0 × 00030000

All Microsoft Win32-based applications use Windows 3.x format icons and cursors.

Return Value: If the function successfully returns the value of the icon or cursor; if the function fails, the return value is NULL. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: CreateiconFromResource, CreateiconFromResourceEx, CreateiconIndirect, GeticonInfo, LookupiconidFromDirectory, LookuPiconidFromDirectoryEx function allows the shell application and icon browser to check and use resources throughout the system.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"NO YES YES164 CREATEICONDIRECT Establishment Icon or Cursor No Yes Yes165 Createiocompletionport No Yes Yes166 CreatemdiWindow creates a new MDI window" Function: This function creates a sub-window of multi-document interface MDI.

The function prototype: HWND GreateMDIWindow (LPTSTR IpClassName, LPTSTR IpWindowName, LPTSTR IpWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, int X, int Y, intn Width, int nHeight, HWND hWndParent, HINSTANCE hInstance, LPARAM IParam);


LPClassName: The string pointer ending with "/ O", which specifies the window class of the MDI sub-window. This class must have been registered by calling the RegisterClassex function.

LPWINDOWSNAME: The string pointer ending with "/ O", which represents the name of the window. The system displays this name in the title bar of the sub-window. DWStyle: Specifies the form of the MDI sub-window. If the MDI Customer window is created in the MDIS-AllChildStyles window, this parameter can be any combination of window in the window listed in the CreateWindow function description; otherwise, this parameter must take one or more combinations of the column value:

WS_MINIMIZE: Create an initial status of the MDI sub-window.

WS_MAXIMIZE: Create an initial state as an MDI sub-window that is extremely magnified.

WS_HSCROLL: Create a MDI sub-window with horizontal flow bars.

WS_VSCROLL: Creates a MDI sub-window with vertical flow bars.

X: Specifies the initial value of the MDI sub-window in the horizontal position in the customer coordinate system. If this parameter value is CW_USEDEFAULT, the MDI sub-window is assigned to the default value of the horizontal position.

Y: Specifies the initial value of the MDI sub-window in the vertical position in the customer coordinate system. If this parameter is CW_USEDEFAULT, the MDI sub-window is assigned to the default value of the vertical position.

NWIDTH: Specifies the initial width of the MDI sub-window, in unit of equipment. If this parameter value is CW_USEDEFAULT, the MDI sub-window is assigned to default width.

NHEIGHT: Specifies the initial height of the MDI sub-window, in units of equipment. If this parameter value is CW_USEDEFAULT, the MDI sub-window is assigned to the default height.

HWndParent: Points the handle of the MDI customer window that is the parent window of the new MDI sub-window.

Hinstance: Points the handle of the application case that creates the MDI sub-window.

LPARAM: Specifies the value defined by an application.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, the return value is the handle of the created window; otherwise, the return value is NULL. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Remarks: Use the CreateMDiWindow function to send a WM_MDCREATE message to a MDI customer window day, difference is that the function can create an MDI sub-window in different threads, and the message is not available.

WINDOWS 95. The system can support up to 16,364 window handles.

Quickud: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Does not support; header file: Winuser.h; Enter the library: user32.lib; unicoa: Unicode and ANSI in the Windows NT environment achieve.

"NO YES YES167 CREATEMAILSLOT Establish Milsolt No Yes YES168 CREATEMENU Establish Menu" function: This function creates a menu. This menu is originally empty, but the function INSERMENULTEM, APPENDMENU, and LNSERTMENU are used to fill in the menu item.

Function prototype: HMenu CreateMenu (Void)

Parameters: None.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, the return value is the handle of the new creation menu. If the function call fails, the return value is NULL. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: The resource associated with the menu assigned to a window day will be released. If this menu is not assigned to a window, the application must release resources connected to the menu before shutting down. The application releases the menu resource by calling the function destroymenu. In the Windows 95 environment, the system can support up to 16,364 menu handles.

Quick check: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows Ce: 1.0 and above; header file: winuser.h; enter the library: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes169 CreateMetaFile WINDOWS establish primitive DC Yes Yes Yes170 CreateMutex returns a handle to the object MUTEX No Yes Yes171 CreateNamedPipe establish a named pipe instance No Yes Yes172 CreatePalette establishing a logical palette of colors Yes Yes Yes173 CreatePatternBrush established from the bitmap pattern of the brush Yes Yes Yes174 CreatePen establish logical pen Yes Yes Yes175 CreatePenIndirect established with LOGPEN structure brush Yes Yes Yes176 CreatePipe establish anonymous pipes No Yes Yes177 CreatePolyPolygonRgn established area Yes Yes consist of polygons Yes178 CreatePolygonRgn establish polygonal area Yes Yes Yes179 CreatePopupMenu build pop-up menu "function- : This function creates a drop-down menu, submenu, or shortcut menu. This case is originally empty, but the function INSERMENULTEM can be used to insert or add menu items. You can also use the function INSERTMENU to interrupted the menu item, using the appendmenu to add menu items.

Function prototype: HMenu CreatePopupmentu (Void)

Parameters: None.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, the return value is the handle of the new creation menu. If the function call fails, the return value is NULL. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: An application adds a new menu to the existing menu, or you can call the function TRACKPOPUPMENUEX or TRACKPOPUPMENU to display the shortcut menu. The resource associated with a menu assigned to a window will be released automatically. If this menu is not assigned to a window, the application must release resources connected to the menu before shutting down. The application releases the menu resource by calling the function destroymenu. In the Windows95 environment, the system can support up to 16,364 menu handles.

