sub oXmlhttpReadyStateChange () if oXmlHttp.ReadyState = 4 thendocument.all.reflesh_button.disabled = falseif oXmlHttp.Status = 200 thenif oXmlhttp.ResponseText = "ok" then window.location = "PortalViewer.aspx? hpcd = <% = m_strHPCD%> & PID = <% = titlePID%> & DPTCD = <% = m_StrdPTCD%> & UID = <% = m_StrDoctorCD%> "Else Alert (Oxmlhttp.ResponseText Chr (13) " Instant Update Failed ") End Ifelsealert (Oxmlhttp.Statustext CHR (13) "Instant Update Failed") End IFEND IFEND SUB
What do you mean by heroes, what does this code above? What can OXMLHTTP do? Can you tell me a detail? Thank you
Using the xml http request objectHttp: //
sub oXmlhttpReadyStateChange () if the charge completion reply if oXmlHttp.ReadyState = 4 then put a button into an disableddocument.all.reflesh_button.disabled = false if the state is 200, i.e., if oXmlHttp.Status = 200 then successfully if the reply is okif oXmlhttp. ResponseText = "OK" THEN replayed Window.Location = "PortalViewer.aspx? HPCD = <% = m_strhpcd%> & pid = <% = titlePID%> & DPTCD = <% = m_STRDPTCD%> & UID = <% = m_strdoctorcd%>" Otherwise, users else alert (Oxmlhttp.responsetext chr (13) "instant update failed") end ifelsealert (oxmlhttp.statustext chr (13) "Instant Update Failed") End iFend IFend Sub