Wealth rumor

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  67

Managing Wisdom Creating Fortune in Wealth Proverbs Sharing Responsibility for a Three-, Four-, or Five-Year Period in The History of The World Was Not a Big DEAL.

In three years, four years or five years, we share the responsibility in the history of the world, is not a thin thing in the world.

- Verizon CEO CEON Berg makes people who have been acquired each time for each acquisition for a few years (selected from the Aug. "of the August 2004).

(15/3 / 2004-08 / 11/2004) 15/3/2004: a Company Has A Greater Responsibility Than Making Money for ITS Stockholders. Company is not only to make money to shareholders, it still has important responsibilities. - Hewlett-Packard co-founder David Pacat's famous sayings. (Selected from September 2003, "Ten the greatest CEO") 16/3/2004: We Have to Deliver on the Promises of It, That It Helps Them Make Money. If You Feel A Client Isn't Ready for a solution, Tell the Truth. Sell It to Them A Year Later. We must honor IT's commitment to help customers make money. If you feel that the customer has not prepared, you have to tell them the truth. I sold them later. - SAP CEO Gahhanning responds to marketing marketing. (Selected from September 2003 "Let Aliesen") 17/3/2004: Strategy Consultants Are A Bunch of Beefed-up MBAS with BIG EGOS WHARGE A LOT to TELL EXECUTIVES What The the Should Alleady Know. The strategic consultant is a group of MBA graduates who have just joined the company, and they collect high costs, and then told them that the company's senior executives know - a CEO of the US West Coast, such an evaluation strategic management consulting company. (Selected from the "Distress in Advisory Industry" in August 2003) 18/3/2004: Qualcomm Says Publicly That It Has No Favorite Standards. But ITS Dream: That We All Turn Korean. Qualcomm never speaks which standard. But its dreams: we all become Koreans. - No matter which standard is used, Qualcomm is a winner. Because its technology and patents control the core of two standards. (Selected from the Aug. of 2003 "Gao Tong: Determined Winner") 19/3/2004: if you had to think of an automotive oxymoron, "Sexy minivan" would come to mind. If you let you think of a car The rhetoric of the front and rear, "sexy microsides" may appear in your mind. - Nissan Motor Company launched a Quest2004 version of the Quest 2004 version of the Quest 2004 version of the Quest 2004 version of the professional woman, a change of "microside". (Selected from October 2003 "Nissan Motto" on Expressway "22/3/2004: I Always Felt Department Stores and conventional retailers were doomed.They Lived and died trying to take advantage of customs, and they were inefficient. I have always thought that the department store and the traditional retail form will sooner or later. These forms are inexpensive in consumers and is inefficient. - The view of the founder Sol Prab founding Warehousing Retail. The good thing in his creation exceeded Wal-Mart. (Selected 2004 "Wal-Mart") 23/3/2004: if You've Been At Cisco for 20 Years, They don't want you. You have been working in Cisco for 20 years, they also Will you want you.

- a Google's employee said that Google recruits only a college graduates, and work experience is never important. (Selected 2004 "Google can also grow?") 24/3/2004: I like Bargain Securities, Why Shouldn't i like Bargain Golf Balls? I like to have discounts, why can't I Like a discount golf? - Costco Wholesale is a good place to buy cheap luxury goods. Charlie Munor, Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, is also a customer's investor. (The only fear of Wal-Mart "in February 2004) 25/3/2004: You Have to take the shit with the sugar. We think WHEN You Take Care of Your Customer and Your Employees Your Shareholders Are Going to TO Be Rewarded in the long run. You have to accept something happened. We feel that it will be beneficial to customers and employees, and long-term appearance will definitely be beneficial to shareholders. - Costco Wholesale Chairman Singhr is unwilling to succumb to the short-term profit of Wall Street pursuit. (Selected 2004 "Wal-Mart") 26/3/2004: We've succeeded by being a moving target Opened the other party's track, while hitting them when there was no exercise. - Singhr in the chairman of the member retail store, Costco Wholesale, Synchron, successfully slammed Wal-Mart's competition strategy. (Selected 2004 "Wal-Mart") 29/3/2004: You are the film to give before get. If you get sometying for a lower price, you Pass on the savings. You are a customer client. If you want to get it, you must pay first. When you buy something at a low price, you should return it to your customers. - All retailers say this, but the founder of the most successful membersale retail store (Costco Wholesale), Solfi, is the only vinegar? (Selected 2004 "Wal-Mart is only afraid of Company ") 30/3/2004: if you do 'c're not do doing your job. If you don't even accept some mistakes, you must do your job seriously. - The most successful member of the US Costco Wholesale, Singer Cultivator, has the courage of "gambling". (Selected 2004 "Wal-Mart") MY View Is That Every Investor In The World Should Own A Little Piece of China. I am NOT SAYING ITHOULD BE 50% OR Even 5%, But you shop At Least Have Some Exposition. My point is that every investor around the world should have some Chinese assets. I am not said to be specific to 50% or 5%, but you should at least accountize some share.