Speed: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above version; Windows Ce: 1.0 and above: Header file: Winuser.h; Enter the library: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes180 CreatePrivateObjectSecurity allocate and initialize the protected SD No Yes Yes181 CreateProcess establish new processes and clues objects No Yes Yes182 CreateProcessAsUser establish the specified user new process No Yes Yes183 CreateRectRgn build a rectangular area Yes Yes Yes184 CreateRectRgnIndirect establishment of a regional Yes Yes with RECT structure Yes185 CreateRemoteThread establish clue No Yes Yes186 CreateRoundRectRgn establish rounded rectangle Yes Yes Yes187 CreateScalableFontResource build font information with resource files Yes Yes Yes188 CreateSemaphore will handle returned to the new semaphore No Yes Yes189 CreateService establish service targets No Yes Yes190 in another process CreateSolidBrush establish a solid brush Yes Yes with the specified color Yes191 CreateTapePartition establish a new tape partition No Yes Yes192 CreateThread create a new clue No Yes Yes193 CreateWindowEx creates a window "function: this function creates an overlay window with extended style, pop-up window Or sub-windows, others are the same as the CREATEWINDOW function. For content, please refer to CreateWindowEx on the content of creating a window and other parameters. The function prototype: HWND CreateWindowEx (DWORD dwExStle, LPCTSTR IpClassName, LPCTSTR lpWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, HWND hWndParent, HMENUhMenu, HANDLE hlnstance, LPVOIDlpParam);


DWEXSTYLE: Specifies the extension style of the window. This parameter can be the following value:

WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES: Specifies that a window created in this style accepts a drag file.

WS_EX_APPWINDOW: When the window is visible, place a top window to the task bar.

WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE: The specified window has a boundary with a shadow.

WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP: The title bar in the window contains a question mark flag. When the user clicks on the question mark, the mouse light is changed to a question mark, if you click on a sub-window, then the child window receives the WM_HELP message. The sub-window should pass this message to the parent window process, the parent window calls the WinHelp function through the help_wm_help command. This Help application displays a pop-up window that contains sub-window help information. WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP cannot be used simultaneously with WS_MaximizeBox and WS_MINIMIZEBOX.

WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT: Allows the user to search between the sub-window of the window using the TAB key.

WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME: Create a double-bilateral window; this window can specify a WS_CAPTION style in DWSTYLE to create a title bar.

WS_EX_LEFT: The window has left alignment properties, which is default.

WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR: If the housing language is such as Hebrew, Arabic, or other language that supports Reading ORDER ALIGNMENT, the title bar (if present) is on the left portion of the client area. If it is other language, it is ignored and does not work with an error. WS_EX_LTRRREADING: Window text is displayed in the order of LEFT to Right (from left to right) properties. This is the default setting.

WS_EX_MDICHILD: Create an MD sub-window.

WS_EX_NOPATARENTNOTIFY: Indicates that the window created in this style does not send a WM_ParentNotfy message to the parent window when being created and destroyed.


WS_EX_PALETTEWINDOW: WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE, WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW and WS_EX_TOPMOST style combination WS_EX_RIGHT: The window has ordinary right alignatures, depending on the window class. This style is only valid when the housing language is such as Hebrew, Arabic or other language alignment, otherwise the flag is ignored and does not process as an error.

WS_EX_RIGHTSCROLLBAR: Vertical scroll bar on the right boundary of the window. This is the default setting.

WS_EX_RTLREADING: If the housing language is such as Hebrew, Arabic, or other language that supports Reading Order Alignment, the window text is a self-left direction of the readout sequence of Right to the LEFT sequence. If it is other language, it is ignored and does not work with an error.

WS_EX_STATICEDGE: Create a 3-dimensional boundary style for items that do not accept users

WS_EX_TOOLWIDOW: Create a tool window, that is, the window is a swivel toolbar. The title bar of the tool window is shorter than the headline strip of the general window, and the window title is displayed in a small font. The tool window is not displayed in the task bar, and the tool window is not displayed in the dialog when the user presses the Alt Tab. If the tool window has a system menu, its icon will not be displayed in the title bar, however, you can display the menu by clicking your mouse button or Alt Space.

WS_EX_TOPMOST: Indicates that the window created in this style should be placed on top of all non-highest layers and staying in it L, even if the window is not activated. Use the function setWindowPOS to set up and remove this style.

WS_EX_TRANSPARENT: Specifies that when the window created in this style is swapped while the peer window under the window is swapped.

Due to the wealth of the affiliates, the window is transparent.

IpClassName: Points a string or integer atom ending to an empty end. If this parameter is an integent, it is the global amount generated by previously call the GlobaiAdDatom function. This 16-bit number less than oxcoo must be a low 16 bits of IPClassName parameters, and the high position of this parameter must be O.

If lpclassname is a string, it specifies the class name of the window. This class name can be any class name registered with a function RegisterClassex, or any predefined control class name. Please see the list of explanations.

LPWindowname: The string pointer to the empty end of a specified window name.

If the window style specifies the title bar, the window title points to the LPWindowname will be displayed on the title bar. When using CREATEWINDOW

Functions to create controls such as buttons, select boxes, and static control, you can use lpwindowname to specify control text. DWStyle: Specifies the style of creating a window. This parameter can be a combination of the following window styles to add a control style of the description.

X: See CreateWindow.




HWNDPARENT: See CreateWindow.

HMENU: See CreateWindow.

HLNSTANCE: See CreateWindow.


Return Value: See CREATEWINDOW.

Note: See CreateWindow.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: 1.0 or above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; unicode: Uneicode and ANSI on Windows NT version.

"No Yes Yes194 DPtoLP the device coordinate conversion bit logical coordinates Yes Yes Yes195 DdeAbandonTransaction cancel asynchronous interaction No Yes Yes196 DdeAccessData access DDE data objects No Yes Yes197 DdeAddData adding data to the DDE data object No Yes Yes198 DdeClientTransaction start DDE data transaction No Yes Yes199 DdeCmpStringHandles DDE compare two string handles No Yes Yes200 DdeConnect No Yes establish a dialogue with the server Yes201 DdeConnectList establishing multiple DDE conversations No Yes Yes202 DdeCreateDataHandle establish DDE data handle No Yes Yes203 DdeCreateStringHandle establish DDE string handle No Yes Yes204 DdeDisconnect terminate the DDE conversation No Yes Yes205 DdeDisconnectList canceled DDE conversation tabulated No Yes Yes206 DdeEnableCallback enable or disable one or more DDE conversation No Yes Yes207 DdeFreeDataHandle release DDE data object No Yes Yes208 DdeFreeStringHandle release DDE data string handle No Yes DDE data objects from Yes209 DdeGetData copied into the buffer No Yes Yes210 DdeGetLastError return error code is set by a function DDEML No Yes Yes211 DdeImpersonateClient DDE client server analog No Yes Yes212 DdeInitialize registering an application with DDEML No Yes Yes213 DdeKeepStringHandle increase the available recording No Yes Yes214 DdeNameService registered as a string handle Cancel server name No Yes Yes215 DDEPOSTADVISE Tips The server sends a recommended data to the client NO YES YES216 DDEQUERYCONFO Return to DDE dialogue No Yes Yes217 DdeQueryNextServer information obtained during the dialogue table next column handle No Yes DdeQueryString copy Yes218 text string handle to the DDE quality buffer No Yes Yes219 DdeReconnect reconstruction DDE conversation No Yes Yes220 DdeSetQualityOfService specified services No Yes Yes221 DdeSetUserHandle user-defined handle with affairs associate No Yes Yes222 DdeUnaccessData release DDE data objects No Yes Yes223 DdeUninitialize release application DDEML resource No Yes Yes224 DebugActiveProcess connection debugging process No Yes Yes225 DebugBreak establish breakpoints Yes Yes Yes226 DefDlgProc provide default window message process "function function : This function provides default messages for a window process that belongs to the application-defined dialog class class. Function prototype: LResult DefdlgProc (HWND HDLG, UINT MSG, WPARAM WPARAM, LPARAM PARAM);


