Step step teach you how to configure Apache + Tomcat under Linux

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  70

--Linux9 JDK1.4.2 apache2.0.48 Tomcat4.1.29 JK2.0.2 mysql4.0.16

One. Prepare before installation.

1. All components are installed to / usr / local / e789 directory

2. Unzip the command: Tar -Vxzf file name (.tar or .tar.gz)

3. Copy command: CP file name or CP -RF folder name

4. Delete command: RM file name or rm -rf folder name

5. Edit file command: vi file name: Q! Do not save exit: WQ save exit

two. Install JDK 1.4.2

1. Perform a binary ./j2sdk-1_4_2-linux-i586.bin decompressed generated J2SDK1.4.2 folder

2. Return the folder as JDK142

3. Profile (setting environment variable): / etc / profile

Java_home = / usr / local / e789 / jdk142

Export java_home

Tomcat_home = / usr / local / e789 / tomcat4129

Export Tomcat_home

Catalina_home = / usr / local / e789 / tomcat4129

Export catalina_home

Catalina_base = / usr / local / e789 / tomcat4129

Export catalina_base

Apache_home = / usr / local / e789 / apache2048


Httpd_home = / usr / local / e789 / apache2048

EXPORT httpd_home

Classpath = / usr / local / e789 / jdk142 / lib: / usr / local / e789 / jdk142 / jre / lib

Export ClassPath

PATH = $ paht: / usr / local / e789 / jdk142 / bin: / usr / local / e789 / jdk142 / jre / bin

three. Install Tomcat 4.1.29

1. Unpacking file jakarta-tomcat-4.1.29.tar.gz

2. Remove the folder after the decompression is Tomcat4129

3. Start (stop) command: ./ bin / (

4. Test Tomcat: Enter http: // (IP): 8080 in IE, if there is any content, the installation is successful

four. Installation Configuration Apache 2.0.48

1. Unsocompression file httpd-2.0.48.tar.gz

2. Installation: 1. / Configure --with-layout = apache

--Prefix = / usr / local / e789 / apache2048

--enable-module = so

--enable-mods-shared = MOST

--with-mpm = prefork


3make install

3. Profile: /usr/local/e789/apache2048/conf/httpd.conf

Documentroot "/ usr / local / e789 / tomcat4129 / webapps" (will not point to Tomcat's WebApps directory)

4. Startup file :/ bin / httpd -k start (Restart / STOP)

5. Test Apache: Enter http: // (ip) in IE, if there is any content, the installation is successful

Fives. Install JK2

1. Unfocked file JAKARTA-TOMCAT-Connectors-jk2-src-current.tar.gz

2. Remove the folder after the decompression is JK202

3. Execute the file.

4. Execute the configure file:

1. / jk / native2 / configure --with-apxs2 = / usr / local / e789 / apache2048 / bin / apxs --enable-eAPI

--with-Tomcat41 = / usr / local / e789 / tomcat4129


3make install (I am doing, this order is not easy)

six. Whole and Apache and Tomcat

1. Copy and files to Apache's MODULES directory

Cp /usr/local/e789/jk202/jk/build/jk2/apache2/*.so / usr / local / e789 / apache2048 / modules

2. Copy the file to Tomcat's conf directory

Cp /usr/local/e789/jk202/jk/conf/ / usr / local / e789 / Tomcat4129 / Conf

3. Copy the file to the cicket directory of Apache

Cp /usr/local/e789/jk202/jk/conf/ / usr / local / e789 / apache2048 / conf

4. Edit JK2.Properties file

vi /usr/local/tomcat/conf/

# List of needed handlers.

Handler.list = ChannelSocket, Request

# Override the default port for the channelsocket

Channelsocket.port = 8009

5. Edit Apache http.conf

Vi /usr/local/apache/conf/http.conf

LoadModule JK2_Module Modules / MOD_JK2.SO

DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var index.jsp

6. Edit Apache / Conf / Workers2.Properties file

# Only at beginnin. In production uncomment it out [logger.apache2] level = DEBUG [shm] file = / usr / local / apache / logs / jk2.shm size = 1048576 # Example socket channel, override port and host. [Channel . Socket: localhost: 8009] Port = 8009 Host = # define the wor [AJP13: localhost: 8009] channel = channel.socket: localhost: 8009 # uri mapping [uri: *. jsp] worker = ajp13: localhost : 8009 (responsible for sending * .jsp) 7. Edit Tomcat Server.xml

Port = "8009" minprocessors = "5" MaxProcessors = "75" enablelookups = "true" redirectport = "8443"

Acceptcount = "10" debug = "0" connectionTIMEOUT = "0"

useURIValidationHack = "false" protocolHandlerClassName = "org.apache.jk.server.JKCoyoteHandler" /> <-! Define the top level container in our container hierarchy ->

8. Start Tomcat and Apache test (start Tomcat first)

9. Establish a virtual directory:

1 established in Tomcat / Conf / Server.xml file

Unpackwars = "true" autodeploy = "true"

Xmlvalidation = "false" xmlnamespaceaWare = "false">

TimeStamp = "true" />


DOCBASE is a real directory

2 is established in the apache / conf / file


Work = AJP13: Localhost: 8009

Seven. Install mysql4.0.16

1. Urinkable file: mysql-debug-4.0.16-pc-linux-i686.tar.gz

2. Change the decompressed directory to mysql4016

3. Create User: useradd -g root mysql

Passwd -u mysql

4. Change the owner of mysql4016 directory to mysql users: chown -r mysql: root mysql4016

5. Establish a connection file under / usr / local

Ln -s / usr / local / e789 / mysql4016 mysql

6. Log in as a MySQL user, run the script to establish an initialization database:

Su mysql


EXIT (Back to root)

7. Copy the boot script to the /etc/rc.d/init.d directory

CD /etc/rc.d/init.d

Cp /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server mysql

8. Run Chkconfig to add mysql to the system's start-up service group




/ sbin / chkconfig --Add MySQL

9. Test mysql

Start: /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql start

If Starting MySQLD daemon with databases from / var / lib / mysql is successful

(/ usr / local / mysql / bin / mysql is mysql client program)

10. Finally change the administrator password

./bin/mysqladmin -u root password E789

11. Log in: mysql -u root -p e789


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