Edward Maren, General Manager of Shanghai Dynasty Asset Management, believes that although there are various problems in China's securities market, long-term investors cannot be stopped. (Selected from March 2004 "How to Taojin" China Hot "?" IBM. The most inconsispired thing in this market is to put all the money in one or two stocks, in order to discover China's IBM. - Experts from JF Asset Management, Not advocated retail investors to imitate Buffett's strategy investment in the Chinese market. (Selected from March 2004 "How to Gold" China Hot "?") 2/4/2004: What Outsourcing Does Is Greatly Improve The Quality of The People Who Still Work for You. I believes for Which There Is No Career Track That Could Lead to Senior Management. The role of outsourcing is great to improve the quality of those who work for you. I think that for those who are not possible to enter the management high-level, you should take them out. - Manage Master Peter & # Druk believes that most people mistakenly regard the outsourcing only a strategy for cutting costs. (Selected from March 2004 "Peter Druk as us") 6/4/2004: The Industries That Are Moving Jobs Out of the US Are The More Backward Industries. The US Remains The Cheapest Place In The World TO PRODUCE for Many of The More Advanced Industries. Working posts are being migrated out of the United States belonging to a relatively backward industry. For a lot of advanced industries, the United States is still the cheapest place in the world - management master Peter Durk talks about the "post-moving" in the United States. (Selected from March 2004 "Peter Druk as us") 7/4/2004: India is Indeed Becoming a Knowledge Center. In Contrast, The Greatest Weakness of China Is ITS Incredibly Small ProPorts of Educated People And the it is the enormous Underveloped Hinterland with Excess Rural Population. India is indeed a knowledge center. In contrast, China's biggest weakness is a small proportion of people with higher education. It is unbelievable. There are also too many large inland rural populations in China. - Master Peter Druk believes that India's advancement is more impressive than China. (Selected from March 2004 "Peter Druk as us") 8/4/2004: The CEO is Just a hnd. CEO is only a hired person's hand - JP Morgan once said Wait. Many of the greedies today, it is obviously forgetting this kind of credit to his CEO.

(Selected from March 2004 "Peter Druk as us") 13/4/2004: Some of the funnest day were when I knew everybody and essential mixed my hand one. Writing A Lot of The Software, Doing Most of the Sales, Accounting, Tax, All The Various Thins That Had to Be Done. I feel the most interesting time, one is to know everyone in the company, and basically do it. All live. There must be a lot of software, sales, accounting, taxation, etc. must do. - Bill Gates recalls the beauty of their own business. (Selected from February 2004 "When Microsoft is still small - Bill Gats Youth") 14/4/2004: I Think Biotechnology Is Anone Can do Great Things. Another Area IS Understanding How INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IS MAKING THE WORLD A More Global Place. It also represents Opportunities for People Who Undreities for people. I think biotechnology is the field of entrepreneurial days. Another big area is to understand how information technology makes the world a global integration. For those who understand and want to think, this means opportunities. - Bill Gates Tang Future Entrepreneurship. (Selected from February 2004 "When Microsoft is still small - Bill Gates Memory Entrepreneurship") 15/4/2004: We Are A DiffERENT Player Than Wee Five To Ten Years Ago. We are willing to get INTO Any Segment WHERE The Customer Will Benefit. We are no longer 5 years and 10 years ago Toyota, we are willing to enter any segments that customers can benefit from it. - is considered to be a change in Toyota strategy in Toyota Company - Accelerating the pace of new models. (Selected from March 2004 "Toyota's United States") 16/4/2004: Why do we need 19 Brands of Toothpaste? Why do you have 19 bodies? - Former India leaders Nihru's words. He is not willing to implement a market economy policy and despise foreign trade. (Selected from March 2004 "How do you work?" Management people. This is also a curriculum to buy office supplies in New York companies - don't worry. Your task is to export 15 middle-level managers to New York every year. - Citibank CEO John Reed listened to Citi's chief representative to report the performance of the Indian branch. He is more concerned about how to dig talents in India, not to achieve profits.

