Prepare a friendly CVS server for programming

zhaozj2021-02-16  174

Prepare a friendly CVS server for programming

Comment Poster: LHL (Enthusiast) Posts Date 04/12/02 06:45 AM truly developed, only found a CVS server is essential, even a few developers project, using CVS It will play a lot of roles, what role, everyone to experience :) Talk below, the process of setting up my CVS server, and the differences between the predecessors lies in me set up a web interface, so I said "friendly" ", Through the web interface, very intuitive browsing code, check the graphical modification record, (Submit Log to MySQL Database - The Mozilla Project's Bonsai Database.), Current SourceForge is using this interface Low versions: 1: Base CVS Server; 2: Repository browsing. 3: SQL Checkin Database. 4: Colorize Sourcecode. 5: Can Display a Clickable, Graphical of Files in A CVS Repository. 6: Generate Tarball from a repository On the fly. OK, Let's Go! 1: Initialization Environment #groupadd CVS #MKDIR / Home2 / CVSROOT #USERADD -G CVS -G CVS -D / Home2 / CVSROOT #SU - CVSROOT $ Chmod 775. OK! 2: Startup CVS Server has a very brilliant description, which is it!: P #more / etc / services | grep cvspserver cvspserver 2401 / tcp # cvs client / server operations cvspserver 2401 / udp # CVS Client / Server Operations OK The RedHat system is not stupid, can write scripts. #Vi /etc/xinetd.d/cvspserver service cvspserver {disable = no flags = reuse socket_type = stream wait = noser = root server = / usr / bin / cvs server_args = -f - allowow-root = / home2 / cvsroot pserver log_on_failure =

Userid}: wq #ls /etc/xinetd.d/cvspserver /etc/xinetd.d/cvspserver script is good! #Su - cvsroot $ cvs -d / home2 / cvsroot init #service xinetd restart Tracing Has? #Netstat -L | GREP CVSPSERVER TCP 0 0 *: CVSPSERVER *: * Listen Great! 3: Add A web interface, viewcvs-0.9.2 URL: http: // Requirements to compare personalities, a lot! List: list: A: Python 1.5 or Later ( RH7.2 has two Python, 1.5 and 2.1, more personality! B: RCS, Revision Control System (http://www.cs / homes / trinkle / rcs /) RH7.2 comes with it. C: Read-Only, Physical Access to a cvs repository (see for more information) RH7.2 Band. D: a Web Server Capable of Running CGI Programs (for Example, Apache at Viewcvs-0.9.2 Document actually said Apache is optional: (E: gnu-diff to replace Broken Diff Implementations ( RH7.2 comes with. f: mysql to create and query a commit database ( RH7.2 comes with it. G: ( (and python 1.5.2 or later) to pull H: ENScript to colorize co De Displayed from the cvs repository ( to pull i: cvsgraph for a graphical representation of the cvs revisions ( / cvsgraph /) Go #tar zxvf cvsgraph-1.1.3.tar.gz #cd cvsgraph-1.1.3 #. / configure #MAKE #CP cvsgraph / usr / bin #MKDIR / etc / cvsgraph #cp cvsgraph.conf / ETC / CVSGRAPH # rpm -ivh egenix-mx-base-2.0.3-py2.1_1.i386.rpm # rpm -ivh mysql-python-0.9.1-1py2.i386.rpm #tar ZXVF Viewcvs-0.9.2. Tar.gz #cd viewcvs-0.9.2 #. / viewcvs-install #cp /usr/local/viewcvs-0.9.2/cgi/viewcvs.cgi / var / www / cgi-bin #cp / usr / local / cvsView -0.9.2 / pyfontify * /usr/lib/python2.1/ #cp /usr/local/cvsview-0.9.2/py2html* /usr/lib/python2.1/ ok!


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