HDLG: Specifies the dialog.

MSG: Specify the number of messages.

WPARAM: Specifies other information in the message.

IParam: Specifies specific additional information in the message.

Return Value: Return the value specifies the result of the message processing and rely on the message sent.

Remarks: The defdlgproc function is a window application for a multi-pair predefined class. This application provides default processing by transmitting messages to any FALSE message returned to the box application and returning the dialog application, providing the default process and provides the internal handler for the dialog. Creating a custom application application for custom dialogs, often using defdlgproc instead of a DEFWINDOWPROC function to perform default messages. The application creates a custom dialog class by popping a WNCLASS structure with appropriate information and creating a custom dialog class by using a class that registers with the RegisterClass function. Some applications use the getClasslnfo function to specify the name of the definition dialog box to populate this institution. In this case, the application changes at least the number of IPSZClassNameDe before registration. In all cases, the CBWndextra member for the custom dialog must be set to DLGWINDOWEXTRA for the custom dialog. The DEFDLGPROC function must not be called through a dialog application, which will result in loop execution. Speed: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above version; Windows Ce: 1.0 and above version; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; unicode: Uneicode and ANSI on Windows NT Specimen.

"Yes Yes Yes227 DefDriverProc define a default message processor Yes Yes Yes228 DefFrameProc MDI frame window default message process Yes Yes Yes229 DefMDIChildProc MDI child windows default message process Yes Yes Yes230 DefWindowProc call the default window procedure Yes Yes Yes231 DeferWindowPos window location is updated structure "Function function: This function updates the specified multi-window location structure for the specified window, then the function returns the handle of the update structure. The EnddeferWindowPOS function uses information in this structure to change the location and size of some windows at the same time. This structure is created by the BegindeferWindowPOS function.

Function prototype: HWND DeferWindowPos (HDWP HWInPoslnfo, HWND HWND, HWND HWNDLNSERTAFFER, INT X, INT Y, INT CX, INT CY, Unit Ufags);


HWINPOSLNFO: Handle of multi-window positioning structure, the structure contains the size and positioning information of one or more windows, which can be returned by the function BeGinderWindowPOS or returned by the DEFERWINDOS function that is the last call.

HWND: The handle of the window, the update information of the window is stored in the structure.

HWndlnsertAfter: The handle of the front window of the z preface to the positioned window. This parameter must be one of the window handle or the following: hwnd_bottom: Position the window at the bottom of the z. If the HWnd parameter specifies a top-level window, the window will lose the top position and is ranked at the bottom of all other windows.

HWND_NOTOPMOST: Place the window at the top of all top-level windows (ie, behind all top windows). This parameter does not work if the window is already a non-top window.

HWND_TOP: Place the window at the top of the z order.

HWND_TOPMOST: Place the window at the top of all non-top windows, even if it is not activated, the window remains a top position. This parameter will be ignored if the SWP_NOZORDER flag is specified in the uflags parameter.

x: Specify the X coordinates in the upper left corner of the window.

Y: Specifies the Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the window.

CX: The new width of the window is defined in pixels.

CY: The new width of the window is defined in pixel. ULAGE: Specifies a combination of the values ​​that affect the size and location of the window:

SWP_DRAWFRAME: Draw a border around the window (this border is defined in the window class).

SWP_FRAMECHANGED: Send a WM_NCCAlCSize message to the window, even if the size of the window is not changed, it is also necessary. If this flag is not specified, only the wm_nccalcsize message is sent when the window size changes.

SWP_HIDEWINDOW: Hide the window.

SWP_NOACTIVATE: Do not activate the window. If this flag is not specified, the window is activated and moved to or at the top of the top window or the top of the top window according to the setting of the HWndLnsertAfter parameter.

SWP_Nomove; maintain the current location (ignore the X and Y parameters).

SWP_NOOWNERZORDER: Does not change the location of the owner window in the z order.

SWP_NOREDRAM: No window updates. If this flag is set, no window is refreshed. Includes not to refresh the client area, non-client zone, including the title bar and scroll bar, and some parent windows exposed due to window movement. When this flag is set, the application must explicitly indicate any part of the original window and redraw the window and the parent window needs to redraw some.

SWP_NOREPSITION: With the SWP_Noownerzorder flag.

SWP_NOSENDCHANGING: Prevent window accepts WM_WindowPoschanging messages.

SWP_NOSIZE; keep the current size. (Ie Ignore the CX, XY parameters).

SWP_NOZORDER: Keep the current z order (ignore the hwndlnsertAfter parameter).

SWP_SHOWWINDOW: Displays the window.

Return Value: The return value indicates the updated multi-window positioning structure. The handle returned by the function may be different from the handle passed to the function. The new handle returned by this function should be passed to the DeferWindowPos function and the EnddeferWindowPos function when the next call is called. If the system resources are insufficient when the function is called, the function returns NULL. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: If the call function deferWindowPos fails, the application should discard the window positioning action and no longer call the EnddeferWindowPos function. If you do not specify SWP_NOZORDER, the system will be positioned by the window specified by the HWND parameter to the window after the window specified at the HWndlnsertAfer parameter. If the HWndLnsertafsr parameter is empty or hWND_TOP, the system places the window in the top of the z-order. If hwndlnsertafer is set to hwnd_bottom, the system places the window in the bottom of the z order.