(Selected from March 2004 "What is your job?") 20/4/2004: US Society Is Not Being reskilled and return to stay on top of the Emerging Environment. The Emerging Environment. The Emerging Environment. The Emerging Environment. The Emerging Environment. The production skills and production tools of American society are behind, and they cannot stay in the new environment. They have no experience in global delivery models, and we are experts in this area. - Azim Premji, chairman of India, the chairman of IT Wipro, has always been amazing. (Selected from March 2004 "What is your job?") 21/4/2004: Most Investment Bankers Come to China Just to Sell. Hank Doesn't Even Sell Much When Hi's Pitching a Deal. HE Talks About Other Things, Like Conservation. Most investment bankers come to China to know that sales, and Hank does not have much sales even when they talk about trading, and he talks about some things, such as environmental protection - China Netcom The executive official Tian Ning is so evaluated that the Chairman of Goldman Sachs Hank Bo Olsen. Paolson is one of the vice chairmen of the American Nature Conservation Association and Chairman of the Asia-Pacific Council. Field is a member of the Council. Goldman Sachs owns 2.4% of China Netcom. (The Life of Hank Bao Lear "22/4/2004: THROUGH The Spring of 2002, I Had Lived Nearly 72 Years WITHOUT PURNASING A Foreign Currency. Since The Berkshire Has Made Significant Investments in - And Today HLDS - Several Currencies. As of 2002, I have not bought foreign exchange in the past 72 years. But since then, Berkshire has purchased a considerable amount - and currently holds - several foreign exchange. - Buffett US dollar firmly believes in the dollar will depreciate. (Selected from January 2004 "Buffett: Why is I not optimistic?") 22/4/2004: i don't think of wok as work and play as play. It's all live. I don't think work is work, Playing just play. These are life. - Yizhen Group CEO Richard Blancis. He is recognized as "the most life businessman". (The Wonderful Life "from December 2003," Richard Branson ") 26/4/2004: Our Customers and Partners Come from All Around The World, And It Makes No Sense To Force The Sauna Experience, However Exotic, on them. Our customers and partners are from all over the world. Regardless of the floating experience, if you have given them, if you have given them, it is unable to do it. - Nokia gave spokesperson Wutwit Lai Saning acknowledged that although there are many people in Nokia, but not everyone is used to Wennish hospitality - naked sauna.

(Selected from December 2003 "Four-point Board, must be naked!" 27/4/2004: Unfortunately, Many of their Choices, Like Atari, Data / General, And Wang Labs, Are Now Little More Object LESSONS ONHONCE-DOMINANT Tech Companies CAN Eventually Crash and Burn. (1982) Unfortunately, many of their choices, such as Atari, Data General Companies and Wang An Computer, now almost only failure Lesson: One glorious technology company ultimately failed and destroyed. - "Business 2.0" Reporter Mark Atatax said "Pursuit of Excellence" is one of the most estimated business books. (Selected from "Great Book" 2003, "Great Book" 28/4/2004: It's not just insulting, it's also childishly simplistic. Employees are likely to laugh their tails off at any boss WHO CITES THIS DRIVEL AS INSPIRATION. Not only is insulting, but also naive, simplified. The boss wants to make this man as inspiration, and the employee may laugh at the big teeth. - "Business 2.0" Reporter Marc Atatak "said" Who moved my cheese? "Is one of the most estimated business books. (Selected from "Great Book of 2003) 29/4/2004: Bill Gates Called this The Business Book To Read if You Read Only One. Sloan's Chronicle of His Efforts to Shape GM INTO THE World's Largest Automaker IS A Superb Management and Organization AS A CEO Autobiography. Bill Gates once said, if you only read a business book, you will read this. Slon puts universal shape to the struggle of the world's largest car manufacturer, the surface seems to be autobiography, actually a great management and organizational guide. - "Business 2.0" Reporter Mark Attaks highly evaluated "I am in a common year". (Selected from "Great Book" from 2003, "Great Book") 30/4/2004: At GE, There is Only One Currency: Ge Stock. There May Be Different Amounts of It S for Different Levels of Performance, But Everybody's Life Raft Is Tied to the Same Boat. In general electrical, there is only one currency: a general electric stock. The number of stocks that different performance can be different, but everyone is on a boat. Welch is written in autobiography. He has always been on its business alone, but his successor may be free.

