GNU Emacs Chinese Treatment Description

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  69

Cursor mobile instruction

Recently, we will take most of the Chinese punctuation symbols as legitimate grammatical units, which makes it easy to edit Chinese on Emacs. (The author will later discover the source code: Originally edited Simplified Chinese GB2312 encoding, it has passed the most basic syntax function. But in any case, we have a necessary forty punctuation for the simple Chinese. Structured Chinese text in symbols.)

Therefore, it is not necessary to break down according to punctuation, or using English punctuation. Now a paragraph is typed in a RET. Below we explain the current cursor movement instructions, related topics in Chinese text:

C-A moves back to the first (paragraph first) M-A back to the sentence (Chinese graphic is also an interrupt point)

C-E moved forward to the end of the line (paragraph tail) M-E moved forward to the end of the sentence (Chinese graphic is also an interrupt point)

C-B goes back into a character (Chinese word) m-b goes back into an English word (to the previous Chinese punctuation)

C-F moves forward (Chinese characters) M-F to move forward (to the next Chinese punctuation)

Therefore, even if there is no form of "marking" , there is no format, as long as it is edited in the EMACS environment, it is basically a certain degree of "structure". Below, the author provides a way to help you as a reference:




C-A - M-A - M-B - C-B C-F - M-F - M-E - C-E




Since the number of branch intervals of Chinese and the number of characters of English words can be alive, it is logically also said. In the case of a format, a pure text file is not formatted, if you want to further structure, it is about to build a Chinese language library as a means. Everyone will continue to work!


There is no Chinese input method, and Emacs is not used by Chinese users. To know which input methods you can use, you can type C-X RET C- / SPC, then Emacs will appear all multi-Division's input method list pane. Then you can type the name of the input method you use. The following is the author's approach: (The authors are using the line column input method, the name is Chinese-array30.)

1. Set the preset input method, add the following line to ~ / .emacs file:

(Custom-set-variables' (DEFAULT-INPUT-METHOD "Chinese-array30")))

So after starting Emacs,

You can switch between English input and row input method directly with C- / instructions.

2. However, sometimes it can't be used in race, and it needs to be switched into a phonetic input method.

There are two ways to achieve this:

a. c-x Ret C- / Chinese-Zozy Ret

b. c-u c- / Chinese-zozy return

The authors suggest you use the second way because it is also an instruction to switch between two input methods.

Next, you can switch between the two of the row and phonetic, just type C-U C- / RET.

(Note: Switch between China and English input methods is also C- / instructions.)

In the future, we switch between different Chinese input methods will be C-U C-U C- / achieved,

The original author is recommended to make up this idea with M- / to

But M- / Unfortunately has been DELETE-HORIZONTAL-SPACE instructions. Otherwise, C- / match M- / isn't it very beautiful?

So you should understand how to use Chinese input environments!

Of course, you must change the row to your favorite input method.

If you can't find your favorite input method, you can:

1. Create one (related literature in ... / emacs / leim / quail /.)

2. Make one with the ready-made input method file

(... / emacs / lisp / international / titdic-cnv.el.)

As long as it is CXTERM * .tit and xcin's * .cin

There are input methods provided.

But in the practice, it is not very "automatic" for the end user.

Therefore, there may still be a volunteer assistance in this stage.

I don't know if the developer of CXTERM and XCIN can help it.

(Right, CXTERM's ranking input method has a small bug, who should contact?)

Help to guide the future development of Emacs

Remember, you can always play influence to help guide the future development of Emacs. If you want to see which features have Emacs, please tell us. Here are a number of mail pieces made by the authors, providing you with reference to how to make recommendations:

Suggest.meta-aefb.emacs.txt suggest.meta-backslash.emacs.txt

With regard to these recommendations, the Help of RMS finally completed the work by Mr. Japan's Ken'ishi Handa. If you are interested to know which files have been modified, here is the description of Mr. Handa:


* Language / japan-util.el: variable deled.

(Setup-Japanese-Environment-Internal): don't setup senence-end.

(EXIT-Japanese-Environment): Function deleded.

* Language / Japanese.el ("Japanese"): delete `exit-function '.

* TextModes / paragraphs.el (Sentence-end): Add chinese and Japanese


Index: quail.el

============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ==================

RCS file: /cvspsroot/emacs/emacs/lisp/international/quail.el ,v

Retrieving Revision 1.126

Retrieving Revision 1.127

DIFF -U -C -R1.126 -R1.127

CVS Server: Conflicting Specifications of Output Style

*** quail.el 4 Feb 2003 13:09:38 -0000 1.126

--- Quail.el 12 Mar 2003 02:37:07 -0000 1.127


*** 1912, 1923 ****

(LET (default-enable-multibyte-characters enable-multibyte-characters)

(or (Buffer-Live-P Quail-Guidance-Buf)

(setq quail-guidance-buf (generate-new-buffer "* quail-guidance *")))))))))

! (LET ((Name (Quail-Name)

! (Title (Quail-Title))))

(with-current-buffer quail-guidance-buf

; To show the title of quail package.

! (SetQ Current-Input-Method Name

Current-Input-method-title title


(OR (OverlayP quail-overlay)


--- 1912, 1923 ----

(LET (default-enable-multibyte-characters enable-multibyte-characters)

(or (Buffer-Live-P Quail-Guidance-Buf)

(setq quail-guidance-buf (generate-new-buffer "* quail-guidance *")))))))))

! ((package quail-current-package))

(with-current-buffer quail-guidance-buf

; To show the title of quail package.

! (setq quail-current-package package

Current-Input-Method (Quail-Name)

Current-Input-Method-Title (Quail-Title))


(OR (OverlayP quail-overlay)


Of course, not every suggestion is feasible. But you will always have the right to dream! Especially when it is possible to make everyone a better day, be sure to tell us what you have made.


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