The coordinates of all sub-windows are coordinates with respect to the upper left corner of the parent window client area.

One window can be set to top windows in two ways: or HWndlNsertafter is HWND_TOPMOST and ensure that the SWP_NOZORDER flag is not set; or the location of the window in the z-order makes it at the top of all existing top windows. When a non-top window is set to the top window, it belongs to its window to be set to the top window, and the owner does not change.

If SWP_NOACTIVATE or SWP_NOZORDER is not set (ie, when the application requires that it is activated while changing its Z preface), the HWDFNSERTPOS parameter is only used in the following cases:

In the HWndlnsertAfter parameter, there is neither hWnd_topmost nor setting hwnd_nottopmost flags; the window specified by hwnd is not a activation window;

The application should set the window to the top of the z-order when setting the window to the active window. The application can change the location of the activated window in the z-order, or move the window to the top window or the non-top window after activating a window. If a top window is relocated to the bottom of the z-order (hWnd_bottom) or any non-top window, it will no longer be the top window.

A non-top window may have a top window, which is not true. Any window (eg, a dialog box) is set to the top window to ensure that all the slave windows are on the owner.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: Does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes232 DefineDosDevice define, redefine or delete the DOS device names No Yes Yes233 DeleteAce delete ACE No Yes from existing ACL in Yes234 DeleteAtom remove an atomic Yes Yes Yes235 DeleteColorSpace delete the specified color space No Yes Yes236 DeleteCriticalSection delete critical part No YES YES237 DELETEDC Delete Device Description Yes YES YES238 Deletenhmetafile Uninforced Module File Handle NO YES YES239 Deletefile Delete File No Yes YES240 DeleteForm Remove the Printer Form Layer NO YES YES241 DELETEMENU Delete Menu Item Function: This function is from the specified menu Delete a menu item. If this menu item opens a menu or submenu, this function destroys the handle of the menu or submenu and releases the memory used by the menu or submenu.

Function prototype: Bool DeleteMenu (HMENU HMENU, UINT UPOSITION, UINT UFLAGS);


HMENU: The handle to modify the menu.

Uposition: Specifies the menu item that will be deleted, according to the meaning of the parameter uflags.

UFLAGS: Determine the parameter UPOSITION how to explain. This parameter can remove one of the following:

MF_BYCOMMAND: Indicates the identifier of the UPSITION to the menu item. If mf_bycommand and mf_byposition are not specified, MF_BYCOMMAND is the default flag.

MF_BYPOSITION: Indicates that the UPOSITION gives the menu item based on zero relative position.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, the return value is non-zero; if the function call fails, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: As long as a menu is modified, whether it is displayed in the window, the application should call DrawMenubar.

Quick check: WiHDOWSNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windowsce: 1.0 and above; header file: winuser.h; Enter the library: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes242 DeleteMetaFile cancel WINDOWS metafile handle Yes Yes Yes243 DeleteMonitor delete Printer Monitor No Yes Yes244 DeleteObject remove an object from memory Yes245 DeletePort Yes Yes to delete the printer port No Yes Yes246 DeletePrintProcessor remove the printer processor No Yes Yes247 DeletePrintProvidor delete the printer printer No Yes on by No Yes Yes248 DeletePrinter remove the printer server Yes249 DeletePrinterConnection delete connected to the printer No Yes Yes250 DeletePrinterDriver remove the printer driver No Yes Yes251 DeleteService remove the service No Yes Yes252 DeregisterEventSource light closing event handler No Yes Yes253 ​​from SC MANAGER database Describepixelformat No Yes Yes254 DestroyAcceleratorTable Cancel Acceleration Key Table "Function: Undo Acceleration Key Table. This function revokes an acceleration key table. Before shutting down the application, you must use this function to undo all the acceleration key table created by the DestroyAcceleratorTable function. Function prototype: BOOL DestroyAcceleratorTable (Haccl Haccel);


HaccDel: The handle of the accelerated key table will be revoked. This handle must be created by calling the DestroyAcceleratorTable function.

Return value: If the function call is successful, return a non-zero value, if the function call fails, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, you can call the getLastError function.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: 1.0 and above; header file: windows.h; library file: user32.lib.

"NO YES YES255 DESTROYCARET Cancel Cause Current Denage" function: This function clears the current shape of the insert mark, releases the insert mark from the window, and deletes the insert mark on the screen. If the shape of the inserted marker is based on bitmap, the DestroyCaret does not release the bitmap.

Function prototype: BOOL Destroycaret (VOLD)

Parameters: None.

Return value: If the function is successful, the return value is non-zero: if the function fails, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Remarks: Destin Clears only when the window in the current task has inserted tags. If the insert mark does not have the window in the current task, the DestroyCaret does not perform anything and return false.

The system provides an insert mark for each queue. The insertion mark is created only when the window has a keyboard focus or window is active. The window should clear the insert mark before the keyboard focus disappearance or window becomes inactive.

Speed: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windowsce: 1.0 and above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib. "YES YES YES256 DESTROYCURSOR Cancel CreateCursor established cursor" function function: This function destroys a cursor and releases any memory it occupies, do not use the function to destroy a shared cursor. Function prototype: 8OOL Destroycursor (HCURSOR HCURSOR);


Hcursor: The handle of the cursor to be destroyed, the cursor must be in use.

Return Value: If successful, return non-zero; if it fails, the return value is zero, if you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Remarks: The DestroyCursor function destroys a non-shared cursor; do not use it to destroy a shared cursor. A shared cursor is still in memory, and the shared cursor is still valid. The following function can get a shared cursor: loadCursor; loadingCursorFromFile; loadimage (if using the lr-shared flag);

CopyImage (if you use the LR_CopyReturorg flag and the hiMags parameter is a shared cursor).

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"YES YES YES257 Destroyicon Cancel the icon" function function created by CREATEICON "function: This function clears the icon and releases any storage space occupied by the icon.

