In jbuilder, Tools-> Configure sever settings, don't follow, you have to change according to your weblogic.
General tab:
Home Directory C: / BEA / WebLogic81 / Server
Main class weblogic.server
VM Parameters (Automatically generated after setting the Custom tab) -ms64m -mx64m -djava.library.path = "/ bea / weblogic81 / server / bin" -dbea.home = "c: / bea" = es == "/ bea / weblogic81 / server / lib / weblogic.policy" = false -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled = false = weblogic = WebLogic
Working Directory C: / BEA / User_Projects / Domains / Examples
Class C: /bea/weblogic81/server/lib/weblogic_sp.jar c: /bea/weblogic81/server/lib/weblogic.jar c: /bea/weblogic81/server/lib/weblogicServices.jar
Custom tab:
BEA Home Directory C: / BEA
JDK Installation Directory C: / Sun / AppServer / JDK
Domain Directory C: / BEA / User_Projects / Domains / Examples (the landlord changed here into your domain path)
User name Weblogic
Password ********
Sever Name ES (the landlord changed here into your server)
Listen Adress Jia
Listen Port 7001
Version 8.1 Server Pack 3 (C: / BEA / WebLogic81)
My WebLogic is installed, c: / bea I have a server called ES My WebLogic Access address http: // jia: 7001 account: jia Password: Do not tell you to change your settings according to my settings