(Selected from December 2003, "Can he be a new media tycoon?") 3/5/2004: When you are in the movie business, you want your business card to Say Actor, Director, Star, Teamster, Driver You Just Don't want it to say shareholder. People engaged in the film industry is willing to print actors, directories, stars, truck drivers, drivers, and drivers, are not willing to say that they are shareholders. - General Electric's NBC CEO Bobs Afobi Definition and Junior? The risk of investing in entertainment industry. (Selected from December 2003, "Can he become a new media tymercy?") 4/5/2004: Delightfully Tacky, yet unrefined. Vulgar, but fun. - The largest chain restaurant Hooters' slogan in the United States. It is happy to admit that the vulgar happiness is the greatest desire of people. (The Case of Hooters: A US Restaurant ") 5/5/2004: Good Food, Cold Beer, And Pretty Girls Never Go Out of Style. Gourmet, Ice Beer, plus beautiful girl This combination will never go out. - The United States's largest chain restaurant Hooters co-founder Bob Brooks has an unique insight into the catering industry. (The Case of Hooters: Hooters: Hooters: Hooters Was A Work of Art- Naughty But Not Too Naughty, An Elaborate PG13-Joke. Hooters Restaurant is an art - - It has erotic components, but it is not a pornographic thing, it is like a pG-13 (referring to the parent's guidance, you can listen to the - translation). A person who has participated in the early days of the most successful chain restaurant Hooters talking about Hooters. (The Case of Hooters: A US Restaurant "in December 2003) 7/5/2004: I don't envy The Guy Who Gets The Top Job. It's Like When Michael Jordan Left The Chicago Bulls. I am not Envy that will get the highest position. The current situation is like Jordan left the Chicago Bulls. - Axon Mobil CEO of Execloyers is about to leave. A loyal shareholder said that Raymond's $ 26 million in the company's annual meeting is too small. (Selected from November 2003 "Goodbye, Exconson") 10/5/2004: AT ITS root, We Are a Very Large, Very Successful, Capital Supprise That Is Truly Global But American in Our Parentage. Said In the above, we are a large and successful capitalist enterprise. Although originating from the United States, it is actually a real global company. - Great oil companies are always blamed for environmental protection. But the public relations masters, the CEO of Exxon CEO candidates Allaht always use this unspeakable words. (Selected from November 2003 "Goodbye, Mr. Exsson") 11/5/2004: This Company Truly Is Built by The Community of Users. This company is actually the customer build it. --Ebay CEO 惠Tman's interpretation of the company's success. It sounds a bit like a chicken king to successfully be attributed to his own chicken.