Function prototype: BOOL Destroyicon (HiCon Hicon);


Hicon: It is a handle to clear the tab. The icon should be in an unused state.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is non-zero: if the function fails, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: Only the icons and cursors created with the CreateicONDirect function can call the Destroyicon function, do not use this function to clear a shared icon. As long as the module is transferred to it exists in the memory, the shared icon has been valid. The following functions can get shared icons: loadIcon; loadImage (if you use LR_ shared tag); CopyImage (if you use lr_copyreturnorg, the HIMAGE parameter is shared target).

Windows CE: DestroyLCON functions can be called via the icon handle, which comes from the CreateicONIndirect, Extracticonex, LoadImage, or Loadicon function. These icon handles become invalid after calling the Destroyicon function.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: 1.0 and above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"YES YES YES258 DESTROYMENU Cancel Menu and Release Memory" function kinetic energy: This function destroys the specified menu and releases the memory occupied by this menu. Function prototype: Bool Destroymenu (HMENU HMENU);


HMENU: The handle of the menu to be destroyed.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, return a non-zero value; if the function call fails, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: An application must call the function destroymenu to destroy a menu that is not assigned to the window. The menu assigned to the window, is automatically destroyed when the application is turned off.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: 1.0 and above; header file: winuser.h; enter the library: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes259 DestroyPrivateObjectSecurity Delete the protected server object's SD NO YES YES260 DESTROYWINDOW Cancel window" Function: It is the callback function defined by the application that is used with the function EnumChildWindows. It receives sub-window handles. Type Wndenumoroc defines a pointer to this callback function. EnumChildProc is a location flag of a function name defined by an application.

Function prototype: BOOL Callback EnumchildProc (HWND HWND, LPARAM iParam);


HWnd: Points the sub-window handle of the parent window defined in EnumChildWindows.

LPARAM: Specifies the application definition value given in EnumChildWindows.

Return Value: To continue, the callback function must return true; for the stop, the callback function must return false.

Remarks: The callback function can perform any required tasks. The application must register this callback function by transmitting its address to the ENUMCHILDWINDOWS function.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 or above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: Does not support: header file: Winuser.h; library file: User custom.

"YES YES YES261 DEVICECAPABILISIS Equipment" NO YES YES262 DeviceIoControl Direct Call Driver NO YES YES263 DialogBox IndirectParam Create a dialog box from memory module "Function function: This macro creates a modal conversation based on dialog box resources in memory frame. DialogBoxIndirect macro until the specified callback function will return by calling the EndDialog function to abort the modal dialog. DiaogBoxIndirect macro uses the DialogBoxParam function. Function prototype: int DialogBoxIndirect (Hinstance Hinstance, LPDLGTemplate iptemplate, hwnd hwndparent, dlgproclpdialogfunc);


Hinstance: Create a dialog in a module.

IPTemplate: This parameter points to a pointer to a global memory object containing a template. DialogBoxIndirect creates a dialog in this template. The dialog template consists of the title of the description dialog, followed by the title to describe one or more data blocks of each control, the template can be used in standard format or extended format. In the standard template, the title is composed of a DLGTEMPLATE structure follows one bearing length array. Each control data is composed of a DLGTEMPLATE structure with a bearing length array.

In the extended template, the title is in the DLGTemplateEx format and control defines the DLGITEMPLATEEX format.

HWndParent: Specifies the window with the dialog.

Ipdialogfunc: Pointer to the dialog process. For more detailed information about the dialog process, see DialogProc.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, the return value is the NRESULT parameter in the call to the function EndDialog, which is used to abort the dialog. If the function call fails, the return value is C1. If you want to get more error messages, please call the getLastError function.

Note: DialogBoxLndirect Macro uses the CreateWindowEx function to create a conversation. Then pass a WM_INITDIALOG message to the dialog process. If the template specifies the DS_SETFONT type DialogBoxLndirect function to pass a WM_SETFONT message to the dialog. (Regardless of whether the template specifies the ws_visible type), the function display dialog enables the main window, and starts its own message loop to retrieve and deliver messages for the dialog.

When the dialog application calls the EndDialog function, the DialogBoxLNDirect function clears the dialog, the abort message loop, enables the main window to take effect (if it is valid) and returns the NRESULT parameter in the endDialog function call.

In the Standard Dialog Template, the DLGTemplate structure and each DLGItemTemplate structure must be aligned in DWORD borders, and the data created by the DLGEMTEPLATE structure must also be aligned according to DWORD boundaries. All other variable length arrays in the template must be adjusted according to the DWORD boundary.

On the extended dialog template, the DLGTemplateEx structure and each DLGITEMTEMPLATEEX structure must be aligned by DWORD border, and the data arranging the DLGEMTEPLATE structure must also be aligned according to DWORD boundaries. All other variable length arrays in the template must be adjusted according to the DWORD boundary.

All dialog templates of the string, such as the title of the dialog, buttons, must be a Unicode string. use

MultibyToWideChar function Generates these Unicode strings to create code that works on both Windows and Windows NTs.

Windows 95 and later: The system can support up to 255 controls each dialog template. In order to put more than 255 controls into the dialog box. Control can be created in the WM_INITDLAIOG message processor instead of putting them into the template.

Windows CE: The DLGTemplate structure in the dialog template pointing to the IPTemplatename parameter does not support all types.

Quickud: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: 1.0 and above version; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib unicode: Unicode and ANSI on Windows NT Two versions.

"NO YES YES264 DisableThreadLibraryCalls No Yes YES265 DisconnectNamedPipe server terminal NO YES YES266 DISPATCHMESSAGE Send message" Function "function function: This function schedules a message to the window program. Message usually scheduled a message obtained from getMessage. Function prototype: Long DispatchMessage (const msg * lpmsg);


LPMSG: Pointer to the MSG structure containing the message.

Return Value: The return value is the value returned by the window program. Although the meaning of the return value depends on the scheduled message, the return value is usually ignored.

Note: The MSG structure must contain a valid message value. If the parameter lpmsg points to a WM_Timer message, and the parameter iParam for the WM_TIMER message is not NULL, the IPA1RAM points to the function pointing, not the window program.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: 1.0 and above version; header file: Winuser.h; Enter the library: user32.lib; unicode: in a Windows NT environment with Unicode and ANSI mode is implemented.

