/// "China Wan Net (
Www.net.cn) "Implement Domain Name Query
/// summary>
/// Domain Name param>
/// suffix (CN | COM | NET | NAME | ORG | COMCN | NETCN | ORGCN | GOVCN | INFO | BIZ | TV | CC) param>
/// The above is represented by: .cn | .com | .net | .name | .org | .com.cn | .net.cn |. Info | .biz | .tv | .cc
Public Static String Whois (String Domain, String EXT)
#Region This part may change, depending on whether China Wanwang is changing the query method and the content of the web page that shows the results of the query.
Const string cnturlb = "http://panda.www.net.cn/cgi-bin/check.cgi?gin=";//HTTP request head
Const string cnturlm = "& ext ="; // HTTP requests the intermediate portion (variable)
Const string cntmark = "
Const string cnttableb = "
// The three cases of "China Wanwang" query results are known
Const string cntqn = "This domain is not registered";
Const string cntreg = "The domain name has been registered";
Const string cntNotReg = "Unregistered Domain Name";
#Region This part of this part
// The following is used to replace "China Wan Net" return information in Table style
Const string cnttabler = "
Const string cnttablee = " td> tr> table>";
Const string cnttable = "