(The Legend of "Whitman and Machine" is selected from November 2003) 12/5/2004: if You can't Measure It, You can't Control It. Being metrics-driven is an estortant part of scaling to BE a VERY LARGE COMPANY is unable to measure numbers, it is equal to uncontrollable. Digital driver is an important step in gradually upgrading to a big company. --Ebay CEO Huatman is an administrative consultant and likes digital management company. (The Legend of "Whitman and Machine" from November 2003 ") 13/5/2004: You Learn Flexibility. I am Happy to Stay At The Four Seasons. You can learn to adapt. I also like it in the wild, I also like it in the Four Seasons Hotel. --Ebay chief executive official 惠 Thatman talks about childhood travel. (Selected from November 2003 "Legend of Whitman and Machine") 14/5/2004: Much Depended on Them, But it is never about them. Many things rely on him, but companies have never been around him. turn. Jim Collins, Jim Coulins, Jim Collins, from "From Excellence to Excellence" and "Based Evergreen". (Selected from September 2003 "Ten the greatest CEO" in the history "17/5/2004: The test of a first-rate intelligence is the Ability to hold Two opposed idea in the mind at the Same Time and Still Retain The Ability To Function. The test of the first-class mind is to have two distinct ideas, but it is still capable of acting. - Writers Fitzgelad's words are used to describe the commercial genius that is often facing life and death choices. (Selected from September 2003 "Ten the greatest CEO" 18/5/2004: Medicine is for people, not for profits. And if we have remembed That, The Profits Have Never Failed To Appear. The Better We Remembred, He Larger The Have Been. Drugs are for people, not used to get profits. If we remember this sentence, there will be no profit. Remember to match, the more profits. - Merck Company Boss George Spun Spanning? (Selected from "September 2003" Ten the greatest CEO "in history") 19/5/2004: i Have the Personality of a Promoter, But the Soul of an operator. I have the salesman's character, but some of the sanae's soul. - Wal-Mart Church Sam Walton's personal charm, but it is very self-knowledge. (Selected from September 2003, "Ten Very Very CEO") 20/5/2004: Great Value Propositions Product Sustained, Superior Returns Much Better Than Do Hot Products Or Strong Geographic Presence. Great "Value Position" It is more capable of continuous, extraordinary rewards than hot-selling products or powerful coverage. - Manager Larry Selden and Geoffrey Colvin believes that "value positioning" - determines the customer experience of the leading position in the competition, is a weapon for modern commercial competition.

(Selected from October 2003 "Customers") 21/5/2004: Even the MOST SUCCESSFUL INITIVES NEED to Be Revised Or Reinvented Over Time. Even in successful plans, you need to advance with the times, constantly Adjustment and reinstatement. - Manager Larry Selden and Geoffrey Colvin believe that changes in the environment will make the road that have successfully win. (Selected from October 2003 "Customers") 24/5/2004: Power, Like Gravity, CAN't Be Observed Directly. Only Its Effects CAN. IF, for Instance, Your Corporate Name Is Popularly Used As A Verb ("Have You Googled Him Yet?"), It's An Indication You Have Some Power. Influence, like gravity, it is impossible to observe it directly, it can only be observed. For example, if your company name is used to use, (have you still don't go Google?), Then this shows that you have some influence. "Wealth" Journalists Jerry Useem 's Influence. (Selected from October 2003 "The world's most influential 50 business leaders") 25/5/2004: I Was Interviewing Iraqi Prisoners of War, And Most of Them Said That If Their Bosses Had Tried To Make THEM FIGHT I'm Iraqi prisoners of war I interviewed Iraq. Most of them say that if the superior wants them to fight, they will shoot him. - Professor Thomas Kidits, professor leadership of West Point Military Academy, in this case, usually underestimated the ability to affected superiors. (Selected from October 2003 "The world's most influential 50 business leaders") 27/5/2004: Lee Scott's Wal-Mart Is Reshaping About 20 Industries at ONCE AND Would PROBABLY Qualify for a Spot on The US Security Council if That Body's Membership Wern't Limited to "Countries." Li Skot's Wal-Mart changed about 20 industries. If the members of the UN Security Council are not limited to the "country", Wal-Mart may be eligible to occupy a place. - "Wealth" reporter Jerry Useem said Wal-Mart is the most influential company. (The world's most influential 50 business leader "from October 2003") 28/5/2004: Bill Gates: The Organizational Challenge IS getting the iqs to add up, and happy no subtraction.steve ballmer: you Know, We're paying for That Iq. Bill Gates: The company's challenge is to let employees' IQ, do not allow discounts. Balken: To know, we have salary based on IQ. - Microsoft's two heads of the heads gradually entered the best, and even gave the employee to express a speech and did a sing.