"YES YES YES267 DLGDIRLIST Fill Directory List" function: This function fills a list box with all the files that match the specified file name.



HDLG: Contains a dialog handle of the list box.

LopathSpec: Points the string pointer ending with NULL with the path name or file name. DIGDIRLIST modifies this string, which must have enough length to save the modified content. For more detailed information about this parameter, please see the note section.

NLDListbox: Defines the logging of a list box. If this parameter is 0, the DLGDIRLIST function considers that there is no list box, nor does it try to fill.

NldStaticPath: Defines the identifier for displaying the statically control of the current drive and directory. If this parameter is 0, DLGDIRLIST believes that there is no such control.

UfileType: Defines the properties of the file name that will be displayed. This parameter must be one or more values:

DDL_ARCHIYE: Contains document files. DDL_DIRECTORY: Contains to the directory. The directory name is included in square brackets.

DDL_DRIVES: Contains the drive. The drive is listed in [One X "form, where x is the drive.

DDL_EXCLUSIVE: Only files that specify attributes. By default, readable and writable files will be listed, although the DDL_Readwrite value is not specified. DDL_HIDEN: Contains an implied file.

DDL_Readonly: Contains read-only files. DDL_ReadWrite: Contains readable and writable files without other additional properties.

DDL_system: contains system files. DDL_POSTMSGS: Pass messages for messages to the application. By default, DLGDIRLIST sends a message to the dialog process directly.

Return value: If the function call is successful, the return value is not 0. If the function call fails, the return value is 0. For example, the string defined by lppathpec is not a valid path, the function will fail. If the error message is wanted, you can call the getLastError function. Note: If a 0-length string is defined for the lppathspec parameter, or only a directory name is defined, no file name, then the string is converted to '.'.

The lppathsgec parameters have the following form: [Drive:] [/ u] Directory [/ idirectory] / u] [filename]

In this example, Drive is a drive. Directory is a valid drive name. FileName is a valid file name, and at least one wildcard must be included in the file name.

If lppathspec contains a drive or directory name, or contains both, the current drive and directory will be changed to the specified drive and directory before the list box is filled. The static control of the NLDStaticPath parameter identifier is also updated with a new drive or / and directory name.

After the list box is filled, DLGDIRLIST updates the LPPathpec parameter by removing the drive and / or directory section of the path and file name.

DLGDIRLIST sends a LB_RESETCONTENT and LB_DIR messages to the list box.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above version; Windows CE: does not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; unicode: Unicode and ANSIs are implemented on Windows NT Specimen.

"YES YES YES268 DLGDIRLISTCOMBOX Fill Directory List" function function: This function uses a list of directory lists to populate the specified combo box



HDLG: The dialog handle containing the combo box.

LPPATHSPEC: Points a string ended with NULL, format is [Driver] [/] [Directory /] [.] [filename]

If the specified string includes a driver or directory path, the DLGDIRLISTCOMBOBOX function changes the current driver before the list of fills.

Mectors and directories. After the list is filled, the drive and directory path move from the string of the LPPathpec parameter identifier.

NLDCOMBOBOX: Specifies the identifier of the combo box in the dialog. If HLDCOMBOBOX is zero, the DLGDIRLISTCOMBOBOX function does not have a combo box or not to fill it.

HLDSTATIC PATH: Specifies the identifier of the static control, which is used to display the current directory. If NldStasticPath is zero, the DLGDIRLISTCOMBOBOX function considers that there is no such control.

UfileType: Specifies the properties of the file being displayed. It can be any combination of the following:

DDL_ARDIVE: Includes file files.

DDL_DIRECTORY: includes subdirectories, and sub-direct inscriptions must be enclosed in square brackets ([]).

DDL_DRIVES: Includes the drive, the drive column in the format [-x-], where x is the drive alphabet name.

DDL_EXCIUSIUSIVE: Includes only files with the specified properties, the write protection file is drawn, even if the DDL_Read Write is not specified. DDL_HIDBEN: Includes implies files. DDL_Readonly: includes read-only files.

DDL_ReadWrite: includes reading and writing files without other attributes. DDL_System: including system files.

DDL_POSTMSGS: Pass the information to the application information queue, the DLGDIRLIST function sends the information to the dialog process.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, the return value is a non-zero value, otherwise the return value is zero. For example, if the string specified by TPPATBSPEC is not a valid path, the function call failed. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Remarks; if the parameter lpszpatbspec points to a zero-string or a specified drive directory, or the string of the two, but there is no file name, then the file name is "" "".

Windows NT: If you have a list of directory, you will display long file names.

Windows 95: Directory list Displays short file names (for 8.3 form). You can use the SHGETFILNFO or GetFullPathname function to get the corresponding long text name.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib: unicode: Unicode and ANSI in the Windows NT environment Two versions.

"Yes Yes Yes269 DLGDIRSELECTCOMBOBOXEX Returns the user selection" function function from the directory list box: This function is checked from the current selection from the combo box filled by the DLGDIRLISTCOMBOX function. Select content as a drive letter, file name, or directory name.



HDLG: The handle of the dialog of the combo box.

IPString: Points to the buffer that stores the selected path.

NCOUNT: Specifies the byte length of the buffer pointing to the IPString parameter.

NLDCOMBOBOX: Specifies the integer identifier of the combo box of the Control Dialog.

Return Value: If the current is selected as a directory name, the return value is a non-zero value; otherwise, the return value is zero value. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Note: If the current selection is specified in a directory name or drive letter, the DLGDIRSELECTCOMBOBOXEX function is deleted parentheses (delete the dash for the drive letter) so that the file name or drive letter can be inserted into the new path or file name, if not, Ipstring The contents of the buffer pointing to the parameter have not changed. The DLGDIRSELECTCOMBOBOXEX function is not allowed to return more than one file name from the combo box.

DLGDIRSECTECTCOMBOBOXEX sends the message CB_GETCILRSEL and CB_GETLBTEXT to the combo box. In Win32API, a DLGDIRSELECTCOMBOBOXEXex function with three combo boxs can be applied (three combo boxs are CBS_SIMPLE, CBS_DROPDOWN, with CBS_DropDownList). Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; unicode: Unicode and ANSI in the Windows NT environment Two versions.

"YES YES YES270 DLGDIRSELECTEX Returns User Select" function function from the directory list box: This function detects the current selection from the radio list box, the list box has been populated by the DLGDIRLIST function, and the selection content is a drive letter, file name or directory name.



HDLG: The dialog handle includes a list box.

LPSTRING: Points a buffer to the storage selection path.

NCOUNT: Specifies the byte length of the buffer pointing by lpstring.

NLDListBox: The integer identifier of the list box in the specified dialog.

Return Value: If the current selection is a directory name, the return value is a non-zero value. If the current choice is not a directory name, the return value is zero. If you want more error messages, please call the function getLastError function.

Request: The DLGDIRSELECTEX function copies the selection to the buffer pointing by the IPString parameter, if the current selection is a directory name or drive letter, DLGDIRSELECTEX deletes square brackets (for the drive letter, delete the broken number). This allows the directory name or drive letter to insert a new path. If there is no choice, LPString does not change. The DLGDIRSELECTEX function sends a message LB_GETCURSEL and message LB_GETTEXT to the list box, and the function disables the file name from the list box to more than one file. The list box should not be a list box for a check, if yes, this function does not return zero value and the IPString parameter remains unchanged.

Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Do not support; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib; unicode: Unicode and ANSI in the Windows NT environment Two versions.

"Yes Yes Yes271 DoEnvironmentSubst No Yes Yes272 DocumentProperties configure the printer settings No Yes Yes273 DosDateTimeToFileTime converting the MS-DOS date and time for the 64-bit format No Yes Yes274 DragAcceptFiles registration window whether to accept the contents drag the file No Yes Yes275 DragDetect acquire and track movement of the mouse Until the user releases the left button, press the ESC "function function: This function captures and tracks the movement of the mouse until the user releases the left button, press ESC. The key or move the mouse to the "drag rectangle" surrounding the specified point. Drag the width of the rectangle and the SM_CXDRAG or SM_CYDRAG returned by the function GetSystemMetrics. Function prototype: BOOL DragDetect (HWND HWND, POINT PT);


HWnd: The handle of the window entered the window.

PT: The initial position of the mouse under the screen coordinates, which determines the coordinates of the drag rectangle based on this point.

Return Value: If the user removes the mouse out of the drag rectangle when the user is pressed, it returns a non-zero value; if the user moves the mouse in the arrow button, the return value is zero.

Note: The system metric of the drag rectangle is constructed, allowing greater or smaller drag rectangles.

Speed: Windows NT: 4.0 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: Does not support; header file: Winuser.h; enter: user32.lib.

"No Yes Yes276 DragFinish release allocated for content drag the file No Yes Yes277 DragObject No Yes Yes278 DragQueryFile return to drag the name of the file No Yes Yes279 DragQueryPoint return the mouse position No Yes Yes280 DrawAnimatedRects No Yes Yes281 DrawCaption No Yes Yes282 DrawEdge No Yes Yes283 Drawscape Implement NOY YES YES284 DRAWFOCUSRECT with Focus style painting rectangle YES YES YES285 DRAWFRAMECONTROL No YES YES285 DRAWICON Draw an icon in the specified device description table: This function is drawn in the customer area of ​​the defined device context window icon.

Function prototype: BOOL Drawicon (HDC HDC, INT X, NIT Y HICON HICON);


HDC: Handle of the window device context.

X: Specify the logical X coordinates of the upper left corner of the icon.

Y: Specify the logical Y coordinates in the upper left corner of the icon.

Hicon: Handle drawn icon. The icon resource must have been loaded through the LoadICon or LoadImage function.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is non-zero; if the function fails, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Remarks: The Drawicon function places the upper left corner of the target in the position specified by the X and Y parameters, which is dominated by the mapping mode of the current device context.

Windows CE: Drawicon function is used as a macro, defined as DrawiconeX (HDC, X, Y, Hicon, 0, 0, 0, NULL, DI_NORMAL). Speed: Windows NT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows CE: 1.0 and above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"YES YES YES287 DrawiconeX" Customer Area Draw Icon "function function in a defined device context window: This function draws icons in the client area of ​​the defined device context window, performs a qualified raster operation, and elongated or compressed icons according to specific requirements or cursor.



HDC: Handle of the window device context.

XLEFT: Specifies the logical X coordinates of the target or cursor's upper left corner.

YTOP: Specifies the logical Y coordinates of the icon or the upper left corner of the cursor.

Hicon: Handle of drawn icons, this parameter identifies an activated cursor. Icon or cursor resources must have been loaded through the LoadImage function. This parameter recognizes the activated cursor.

CXWIDTH: Specifies the logical width of the icon or cursor. If its value is zero, the DIFLAGS parameter is a di_defaultsize; function uses the SM_CXICON or _CXCURSOR system metric value to set the width; if its value is zero, the function is not used, the function is used to use the actual width of the resource.

CYWIDTH: Specifies the logic height of the icon or cursor. If its value is zero and the diflags parameter is di_defaultsize, the function uses the SM_CYICON or SM_CYCURSOR system metric value to set the height; if its value is zero, it does not use the di_defaultsize, the function is actually high ISTEPLFANICUR: If HLCON identifies a dynamic cursor, the parameter specifies to draw Frame index; if HLCON does not identify a dynamic cursor, the parameter is ignored.

HbrflickerFreedRAW: The system is made with a flashing and free drawing brush handle. If hbrflickerfreedraw is a valid brush handle, the system uses a background color brush to create a backup bitmap to draw the icon or cursor into the bitmap and copy the bitmap to HDC. The device identified is in the context.

Diflags: Specify the mark of the drawing, the parameter can be the value of the following:

DI_COMPAT: The system uses the default image instead of the user-defined image drawing icon and cursor.

Di_Defaults: If the CXWIDTH and CYWIDTH parameters are set to zero, the melement and cursor use the metric width and height of the icon and cursor specified by the system; if the tag is not specified, the cxwidth and the CyWith parameter are set to zerolate, the function uses the actual size of resources. .

DI_IMAGE: Draw a target or cursor with an image. Di_mask: Use the mask drawing icon or cursor.

DL_NORMAL: DI_IMAGE combination with di_maskr.