(Selected from Fortune (Chinese) April 2004 "Liberated Balmmer" 31/5/2004: i felt like, "Mom and Dad Never argue like this." I feel like "my aunt quarrel The most fierce time. "- Microsoft responsible for the competent Miki Miki Miki, which is, Bill Gates and Balmuses, and the two often quarrel when they start working together, and the intensity is comparable to the bad rupture. (From Fortune (Chinese) April 2004 "Liberated Balmmer") 1/6/2004: When People Come to Work, It's Important That The Be Connected To A Dream. Let employees come to work, important It is to let them connect with the dream. - Bill Gates talks how to attract and retain talents. (Selected from Fortune (Chinese Version) April 2004 "Liberated Balmmer") 2/6/2004: WE DECIDED THAT 28-Year-Olds Making $ 12Million a year, wearing sun-glasses to work, And Appearing On CNBC WERE PROBLY A Bit Too Frothy for Our Liking. Some people are 28 years old, earning $ 1,2 million a year, wearing sunglasses to go to CNBC TV. We think this kind of person is too shallow, we can't see it. - In the same year, the German Bank of the United States was raised, waiting for the hot cooling of the network. His senior competent Kevin Parker is reluctant to get involved in the Internet business, avoiding a lot of losses. (Selected from Fortune (Chinese Version) April 2004 "Akman Trial") 3/6/2004: Just As The US Set Tech Standards in The 20th Century On Everything from The Phonograph To The PC, China Could Set The Agenda In The 21st. The United States has developed technical standards for gramons, personal computers, and other products in the 20th century. It is similar to that, the development process of the 21st century may be decided by China. - << Wealth >> Column Author Peter Lewis believes that China's impact has exceeded the field of manufacturing, and has capable of formulating industry standards. (Selected from Fortune (Chinese) April 2004, "grasp the top ten technology trends") 4/6/2004: for li, the question is WHETHER JUMPING AT That Opportunity Will Help Tcl Get Better, Rather Than Just Bigger. East Sheng said that there is: whether this opportunity helps to make TCL better, not just getting bigger. - "Wealth" Asia Editorial Clay Chandler appreciated Li Dongsheng's initiative to acquire THOMSON, but also proposed advice. (Selected from Wealth (Chinese Version) April 2004 "TV Giant") 7/6/2004: if You Cut Him, He'd Bleed Tesco. You are cutting him a knife, the stream is also the blood of Dexek. - An analyst of a consulting company, the evaluation of the CEO of the UK Retail Giant Dexke. Leich is known for the employer.

From Fortune (Chinese) April 2004 "Dexke Style") 8/6/2004: There Are Endless Examples of Instances Where this Company Has Blazed A Trail and someone else Has Reaped The Benefits. It is us, The harvest is someone else, such an example counts. - Motorola mobile phone business header Tom Lindo description company is good at inventive, but the characteristics of operation. (Selected from Fortune (Chinese) May 2004 "Motorola can find a direction") 9/6/2004: i don't think Christ Could Have Done it. I think that God will do. --500 strong enterprises Bethlehem Iron and Steel Company fall into a bankruptcy. "Wealth" Asked if Jack Welch has the ability to save Bethlehem, Welch said that he is never so mad. (Selected from Fortune (Chinese) May 2004 "Bethlehem's Sinking") 10/6/2004: IF PUMA WERE A Person, Who Would He Hang Out with? If Hummer is a person, who he will mix? - Hummer Global Brand Antonio Burton considers the idea of ​​humage brand positioning. (Selected from Fortune (Chinese) May 2004 "Hummer Reviviation") 11/6/2004: WE Live In The Same Town, But We don't really look at each other. We live in the same city. But we have never been angry with each other. - Hummer CEO Yunden Caiz Caiz evaluated Adidas Sporting Goods Company from adjacent. (Selected from Fortune (Chinese) May 2004 "Hummer Reviviation") 14/6/2004: Puma Is Not About Just Winning with Blood, SWEAT, AND TEARS. It's About Having Fun While You're Doing IT. Hummer does not reflect the victory by paying hard, sweat and hardship. It also represents people enjoyed during exercise. - Hummer's CEO of the Hummer, Huabi, Caiz, talks about the brand positioning of Hummer. (From Fortune (Chinese) May 2004 "Hummer Reviviation") 15/6/2004: for the Moment, Any Strategy In China Is A Winner for the Simple Reason That there is undercapacity. For now, Any strategy in China is a winning strategy, the reason is very simple, there is insufficient production capacity. - Nissan CEO Carlos Gorn talks about the winning strategy of the Chinese market. (Selected from Fortune (Chinese) May 2004 "Helriers" in Nissan ") 16/6/2004: It's Not Cost, It's Not Quality - It's Products. This is where you make your money. Cost and quality is not decisive The product is. Money is available from (hot) products. - Nissan CEO Carlos Gorn How to make money from today's automotive industry.