Return Value: If the function is successful, the return value is non-zero; if the function failure return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, please call the getLastError function.

Note: Drawiconex. The function places the upper left corner of the icon in the location specified by the XLEFT and YTOP parameters, which is dominated by the mapping method of the current device context. Windows CE: The following parameter settings must be used:

Djflags must be DI_NORMAL, DI_IMAGE, or DI_MASK (DI_Compat and Di_Defaultsize).

CXWIDTH and CYHEIGHT must be zero or the original size of the icon. HbrflickerFreedRAW must be NULL.

IsteplFanicur must be zero, dynamic icons are not supported. Windows CE does not support: elongation and compression: That is to say that the icon resolution is fixed to a given HiCon, does not support national standard size. Mapping mode: When drawing the cursor with Drawiconex, the HICON parameter cannot identify the dynamic cursor.

Speed: WindowsNT: 31 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windowsce: 1.0 and above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.

"NO YES YES288 DRAWMENUBAR Heavy Pictures Menu Bar" function feature: This function redrades the menu bar of the specified menu. If the system creates a window, the menu bar is modified, and this function must be called to draw the modified menu bar.

Function prototype: BOOL DRAWMENUBAR (HWND HWND);


HWND: The menu strip needs the handle of the window to be saved.

Return Value: If the function call is successful, return a non-zero value: If the function call fails, the return value is zero. If you want to get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Speed: Windows NT: and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windows: 2.0 and above version; header file: winuser.h; enter the library: user32.lib.

"Yes Yes Yes289 DrawState No Yes Yes290 DrawText shown in the rectangle formatted text Yes Yes Yes291 DrawTextEx No Yes Yes292 DrvGetModuleHandle obtain an example of installing the driver handle No Yes Yes293 DuplicateHandle copied object handle No Yes Yes294 DuplicateIcon No Yes Yes295 DuplicateToken replication Access token NO YES YES296 Ellipse Draw Ellipse YES YES YES297 Emptyclipboard Empty Clipboard and Release Data Handle YES YES YES298 EnableMenuItem Enable, Cancel, or Enable Menu Item Unsable "Function: This function makes the specified menu item valid, invalid or change gray.

Function prototype: BOOL EnableMenuItem (HMENU HMENU, UINT UIDENABLTTEM, UINABLE);


HMENU: Menu handle.

UidenableItem: Specifies the menu item that will make it valid, invalid, or grayish, and the meaning determined by the parameter uenable. This parameter specifies menu items in the menu bar, menu, or submenu.

UNable: Specifies how to explain how the control parameter uidenableItem explains, indicates that the menu item is valid, invalid, or gray. This parameter must be a combination of MF_BYCOMMAND or MF_BYPOSION, MF_ENABLED, and MF_DISABLE or MF_GRAYED. MF_BYCOMMAND: Indicates that the parameter uidenableItem gives the identifier of the menu item. If MF_BYCOMMAND and MF_POSITION are not specified, MF_BYCOMMAND is the default sign.

MF_BYPOSITION: Indicates that the parameter uidenableItem gives the relative position of the menu item with zero-based.

MF_DISABED: Indicates that the menu item is invalid, but it is not grateful, so it cannot be selected.

MF_ENABLED: Indicates that the menu item is valid and restored from the state of gray, so it can be selected.

MF_GRAYED: Indicates that the menu item is invalid and grassed, so it cannot be selected.

Return Value: Return Value Specifies the previous state of the menu item (MF_DISABLED, MF_ENABLED, or MF_GRAYED). If this menu item does not exist, the return value is oxffffffff.

Remarks: An application must use mf_byposition to specify the correct menu handle. If the menu handle of the menu bar is specified, the top menu item (menu item on the menu bar) will be affected. To set the status of the menu item or submenu in the drop-down menu according to the location, the application specifies the handle of the drop-down menu or submenu. When the application specifies the MF_BYCOMMAND flag, the system selects those menu items that open the submenu in the menu identified by the specified menu handle. Therefore, unless you want to replicate the menu item, the handle of the specified menu strip is sufficient. Functions InsertMenu, INSERTMENUITEM, LoadMenuindirect, ModifyMenu, and SetMenuItemInfo can also set the status of the menu item (effective, invalid, or grayish). Windowsce: Windowsce does not support parameter uenable to take the MF_DISABLED flag. If there is no gray, the menu item cannot be invalid. To make the menu item invalid, use the MF_RAYED flag.

Speed: WindowsNT: 3.1 and above; Windows: 95 and above; Windowsce: 1.0 and above; header file: winuser.h; enter the library: user32.lib.

"YES YES YES299 EnableScrollBar Enable, Cancel Scroll Bar NO YES YES300 EnableWindow Device Window Mount" "This function allows or disables the specified window or control to accept mouse input or keyboard input. When the input is disabled, the window cannot receive the mouse click input; when entering allowed, the window accepts all inputs.

Function prototype: BOOL EnableWindow (HWND HWND, BOOL BOOL):


HWND: Allowed or prohibited window handle.

Benable: Specifies whether the window is allowed to be prohibited. If this parameter is true, the window allows; if the parameter is false, the window is disabled.

Return Value: If the window has been disabled, the return value is non-zero; if the window has not been disabled before, the return value is zero. To get more error messages, call the getLastError function.

Remarks: If the power status of the window is changing, send a WM_ENABLE message before the EnableWindow function returns. If the window has been disabled, all of its sub-windows are disabled, even if they do not send WM_ENABLE messages to them. Before a window is activated, it must be enabled. For example, if the application is displaying a modeless dialog and disables its main window, the application must enable the main window before the dialog is destroy. Otherwise, another window will accept keyboard focus and activate. If a sub-window is disabled, the sub-window will be ignored when the system determines which window accepts the mouse message.

The default is enabled when the window is created. To create an initial disabled window, the application can specify a WS_DISABLED style in the CreateWindowH function and CreateWindowhex. After the window is created, the application can use the EnaoleWindow function to enable and disable windows.

The application can use this function to enable or disable control in the dialog box. A prohibited control cannot accept keyboard focus users and cannot enter the control.

Quick check: Windows NT: 3.1 above; Windows: 95 or above; Windows CE: 1.0 or above; header file: winuser.h; library file: user32.lib.



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