(Selected from Fortune (Chinese) May 2004 "Heldion of Nissan" 17/6/2004: There Are 450 Million Urban Customers There. We think at Least 200 Million of Those Can Afford Our Food. The Chinese Customer Loves Western Brands. There are 450 million cities consumers, we think at least 200 million to buy our food. Chinese customers love to eat foreign brands. - With KFC and Pizza Hut, David Novi believes that the company's business scale in the Chinese market will be doubled in the next five years. (From Fortune (Chinese Version) "Full of Racing, It is Outside") 18/6/2004: To Lower The World's Cost of Living. Reduce the Cost Cost of the World - "Wealth" reporter Jerry Useem summarizes Wal-Mart's company mission. (Selected from Fortune (Chinese) May 2004 "Wal-Mart: When the First Really Difficult") 21/6/2004: Shoppers Could Start Feeling Guilty About Shopping with US. Communities Could Make It Harden To Build Our Stores. Customer Will have a sense of guilty in our store, and the community can also make more difficulties in making us. - Wal-Mart Management Recognition The company is also facing unprecedented accusations while growing. (Selected from Fortune (Chinese) May 2004 "Wal-Mart: When the First Really Difficult") 23/6/2004: It's NOT A Secret What Needs To Be Done. The Challenge Is To Put The Strategy, Systems, And Capabilities In place, and then drive deployment and execution. What you need to do is not a secret. The problem is to put strategies, institutions, and skills in place and drive deployment and execution. - The key to P & G CEO Lerefi believes that management is executed. (Selected from Fortune (Chinese Version) "The Secret" Executive "24/6/2004: Change Is Shorthand For Opportunity, And if You Can Be a little bit Ahead of Shifts in Business, The Opportunities CAN Be Big. Change means opportunities, you can make a small step when the business is changed, there will be a big opportunity. - FedEx 's founder Smith talks about change and innovation. (Selected from Fortune (Chinese) May 2004 "My Stomach Overworked Digest") 25/6/2004: if You Can Put That Into A Culture That Knows Change Is INEVITABLE AND AOPPORTUNITY, NOT A THREAT. THEN I Think You Have The Potential To Have A Company That Can Grow to a Very Large size. Change is inevitable, opportunities rather than threats. If you can integrate this into the company culture, your company has the potential to develop to a large scale. - FedEx 's founder Smith talks about change and innovation.

(Selected from Fortune (Chinese) May 2004 "My Stomach, I can digest") 28/6/2004: We set up Picnic Tables ON The Sidewalk, Brought Computers Out, And Had Our Employees Explain To Passersby HOW PCS Work and what the can help you do. it's not something. We are Works Wonderful. We put on the table on both sides of the sidewalk, take the computer, so that employees want to explain how the computer is running, help What do people do. In this way, in the lobby of the gland, it is very effective in Chinese culture. - Intel CEO Berret talks in China. (Selected from Fortune (Chinese) May 2004 "My Stomach Overworked Digest") Change Timetable 21/6/2004: We Pull Out The Strategic-Management Tool. That's a coin with my name on One Side and Kevin's ON The Other. We take our strategic management tools. This is to throw a coin, engraved with my name, engraved the name of Kevin. - Chairman Dell smile how to solve problems with CEO Kevin Roins (selected from the 2004 "Dell and Roches: $ 40 billion partner") 28 / 6/2004: People Say, "Dell IS IBM." "Dell IS Wal-Mart." NO, Not Really. "Dell IS Intel." NO, NOT REALLY. Combine All those and you end Up with A New Animal, Which Has Potential People Don't realize yet. People say "Dell icon IBM." Not. "Dell is like Wal-Mart." Not. "Dell is Intel." Not. Get them together, you will get a new thing, there is no potential to be recognized. - Dell CEO Roins disclosed the company's unique (from wealth (Chinese version) June 2004 "Dell and Roches: a $ 40 billion partner") 5/7/2004: They Will End Up Paying for It in the long run. if you give it to somebody else, you outsource your profits. They Should Fix Their OWN IT Departments. From a long angle, look at them (outsourd) to pay for this. If you take IT to others, you are equal to the profit out. They should build their own IT department.

- Dell CEO Roclins dismisss the company's IT outsourcing (selected from the 2004 "Dell and Roches: $ 40 billion partner") 12/7/2004: What's your price? I Hope That You'll Give Me a Discount. No.1, Because I'm Trump. What is your price? I hope to give me a discount, first, because I am Trump. - US Real Estate Dawang Trump makes a lot of life (selected from the "Trump scenery" in June 2004) 19/7/2004: I'm the Ultimate Home-Builder. I Don't think of myself that way, but real, i guess i am. I am the best developer. I don't look at myself, but I think I am indeed. - US Real Estate Dawang Trump is always self-feeling (selected from wealth (Chinese version) June 2004 "Trump scenery unlimited") 26/7/2004: One of the advantages I have by Being a Superstar IS That When I Call People, They're Honored to Be my partner. As a super star, my advantage is that as long as I call them, no matter who, it will be honored to be my partner. - US Real Estate Dawn Trian Panda Totting your own competitive advantage (selected from wealth (Chinese version) June 2004 "Trump scenery unlimited") 2/8/2004: if you are honest, When this is through, you 'Ll Say Trump Is Much Bigger Than People Understood. If you don't make trouble, after leaving, you should say that Trump is more great. - US Real Estate Dawang Trump said in the "Wealth" interview with the reporter (selected from the wealth (Chinese version) June 2004 "Trump scenery unlimited") 9/8/2004: It is the one place in The World WHERE You Could Replicate Wal-Mart's Success In The US. Only this place in the world will reproduce the glory of Wal-Mart in the United States. - Wal-Mart CEO David Glas talks about the potential of the Chinese market (selected from the 2004 "Most underestimated CEO" in June 2004) 16/8/2004: Most People Have ENOUGH EGO That They Want to distinguish themselves from a charismatic leader. i Like Being Part of a winning team. I don't have to be the winning team. Most people are too conceited, always thinking differently than leaders with personal charm. I like it is a member of the successful team, I am not necessarily a winner.

- Wal-Mart CEO David Glas talks about his success (selected from the 2004 "Summary" in June 2004) 23/8/2004: WE Are Pretty Spoiled and Expect Everyone to Speak Our Language. And i Think Americans Are Naïve About How To Go About It. We give spoiled, always expect people around the world to speak our language. I think Americans are very naive in this regard. - Wal-Mart CEO David Glas said that American companies have no advantage (selected from the 2004 "Some underestimated CEO" in June 2004) 30/8/2004: What GE Seem to Have A Genius for Is Picking The Right Person for the right Time for more Than 100 years. For many years, the skills of general electricity seem to be that it can always choose the right person in the right time. - Management Master Jim Collins talks about the secret of universal electrical success (selected from the 2004 "a boss, a revolution" in June 2004) 6/9/2004: I am Just A Simple Businessman, I am NOT That Deep. I am just a pure businessman, not so deep. - General Electric Holder Imelt mainly has mathematics, from the spirit of the atriator (selected from the 2004 "a boss, a revolution" in June 2004) 13/9/2004: Ten Years Out, 90% of Our Company's Earnings Will Have No Competition from China. 80% of Our Business, 10 years later, 90% of our company will not be threatened by China. 80% of the subsidiaries will sell products to China. - General Electric Holder Imelte said that the company's products are mostly unable to produce (selected from the "A boss, a revolution" in June 2004) 20/9/2004: IT Is Really a Story About Faith. A Big Company WITH CONVICTION, WITH SPEED, CAN CHENGE The World in A Way That Other CAN't. In fact, this is a belief. A large company with beliefs and speeds can change the world in a way that other companies do not have. - Universal Electric Holder Imert does not agree that the scale will affect growth (selected from wealth (Chinese version) June 2004 "a boss, a revolution") 27/9/2004: Some of the MOST Amazing Inventions in History Aren Corporation IS in That League. Human history, some of the most sighted invention is not technical or product, but a social invention. Modern companies also belong to such.


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